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Page 13

by The Twelve Dancing Princesses

  It was the same with other matters. She knew how he longed for her to kiss him in more intimate places, but it was extremely difficult and unpleasant for her to do so after he had performed his normal bodily functions all day without being cleansed. She wondered why he would shower every morning before going to work, and yet not bother to shower in the evening before coming to bed. Surely no one in his workplace would be nearly as intimate with him as she, and yet he did not seem concerned at all about how he presented himself to her. And even on the rare occasions when he did shower before coming to her—she was very excited when this first happened—she was later dismayed to find that he had not rinsed properly, so having him in her mouth was like sucking on a bar of soap. She barely got through the experience without gagging.

  In the long run it had become easier to simply find excuses to avoid all intimacies involving her senses of smell and taste. When her husband made love to her, she turned her face away from his, or chose a position where she was not facing him at all. And she simply stopped pleasing him with her mouth.

  Princess Hygenia compensated for this lack of control over her husband’s personal hygiene by keeping the environment around her as sterile as possible.

  The prince was merely confused by all of these manifestations in his wife, and assumed his wife was reserved.

  Princess Hygenia mused over these discomfiting matters as she scrubbed the dirty dishes. Her husband knew better than to help her; for she was quite fastidious about things and would more than likely find fault with his efforts.

  It was during this time that the wizardess arrived at their door. The prince went to greet her while his wife hurried to finish the dishes.

  The wizardess observed the prince’s laid-back demeanor and slightly unkempt appearance as he led her through their home into the kitchen. She noticed that he seemed somewhat out of place in the spotlessly clean environment.

  Now Harmonia approved of a tidy home, but here she detected disorderliness in the extreme order, which indicated frustration in other matters. Princess Hygenia greeted her warmly, clasping her hand firmly, but there was sorrow in her eyes. The wizardess noticed that her hands were red and quite warm from the piping hot dishwater. And the princess was as tidy as her home. As the wizardess observed the setting all around her, she realized suddenly that the prince stood out like a sore thumb. And that, of course, was what causing the princess so much distress.

  “It smells wonderful in here,” the wizardess remarked. “What is that smell?”

  “Oh, that,” replied the princess. “It is a scented candle that I just love. It takes the other odors out of the air.”

  “You are quite sensitive to smells, I suppose?” questioned the wizardess.

  “Oh, yes,” sighed the princess. “Quite!”

  “I think I have something here that will work wonders for you in that case,” said the wizardess. She sifted through her bag and retrieved from it a little black bottle and a double-ended brush. “This bottle contains magic bubbles,” she continued, turning to the prince and handing him the items. “Listen very closely. The bubbles will activate the most appealing scents from within you, making you irresistible to your wife. It is all natural and quite healthful to use. You may use the bubbles to wash any part of you that you wish to make desirable to Princess Hygenia.”

  The prince and princess both blushed. “And the brush?” asked the prince.

  “That is for inside your mouth,” she replied. “See, this side is to brush your teeth with, and the other side is for your tongue.”

  “My tongue?” asked the prince.

  “Oh, yes,” replied the wizardess. “You do want your tongue to be irresistible to the princess, too, don’t you?”

  “Yes, of course!” said the prince. He had never before even thought of such a thing.

  “Well, then,” continued the wizardess. “Use the brush and the magic bubbles on your tongue, too. Oh, and one more thing. Be sure to rinse very well when using the liquid, as it will not be good for Princess Hygenia or you to actually ingest any of it.” So saying, the wizardess picked up her bag and went on her way.

  “Good luck!” she called out with a little giggle.

  The prince and princess looked at each other. The princess was doubtful. She was not sure that her husband simply using some good-smelling bubbles was going to help the situation but she was certainly hopeful. To her surprise, he said, “I think I’ll try this brush right now!”

  She waited anxiously to see the result.

  “Okay,” the prince said when he returned. “Let’s see if the wizardess’s magic potion has made me irresistible to my wife.” He said this jokingly as he whisked her into his arms and swept her backward so that she would have fallen over if he had not held her so securely. She laughed at the romantic gesture, causing her to take a quick intake of breath as his lips approached hers. For the first time in her memory, there was no odor at all that she could detect in his breath, except the very mild smell of his flesh. She inhaled the pleasing aroma and it sent her senses reeling. This is what she had been craving.

  For once it was her prince, and only her prince, that she kissed. There was not a single thing to distract her from the intimate moment when his mouth took hers. His lips brushed ever so lightly over hers for a moment, teasing her, before his tongue slipped out to taste the sweetness of her mouth. She inhaled his breath, warm and sweet and pleasant as it lingered over her lips and nostrils, adding a heady influence that weakened her at the knees. Her tongue, almost of its own accord, crept out to meet his, licking at him tentatively at first, but then curling around his tongue in an intimate dance. At her response his arms tightened around her and his kiss became more demanding. This was exactly how she had always dreamed a kiss would be. The prince kissed her fervently and greedily, one moment taking her mouth in an all-consuming embrace and the next moment pressing loving taps over her lips and face and neck. Her skin felt seared where he touched her. The clean smell of his skin and breath and even his saliva was absorbed by her skin and nostrils and tongue with relish. Her fingers dug into his flesh as she clung to him, and a low moan escaped from deep within her.

