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Voices of the Stars

Page 39

by Rowena Whaling

  My preparation and guise had worked perfectly. I was admitted into my Grandmother’s house and soon into her affections. After I had been there for two years and believed I had earned her trust, I told my Grandmother who I was and all about my Mother. I had not been sure of how she would feel to be reminded of her transgression and perhaps her shame. But she said, “My granddaughter, my heart. Always have I grieved the loss and the robbery of my beautiful daughter, my baby girl, ripped from my arms – rending the foundation of my whole. And now, here you are, in the fading Days of my life, bringing the joy, the answer, and the peace with which I may go to my grave.”

  Her clouded eyes beheld me as though I was her life’s greatest treasure. My fears of rejection had been completely unfounded. My existence would always be our secret, to be kept between us – and from her people. She had bidden me to send word to my Mother, Vivianne, of how happy she was to know of her wellbeing and successes. This news of her daughter and her relationship with me filled the rest of her Days with joy.

  I soon found out to my astonishment that many men there – and women too – were literate, some still in the old language their Ancestors had brought with them from Old Jerusalem. Others spoke Greek, as well. Their Holy Men – both Hebrew and Christian – had some books in the ancient tongues of Greek and Hebrew, the latter being close to Aramaic. I learned that these related tongues had originated in the land of the Chaldeans, wherein was the city of Ur – from whence their Holy Books say Father Abraham had come.

  These people, secretly, yet exuberantly, shared their histories and legends with me. They have an “In the beginning” Myth or actually two – depending upon how Mystically oriented was the person telling it.

  Creation Myths always interest me, for in a very basic way – albeit culturally coloured – they are all similar: “In the beginning,” “Once Upon a Time,” “In The First Time,” “Before the Fall of Man, when everyone was a Seer or spoke with the Gods, the Animals and the Birds,” there was a Paradise on Earth.

  This makes me wonder whether the legend of my Mother’s people – about the one hundred original boats sailing away from their doomed land – is not just another such Myth of origins... origins, that is, of their original Ancestors and therefore Divine right of Kingship.

  Oh, it is not that the propaganda of Kings and their lackeys of all lands have not claimed the special support of their Gods at Times, but it has ever been understood that their enemies or competitors have their own Gods, just as alive – if not as powerful – as their own. I had very much hoped that the old Jews, as well as the Christians here, were more tolerant than others, and they were.

  However, they all strictly keep hold of their belief in their God’s chosen bloodline of Kings, through Father Abraham and King David. And here, most Christians and Jews alike claim descendancy through Yeshua, Miriam of Magdala, or Yosef of Arimathea.

  Legends of the origins of these people abound, and some are quite complicated or fanciful. I will relate the one held as truth by my Grandmother:

  The man named Yeshua, the King – the Christ – had been killed. His followers had immediately dispersed after the crucifixion, for fear of persecution by Roman and the Jewish Sanhedrin “powers that be.” However they rallied soon after, with the advent of Mystical stories of Yeshua’s arising from the dead and being whisked away upon the wings of Angels into the heavens – as had their legendary prophet Enoch, long before.

  These followers became many – as Yeshua had not only been a great Wise Man and Philosopher, but the anointed and accepted King of the Jews through the line of King David of the Tribe of Judah. They called themselves “Nazarenes.”

  When the dreaded persecution did begin, Yosef took the woman Miriam, Yeshua’s companion – which is what the Jews called a wife – Miriam’s young daughter Sara, two other women, and three male friends with him – and fled Old Jerusalem.

  They sailed across the great Southern Sea – which the Romans call Mare Nostrum – in a Merchant vessel, to its far Northwestern coast. There they established a community in the area of Aix en Provence.

  Roman historians have written that “After the Romans sacked Old Jerusalem, the Jews were forced to live with much tribulation.” Most of them eventually fled the immediate Roman environs Westward across the Mare Nostrum to live with their ever-increasing population of kin.

  …and perhaps the Royal Family?

