Lincoln, Abraham 265–6, 408–9, 510
Lind, Michael 223
Linton, Eliza Lynn 66
List, Friedrich 147, 180
admiration for Britain 185–6
and protectionism 140
and Russian reforms 212
The National System of Political Economy 138–9, 495
and United States 500
literacy 511
China 92
as condition of franchise 314–15
Italy 41
literature, and capitalism 372, 511–12
Lithuania 14–15
Little Bighorn, Battle of the 225
Liu Kunyi, Chinese reformer 102
Liu Ping-chang, governor of Kiangsi 108
Lloyd George, David 294
People’s Budget (1909) 263, 362
Locke, John 159, 220
Lohmann, Theodor 357
Lombroso, Cesare 144, 509
cholera epidemics 75
East End 50, 53–4, 70, 295
Hyde Park ‘riots’ (1886) 361
Jews in 50, 295
population 46, 60
slums 48–9, 50
urban poor 49–51, 52–4
London, City of 60
London, Jack 54
The Iron Heel 372
Long Depression (1873–96) 119, 149, 153, 238, 361
and anti-capitalism 487–8
banking failures 483
and British exports 445–6
consequences of 491
deflation 478
as first global crisis 478–90
and German colonization 436
increased production 478, 479
and labour legislation 373
and labour movement 487–8
low interest rates 488–9
Loria, Achille 144
Lorimer, James 318, 453
Loris-Melikov, Count Mikhail 205, 279
Louis Napoléon see Napoléon III
Louis, Paul 471
Lovinescu, Eugen 121
Lu Xun, A Madman’s Diary 104
Lueger, Karl 251, 403–4
Lugard, Sir Frederick 19, 476
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio 519
Luoyang, China 46
Luther, Martin 386
Lutheran Church 399–400
Luzhnovsky, Gavril 281
Luzzatti, Luigi 148
Lyashchenko, Peter 211
Maasai people 19
Maastricht, Treaty of (1992) 11
Maby, François de 474
Macao 425
Macartney, George, mission to China 93–4
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 324, 465–6
McCormick agricultural machinery 241, 242
Macdonald, Ramsay 398
Macedonia 269
McGraw-Hill 242
Machiavelli, Niccolò 134, 159
Mackay, Charles, Extraordinary Popular Delusions … 528
McKinley, William 344, 346, 442, 510
MacLean, General Allan 63–4
McLuhan, Marshall 5
Macri, Mauricio 518
Macron, Emmanuel 521
Madagascar, French colony 470, 473–4
Madero, Francisco, Mexico 275
Maduro, Nicolás 519
Maezu, Ramiro de 441
Magna Carta 158
Mahmud II, Sultan 118
mail order catalogues 338–9
Maistre, Joseph de xxix
Maiwand, Battle of (1880) 431
Major, John 517
Malcolm X 408
Malthus, Thomas 347
Essay on the Principle of Population xxviii
managers, and and ownership of capital 385
Manchester, cotton manufacturing 51–2
Manchester Guardian 359, 444
Manchester School 145, 146, 171, 397–8, 456
Manchuria, Japanese invasion (1931) 105
Mandelson, Peter, MP 512
Manijirō Inagaki, scholar 111
Manners, Lord John 262
Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward 394
Mao Zedong 104
Marat, Jean-Paul 322
Marco Polo 4
marketing 338–9
capitalism and xxxiii–xxxiv, 485–6, 516
free-market ideology 515–18
regulation 140–41
Married Women’s Property Act (1882) 90
Marţian, Dionisie Pop 496
Martin, Robert Montgomery 95–6
Martineau, Harriet 152, 163
Marx, Karl xiv, xxv, xxxv
on American Civil War 221
and banking 527
on Bastiat 150
on Belgium 368–9
and capitalism 140, 201, 506–7, 513
on colonialism 423
and efficient state 136
on foreign investment 458
and Gladstone 263
and globalization 485
on industrial accidents 373
and progress 180, 203
on statism 157
on suffrage 318
on trade 96
on unemployment in London 52
on women 90
and working hours 371, 374
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels
Communist Manifesto (1848) xl, 1 90–91, 365
The German Ideology (1846) 191
Marxism, and industrialization 213
Masaryk, Tomáš 148
Masterman, Charles 262
The Condition of England 169
Mather, William, MP 370
Maurice, Frederick Denison 398
Maurras, Charles 392
Mayer, Arno 259
Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor 54
Mazzini, Giuseppe 243
Mearns, Revd Andrew, The Bitter Cry of Outcast London (1883) 264, 359
consumption 40, 49, 55, 56
contaminated 70
Méline, Jules 499
Menelik II of Ethiopia 36, 438
Menger, Carl, Principles of Economics (1871) 152
Men’s League for Opposing Women’s Suffrage 90
Smith’s opposition to 140
see also protectionism
Merchant Shipping Act (1876) 375
Mesopotamia, ancient xiv