  The prince pulled away from his wife and looked down into her face. He studied her for a moment as she stared back at him wide-eyed. He had never seen her so aroused and receptive to him. She merely continued to cling to him, trembling. He considered taking her right then and there. But in the next instant he pulled her up and helped steady her. “I must go for now,” he told her. “But I will finish what we have started here later this evening.”

  She was disappointed. She wanted the prince more at that moment than she had ever wanted him before. When he left a minute later she wondered dazedly, Could the bubbles the wizardess gave him truly possess magic powers? She had detected no scent at all—nothing but her husband’s own freshly cleansed flesh.

  The princess pondered this throughout her day, unable to think of anything but the way her husband had kissed her and how wonderful it had felt. She walked around in a kind of aroused stupor, anticipating how it would be with her husband later that night. As the day grew older she prepared herself for his return as if it were their first night together, grooming her body to perfection so that he, too, would find her pleasing to his senses. These preparations made her anticipation all the more intense. She reminisced about the eve of their wedding, recalling her keen disappointment when he had come to her after a long night of eating, drinking and being merry, effectively burying the pleasures of the marital bed under an onslaught of odors and tastes that assailed her senses.

  When at last the prince arrived home that evening the princess was far past being ready for him, but of course she was determined to hold out a little longer in order that he could bathe in the magic bubbles.

  The prince, too, had been anticipating this evening with his wife. The wizardess’s words, instructing him to “use the liquid to wash any part of you that you wish to make irresistible” kept repeating themselv
es in his brain. He lathered the liquid generously between his legs, fully covering every inch of flesh throughout the area. He imagined his wife’s lips in the places he washed and his body hardened at the thought. He rinsed the bubbles away thoroughly and repeatedly, for he did not want his wife to become unwell from the taste of them.

  Next the prince used the two-sided brush with the magic bubbles, thoroughly scrubbing his teeth, gums and tongue. His mouth felt tingling clean when he finished and he liked the feeling.

  When at last husband and wife faced each other, unclothed, they were both fully groomed for the other’s enjoyment. Their grooming activities had the added effect of giving them time to anticipate the other’s response to their efforts, and so each approached the other desiring, as well as desirable. This was, then, half the battle won already.

  Now that they stood before each other, the prince and princess paused for a moment to appreciate the other’s appearance. The prince noticed his wife’s shimmering smooth legs topped by her delicately trimmed curls. His body surged forward, growing painfully hard at the sight of her. The princess noticed his response and could actually smell his desire, pure and achingly potent. The scent drew her toward him, even as she felt the moisture growing between her legs. She wanted to put her lips and tongue all over him.

  As she approached her husband, Princess Hygenia’s face opened and lifted to him. His arms came around her as his mouth hungrily captured hers. Their tongues fused together, caressing and tasting each other’s flesh and breathing each other’s breath. Princess Hygenia was dizzied by the intoxicating aroma of her husband—or was it the magic bubbles? She could not say. She pressed herself against him, wanting more.

  Without breaking the kiss, the prince lifted Princess Hygenia into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down and hovered over her, careful not to lean his full weight on her. He continued to kiss her, delighting in the way she was responding to him. She had never accepted his kisses with such eagerness before. She seemed to be sucking him farther into her mouth with her lips and tongue as if she could not get enough of him. If it was the wizardess’s magic bubbles that caused this change in her he could not wait to see how she responded to the other parts of his body where he had also washed with them.

  It was as if Princess Hygenia read his mind, for she pushed her hands against his chest suddenly, compelling him to lie on his back on the bed. As he rolled over she turned with him, so that now it was she who was lying on top of him.

  The princess continued to kiss her husband, moving over his face and lower, spreading kisses over his cheeks, neck and shoulders. He closed his eyes and allowed her to have control as she explored his body with her mouth.

  Princess Hygenia was lost in the pure masculine scent of her husband. She pressed her lips over his skin feverishly, breathing deeply as she traveled the length of his body. His aroma acted as an aphrodisiac, opening all her senses wide to him. Her tongue darted out to lick at his nipples and navel. As if she were under the influence of a drug, she fervently moved her lips over him, kissing and licking him all the way down the length of his body until she reached his deliciously hard shaft. She had no qualms whatsoever about putting him in her mouth now, but even so she delayed the moment of tasting him, to rub her face and cheek lovingly over and around the area, inhaling the fresh and heady fragrance of his arousal. She found that she adored the way his testicles felt and buried her face shamelessly in their softness. She felt dizzy with lust and suddenly she was sucking lovingly on the tender lobes, moaning softly.

