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Savage Promise

Page 7

by J. Woods

  “Now, please,” she murmured against his mouth. He nipped at her lower lip as she felt him toe out of the pool of denim at his feet. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him fully onto the bed and overtop of her. His warmth flowed over her, her senses infused with his scent of masculinity and all Max. She couldn’t keep her hands still, the urge to touch every inch of him - his broad muscular back, his defined biceps, the chisel of his chest down his defined six pack and finally... finally to the arousal that continued to tease her. Her fingers wrapped around his hard length, her eyes closing slowly at the feel of him in her hand.

  God, she missed this. She missed him.

  His rough male groan echoed close to her ear. “Baby, I missed you.” Her eyes sprung open at his statement. Had she let her own admission slip? Surely he couldn’t mean it. Before she could over think it, she felt his teeth against her neck as her grip tightened and her hand started to move up and down, his body tense and corded above her. His fingers wrapped around her wrist, halting her movements. Bringing her hand up to his mouth he kissed her fingers. “Brie...” She grinned at the tight tone of his voice and the knowledge that she affected him in this moment as much as he did her.

  “Now,” she demanded at the same time she felt him position himself and thrust into her with one hard stroke. Her back arched off the bed, her moans mixed with his while fingers tightened on hers. Brie had never known so much pleasure as when she was with Max. He was gentle and rough, soft and hard all at the same time. And right now, he was all hers.


  Max didn’t know what came over him when he was with Brie. She shattered his control and managed to touch every part of him that he was usually able to hold back. He knew he should slow down, she was pregnant and he was taking her like a starving man. But hell, that’s exactly what he was. He finally, finally had the woman who took up every spare second of his mind in his arms and he wanted to love her slowly, show her how much he’d thought about her, how much he wanted her. He wanted to re-familiarize himself with every inch of her silky smooth skin. He knew she was worried about how she looked with her pregnancy and he didn’t think Brie could ever be more beautiful than that first, and only, night they’d spent together. But seeing her now, her eyes dark with her arousal, the flush on her cheeks, her lips swollen from his kisses, he knew he was wrong. The pregnancy only sensitized her body further and he loved it. He hadn’t meant for his little admission earlier, but he should have known when he was with Brie, he couldn’t depend on any filter blocking his thoughts. She was so hot and tight around him, it was all he could do to clench his teeth and slow down. He needed to savor this, to savor her. Because damn it, she was not getting away from him again. Slowing his hips into a rhythmic motion he felt her legs wrap around his hips, her heels digging into his ass.

  “Don’t even think about it, Savage.” Her breathy demand pulled a low half groan, half chuckle from his chest. She was determined to kill him.

  “Demanding little thing,” he growled, his mouth grazing against her collarbone before his lips closed around one tight, perfect nipple. He craved her passionate cries as a tide of desire rushed through him, demanding he claim what he knew belonged to him. Moaning, incoherent words fell from his lips as his fingers tightened around hers, holding her closer to him. His hips thrust in almost violent, hard strokes while her body started to quiver and clench down around his dick. He had to clench his teeth against his exploding release. He wanted this moment to last, forever. Because being inside of Brie was the most perfect place he had ever been. There was no pain from the past, no questions for the future; there was just Brie, just this. She was draining him of everything he had, physically, emotionally, and she didn’t even know it. He felt her suddenly clamp down on him, her body refusing to let his go as she exploded beneath him. Her sharp little teeth sank into the base of his neck, muffling his name on her lips. Giving in to his own release, he felt his own climax tear through him spurning another detonation from Brie. God, she was so responsive. He felt like he was dying as she pulled everything from him, branding him as he melted into her. And he knew in that moment, she was a part of him and would forever haunt his every fantasy.

  Peppering her neck with kisses he rolled off of her, scared he was putting too much weight on her belly. “Are you okay?” he asked, tamping down the sudden urge to splay his hand across her taught, rounding skin. Her mumbling, contented sigh left him grinning as he got up and moved to the bathroom grabbing a warm washcloth. Swallowing against the sudden feelings he had no idea how to handle, he concentrated on cleaning the evidence of his arousal and hers from her thighs and then himself before crawling into the bed beside her. Already half asleep, he pulled her into his arms knowing instinctively that’s where she belonged.

  He felt like his soul had been splayed open, his heart no longer in his possession, but in the palm of the satisfied woman who was curling against him like a contented little kitten. He sighed and gave into his own exhaustion, his last thought being that Brie felt only too right in his arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Brie relished in the warmth that was enveloping her. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt so comfortable, so secure, so... cherished. She felt the very strong, male arms wrap tighter around her and instinctively she knew they were Max’s. Opening her eyes she saw the day had grown into night, the black of the sky filtering in through her curtainless windows. She looked over his still sleeping form, god, he was cut from a dirty fantasy. He was rogue and dangerous and too damn charming for his own good. And hers. She needed to pull back. Just in the span of a few hours he worked his magic with his dangerous grin and entrancing ice blue eyes contrasting against his dark features and she was naked. She rolled her eyes at her own lack of control; she hadn’t even put up a fight. She was pathetic.

