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QI: The Book of General Ignorance - The Noticeably Stouter Edition

Page 35

by John Lloyd

  discover world’s roundness 1

  Belgium 1

  Belize 1

  Bell, Alexander Graham 1, 2

  Bellsye, Dr 1

  Belushi, John 1

  Benedict XVI, Pope 1

  Benfica, motto of 1

  Bering Sea and Strait 1, 2, 3

  Berlioz, Hector 1

  berries, definition of 1

  Berthier, Alexandre 1

  Bett, Henry 1


  and animals on Ark 1

  birth of Jesus in 1

  on eating of chameleons 1

  and Immaculate Conception 1

  number of commandments in 1

  oldest man in 1, 2

  Bich, Marcel 1

  big-eyed wolf spider, blindness of 1

  Billington, Isabella 1

  Billy the Kid 1

  bird eggs, smallest 1


  fighting 1

  guano, as commodity 1

  largest 1

  milk production in 1

  most common 1

  neck bones of 1

  smallest in Britain 1

  Biró, György 1

  Biró, László 1

  bison 1

  Black Death see bubonic plague

  Black Sea 1

  blackberries 1

  blackboard, writing implement for 1

  Blake, Quentin 1

  Blorenge 1

  Bludworth, Thomas 1

  blueberries 1

  blue-green algae 1, 2

  blue whales 1

  as loudest individual animal 1

  penises of 1, 2

  size of 1

  Boer War 1, 2, 3

  Boisbaudran, Lecoq de 1

  Boleyn, Anne 1

  Bonaparte, Napoleon 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bond, James 1

  Bonnie Prince Charlie 1

  Boomerang Nebula 1

  boomerangs, uses for 1

  bootlace worm 1

  Bose, Satyendra Nath 1

  Bose-Einstein condensate 1, 2, 3

  Brahms, Johannes 1

  brandy, Nelson preserved in 1

  Brazil nuts 1

  Brendan, Saint 1

  Brer Rabbit 1

  Brett, Dorothy 1

  Bridget, Saint 1, 2

  Britain, Battle of 1

  Brontë sisters 1

  Brooke, Rupert Chawney 1

  Brookes, W. P. 1

  Brown, Dan 1

  brown bear 1

  Brunty, Patrick 1

  Bryson, Bill 1, 2

  bubonic plague 1, 2, 3

  and groin region 1–2

  buffaloes 1

  bug, origins of dual meaning of 1

  Bugs Bunny 1

  Bulgaria 1

  bulls, colour-blindness of 1

  Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm,

  inventions of 1, 2, 3

  Bunsen burner 1, 2, 3

  Burney, Venetia 1

  Burke and Hare murders 1

  Buteo, Johannes 1

  Cabot, John 1

  Caernavon, Lord 1

  Caesar, Augustus 1

  Caesar, Julius 1, 2, 3

  Caesar Salad 1

  Caesarean section 1, 2

  caesium 1, 2

  caffeine 1, 2

  Californian redwoods 1

  Caligula 1

  Calment, Jeanne 1

  Calpurnius Siculus 1

  camels 1, 2, 3

  Camm, Sydney 1

  Camos, Canon Vincent 1

  Campbell-Bannerman, Henry 1

  Canada 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Eskimos in 1, 2

  largest lake in 1

  canaries 1

  Canary Islands 1, 2, 3, 4

  cannibals, cooking habits of 1

  Cardini, Cesar 1

  Carr, Jimmy 1

  carrier pigeons, bravery of 1

  Carroll, Lewis 1


  colour of 1

  jam 1

  night vision and 1

  Carson, Johnny 1

  Carter, Howard 1, 2

  Cartwright, Alexander 1

  Carver, Robin 1

  Caspian Sea 1

  tigers around 1

  Castilla, Rámon 1

  Castro, Fidel 1

  Catherine of Aragon 1

  Catherine the Great 1

  Catholic Church 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


  and earthquakes 1

  brave 1

  meat of 1

  sounds of 1

  in space 1

  terminal velocity of 1

  and violin strings 1, 2

  and Wagner’s slur on Brahms 1

  years equal to one human year of 1

  cccc 1, 2

  Celts, use of term 1

  centipedes, number of legs of 1

  CFCs 1

  chameleons 1, 2

  champagne 1

  as British invention 1

  cause of its fizz 1

  Treaties 1

  Charles II, King 1, 2

  chastity belts, uses for 1

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 1

  Chekhov, Anton 1

  Cher 1

  Cherokees, language of 1, 2

  chicken tikka masala (CTM),

  origins of 1


  ability to see red in 1

  as most common bird 1

  reproduction 1

  survival after decapitation of 1

  chihuahua (dog) 1

  Chihuahua (state) 1

  Chile 1, 2

  Great Chilean Earthquake 1

  chillies, hottest part of 1

  China 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  cave dwellers in 1

  discovery of Australia 1

  dwarfing animals and plants 1

  Great Wall of 1

  guano imports 1

  inventions from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  sound of frogs in 1

