The Anxious Triumph

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The Anxious Triumph Page 107

by Donald Sassoon

Hiroyuki, Kato 112

  Hirsch, Maurice von 295

  Hirschman, Albert, The Passion and the Interests 227–8


  and nation-building 248–9

  and nationalism 12, 15–17, 21

  and state borders 13–15

  Hobsbawm, Eric 169, 409

  Hobson, J. A. 263, 299, 429

  anti-colonialism 452, 453, 462, 488

  Hofstadter, Richard 225

  Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince 425

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr 160

  Hong Kong 423, 526

  Hong Xiuquan 104

  Hope & Co, bank 299

  horses, for transport 69

  Houplines, France 48


  household expenditure on 56, 57

  Italian peasants 40, 41

  London 48–9

  New York 69

  overcrowding 60, 359

  reforms (Britain) 359–60

  urban poor 51–2, 69

  Howell, George, MP 371

  Hughes, Hugh Price, Methodist Times 390

  Hughes, Thomas 398

  Hugo, Victor 243, 373, 454

  human rights

  and colonialism 472

  concept of universal 8

  Hume, David 107, 142

  anti-colonialism 452

  on consumption 338

  on inequality 261

  and suffrage 313


  anti-Semitism 295–6

  and Austro-Hungarian Empire 26

  bureaucracy 154

  ethnic composition 296

  industrialization 187–8

  Society for the Social Sciences 148

  wheat exports 123, 124, 188

  Huret, Jules 59, 372, 378, 379

  hygiene, and disease 58, 69

  Ibsen, Henrik 227

  Iceland, independence 21, 27

  identity, politics of 294

  immigrants and immigration

  and assimilation 47–8, 288

  Chinese in US 301–3

  and industrialization 307–8

  United States 47, 219, 221, 241, 266, 304, 309

  immigration controls 308

  imperialism, and capitalism 190


  per capita, Europe 79, 80

  rise during Long Depression 478, 480

  United States 239–40, 340, 341

  income inequality

  and democratic capitalism 261, 342

  and industrial capitalism 44–5

  and life expectancy 70–71, 73

  middle classes and 65, 261

  see also inequality

  India 70, 467

  Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 517–18

  British in 416–18, 434, 468

  cotton production 416–17

  exports 128

  famines 417–18

  free market ideology 517–18

  infant mortality 73

  manufacturing 91

  Mughal empire 28, 434

  Nehru–Gandhi Congress Party 517

  Indian Mutiny (1857) 416, 445, 467–8

  indigenous 77–8

  individualism, and capitalism 138–9

  Indochina, French colony 426, 448, 473

  Indonesia 426, 446–7

  industrial capitalism

  diversity 132

  and income differentials 44–5

  Industrial Revolution xvii–xviii

  social changes xxviii

  industrialization 118–32, 133

  and agriculture 79

  and bourgeois democracy 173–4, 189

  and de-industrialization of colonies 416

  and economic growth 84–5

  environmental effects of 60–61, 529–30

  and inequalities 82–3

  laggard countries 173–80

  and Long Depression 479, 480

  and migration 307–8

  and modern de-industrialization 526

  pathbreaking countries 169–73

  pig-iron production as measure of xx–xxi, 169

  politics and 189–90

  and popular support 190

  and poverty 61–2

  and urbanization xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, 45–6

  industry 78–86

  American view of 228

  and colonial expansion 423–4

  employment in xxi

  and Long Depression 489

  move away from manufacturing 517

  and wealth 127–8

  inequality xxiv–xxvii

  capitalism and 82–3

  and democracy 524

  and fairness 261

  and industrialization 82–3

  and nation-building 261–6

  and philanthropy 266

  and progress 85–6

  United States 83, 233, 265–6

  see also income inequality

  infant mortality 68, 72, 73–4

  infrastructure xxxi–xxxii, 37, 135

  innovation see technological innovation