  Slipping away from his hold, she pulled the robe hanging on the back of her door around her and padded quietly down the hall. At this stage in her pregnancy she was always hungry and after the workout that insatiable man just put her through, she was famished. Opening the fridge she pulled out her stash of baked potatoes. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, she wanted a baked potato. Placing one in the microwave she turned to stare out over her completely unpacked apartment. He was so determined to have her be comfortable in her new home, regardless of his disappointment in her place of residence. She didn’t think she would ever set eyes on him again, he was supposed to just be a hot, one-night stand that she would forever cherish in her memories but he came crashing back into her life. She smiled; it really was true to Max Savage form. But she had to remember who he really was, and what she was to him. Her hand rested comfortably on her belly. And she had to keep her secret. She remembered his whispering promises, how he told her that he missed her. But Max was a pirate, he was rogue and dangerous with a smile that was full of mischief, someone you just couldn’t help but be drawn to. He was an exotic flavor that appealed to each and every one of her senses. The microwave beeped behind her, pulling her out of her wayward thoughts. She heard the distant sounds of Max getting out of her bed, smiling at her still tingling body. She jumped when the shrill of a cell phone started on the counter. Looking over she realized it wasn’t hers when the photo of a gorgeous woman with long dark hair appeared on the screen beside him as they made goofy faces at the camera. She didn’t even bother to look at the name before she turned away. She was just another in a long line of one-night stands. She felt the small part of her heart that she allowed him to glimpse tonight splinter. She was stupid. Because even though she knew better, a part of her wanted to believe the intimacy, the way his lips seemed to move over hers as if he really did miss her. She had no right to feel the way she did. He wasn’t hers, she had made no claims against his heart. And even still, she couldn’t help but feel the sharp, painful disappointment that shot through her, resonating down through her belly. She gripped the counter and with deep breaths calmed the rioting hurt within her. She couldn’t do this, she was
seven months pregnant and she didn’t want to play this game, especially with a man like Max Savage. Because she knew, she would lose.

  He sauntered down the hall with only his jeans on, his chest bare, his eyes bright and too seeing. “I was wondering where you got off too.” He grinned as he took in her robe, sauntering, stalking her as he walked around to where she was standing. As he leaned in to steal her lips, she quickly turned back to the fridge, his kiss landing on her cheek. She could feel his frown at her back as she reached in and grabbed the juice she didn’t want to drink. She needed to take control of the situation before he weaved his wicked magic around her and she found herself in nothing but the desire she felt whenever she just looked at him. Again. She felt his fingers start their sensual assault on her tense shoulders and it took all she had in her to bite back the moan that was building in her chest. Her emotions were too conflicting, she was excited that he was here, touching her, teasing her. But her head hurt and her heart ached. “I have been meaning to ask you,” he started, his lips caressing the shell of her ear. “About the baby. We haven’t talked about it yet. And I think we should.” She felt her entire body tense and she knew he felt it too.

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” she stated with a calm she didn’t feel.


  “Max, don’t,” she interrupted him as she turned around with a tight smile. “Please.” He stared into her eyes, searching for the lie she was trying so hard to mask. He nodded, leaning in to give her one of the sweetest kisses she had ever received. She swallowed the tears that burned her throat and she couldn’t help but respond, knowing what she was about to do.

  “You’re phone rang. While you were still in the bedroom.”

  “Yeah?” He moved toward the counter where the phone sat. Picking it up his smile sliced through her like a hot lance. Pulling her potato out of the microwave, she stared at it, her appetite suddenly lost. She could see him out of her peripheral as he placed the phone to his ear. Was he really calling another woman while he was still in her apartment? He hadn’t even put his damn shirt on yet!

  “Hey gorgeous, everything okay?”


  She felt it down to her very core.

  “Okay listen, I can’t talk right now.” His laughter cut off whatever he was about to say and she didn’t think she could take anymore, thankful ‘gorgeous’ hung up before her hell could continue. She watched as his grin remained and just as he was about to say something she cut him off.

  “Listen Max, this was fun. But I have stuff to do.” His fierce frown was filled with confusion before he narrowed his eyes.

  “It’s eleven o’clock at night. What do you have to do Brie? And what exactly was fun?”

  “This,” she explained lightly, moving her hand in between them. “Our little reunion. But it’s made me realize that I obviously can’t be doing this.”

  “What is this?” She could see the spark of anger in his eyes, his arms slowly and meticulously folding across his bare chest, his muscles bunching and tensing with the movement. And damn if even that wasn’t sexy.