  The prince nearly flew off the bed. He had never in his wildest dreams expected the magic bubbles to have this effect. His wife’s reaction took him completely by surprise. He had known that she was sensitive to smells, for he had seen her become excited by a fragrant flower, or utterly repulsed by day-old garbage. But the magic bubbles seemed to have caused her to lose control of her senses. She appeared to be on the verge of swooning, she was so taken by his scent. And her response was bringing him near the edge of swooning, as well.

  The princess continued her suckling, completely unaware of the effect she was having on her husband. All she knew was that the real, genuine smell of her husband—the smell that drove her wild—was strongest here where his manhood was the most potent. She breathed deeply as she sucked on him.

  The prince could stand no more. He must at least reciprocate so as give him something else to think about besides what she was doing, or else he would likely shame himself with a complete lack of control. He sat up and looked at the princess. She was still sucking hungrily between his legs, unaware of his plight. He picked up her legs carefully in each of his hands and pulled her lower body upward, until his face was level with her hips. Now he had something worthwhile to keep him busy!

  Although Princess Hygenia had not used the magic bubbles, she was fastidious about her own personal care, and the prince loved nothing more than the smell and taste of her. He had never experienced one incident with her where he was given any little unwanted reminders of the other functions this part of her body performed—reminders that might have inhibited his enjoyment of her to some degree. Now, as he opened her legs wide to bury his face in between, he was doubly pleased by the look, as well as the smell and taste of her. Her hair was trimmed perfectly so that the area he liked best to taste—and indeed, the area she liked best to be tasted—could be enjoyed without a single distraction. He dipped his tongue into her moist slit and groaned loudly at the pleasure it gave him. The skin around it felt like silk without the coarse little hairs covering it. His tongue circled round and round, wanting to feel it again and again.

  The princess suddenly came out of her dream. Her body felt so much more sensitive without the extra hair. His tongue was devouring her while the heat of his breath was scorching her. The pleasure was so intense that it made her body ache. She loved what he was doing but needed the relief she could only get from being rubbed in one place in particular. She was so aroused that she forgot her inhibitions and took his head in her hands as she adjusted her hips over his face just so, so that his tongue was touching that place. With a half laugh, half growl, her husband got her message immediately, and took up a slow, firm circling of the tender little bud of flesh that was trembling with need.

  The princess opened her mouth wide now and at last slipped her lips over her husband’s hardness, taking him all the way into her mouth until she could feel him against her throat. She heard his moan with a little thrill of delight as she circled her tongue round and round, simultaneously bobbing her head up and down, up and down over the length of him; not too fast, but at the speed she saw from his reactions that he liked best. Meanwhile she continued to move her hips over his mouth, guiding him as he pleasured her.

  As the prince worked his magic with his tongue he grasped his wife’s hips, fiercely enough to send thrills through her but not so much so as to prevent her ability to keep moving them over his mouth. He wanted to give her pleasure, not keep it from her. He dug his fingers into her flesh to let her know how much she was pleasing him.

  The feeling of her husband’s fingers pressing into her fleshy hips sent the princess over the edge. She loved displays of passion, especially when they had their origin in violence. The violent eruptions felt to her like evidence of strong desire, while a constrained control of them she knew stemmed from love. This combination of violent passion and loving control left her feeling well and truly cherished. Her mind registered all of this without really even thinking of it, so that all she was really consciously aware of was that her husband’s hands were holding her with enough force to remind her that he was a strong man who was fighting to control his passion for her at that moment. This ignited her own passion and she went suddenly still as waves of pleasure rushed over her. Before she could grasp hold of them they were gone.

  The prince released her hips and pulled her beneath him. His passion was now at his highest and she reveled in his strength. She opened herself happily to him
, embracing him with eagerness, and with every part of her being.

  The princess had always imagined and longed for a mating where kissing was the most intimate part of the taking. She had built the kiss into every fantasy ever since she was a little child, hardly aware of intimacies other than the kiss. The kiss of her dreams would last throughout the lovemaking; really it would be one very long kiss, that at some moments would brush over her lips in a tender, warm breath and at other moments would savagely plunder her mouth and shatter her senses. Perhaps these dreams promising the magic of such an intimate kiss were part of her profound disappointment when she had first discovered that she did not enjoy her husband’s kisses.

  Now, as she opened herself to her husband, this time taking him with her mouth, as well as her body, she finally realized her dream. The kiss was all she had ever hoped for and much more. In her dreams she could never quite capture the feeling; here in reality it assailed her senses. This night her husband kissed her in exactly the way she had imagined her true lover would, with a passion that bordered on violence. Then, in intervals, he would hover over her lips for a moment, singeing her tender skin with his heated breath until his lips dipped lower to take her all over again. While he kissed her he thrust himself in and out of her violently, yet still short of hurting her. She clung to him with renewed desire. Her passion was satiated but something else within her, something entirely new, was being awakened. How strange, she thought, that it should take magic bubbles to bring about his newfound intimacy.


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