  accident 350, 354–5, 369

  private 354

  unemployment 360

  international, use of term 7

  international agreements 7, 486, 519

  International Conference of Socialist Women (1907) 315

  International Harvester 242

  International Labour Organization 147

  International Monetary Fund (IMF) 136, 519, 524

  international organizations 7–8

  and economic control 154

  and globalization 134

  International Telegraph Union (1865) 7

  International Women’s Day 344

  International Workingmen’s Association 374

  ‘Internationale’, socialist hymn 258

  internationalism, opposition to 8–9

  Investment Bankers’ Association of America 482

  Iorga, Nicolae 125


  constitutional revolution (1906) 91, 267, 270–71, 509

  Islamic Revolution 120

  modernization 270–72


  anti-Semitism (Limerick) 295

  Land Acts (1881) 216

  migrants from 50, 308–9

  nationalism 278

  Ireland, Republic of 21

  Irish Famine (1845–51) 74

  Irish Free State 13

  Irish National League 310

  Irish Parliamentary Party 360

  Isandlwana, Battle of (1879) 431

  Isern, Damían, Del desastre nacional y sus causas 277

  Isfahan, population 46


  and commerce 386

  European view of 89

  in Iran 271

  and Jews 299–300

  in Ottoman Empire 119

  segregation of women 90

  Zakat (compulsory charity) 346–7

  see also Muslims

  Ismail Pasha, khedive of Egypt 273, 419–20

  Israel 17, 35–6

  and capitalism 517

  Italy 13, 21

  bourgeoisie 149

  Calabria 58, 61

  colonialism 96, 425, 430, 431, 438–40

  emigration from 41–2, 48, 439

  Esposizione Industriale Nazionale (1881) 178

  foreign capital in 130

  health: disease 75–6; life expectancy 74; peasant diet 40–41

  income inequality 263

  and industrialization 129–30, 148–50, 177–8, 440

  labour, casual 54

  labour movement 381–4

  labour unrest 382, 384

  meridionalisti (positivist intelligentsia) 148

  and Ottoman Empire 270

  political parties 515, 520–21

  politics: anti-liberalism 397; church and politics 391, 397; Fasci siciliani movement 311–12; political left 144, 148; political right 149, 178

  Public Health Act (1888) 363

  state intervention 177, 178, 381–4
  suffrage 332

  tariffs 502

  taxation 166

  Tientsin treaty port (China) 96

  and Triple Alliance 503–4

  unification 178, 249–50, 502

  urbanization 130

  welfare: social legislation 383–4; state 363

  see also Naples

  Italy, medieval

  banking 386

  trading cities xvii, 388–9

  Iwagoro, Matsubara 59

  Iwakura Tomomi, mission to Europe 109, 110–11

  Jacini, Count Stefano 40, 439

  Jackson, Andrew 223

  Jaja of Opobo, ‘King’ in Nigeria 419

  Jamaica, Eyre case (1865) 466

  James, Henry 443

  James, William 443

  Japan 15, 108–17, 144

  anti-colonialism 429

  Banking Act (1872) 115

  and Britain 111

  capitalism 114, 115, 117; paternalistic 380–81, 518

  and China 100, 111, 112, 116–17

  colonies 422–3, 427–9

  constitution (1889) 332–3

  control over Taiwan and Korea 116

  economy: competition in 114; development 114–15, 116; foreign direct investment 114, 483; stagnation 518

  exports 127, 502

  First World War 504

  and France 110–11, 502

  and Germany 111

  industrialization xxiii, 111, 113–14, 173

  infrastructure 109–10

  invasions of China 35, 100, 105

  labour movement 381; collective bargaining 376–7

  Meiji Restoration (1868) 108–9, 115, 165

  merchants 109, 115

  and modernization xxxii, 91, 109–16

  nationalism 108–9

  peasantry 115

  protectionism 491

  railways 109, 113, 483

  religion 389, 391

  shipbuilding 113, 114

  society: life expectancy 73; literacy 115; peerage system 111; social changes 115–16; social cohesion 112–13; social reform 265; Tokugawa feudal system 109; urban conditions 59, 115; warrior class 111, 115