  Miriam of Magdala was of the royal line of King Saul of the Tribe of Benjamin. This is important; because as my Grandmother’s people reckon it, the only true GOD of the Jews, and the great Father God of the now called “Christians” had Himself, first chosen Saul to be King of the Jews. Then, changing His decision – no doubt due to the rebellious nature of Saul – bade his Prophet Samuel to anoint David – of the Tribe of Judah – as King of His “chosen people.”

  This created a problem for many, for according to their cultural tradition, the Kingship was supposed to be hereditary.

  Many people of the Tribe of Benjamin had held resentment that an heir of Saul’s had not been anointed to the Kingship after Saul. Apparently, this resentment amoung them had quietly lingered for all of the centuries that passed until the Time of Yeshua Ben Yosef!

  This long rift would be healed by the joining of Miriam of Magdala and Yeshua, the Nazarene – thus uniting the royal lineages of David and Saul.

  It has been speculated by some that the reason for Yeshua’s great support amoung the people and his acceptance as their King, was because of this joining.

  It is the Jews’ centuries’ long tradition to keep very strict genealogies, for they hold it of the utmost importance that the true Royal bloodlines of King David, King Saul, and of their rightful heirs, be kept safely in written form.

  These genealogies state that my Grandmother, who is now called Queen Vivianne del Acqs – Queen of King Merovech – is a direct hereditary princess through the matrilineal line of Miriam of Magdala and Yeshua, the King.

  I know that a list of every generation since Miriam of Magdala and Yosef of Arimathea has been kept in secret – and in many houses – by my Grandmother’s family’s genealogists to preserve it; one Day to claim the sovereign Kingship of all the lands they be worthy of. Yet, in my own thoughts, I wonder, “What lands are these? and, why does this matter?”

  The most important aspect of this was the right of Kingship.

  This concept of Kingship by Divine right is widely held. Most royal houses and even Clan and Tribal Chieftains try to legitimatize their claims by faking their genealogies back to an original Ancestor or to people from the Stars or to the Consort of the Goddess or even – as in their case – to the one HIGH GOD.

  Perhaps some legends do hold truly historical memories from the distant past. There may be seeds of actual truths in these tales.

  Yes... I suppose my Mother was right, I am a cynical realist.

  But to continue the story...

  The following are the words of my Grandmother Queen Vivianne, wife of King Merovech: “My Mother was the hereditary princess of the royal line. Her Mother named her Sara, which means ‘Princess.’ That had also been my Grandmother’s name. My Grandmother had been so acclaimed for her Wisdom – even at a young age, that her Grandfather had taught the Magic and the Mysteries of the Secret Books to her. This was a thing forbidden. She was sworn to keep this knowledge to herself, as tradition held that only married men could know such things. After her Grandfather died and her daughter – my Mother – had begun her menstruation, my Grandmother could not bear to keep these secrets silent, so she taught my Mother all. My Mother was a rebellious girl – she would NOT go along with her Father’s wishes regarding anything. One Day, in a rage, she told him that women should not be treated as inferior to men. “I hold the Blood Royal within me through my Mother, so why should I obey you in all things?” Then she spat forth “I know the Mysteries of the Secret Books!”

  Her Father asked, “Who taught these things to you?!”

  Of c
ourse, she would not hurt her Mother for anything under the sun, so she never answered him. This only made his anger and hatred towards her grow. He retorted, “Sara, you hold the Blood Royal, but so does your sister. You must be removed far from our midst. I have made a marriage contract with the King of the Svars, Gundaharius, so that you will not be able to contaminate our families of Burgundian Affalonia. Gundaharius is desirous of your Holy Blood for his children.”

  “I will NOT marry this man!”

  “Oh? Well, then – you do have another choice. My men will take you – bound upon a Horse – far from here into unknown territory, untie you and leave you with only the clothing you are wearing, a flask of water, a loaf, and one gold coin. This I will do so that it may not be said of me that I caused your Death. Which is your choice?”

