entrepreneurs xiii–xv, 134–5
British model 172
medieval Europe xvi
small 68
Ephrussi family 290
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip 518
Italy and 439
secession 21
Erlanger, Baron 299
Escott, T. H. S. 50
basis of capitalism 388
capitalists and 260–61
Ethiopia 36, 510
Italy and 431, 438, 459
Ogaden movement 20, 21
ethnicity, and nation-building 19, 257
Étienne, Eugène 476
Europe 21, 22–3
1848 revolutions 328, 518
and American economic growth 242–3
anti-Semitism 293–5, 297–9
and Chinese art and culture 106–7
economic growth 82, 242
industrialized states (19th century) xx–xxi, 79
migration to America 47–8
migration within 48
proposal for European Federation 243
and protectionism 491, 501
religion and politics 335–6, 409
states of 24–8, 24
see also individual countries
European Union 11, 12, 28
and inequality 83
Maastricht Treaty (1992) 134
exploration, and global settlement 3–4
Long Depression and 481
primary products 122, 127–8, 187, 422, 446
and tariffs 492–3, 503
Eyre, Edward, Governor of Jamaica 466
Fabian Society 148, 360
Facebook 526
factories xxii
conditions 58–9
and urbanization 47
Factory Acts (1833 to 1878), various 374, 375
Factory and Workshops Act (1878) 375
Faini Parliamentary Commmission, Italy 41
famines 74
Anatolia (1873–4) 119
Bengal (1943–4) 418
Finland (1866–8) 82
India 417–18
Russia (1890s) 45, 212, 494–5
Faujas-Saint-Fond, Barthélemy 63–4, 186
Fawcett, Millicent, on India 467
Feinstein, Charles 526
Feng Guifen 100, 102
Fenin, Aleksandr 208
Ferguson, Adam 452
Ferguson, Niall 421, 458–9
Ferri, Enrico 144
Ferry, Jules 184, 350, 498
anti-clericalism 391
and colonialism 435, 461, 468, 469, 470, 474
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, Speeches to the German People 120
Filene, Edward 339
films, anti-capitalism in 512–13
finance sector 526, 527–8
instability of 527–8
financial system, states and 137
Finland 26, 279
Agrarian League 399
economy 82, 179
First World War 504–5
and anxiety 507–9
competitive nationalism before 503–4
effect on globalization xxxvii, 504–5
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 450
Flanders xvi, 28
see also Dutch Republic; Netherlands
Flaubert, Gustave 106, 324
Fletcher, C. L. R. and Rudyard Kipling, A History of England 461
Florence, medieval, tumulto dei Ciompi xv–xvi
Fogel, Robert, and Stanley Engerman, Time on the Cross 222
Foner, Eric 224
Food Adulteration Act (1860) 70
food and diet
adulteration and contamination 70, 346
globalization of 5, 6–7
and life expectancy 73, 74–5
luxuries 63, 64
milk 69
peasants 38, 40–41, 42
per capita consumption (1860–1913) 55–8, 55
‘ready to eat’ 57–8, 339
Scotland 63–4
urban poor 49, 58
variations within Europe 75
working classes 72–3
see also health; meat
Food and Drug Administration (USA) 70
Ford, Henry 239–40, 339
Ford Motors 242, 339, 526
foreign investment 458, 473, 482–3
France 473, 482
Japan 114, 483
Russia 206, 213–14, 495
Fortunato, Giustino 148
Fortune, Robert 84–5
Fourier, Charles 298
France 13, 26, 468–9
agriculture 172
anti-clericalism 253, 351, 391–4
anti-colonialism 468
anti-German nationalism 254, 256
anti-Semitism 298
anti-statism in 144
banking 184, 299
borders 13–14, 27
and Britain 172, 184, 185, 435
capitalism in 184, 350–51
Catholicism in 392–4; social Catholicism 394, 395–6, 469
and China 425
and democracy index 320
democratization 247, 248, 321–4
Dreyfus affair (1894) 256–7
economic growth xviii–xix, 183–4
economy: and Long Depression 488; productivity 172
foreign investment 473, 482
immigration 78–9, 353
industrialization 172–3, 183
Jews in 289, 299
labour: child labour 368; imported 78–9, 305, 471; industrial accidents 373; industrial unrest 311, 377; trade unions 305, 377–8, 379; working conditions regulations 368, 377–9
language 252
Loi Griffe (1889) 497
and the Orient 106
political parties 521; Action libérale populaire 396
political unrest 27, 435
politics: liberalism xxxi; radicalism 349–50; republicanism 392; socialism xxxv, 377
population: birth rate 78; fear of depopulation 353–4; life expectancy 76–7
private monopolies 153
and secular nationality 253
social unrest (1890s) 488
society: food 56, 74; inequality 265; inheritance 78; peasant life 38; and poor relief 348–54
state educational system 254–5
state interventionism 150–51, 153, 350–51