  state investment 113–15, 116, 117, 135

  state structure 109

  suffrage 332–3

  taxation 165–6

  and United States 111, 112

  view of West 110, 111–12

  war with China (1894–5) 97, 100, 113, 116, 427

  war with Russia (1905) 102, 283, 428

  xenophobic Sonnōjōi movement 110, 112

  Jaurès, Jean 192, 298

  and colonialism 471–2

  and export of capital 500

  Jay Cooke and Company, bank 483

  Jefferson, Thomas 223, 227

  Jerichau, Jens Adolf 64

  Jerichau-Baumann, Elisabeth 64


  anti-Semitism 297

  in China 107

  Jevons, William Stanley

  The Coal Question 194

  The State in Relations to Labour 353

  Jewish nationalism 251

  Jews 288–300

  Algeria 469, 471

  as bankers 299

  capitalists 290, 292

  France and 256–7

  in London 50, 295

  in Russian Empire 289–93

  in Ukraine 257

  in United States 56, 291, 304

  see also anti-Semitism

  Johnson and Johnson 242

  Johnson, Lyndon B., US President 526

  Johnson, Samuel 452

  Johnston, Harry 460

  journalists, and economic liberalism 152, 157

  Judaism, view of usury 386–7

  Juglar, Clément xxviii, 469, 485

  Kalischer, Hirsch 35

  Kang Youwei 101, 104

  Kangxi, Chinese emperor 93

  Kankrin, Georg 206

  Kant, Immanuel 7, 13, 162, 191

  on franchise 321

  racism 306

  Kanyhin, Yurii 16–17

  Kaoru, Inoue 428

  Katanga, secessionist movement 21

  Katkov, Mikhail 205, 212, 289

  Kay, Dr James Phillips 51–2

  Kellogg, John Harvey 57

  Kennedy, John F. 254

  Kenya, Mau Mau rebellion (1952–60) 447

  Ketteler, Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel von 394

  Kévorkian, Raymond 300

  Keynes, John Maynard 82, 227

  on Bastiat 150–51

  on capitalism 507

  on consumption 141, 337

  and laissez-faire 153

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 120

  Khomyakov, Aleksey 200

  Khrushchev, Nikita 523–4

  Kindleberger, Charles 182, 483

  King, Martin Luther 408

  Kingsley, Charles 398

  Alton Locke 372

  and Eyre case 466

  Kipling, Rudyard 459, 461

  ‘The Islanders’ 360

  ‘The White Man’s Burden’ 442

  Kirchner, Néstor and Cristina 519

  Kirdorf, Emil 380

  Klee, Paul, Angelus Novus 125, 126

  Koch, Robert 75, 76

  Koestler, Arthur 291

  Kokovtsov, Vladimir 167

  Kongo (Bakingo) people 19

  Königswarter, Baron Maximilien 299


  China’s loss of 97, 100, 425

  Japan and 116, 422–3, 427–9

  see also South Korea

  Kossuth, Lajos 295

  Kōtoku Shūsui, Imperialism 429

  Kraus, Karl 148

  Kravchuk, Leonid 17

  Kristol, Irving 223

  Kronenberg, Leopold 290

  Krugman, Paul 520

  Krupp, Alfred 172

  Krupp company 319

  Kublai Khan 34, 92

  Kugelmann, Ludwig 90

  Kuliscioff, Anna 312

  Kunitake, Kume 61–2

  Kuomintang 105

  Kyoto, Japan 46

  La Follette, Robert M. 346

  ‘La ligue sociale d’acheteurs’ 338


  and capitalism 84

  international division of 8, 422

  and philanthropic paternalism 378–81

  labour exchanges 360

  labour markets

  collective bargaining 366–7, 376–7

  regulation of 145, 366, 369–70

  in small countries 137

  labour movements

  effect of Long Depression on 487–8

  racism of 305–6

  and working conditions 371

  see also socialism

  Labour Party (UK) 335, 488

  election of Corbyn 521

  New Labour 517

  and social reforms 360, 398–9

  and trade union legislation 517

  labour relations

  Britain 517

  state and 367

