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Bloody Revenge

Page 43

by Darrell Guidry

which is not especially necessary to madam?

  - To you what for? - too in a whisper Haygal suspiciously inquired.

  The wolfhound explained:

  - Here to the good girl the clothes were torn, it is advisable to present.

  The old woman quickly got out from under a blanket, having shown invariable common people

  wide trousers, also proshurshat barefoot heels to a big bast box,

  put near a wall.

  - What for the girl? - efficiently she asked the Wolfhound.

  - Ryzhenkaya... a daughter-in-law will be to the elder. To Ania call.

  The grandma muttered something, rummaged in the depth of a box and

  after a while developed before it an elegant brand new shirt,

  silk, bright green, on a solvennsky harmony embroidered on sleeves and a collar

  pale blue thread:

  - Whether it is quite good?

  Perhaps the knesinka put on its once, or perhaps did not know at all that at

  it is also such.

  - Thanks, the grandmother, here helped out, - the Wolfhound thanked, taking away


  The nurse suddenly cunningly moved on it brilliant as coal, eyes:

  - That who on the maid zaritsya probably pootryvat the heads?

  The wolfhound grinned;

  - The heads not of the head, but pootryvat. Not that, however, that it would be necessary.

  The old woman giggled, but was frightened to wake servants and waved on it


  - Go, well you!.

  The wolfhound brought to a velkhinka a shirt and allowed to change clothes, then selected

  also carried away torn to the yard. There he sat down near a kosterka, recovered him in couple

  logs also began to throw pieces of izmyzganny fabric into fire. He thought about

  the fact that three crippled, most likely, only just got out from the wood

  gnashing from pain teeth and having a presentiment as Luchezar still will award them.

  The wolfhound smiled. Foreign bride, whole and safe, lay,

  having curled up, in a barn at it behind the back. He promised it that

  will be nearby. And, apparently, to worry there is nothing yet.

  His smile did not escape twins from attention. They sat down soon

  near it at fire, and Likhobor asked:

  - Who is it so, the Wolfhound?

  - Luchezarovich, - the mentor answered.

  - And there are a lot of them... was? - Likhoslav asked. Venn shrugged shoulders:

  - Yes not especially. Three. At guys eyes inflamed:

  - And you are them... one? In total?

  - If not everything, would not sit here, - the Wolfhound told. And

  bethought: - Half-words that to me to anybody!

  Twins with insult exchanged glances: the mentor still held them for

  innocent youths who should remind the simplest truth. And at once

  nodded the linen shaggy heads.

  It became clear later that one six-year-old boy after all saw how

  the bodyguard of a ban-riona "that terrible, with braids, at which flying

  mouse..." conducted boondocks to Ania, dressed in his jacket. Moreover also embraced for

  shoulder! Fortunately, the boy got not really bright and besides

  trusovaty. He not only did not run to poloshit adults - what! It with

  to perepug it was hammered into the dog doghouse and there, having embraced a warm dog, stayed

  till the dawn. The terrible stranger, undoubtedly, was going to eat to Ania, and then

  to return behind it. But, when it is light, near the doghouse Ketarn appeared,

  won heroic standing on copies and at last going to take a nap.

  The boy was rolled out to him under legs:

  - Oh, and who to Ania in the night from himself took away yours... Nicely acquired

  the village in the majority still slept tight. And young God of the Sun, only

  that seemed in the sky, showed the favor, having directed human affairs.

  Hot young вельх, stunned with utter news, too not

  ran to call together the people on help. He understood everything at once. Yesterday it

  squabbled with the Wolfhound and convicted it of cowardice. And that intended to it

  to revenge. Also revenged. Meanly, meanly, stealthily. As well as it is necessary to the coward.

  Ketarn felt an unseparable dagger in a sheath on a belt and, without having told

  words, at full speed rushed to the yard of a ban-riona. To that yard, where

  he thought to live life with Ania. With the Ania. It executes the villain himself. The

  hand raspolosut to it a throat and will add his head to that two that

  carefully remained at his place, embalmed in cedar oil. And

  no help in that is required to it.

  The boy, having got rid of a burning secret and together with it for fear,

  yawned and got back into the doghouse - to fill up. The dog licked it in a cheek and

  moved, making for the friend room.

  Night was given not cold, and the Wolfhound has even a sleep at a fire, near

  barn doors, so far twins bore guards. When began to dawn and

  the first roosters cried, in the yard the big striped cat appeared.

  The wolfhound remembered how mother taught it to distinguish cats from cats in a form

  muzzles, also judged that to them on a visit was welcomed by a cat.

  Curious, green-eyed, she came closer to look at unfamiliar

  guests, and at the same time and to check whether were got already in the new house of a rat and


  The cat with kind advantage strode through the yard, having lifted

  pipe magnificent fluffy tail. The wolfhound looked at regal

  the beauty and suddenly remembered the whether dreams, whether not dreams in which to it

  it happened to know himself a gray dog. Cats not painfully get on with dogs, and

  veins thought: if she scents in it an animal, will be frightened and will not want

  to approach, so he really little by little becomes a werewolf. Such

  future not that very much grieved him. Gods, eventually, knew,

  that for it it is better. And that he deserved and that is not present. However human

  appearance and reason were somehow more habitual, and he would prefer to keep them.

