Bloody Revenge
Page 37
bride's hand.
Here also gave a knesinka.
While the train gathered, the Wolfhound had a few affairs. Knesinka, clearly,
not only did not leave anywhere - was not even shown from chorus. Wolfhound
too could stay at home, it is not required yet, that is almost to most
departure to Velimor. However soon veins found out that all the time
to try to catch eyes house, knowing TO WHOM married a knesinka, was
continuous punishment. When they tried to behave so as if nothing not
occurred, it was even worse. Three days the Wolfhound dragged water from street
well, went together with Niilit and Zuyko to the bargaining behind edibles,
kneaded dough for bread, equipped a cellar. On the fourth - again
went to fortress and stayed there till the evening. More already at home
did not remain.
The way to the Northern Gate of Velimor was coming not so close, burdens and
dangers could meet any. And Wolfhound all night long
or took out soul from adolescents, or itself, gritting the teeth, span, jumped
also flew head over heels with a heavy thick cudgel instead of a sword.
Household chores after all did not demand so full concentration, not
helped to disperse unnecessary thoughts.
It to me for the fact that I killed the Cannibal at night. For the fact that came and killed him
in night darkness. I had to attack it in the afternoon when watches the Eye
Bogov. I had to do in time somehow to meet him in the afternoon and to kill.
And, of course, most right there to die. Because without suite the Cannibal not
went, and published, an archer, is not revenge.
Yes, but then I would not burn its lock and would definitely not pull out
Tilorna, Niilit...
Once came to the backyard of fortress itself кнес and long observed how
adolescents together endeavored to grasp the Wolfhound, but over and over again
appeared in dust. It was similar, what was seen was necessary to a knes on temper. It
dumped on hands to the servant quilted dark blue suite and, having remained in one
to shirt, approached the Wolfhound. Twins reasonably cleaned up away.
The wolfhound, naked on a belt and thoroughly foamy, was motionless under
the estimating look of the governor.
- My daughter speaks, you taught it to fight, - told suddenly кнес. It
the fist was thrown without any prevention, aiming a breast to the Wolfhound.
To sense to Nesmeyanovich knocked forty recently. People consider that with
age speed of movements gradually leaves, but if so, then on
to knes of it it was not noticeable. The wolfhound slightly turned, exactly so,
not to allow to concern itself. He told:
- Truly, sovereign.
- And you knew that while I am free in the daughter, the warrior to her
not to happen?
With these words кнес tried to bypass it at the left. It was not visible that
The wolfhound moved, but the Sense did not manage to bypass him.
- Knew, the sovereign.
The new blow was directed to a stomach. This time the Wolfhound solved
the movement of a knes still before it managed to take place. It turned on
socks, catching the flying hand, strong clasped a brush and directed it to itself,
up and by a shoulder. The elbow of the governor stared into the sky and stiffened. Still
slightly, and capture will become torment. The wolfhound well knew: to caught
any more not before, to try to be released or beat with a free hand
or legs. All thoughts at it only of that, as if did not crack at once
three joints. The wolfhound unclenched fingers and receded. Knes moved a shoulder and
took an interest:
- My daughter too so can? On a face a vein for the first time for the whole week
there was something like a smile.
- Not absolutely so, the sovereign, but can.
Out of the corner of the eye he saw how twins exchanged glances. He could argue on
anything: washed away both to suggest to test a knesa the daughter most. And
it is better than that, to question on this subject the boyar Krut. However adolescent
it is called the adolescent because keeps mum, while will not ask, and guys
held a mouth on the lock.
- I wanted to expel you, - told кнес. - But my daughter claims that
itself forced you to teach it. She screens you, veins?
The wolfhound answered:
- To what I taught madam to, I was taught by the woman.
Knes took away suite from the servant, returned and tracked a finger two fresh
marks on a body of the Wolfhound - on a breast and on the left side.
- If not it, veins, you would not remain here. Punish me for
the fact that I killed at night, the Wolfhound thought, looking in the removed leader's back. And
for what it?.
Glory to all Gods, now it had one more occupation and it that
though let hair down.
It was moved to go to a garden in which the knesinka fostered everyones
exotic flowers. There the large stones dragged with were beautifully laid
seashores, and between them the twisting footpath is arranged. Was not enough
only a stream, but it was replaced by a wooden wash-tub, vryty in the earth, where
rain water gathered. And on the parties of a footpath some unknown
in the way got on and various plants got on among themselves,
being found as far as the Wolfhound knew, in very remote
edges. From a shaggy gray-haired moss that grew on segvansky islands at most
edges of century glaciers, to that monomatansky bush heated on
the poor galiradsky sun under a zapotely glass cap. Only
instead of flowers the bush was decorated now by a set of the small berries smelling
wild strawberry.