  “You know what I mean, Max. I’m seven months pregnant and I can’t be running around with Vancouver’s top playboy,” she shrugged as if it she didn’t feel the hurt attacking every part of her, an outsider looking in on the chaos that was her life in this moment. “It was fun for a night, long ago and far away, but I’m just kind of over it.” She almost showed her surprise at the flash of hurt that shot through his features before he quickly masked it with hard indifference.


  “No, really. It’s made me realize what I want.”

  “And that is?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “A future,” she admitted.

  “And you don’t think...”

  “I think you need to leave,” she stated with a cold edge. She bit her bottom lip and looked down. Because looking at him was ripping her heart out. She couldn’t hold back the flood of tears this time. But she refused to let them fall until she was alone. She could feel his confusion and the hard shield he pulled around himself as he let her words sink in.

  “Well, I guess that clears that up.” His tone was emotionless, filled with ice as he shoved his phone in his pocket and pulled on his boots before leaving her apartment. And her. The silence in his departure and the soft click of the door allowed the first tear to fall. He didn’t slam the door as she expected, he closed it quietly behind him, an almost more devastating action. Moving to the closed barrier that felt so thick and palpable between them, she turned the lock and moved slowly to her bedroom. She ignored his shirt that she had ripped from him earlier, strewn across the floor as she crawled into her bed and pulled the covers over her head. She had never been so hurt and so angry at the same time. Had he actually called another woman, in front of her? Wiping at her damp cheeks she refused to shed any more tears for the man who she hoped was different. But wasn’t. Closing her eyes, she soothed her hands over her bulging belly and prayed for the sleep that was so far away.


  Max was furious. He couldn’t remember a time he had ever been so angry. And now he stormed out of Brie’s apartment building, shirtless. Had he read her completely wrong? He could swear at times, especially when they were making love, or having fun as she carelessly demoted what they had, that she was feeling the same thing he was. But maybe, when he felt like she was actually touching his soul, maybe she was just having fun.

  Jumping into his truck he slammed the door closed before tearing out of the parking lot and into traffic. He thought of home but found himself driving to the very bar where he’d first met Brie. He needed a drink.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he parked his truck beside one that was familiar and he couldn’t help the amused grin that tugged at his mouth. Grabbing a shirt from the extra set of clothes he always kept in the back, he tugged it on before walking toward the door just as the sky opened up and sheets of cold rain fell toward the ground with slamming force.


  Opening the door he spotted his target immediately, an empty glass in front of him, his eyes dark and brooding as they lifted to meet his own. His brother motioned the bartender for two drinks as Max surveyed the bar before taking the empty stool.

  "You look as pissed as I feel. Angela kick you out or something?"

  "Or something," Nate growled. Max stared at him, taking a sip of beer as he waited for his brother to continue. "It's done." Max didn't need any further explanation and he was glad it was done. Angela was a bitch and he never knew what his brother saw in the ice queen. They had gone to high school together and he assumed that it was familiarity that kept his brother around, but damn, he deserved better. "Thought you would be with the flavor of the night at this hour."

  "There hasn't been any new flavors in seven months," he admitted. Nate turned to look at him as if he'd grown two heads.

  "The one from the party?" Max nodded his head, trying to hide his surprise. Damn, he didn't think he had been that obvious. But then again, not too much slipped past his too intuitive younger brother.

  Nate had always had that watchful eye, always careful, always knowledgeable of his surroundings. Playing hide and seek was a waste of time, hell half the time he wouldn't even leave his spot from counting against the large tree in the front yard. He would point to each spot and Max and his brothers and sisters would drag their feet from they're attempt at hiding. It turned into a game in itself, they would have Nate counting to a higher number each time, but he couldn't remember when they had ever essentially won.

  “You do realize she’s pregnant,” Nate pointed out with a smirk. Max grunted before taking a long pull of the cold beer from the bottle he’d taken from the bartender.

  “Yeah, I noticed that.”

  “You want to talk about it?”

  “Nope. Do you want to talk about Angela?”

  “Negative. What I do want to talk about is the fact that we
have eyes on us.” Max didn’t need to look around to see who it was. He’d felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up the minute he walked through the door. He’d noticed a table of four guys sitting in the shadows, watching, calculating his every step. The only question was, who the hell were they?

  “Recognition?” Nate asked.

  “No. Are they watching you?”

  “Not as hard as they’re watching you,” Nate grinned before draining his beer. “We really should get up and go home.”

  “We should. But I’m just not ready to go home yet.” Max turned to his brother before they both shared the same look, slow smiles growing before silent laughter bubbled in his chest. All of Max’s brothers had always had his back, but Nate was always the one that stood beside him before the fight even started. They knew how each other moved, they’re thoughts; Logan and Max were almost identical in looks, but Nate and Max knew each other so well they almost seemed to share a mental connection sometimes. With a nod they stood from their stools, throwing some cash on the bar before they walked out silently, knowing they were being followed.


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