suffrage 323–4, 325
taxation 163, 164–5
Third Republic 468–9, 497–8
trade: exports 499–500; proponents of laissez-faire 150–51; and protectionism 497–8, 499–500
and United States 242
and urbanization 39, 43, 51, 61
see also French Empire; French Revolution
franchise see suffrage
Francis I, Emperor of Austria 26
Francis, Pope 514
Franco-Prussian War (1870) 353, 471
Franklin, Benjamin 223, 226
Franz Joseph, Emperor 154, 295–6, 403, 510
free trade 142–3
Britain and 138, 171, 493–4, 498–9
China and 96
and colonialism 456–7
Egypt 273
liberalism and 145–6
and living standards 362
free-market ideology 515–18
French Empire 46, 468–77
Algeria 413–14, 446
anti-colonialists and 470–71
and civilizing mission 473–5
and colonial settlement 462, 469–70
colonies 430, 435, 447–8
costs 470–71
East India Company 444
French Congo 454–5
Indochina 426, 448, 473
Madagascar 470, 473
Morocco 471–2
public view of 462–3
public works programmes 451
support for 472–5
and trade 451, 470–71, 472–3
Tunisia 421, 476
Vietnam 448, 468, 473, 474–5
rench Foreign Legion 460
French Revolution 322
and poor relief 348–9
Frère-Orban, Walthère 151
Freycinet, Charles de 469
and Freycinet Plan 153
Frick, Henry Clay 380
Friedman, Milton 288
Fritsch, Theodor 298
Fröbel, Julius 243
Froelich, John 123
Fukuzawa, Yukichi 111–12, 114, 333, 428
Gage, Henry 303
Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Affluent Society 262, 337
Gallagher, John, and Ronald Robinson 432
Gambetta, Léon 184, 350, 497
anti-clericalism 391–2
and colonialism 469
gambling, capitalism and 527–8
Gammage, Robert 328
Gandhi, Mahatma, and race 306
Gapon, Georgy 283, 387
Garelli, Alessandro 263
Garfield, James 510
Garnier, Joseph 469
Gaskell, Elizabeth, Mary Barton 372
Gatrell, Peter 214–15
Gaulle, Charles de 392, 407, 446
Gauls, as ancestors of French 14
Gautier, Théophile xxii
General Electric 242
General Motors 242
Geneva 62, 386
Geneva Convention (1864) 7
Gennosuke, Yokoyama 59
Genoa, Republic of 13
Genovese, Eugene 500
Gentil, Émile 455
Geók Tepé, siege of (1881) 210
George, Henry 303
Progress and Poverty (1879) 229, 372
Georgia 16, 26
Germain, Henri, anti-colonialism 468
German Empire 27, 425, 430, 431, 432
expansion 435–7
German Historical School of Economics 147
Germany 13, 436
Anglophilia 172, 185–6
anti-Catholicism 401
and capital outflow 482
capitalism 147–8, 155–6; paternalistic 380
competitor to Britain 174–5
emigration 308, 357, 437
expenditure on food 57
Farmers’ League 493
industrialization xxiii, 172, 173, 502
interventionism 147–8
Invalidity and Old-Age Insurance Law (1889) 356
Jews in 289, 293
Kathedersozialisten 147, 148
Kulturkampf 401
language 252
and Long Depression 489
myth-making 255–6
national identity 258–9
National Insurance Code (1911) 356–7
and navy 436
political parties 515; Catholic Zentrum party 319, 332, 357, 400–403; Social Democrats 335, 356, 402–3
religions 253, 401
reunification 28
socialism xxxiv–xxxv
suffrage 318–19, 332
tariffs 492–3
taxation 165
and United States 242
and urbanization 43
welfare state 356–8
see also German Empire; Prussia
Gerschenkron, Alexander 180, 198, 211, 214
Ghana, Ashanti Empire 431
Ghent, Flanders, workers’ rebellion (1252) xvi
Ghica, Grigore, Wallachia 118
Gia Long, Nguyên emperor 474
Gibbons, Cardinal James 394
Gide, Charles 470–71
Gillette 242
Gini coefficient 82–3
Gini, Corrado 83
Giolitti, Giovanni, Italian prime minister 148, 150, 311, 312
and colonialism 438–9
and labour reforms 381–4
and sovereignty 487
Girault, Arthur, Principes de colonisation … 475
Gladen, Washington 234
Gladstone, W. E. 194, 409
and colonialism 452, 456
and Egypt 273, 420
French view of 184
laissez-faire liberalism 145, 146
on opium trade 95
on poverty 52–3, 263
and suffrage 328–9, 330
Glasgow, Singer factory 242
Glass-Steagall Act (1933) 528
‘global village’ 5
globalization xiii, xxxvii–xxxviii, 481–4
ancient 3, 5–6
anti-global activists 519–20
First World War and xxxvii, 504–5
and foreign investment 482–3
interdependence 191–2, 484
and international competition 192–4
and international organizations 134
and market crises 485–6
origins of term 4–5
and protectionism 484, 503
and social changes 193
and trade 5–7
and transport 484–5
see also Long Depression
Globalization, First Great (1860–1910) 4