  Of course, she married the King of the Svars and went to live in his land – far from her family. There was one stipulation that her Father insisted upon in the marriage contract with Gundaharius. This was that she never be known as ‘Sara’ in his land. Her husband agreed. Now, in the families of the Svars, women are treated much differently than in Provence or Burgundy. There, women fight alongside their men and have their say in all things. Of course, my Mother was happy to hear this! Also, in that land, the Arts Magical are revered as were the Magicians, Seers, and “Knowing Women,” perhaps too, a little feared.

  When my Mother first saw her husband, she Loved him and his long, thick, fair hair, which fell over his shoulders in waves. And so did she Love his blue eyes!

  Seeing how things were, my Mother told her husband of her great knowledge. He said, “Then you will be named Brunhild – ‘She who knows’.”

  I was born of their union – Princess Chlodeswinth, later called Verica and now Vivianne. It seems that I was too much my Mother’s daughter, for at fourteen I met a young and handsome archer for hire from the Old Tribes of the Britons and fell in Love with him. We made a child together – she who is your Mother, Nimue. My Father hid me away from sight of all until I gave birth… then… well, I suppose that your Mother has told the rest.

  When I was seventeen, I was married to Merovech and came South into his land and thence here, were I was reunited with my Mother’s family… My Mother – ‘She who knows’ – had secretly brought a scroll that was a copy of the genealogies of every generation from Adam –the original Ancestor – through her Mother Sara. Every generation! As I was leaving her land with Merovech, she gave it to me. I now ask you, Nimue, to write my name, your Mother’s name, and your name onto the scroll.

  I have heard of the Library of Secrets of the Order on the Isle of Apples. I ask you to have a copy of this scroll made, leave the original in the keeping of my family here and then, please, give the copy into the hands of your Mother to place in the library.”

  I remained in her land for six years, then she died. I grieved her loss, yet I knew that she went to her Ancestors in peace.

  I felt it Time to go home then, so Owen and I, as well as those of our company who had not made new lives in this wonderful new land, returned to King Arthur’s Misty realm.

  Of course the first place I went was to my Mother on the Isle of Apples.

  Owen had family that he would see too, so we went our separate ways. I stayed with my Mother for three months, giving into her hand the written account of her Mother’s ancient bloodline. By that Time, I had to get away. Their peaceful, quiet lifestyle at the Order was not what I was accustomed to. I longed for my freedom. My Mother understood. So, we said our farewells and I began to travel Northward.

  Chapter 22

  Nimue, the Dragon Caller


  I had never really seen much of these Fair Isles, so once again I began sojourning into unknown adventures as Nimue the traveling Merchant. I went as far as the land of the Picti, a wild and craggy land – a land of Bracken, Thistle, and Heather, of dangerous rocky shore lines, of splendorous Lochs and Mountains. There were Islands off the mainland in the choppy Sea, where there were many ancient Stone Circles and monuments. Once I saw the great swirling coloured lights in the Northern Night Sky. I watched the Full Moon dance between a row of monoliths, high upon a ridge. The Lady’s Dance, they call it.

  Here in this wilderness I came to know the painted barbarians – they who practice very primitive, ancient Rites. There was amoung them a woman – a Seer – who was very old and powerful. Her sagging jowls, the deep lines around her mouth and eyes, and the creases in her forehead betrayed her age, but more than that, they seemed to tell the story of her life’s journeys and her Wisdoms. Her hair hung matted nearly to her knees. The palms of her hands were stained red. The tongue she spoke was hard for me to learn at first, but I did learn it well enough to get by. I have always been gifted in languages. She trusted me for some reason and eventually allowed me into their Ritual circle of power.

  Upon one of those occasions, strong and chaotic Spirits – of something – moving, dancing around me, were brushing my cloak and hair. I even saw and experienced their Ancestors in these Rites and many other wondrous things. They painted me blue, even tattooed their symbols upon my back – symbols so old that even they had lost the meaning of most of them.

  It was here in the far North that my Great Teacher called to me – to me – the cynical realist, the skeptic, the one who had all but scoffed at the Gods!