  It scratched a nail порожек a barn on which sat, and a cat, to

  to some of its simplification, ran up. If from the Wolfhound also smelled of an animal,

  that not a dog, and the most bigger Myshom, but Mysh slept on a nail from which

  the gray raincoat was taken off.

  The cat understood soon that just play with her and to hunt especially not on

  whom, but did not take offense. When the Wolfhound carefully kneeled and

  gave a hand, it buried the head in his palm, zamurlykat and

  held up a white breast - to scratch. Then turned over on a back at all,

  began to catch soft pads his quick hand.

  Here so he was kneeling and, laughing, was amused with a cat,

  when to the yard directly through a wattle fence Ketarn was thrown.

  Young вельх did not even cry, calling the Wolfhound on a duel. It

  just rushed on it, without looking neither to the right, nor to the left. To it was to spit,

  whether there is who else in the yard and that will be made with him. It came to kill. In

  to his hand the dagger shone, the person was brought together by a spasm, having turned it in

  motionless frightening mask. Only eyes burned with mad fire.

  Cat, having hoarsely mewed, escaped under a barn, and the Wolfhound understood that вряд

  whether will manage even to rise from knees. Another matter to rise was at all not

  surely. Why, if it is possible just to krutanu
t hips, being developed

  on the left knee, and habitually to throw up hands up and forward. Hera Trekh

  Holmov passed a cheek on the grass remains, not until the end of trodden in

  the yard, and from blow about the earth air with noise escaped from his lungs. So far it

  endeavored to realize that happened and to pick up under itself hand-legged,

  to jump, - the Wolfhound walked all on him. And. pressed. At Ketarn in a moment

  the right hand squeezing a magnificent dagger was taken away.

  - So, - the Wolfhound told, taking out gilded from a weak-willed palm

  handle and a throw thrusting a dagger in a granary jamb. - Perhaps we will talk,

  how decent people?

  Velkh moaned and furiously moved, but reached nothing. What

  there was a rage, it is very difficult to force own flesh to break itself.

  The knock of the dagger thrust in a tree woke to Ania, already

  sleeping sensitively. The door was covered leaky: The wolfhound intentionally left

  chink that the little girl did not decide as if it is locked. Got into a chink

  light and cold morning air. To Ania of the village, smoothing on knees

  silk shirt, also saw at herself on wrists distinct strips,

  left a rope. The girl chilly distorted shoulders, muffled in

  raincoat, properly wiped eyes and decided to come to light.

  Ketarn lay facing a barn. He saw the bride at once,

  appeared on a threshold. On it there was a beautiful green shirt, at all not

  that that the day before, and... a warm gray raincoat in which saw half-villages

  yesterday wolfhound. On hands bruises flushed, but for the rest was by no means

  it is unlikely that to Ania held by force here. Means... means...

  Whether it is possible to put into words all chasm of humiliation of the unfortunate groom?

  Ketarn rushed once again and, again stopped by pain, has a snack on teeth

  crumpled grassy hemp. Then buried in them a face... also began to cry.

  To Ania loudly gasped, dropped a raincoat from shoulders and directed to it.

  Having run up, it began to tear off the fingers of the Wolfhound holding a hand


  - Let it!

  Equally well it could unbend a horseshoe.

  - Wait a little, kaylin-og, - the Wolfhound quietly told. - I anything to it

  I will not make.

  Twins already stood beside the mentor, and Likhobor cheerfully confirmed:

  - Will not make. Would like, long ago would shake out soul. Likhoslav it agrees


  - I only want that your groom listened to me, - the Wolfhound told. -

  I will release, he to be at war again will get. Depart, kaylin-og.

  Ketarn raised the head, opened a mouth... The wolfhound suspected that

  the guy was going to tell to the bride of it in what he will be then

  to repent till a death hour. And in general it was better for it to keep silent so far.

  The wolfhound slightly set a hand. Ketarn forgot now about what he gathered

  to speak, bryknut legs and it was again stuck with a forehead into dust.

  To Ania stepped to it, but encountered according to the Wolfhound, as on

  wall. And faultless female intuition prompted to it: you want good -

  arrive as this person orders. The stranger, till yesterday never

  seen and, what there, terrible. To Ania all life was learned not to trust

  to strangers. Nobody knows that there at alien on mind, nobody will be charged,

  that it is not the an evil ghost who accepted a human appearance...

  It did not begin to make noise, calling fellows villager on help. Simply

  perplexed began to nod - and departed.

  - And now listen to the adult, - settling more conveniently on

  the back at Ketarn, was told by the Wolfhound. The groom, maybe, was one year younger than him,

  but it had no value. The wolfhound bent down below and continued

  very quietly, that only Ketarn heard: - To you was told to carry out

  the little girl to the house? To transfer to the father with mother from hands to hands? You transferred?.