Methodism 390–91
Mexico 31, 32, 144, 518
1857 constitution 275
1910 Revolution 267, 274–6, 509
economy 127, 128, 502–3
elites 503
influenza (1918) 76
land reforms 275
secularism 391
and USA 29, 238
Microsoft 526
middle classes
as colonial settlers 461–2
and democracy 190
discontent with capitalism 310
and economic development 64–6, 67–8
as entrepreneurs 135
life expectancy 71
savings 65
and servants 67–8
and taxation 159
see also bourgeoisie
Middle East 34, 426
refugees from 309
Miészko I, King of Poland 14
to Americas 308, 509
and assimilation (in America) 47–8
from China 97, 301–3
to cities 43, 47, 68
from Germany 308, 357, 437
and global capitalism 483
and industrialization 307–8
into France 78–9, 353
from Italy 41–2, 48, 439
see also immigrants
Mikhaylovsky, Nikolay 204
Milan, demonstration (1898) 312
arms race before First World War 491
role in modernizing change 267–8
US superiority 524–5
Mill, John Stuart xxii, 142, 152
on colo
nialism 453
and Eyre case 466
and female suffrage 315, 326
on migration 307
On Liberty 110
and race 306
and role of state 145
on taxation 164
Millerand, Alexandre 378
Milton Abbey, Dorset 64
Milyoukov, Paul 121, 198, 203–4, 282, 495
Mines and Collieries Act (1842) 374, 375
mines and mining
American 69
China 108
conditions 58, 69
Ming Dynasty 92, 93
Minsky, Hyman 528
Mirabeau, Count 248
Mirman, Léon 352
Mises, Ludwig von 152
Modernism 511
anxiety about xxviii–xxx
and cities 44
and colonialism 415
imposition of xvii
internal and external pressures 188–9
and political and economic reforms 267, 269
and religion 205, 212, 389–90
and rise of capitalism xxii–xxiii, 172
Russian resistance to 199–200
Modi, Narendra 518
Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, Shah of Persia 271
Moldava and Wallachia see Romania
Møller, Katti Anker 354
Mongols 3, 4, 92
monopolies xix, 140–41, 167
and American antitrust legislation 236–7
private 153
Monte Carlo 21
Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank 299
Montenegro 15–16, 25
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de 185, 424
De l’esprit des lois (1748) 90
on taxation 164
Moore, Barrington 224
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy 180–81
Morales, Evo 519
Morel, Edmund D. 433
Moreno, García 391
Moreno, Lenin 518
Morgan, J. Pierpont 232, 234, 235, 304
Morgan, Thomas Jefferson 303–4
Morley, John, The Life of Cobden 376
Morocco 471–2, 503
Morris, William 310, 399
mortality rates 68–9
Mortimer, Thomas, The Elements of Commerce … 161–2
Mozaffar ad-Din, Shah of Persia 270
Mozambique, Portugal and 440–41
Muhammad Ali, Khedive of Egypt 272–3, 419
Mulhall, Michael, The Progress of the World … (1880) 184–5
Mun, Albert de 393–4, 396, 473–4
Munthe, Axel 61
Murri, Romolo 397
Musgrave, Richard 168
Musil, Robert, The Man Without Qualities 43–4
in Algeria 469–70, 475
in Russian Empire 258
see also Islam
Mussorsky, Modest, Boris Godunov 207
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 134
Naguib, Muhammad 420
Najemy, John 388–9
Namibia, extermination of Herero tribe 432
Nanking (Nanjing), Treaty of (1852) 96, 424
Naoroji, Dadabhai, MP 418
disease 61, 75–6
foreign control of public utilities 130
population 46
urban poor 53
Napoleon Bonaparte 13
Napoleon III 150, 323, 350, 498
colonial policies 437, 468, 469
Napoleonic Empire (1804–15) 27
Napoleonic Wars, Russia and 197
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 420
Natal 457
Zulu rebellion (1906) 431
nation-building 247–66
and class 256–65
and democratization 247–51
and inequality 261–6
and languages 252
and patriotism 258–9
popular consensus in 276
and religion 252–5
role of history 248–9
and separatist movements 277–8
and suffrage 313–14
wars and 270
National Cash Register Company 242, 339
National Consumers League (1891) 338
National Review 176
and capitalism 190
competitive 503–4
and culture 10–11
ethnic definition 28
growth of xxxix–xl, 9
and history 12, 15–17, 21
idea of 120–21
and languages 16, 26, 31
negative connotations of 9–11
and outsiders 288–310
and Russian Federation 26
Native Americans, effect of disease on 77
Natsume Sōseki 111
Navigation Acts, repealed (1849) 498
Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China 91
Négrier, General Oscar de 460
Nekrasov, Nikolay 207, 290
neo-liberalism 11, 515, 516–20
and religion 518
Netflix 526
and Indonesia 426, 438, 446–7
low tariffs 492
‘Tulip mania’ 528
Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie 444
Neumann-Spallart, Franz Xaver von 191–2
New Zealand 30, 33, 343, 446
franchise 315, 319
pensions 355
working hours 373
Nicaragua 519
Nicholas I, Tsar 119, 204
Nicholas II, Tsar 205, 210, 281–3, 285, 495
October Manifesto (1905) 284, 290–91
Nicoll, William Robertson, British Weekly 390
Nietzsche, Friedrich 249
Nigeria 19, 476
nitrates, Latin American exports 127, 128
Nitti, Francesco Saverio 148, 384
Nixon, Richard, US President 134, 523
nonconformity, Britain 390–91
Nordau, Max, Entartung (Degeneration) 508–9
Normand, Charles 208
North Africa
states 25
see also Algeria; Egypt; Libya; Morocco
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 519
North China Herald 99
Northern Securities, railway conglomerate 237
Norway 21, 27
exports 174
maternity reforms 354
and capitalism 511
and condition of working class 372
obesity 58
O’Brien, James Bronterre 328
O’Brien, Patrick 181
Odessa, pogroms 290–91
Ogaden movement, Ethiopia 20, 21
Ōgai, Mori 428
Ohmae, Kenichi 11
Opium Wars 94–5, 424
Second (1856–60) 96
Ord, Sir Harry 460
Organization of African Unity 19
Orientalism 106–7
Ortega, Daniel, Sandanista 519
O’Sullivan, John 415
Ottoman Empire
and 1876 constitution 269
disintegration 24–5, 120, 136, 269–70
failure of reforms 268–70
Jews in 299–300
Long Depression (1873–96) 119
middle class 135
and modernization 91, 118–20
and nation-building 257
public debt and expenditure 119
Reform Edict (1856) 268
repression 268
Tanzimat movement 118
taxation 166–7
Young Turks Revolution (1908) 267, 269, 509
see also Egypt; Middle East; Turkey
Owen, Robert 370
Ozerov, Ivan K. 219–20
Pacific, War of the (1879–83) 32
Paine, Thomas 164
Common Sense 143
The Rights of Man 348
Palestine, Jewish migrat
ion to 291
Pall Mall Gazette 145, 176, 295
Palmerston, Lord 106, 156, 163, 329
pan-Slavism 210
Pankhurst, Emmeline 315
papal infallibility (1869–70) 401
and politics 391
and social reforms 384, 394–6
Paraguay 32
1904 revolution 509
Pareto, Wilfredo 250
Paris 6, 46, 67
Le Bon Marché 339
remodelled 150
urban conditions 59–60
Paris Bourse 184
Paris Commune (1871) 368
Parkes, Edmund A. 74
Passy, Frédéric 470
Pasteur, Louis 76
patriotism, and nation-building 258–9
Patten, Simon 57, 337
China 97
Greece 131
idealisation of life of 200
Japan 115
life and diet 38, 40–41, 42
poll tax revolt (England 1381) 159
Romania 45, 122, 123–4, 297
Russia 200, 202
taxation 158–9
Ukraine 45
Pecchio, Giuseppe 186–7
Péguy, Charles 226, 472
Peking, Conventions of (1860) 96
Pelzer, South Carolina 379
France 350, 378
non-contibutory universal (1908 UK) 360
Sweden 355–6
Perry, Commodore Matthew, Japan 109, 110
Persia see Iran
Peru 5, 33
Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia 25, 89–90, 199
beard tax 160
Peterloo Massacre (1819) 325
philanthropic paternalism 378–81
philanthropy 266, 346–7
Philippines, United States and 426, 431–2, 441, 442
phylloxera vine disease 488
Picavea, Ricardo Macías, El problema nacional Hechos 277
Picot, Georges, Les Moyen d’améliorer la condition de l’ouvrier 372
pig iron, production as measure of industrialization xx–xxi, 169
pigs, in towns 69
Piketty, Thomas 83, 488–9
Pinkerton, Allan 225
Pinkerton National Detective Agency 225
Pitt, William, the Younger 142, 156
Pittsburgh, Cambria Iron Works 230
Pius IX, Pope 391, 392–3
Pius X, Pope, Il Formo Proposito 391
Plato, The Republic 511
Plehve, Vyacheslav von 279, 281
Plekhanov, Georgi, Our Differences 216–17
Pobedonostsev, Konstantin 205, 279–80, 290, 370
anti-Italian (in France) 305
anti-Semitic 290–91
Poland 13, 279
borders 14–15, 26, 256
industrialization 215
Jews in 294
nation-building 248, 256
Polanyi, Karl 180
Polisario movement, western Sahara 20–21
Polish language 252
political parties
agrarian 399–400, 515
Belgium 331–2
Christian democrat 516
communist 515
Europe 335–6
fascist 515
Germany 332
nationalist 515
populist 520–21
The Anxious Triumph Page 108