  One Night, the old woman led me to a blazing Fire amidst a circle of Stones. There, standing calf deep in the heavy Snow, which had been falling since Sundown, the old woman presented a staff to me. It was as tall as I and had the same symbols carved deeply into it as had been tattooed onto my back. A black Serpent spiraled down its length. She told me that it was to be used to call the Great Teachers to me. She related to me and the six others who were observing, that she had spoken with one of these Teachers while in a deep Trance that had lasted for three Days and Nights. She said it was especially momentous ‘to be by the power of three.’ Have I not heard this expression somewhere before? She said that she had made the staff exactly as my Great Teacher had instructed her to do in her Vision. My teacher? The moment I held the staff in my hand, I felt an opening up of myself. I was as one with all around me. Even the Stars were reaching down to me. The Rocks, the Land, all Animals, all People – everything – everything was a piece of me as I was of them.

  Words fail me to explain what I felt and what changed within me, but at once I knew that nothing in my life had ever been this real. She called to my Teacher, in words I did not understand. I told her so. She smiled a broad toothless smile and then laughed.

  “I will let Her tell you,” she said. Then, all the observers backed away from me and vanished into the heavy frozen Mist. I waited. I cannot say for how long. Hours? No Time at all? Slowly a hissing whisper came to me.

  “I claim you, Nimue… but only if you accept me. This one chance you have. Only once will I call to you. Will you be claimed or no, Nimue?”

  “But, what or who are you?” I asked.

  “What do you think, Nimue? What do I feel like to you?”

  “You feel different – not Human nor Ancestor nor Animal.”

  “You are saying what I do not feel like. I asked what I do feel like. Stop using the body that thinks, Nimue. See and feel through your Magical eyes and tell me what I am. Time will come and Time will go, but only now may you answer – or I will leave you forever.”

  “No... No, do not go, please. You are…you are…”

  I had to fight to hold onto what was almost in my consciousness, but was tearing itself away from me. Moment by moment I was thrown out into a dark and churning Sea, yet in the same moment I was falling... falling into an eternal, benevolent darkness. There was no Time, there was no place. I surrendered to primal extinct.

  “You are a Dragon! But I do not fear you – no one could. You are Wisdom, you are goodness and you are the Great Teacher of my Spirit. You Love me... I Love you... I only now know that I have been waiting for you all of my life.”

>   “Many lives, Dragon Caller.”

  I wept and wept. The Tribal people surrounded me again. They rattled, drummed, and called out. They seemed to glow in the Mist. Were they all Dragon Callers too?

  Then I saw what the churning and swirling energies were. Many, many Dragons, all beautiful, but especially was mine, and so to me she would always be.

  In the weeks to come she told me what to call her – and that I may call her, and that she would come whenever I did.

  No one had to tell me that this was a silent tradition. Only should I tell their Mysteries to another one touched by – or called by – Dragons or to another Dragon Caller. I knew without a doubt that I would recognize these ones when they came into my life, as I knew they, too, would me.

  As years went by, I would call for Dragons and whole chambers or Fields or Forests would fill up with them. Many became lifelong companions, but only one was my own Great Teacher.

  Never could I learn from whence they have come, or what exactly they had been before they all ascended into Spirit form. Once I made up a story about them – my myth went thusly...

  Aeons ago Dragons had been the dominant and most intelligent race on this Earth. But the Time came about that they had all served their required incarnations of life on this Earth. And so, all together they had ascended to the Stars – save for one Dragon.

  This one Dragon was broken-hearted to leave this place. She could not bear the thought of leaving this world behind without the stewardship of a race of beings as – or at least almost as – intelligent and wise as Dragons. She knew, of course, that within the great Seas were Creatures such as the Whales and Dolphins, but as for the land…

  Now, really she should have known that the Mother Goddess would leave no void – that She would provide. Besides which, intelligence might not be as valuable as the Love, Spirit, and instincts that the other Animals had. But this Dragon would have her own way. So, as all of her race flew towards the Stars in one mighty flock, she stayed behind.


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