  see also strikes; trade unions

  Lafargue, Paul 323

  Lagarde, Paul de 298

  laïcité (secular French nationality) 253

  laissez-faire 138, 139, 142–3, 172

  France 150–51

  liberals and 145–6

  Southern plantation owners 222–3

  Lammenais, Félicité Robert de 393

  Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di, Il Gattopardo xxxiii

  Land Nationalization Society 360

  Landes, David 478


  and industrialization 505

  and nation-building 259–60

  Russian 207–9

  wealth from agricultural exports 122–3, 127–9

  see also aristocracy

  Lang Son, Battle of (1885) 468


  and nation-building 252

  and nationalism 16, 26, 31

  native (subsumed) 31

  Russian Federation 26

  Lanjuinais, Comte Paul-Henri 351

George 398–9

  Larue, Martin, Bishop of Langres 395

  Laspeyres, Etienne 147

  Lassalle, Ferdinand 381, 394

  Latin America xxxii, 127–9

  Catholicism in 254, 391

  dualism in 32–3

  industrialization 33, 128, 129

  inequality 83

  life expectancy 74

  Monroe Doctrine 426

  and nationalism 32–3

  nationalist revolutions 274, 276

  neo-liberal free markets 518–19

  political instability 31–3, 129

  state formation 30–33, 247

  suffrage 314

  view of United States 129

  see also Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Mexico

  Latvia, industrialization 215

  Lavisse, Ernest, Histoire de France … (textbook) 255

  Lavollée, René 470

  Lazzaretti, Davide 409

  Le Bon, Gustave 475

  Le Creusot steelworks, Burgundy 58–9, 378–9

  Le Pen, Marine 521

  Le Play, Frédéric 378

  La réforme sociale … 396

  League of Nations 294

  Lecouturier, Henri, Paris incompatible … 59

  legal systems, and industrialization 136

  Lehman Brothers, collapse (2008) 137

  Leibniz, Gottfried 106, 107

  Lenin, V.I. 143, 212–13, 429

  The Development of Capitalism in Russia (1896–9) 217–18

  Leo XIII, Pope

  and Bismarck 402

  Rerum Novarum encyclical (1891) 384, 394–6

  Leontiev, Konstantin 205

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians 368, 432–3

  Lermontov, Mikhail, ‘A Prophecy’ 197

  Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole 189, 207

  Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 84, 150, 242, 265

  on Chinese 305

  on colonialism 469, 475

  on welfare 349, 352–3

  Letourneau, Charles 231

  Levi, Carlo, Christ Stopped at Eboli 41

  Levitt, Theodore 4–5

  Lewycka, Marina 140

  Leygues, Georges 475

  Leys, Colin 181

  Liang Qichao, Chinese reformer 102, 424

  Liberal Party (UK) 335, 488

  and 1909 ‘people’s budget’ 362–3

  and free trade 494

  and social reform 360, 398

  and welfare legislation 362–3

  liberalism and liberals xxix

  anti-welfare 349, 352–3

  collective xxx–xxxi

  economic 265

  and expansion of suffrage 330–31

  and free trade 145–6

  and non-interventionist state 145–7

  proponents of strong state xxxviii, 138–40, 146–7

  religion and 387, 391, 397–8

  see also neo-liberalism

  Liberia 20, 36

  Liberty and Property League 144, 359

  Libya 25, 270

  Italy and 439

  Lichtenstein 21

  life expectancy 68–74, 72, 73–4

  and disease 76–7

  urban 69

  and wealth inequality 70–71, 73

  Lille, France 48

  Limited Liability Act (1855) xix

  Lin Biao, Long Live the Victory of the People’s War! 522

  Lin Zexu, letter to Queen Victoria 94–5


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