  It was necessary to you back rather, on copies to brag of skill. Not that, not

  bring your Trekhrogy who another the first good fellow would be called. At you

  such case was to Ania with three to grab the at once... which to it

  hands connected... You to me left it to save, and now is still dissatisfied?

  Three whom he did not kill a little Ketarn most likely would throw in

  the swamp, but the Wolfhound preferred to hold back that. For it it was

  unusually long speech. And, as most often also happened to it, not too

  sensible. The wolfhound itself felt that he exhausted a garrulity stock on

  the week ahead, and to sense did not achieve. And to deliberate, as if still to insert

  mind to Ketarn, was once: from the house vocal murmurs reached and

  careful fuss of the waking-up servants. The wolfhound rose also breakthrough

  put on legs of the sighed Ketarn.

  - You will go to a barn now and there will quietly sit, - he told,

  pushing a young velkh inside and passing Ania there. - Your bride

  will speak, - the Wolfhound continued, - and you will listen to it and

  to keep mum. She is a maid wise so I advise. And if to it at least one

  rough you will tell the word, I to you in knot will tie language. Around a neck.

  Here also did not smell of courtesy, and Ketarn who got used to consider what is not afraid

  nobody and nothing, instantly boiled mad anger. But also quickly

  cooled down. The wolfhound said the promise very quietly, to boring everyday

  by voice. And Ketarn as many before him, understood clearly: his veins

  did not frighten at all. It really was going to execute promised. Also was

  quite of it it is capable.

  Even stirred up Ketarn: so the stomach against food which not in rises

  state to digest. At Ania shone in the face of a tear. She wanted

  to rush to the beloved groom, to embrace, calm him... so

  will push away. Ketarn felt too that between them for the first time something stood,

  and from it it was twice more sick. The wolfhound who finally exhausted the

  rather poor eloquence, stood behind a back to Ania and gloomy looked on

  unfortunate groom. Woken up the Mouse put out the head from under curtailed

  wings also transferred the shining beads from one on another, thinking,

  whether intervention is required.

  Ketarn's hand rumpled in a short fight little by little again found

  sensitivity. Together with ability to perceive also pain returned, and

  the certain part of his mind not alien to care began to look for the reason not

  to attack One Wolfhound more. The worthy reason which is not caused by fear...

  Did not begin to wait for veins until it finds this reason.

  - Not everything is as simple as it seems to you, - he muttered and left to the yard,

  having left the groom and the bride alone. Mysh was unhooked from the nailing and

  fluttered out afterwards, having easily slipped in a crack of already closed door.

  Having come to light, the Wolfhound held up the winged friend a hand and tickled

  small animal, at the same time listening to occurring in a barn. It is very much

  was afraid that cock pride after all will push Ketarn on some

  hardly remediable act. However behind a door it was at first absolutely silent,

  then the voice to Ania was distributed. Quiet, but very persistent and

  convincing. If the Wolfhound wanted, he, probably, would mana
ge to sort

  words. It did not begin to do it.

  The monarchess to a knesinka dreamed a dream. Bad, burdensome dream. Cheerful it,

  to say the truth, lately visited infrequently. But about it it

  will think in reality. And in a dream you accept everything as if so and follows that

  to be.

  Knesinka Elen stood on a narrow stony track, on each side, which not

  grew neither a bush, nor a blade. On the right and at the left unapproachable rose

  gray rocks. Over gear tops towards shaggy slowly floated

  gray sky.

  And because of rocks... came, crept, crept... something anonymous

  and faceless, still invisible behind turn of a footpath, but it that

  the knesinka knew: costs to it though for a moment to see it, and it now

  will die.

  It was not one, she saw near herself the Wolfhound. His back in

  to the chain armor showing blued rings from under a leather cover. It is slowly

  moved back on a track, it is furious with someone being cut, accepting unequal, desperate

  fight. Its Unknown Horror was for it just an enemy from flesh and blood,

  who could be got blow of a sword...

  Then the knesinka noticed that on her there were a chain armor and a helmet too,

  and in a hand the sword shone. Which she was not able to handle properly.

  "Run, madam!" - without turning around, the Wolfhound croaked.

  And the knesinka felt that it really can escape and escape.

  It is simple to turn and escape. Something prompted to it that it was here

  like the third-party viewer: it is possible to leave quietly away.

  "And you as?." - she cried. The wolfhound did not answer. He acted

  sword with that terrible force and speed that so often bewitched

  it on Krom backyard.

  "For me be not afraid", - at last he threw through a shoulder.

  To turn and to leave quietly... Knesinka could not save the Wolfhound,

  to throw it here one. Only to die together with it. What it

  the bodyguard would just like least of all.

  Knesinka was going to tell it that she will not leave it at all, but not

  was in time. The wolfhound began to fall. Falling, he turned back: the girl saw

  the face distorted, covered with blood. And because of the rock - and here at a knesinka hair

  rose on end - some shaggy feelers already reached for it...

  Elen Gluzdovna squeezed a sword handle in a wet palm, wildly cried


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