Globalization, Second Great (1980–) 4–5
Gobineau, comte de 8
Godkin, Edwin L. 342
The Nation 234
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 226, 261
Goldfinger (film) 513
Goldman, Sylvan N. 339
Goldsmith, Oliver, ‘The Deserted Village’ 42–3
Golescu, Nicolae 496
Gompers, Samuel 302, 444
Gong, Prince 102
Gonzáles, José Luis 128
Google 526
Gould, Jay 234
Gouron, Pierre 38
Government of India Act (1858) 445
Gramsci, Antonio 109, 149, 363, 439
Great Britain 26
admiration for 183–7
agriculture 170, 194, 480, 502
Aliens Act (1905) 308
anti-colonialism 451–2
Artisan’s and Labourers’ Dwellings Improvement Act (1875) 360
coal resources 170, 194
democratization 247; franchise 314, 324–31
economy: credit system 162; foreign investment 458; growth xviii, 82, 85, 194–5; and Long Depression 479, 488, 489–90; and modern globalization 518; ‘Panic of 1825’ 483
and Egypt 273–4, 419–21
EU referendum (2016) 521
food imports 480, 502
global pre-eminence 156–7, 193–4; fear of decline 175–7; foreign view of decline 176; as model of development 137–8, 182–7
Housing of the Working Classes Act (1885) 359
immigrants 307, 308–9
and India 416–18
and Industrial Revolution xvii–xix
industrialization 169–72
and Iran 270, 271–2
Jews in 289, 295
labour: demonstration (1887) 310; trade unions xxxv–xxxvi, 517; working hours restrictions 368
labour legislation 362, 374–6
and liberty 463–4
Married Women’s Property Act (1882) 315
and modernity xxix–xxx, 219
Municipal Franchise Act (1869) 314
navy 157
Old Age Pensions Act (1907) 362
and opium trade to China 94–5
and Palestine 291
Parliament Act (1911) 362
political stability 28, 171
politics: Christian socialism 397–9; collective liberalism xxx–xxxi, 195; socialism xxxv–xxxvi
and Portugal in Africa 440
Reform Act (1832) 324
religions 253, 319, 390
Representation of the People Act (1884) 325
and rise of USA xxiii, 193, 196
rivalry with Germany 174–5, 176–7
Roman Catholic Relief Act (1829) 319
Second Reform Act (1867) 325, 326, 329–30
society 130; domestic servants 67; minority languages 252; nationalities 255; rural life 40; urban living standards 49
as state xix, 13
state-building 162
suffrage 314, 324–31
support for colo
nialism 456–8
taxation 157, 161–4, 165; centralized 161–2
trade 156–7, 458; exports 445–6; and free trade 138, 171, 493–4, 498–9; low tariffs 492
Trades Disputes Act (1906) 362
welfare: pensions 355; private provision 363; reforms 349, 359–63
in West Africa 419
see also British Empire
Great Sioux War (1876) 225
agricultural exports 130–31
emigration from 131
independence 24–5, 27
infrastructure 131
and Ottoman Empire 131, 270
political parties 521
shipping 131
Gregory XVI, Pope, Mirari Vos 393
Grey, Earl 325
Grey, Sir Edward 271, 456
Grigorovich, Dmitry, Anton-Goremyka 204
Grillo, Beppe 521
Guangxu, emperor of China 101–2, 105
Guardianship of Infants Act (1886) 90
Guesdes, Jules 323
Guinea-Bissau 441
Guizot, François 185
Gunton, George 239
Günzburg, Jacques de 299
Gutstadt, Herman 302
Guyot, Yves, La Famille Pichot 372
Haiti 431
Hall, J. C. 61
Hambro, Baron Carl Joachim 64
Hamburg, cholera 75
Hamilton, Alexander 223, 500–501
and religion 253–4
Report on Manufactures 501
Hamilton, Lord 457
Hampshire Chronicle 54–5
Hangzhou, China 46
Hardie, Keir 398
Haret, Spiru 125
Harkness, Margaret 53
Out of Work 307
Harper’s Monthly, on Japan 116
Harriman, E. H. 234
Harris, Lee, The Man Who Tramps 372
Harrison, Austin 175
Hart, Robert 94, 99
Hartz, Louis 225
Hassall, Dr Arthur Hill 70
Hastings, Warren 444–5
Hausrath, Adolf 71
Haussman, Baron 59, 150
Havemeyer, Henry O. 234
Hawaii 29, 441–2
Haxthausen, August von 200
Hayek, Friedrich 152
The Fatal Conceit 506
He Zhen 90–91
disparities 83
systems 135
health insurance
Germany 356–7
national 355
Hearst, William Randolph 238
Hedin, Adolf 356
Hegel, G. W. F.
on Africans 305–6, 454
on America 226
on Asia 93, 106
Philosophy of History 120
Heinz, brand 57
Hennessey, David 304
Henry VIII, King, beard tax 160
Herder, Johann Gottfried 200
Hershey Food 242
Herta, Victoriano 275
Hervé, Gustave 11, 192, 255
Herzen, Alexander 198–9, 231
Herzl, Theodor 35–6
The Jewish State 251
Hideyoshi, Toyotomi 15, 427
Hilferding, Rudolf 429, 482
Hinduism 387, 388
Hirobumi, Itō 332–3, 428–9
Hironaka, Kōno 110
The Anxious Triumph Page 106