The wolfhound came to a garden, took seat on a stone and pulled out the road
gift which was presented to it by Niilit.
It was flat, of the size of his palm, the box worked from
waxed skin. Having for the first time seen it, the Wolfhound was simply shocked because
the solvennsky letters which are beautifully traced on a cover developed in it
own name. He never before saw him written. Slowly
getting used, he read its whole three times and only then carefully shook out
from a box contents.
In hands it had a book sewed from smooth birch bark
sheets. On a cover the virunta flaunted, and at each letter for greater
clarities the small picture was drawn. At "at" - the oven fork, at "l" -
spoon and so on. About the very first letter, having leaned the elbows on it,
there were two little men. One leaned on a crutch, the second had hair
are braided to two spits. Others, too little men, very similar to someone
explained the letters "N", "t", "e" and "z", and on the letter "m" sat, licking
wing, tiny Mysh. Further different words began: at first absolutely
short, then is longer...
The wolfhound picked up Niilit, having torn off it from a floor, and strong kissed in
both cheeks. And now, when time was given, got into the quiet place
also drove a finger on lines, moving lips and tensely wrinkling a forehead. In
the middle of the book he so far intentionally did not look. He put to himself at first
to learn to read fluently everything that was written on the first page, not
being mistaken and not spying in a virunta.
There, in
a knesinka garden, also rolled on it an attack of strange once
drowsiness which nature he also first did not understand. Actually, it
still it is clear perceived surrounding and, probably, could even
to battle if who attacked it. But some part of his mind
it is inexplicable it was carried away away, and he with not smaller clarity saw himself
the big gray dog running on the pine wood. Wolfhound long
reflected whether there was actually what occurred then. Or, maybe,
it primereshchitsya?. The answer was not, and it punished to itself(himself) to ask Olenyushka.
Years so through five when it already really enters age
brides will also choose the groom.
He remembered the similar dream which visited in its summer. Then it was
really dream. And now everything was made it seems as in reality.
My very first ancestor was a dog, reached him at last. I -
the last in a sort. Even if I marry, my children will not be Grey any more
Dogs. That if the Hostess Sudeb traced to me, the last, again
to become an animal?. That if, having killed the Cannibal, I already executed everything that to me
on the earthit was prepared? And I will begin to see myself in increasing frequency soon
dog, and my human life will begin, to twitch a haze, becoming
similar to a dream and being gradually forgotten absolutely?.
The wolfhound even looked at the hands - whether began to cover them
dense smooth wool. No, a hand hair was still no more usual.
So far?.
The finger of the Wolfhound reached already a penultimate line on the page,
when his hearing was reached by rustle of steps. Venn raised the head. Stood on a path
the fair-haired young man, almost the boy, - is, no more, years of fifteen -
dressed as eldest sons of notable sea segvan put on. Was
it is visible that he intended to approach the Wolfhound imperceptibly and very much
took offense when from this nothing turned out.
Veins already saw the fellow earlier and knew who is he such. In that fight, when
mother of a present knesinka fell, her soldiers after all won a victory. Death
the leader - very bad sign also most often takes away courage from soldiers;
knesinka death, however, only stirred up in them mad rage and
desire to revenge. And then, at them was still кнес. Enemy leader
they nearly the only thing took prisoner and live brought to Galirad.
Then Sense Nesmeyanovich also showed that Razumniky he was nicknamed not
in vain. The inconsolable widower had enough endurance not to throw captured Koons on
funeral fire of the beloved wife. It is more than that. He agreed with brave
the enemy about the world for ever, ordered to send trade guests. And
in total in a year released the captive back home. And as agreed upon retained
to live his little little son. Since then ran more than ten years.
The wolfhound had to see such here hostages, as the fates decree
torn off both from a family, and from the tribe. One got used to live on
to the foreign land and, than could, tried to serve the people among which it dropped out
to while away a century. Having won his respect, they the stronger reconciled it with
the. Others it is embittered became reserved, preferring to nurse with
the comprehended misfortune to save offenses and everywhere to see a dirty trick.
such is, to a great regret, Attalik who was slowly going was successful young сегван
to the Wolfhound on a garden path. And that the nastiest, the boy was
it is in love with a knesinka. It is in love with all desperate heat of the first youthful
passions. And the knesinka in its party did not look back once again About what
The wolfhound seeking to find out about everything about each inhabitant of Krom was too
it is for certain informed.
Mouse, chasing over a garden some bugs, at the sight of Attalik on
any case returned and sat down to the Wolfhound on a shoulder. On the birch bark page
the speckled rigid wing which is spat out by a small animal fell.
- Here a nasty creature, - having stopped a stone's throw away, fastidiously
young сегван wrinkled a nose. - You were smelled bats, veins! Perhaps
you too headfirst hang down when you sleep?
The wolfhound answered nothing. When he was fifteen years old, it as
time was chained to a miner collar together with a weak-chested arrant, former
capital teacher. The Arrant hardly dragged the legs burdened by shackles and
quickly became exhausted. It did not help the workmate, and disturbed more. Later
some time young veins just began to put it on a log of a collar and
to carry a circle behind a circle, one doing all work. And grateful teacher,
overcoming cough, know drawlingly recited classical poems,
edifying the clever barbarian in divine language of philosophers and poets...
And the nasty creatures lured by an arrant were their only
Attalik, if to put him to that collar, would give to the Gods
I smother the most bigger in half a day. Yes. If who was not beaten properly,
any slap seems mortal blow. Attalik promised to become tall and
the bony youth with was hardly the handsome man, but till it only
the arisen moustaches, eternal offense in eyes and quite crazy
concepts about honor and courage.
Here he considered a book at the Wolfhound on a lap:
- Hey, veins, head over heels you read...
He, probably, waited that the Wolfhound was lop-sided down, but that to it it
did not give pleasure. The boy provocatively continued:
- On what to you the diploma, the bodyguard? Perhaps the astrologer to become
you want? To consider stars when they at you depart from eyes?
He even was not able to bite properly. To a wolfhound bothered to listen
impudences of the milksop, he removed the book in a case, rose and silently went
away. Attalik immediately caught up with him and grabbed by a sleeve, turning to himself.
Grabbed too ineptly - decide the Wolfhound to be released, at him only
fingers would crackle. Venn stopped, and Mysh spread wide wings and
bloodthirstily hissed. The wolfhound covered a small animal with a palm: will scratch
to the boy a nose, speak then.
- Someone from us superfluous in this world, the bodyguard, - quietly and ominously
Attalik uttered. - Why the knesinka went to ride a horse with you,
but not with me? Why you, hudorodny veins, will carry it to the groom and will be
to sleep near its threshold, and I will remain here? Let dlinnoborody Hramn
judges which of us two is more worthy to serve...
The wolfhound could list smoothly the sort on six hundred years ago,
to the Dog. He wanted to tell about it a segvana, but unexpectedly thought:
To my smaller brother would be as much now. And he told only:
- The earth is big, Koons's son. Both I, and you will have enough on it the place.
- You are a coward! - departed to the answer. - You are afraid! The wolfhound pulled out at him
the sleeve also left, without having looked back.
Protection of a knesinka had to consist, apart from velimorets, of two
banners. One - army heroes with the notable boyar at the head. Another -
city host, that is the policemen who are captiously selected by dumny
aged men. So the ancient custom ordered. It kept memory of those times,
br /> when knesa were not governors yet - simply leaders of fighting teams,
invited to the city for the sake of protection against the enemy. And so, now not
only the father married the daughter: all Galirad tried in that
to participate!
Were divided Ratniki into three groups, on number of city associations:
solvenna, velkh, segvana. The wolfhound was glad much, having seen among
them Aptakhar. The skilled soldier not the first time came with Fitela here and
was always employed to serve for the whole summer, it was known here and respected,
considered. And here waited for honor: put to head segvansk’sya
group, solemnly surrounded with a starshinsky belt. Proud of rendered
honor, Aptakhar went even to saying goodbye to the merchant Fitela
even till next year. If it works, closer to new spring he will find for it
on the segvansky coast from where they usually began the way to lands
solvenn. But it will not turn out - differently will meet then in Galirada. That
concerned earnings, the trip to Velimor of gold mountains did not promise. But, right
it was worth losing in money that about you then spoke: that,
that accompanied a knesinka to the groom!.
- Avdika was taken too and I did not let, - Aptakhar shared with
Wolfhound. - You never know, someone has to continue a sort! Anything, it
business is young, far-away countries still will manage to bother it... So you tell
to the friend, let does not take eyes from the little girl...
Avdika, seemingly, not quite agreed with the father, but at segvan was not
it is accepted to go counter to parental will. The guy only sighed,
considering nice brand new clothes which already sewed for it is done a bit of traveling
purposely the sent masters.
And still citizens bore to the knesinka gifts. To a wolfhound these gifts
most of all reminded funeral gifts which, on belief of its people,
relatives and friends put to the dead on a fire. This thought was not pleasant
To wolfhound. One trouble: what there is no wish to think of at all, know stubborn
climbs on mind.
Each workshop respecting itself considered an indispensable debt
to bring for memory to a knesinka the work of the craft. Something
the monarchess really will take with herself on the foreign land, something will remain