  suicide rate in 1

  version of Cinderella 1

  cholera 1, 2

  Christianity 1, 2, 3

  Christophe, Eugène 1

  Church of England 1, 2

  Churchill, Winston 1

  Cicero, Marcus Tullius 1

  Cinderella, slippers of 1

  cinemas, in USSR 1

  cirrus clouds 1, 2

  cities, largest 1

  citrus fruit, and scurvy 1

  Civil War (English), bloodiness of 1

  Civil War (US) 1, 2

  use of teeth 1

  Clarke, Arthur C. 1

  Clerc, Laurent 1

  Clerke, Charles 1

  cloud nine, height of 1

  cobras 1, 2

  Coca-Cola 1, 2, 3

  Cochran, Josephine Garis 1

  cock fighting 1

  Cockie, Isabel 1

  cockroaches 1

  coconuts, water of 1

  Cody, William Frederick ‘Buffalo Bill’ 1, 2, 3


  beans of, as seeds 1

  grown in US 1

  as non-diuretic 1, 2

  vs tea, caffeine in 1

  Cold War 1

  Colley, Richard 1

  Colombia 1

  colours, naming of 1

  Columba, Saint 1

  Columbus, Christopher 1, 2, 3

  commandments, number in Bible 1

  ‘Conan the Bacterium’ 1

  Conan Doyle, Arthur 1

  concentration camp, Britain’s

  invention of 1, 2

  Confucius 1

  Connery, Sean 1

  Constable, John 1

  Cook, James 1, 2, 3

  scurvy cures of 1

  Cook, Robin 1

  coolest places 1

  Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 1

  Copernicus, Nicolaus 1, 2, 3

  copper 1

  Corelli, Marie 1

  Coriolis effect 1

  Coubertin, Baron 1

  Courtenay, Gabrielle 1

  cows 1,
2, 3

  Coyle, Dan 1

  Crapper, Thomas, inventions of 1

  Crimean War 1, 2

  Croatia 1

  invention of neck tie 1

  crocodiles 1

  crocuses 1

  Cromwell, Oliver 1

  Cruithne 1

  Cuba 1, 2

  Culloden, Battle of 1

  Cumberland, Duke of 1

  cumulonimbus clouds 1

  Cunningham, John 1


  fuelling of 1

  leg shaving of 1

  Cyrus the Great, King of Persia 1, 2

  Dahl, Roald 1, 2, 3

  Dalai Lama 1

  Dampier, William 1

  Darién, isthmus of 1

  Darwin, Charles 1, 2

  gastronomical habits of 1

  Darwin, Francis 1

  date, unluckiest 1

  Davidson, Alan 1, 2

  Davidson, Jim 1

  Davidson, Richard 1

  day, length of 1

  deaf sign languages 1

  death, causes of 1

  Defoe, Daniel 1


  fluids that exacerbate 1

  and Jacob’s Crackers 1

  Denmark 1, 2


  answer to 1

  commonest illness in Britain 1

  swimming with dolphins and 1

  Desaga, Peter 1, 2

  Descartes, René 1

  Dev, Nanak 1

  Devon, Earl of 1

  Dewar, James 1

  diamonds 1, 2, 3, 4

  Dickens, Charles 1

  Dickin, Maria 1

  Diderot, Denis 1

  digestive biscuits 1

  fishy taste of 1

  Dio Chrysostom 1

  Diolkos 1

  Dionysus, virgin birth of 1


  AIDS 1, 2, 3

  and anti-bacterial agents, 1

  argyria 1

  bubonic plague 1, 2, 3, 4

  cholera 1, 2

  dengue fever 1

  diarrhoea 1, 2

  elephantiasis 1

  encephalitis 1

  in English Civil War 1

  filariasis 1

  herpes 1

  kuru 1

  leprosy 1

  malaria 1, 2, 3

  pneumonia 1, 2

  scurvy 1, 2

  smallpox 1, 2

  syphilis 1

  tetanus 1

  tuberculosis 1

  yellow fever 1, 2

  dishwasher, invention of 1

  Disney, Walt 1

  Dixon, Joseph 1

  Dockwra, William 1

  dodo, extinction of 1


  brave 1

  Canary Islands named after 1

  colour perception 1

  domestication 1

  and earthquakes 1

  evolution of 1

  Isle of (London) 1

  kneeling on corgis 1

  mating habits of 1

  meat of 1

  St Bernards 1

  smallest 1, 2

  sounds of 1

  in space 1

  and violin strings 1

  years equal to one human year of 1

  dolphins 1

  drinking habits of 1

  smartness of 1

  swimming with 1

  use by military 1

  Doubleday, Abner 1

  Druids 1, 2

  Dubois, Raphael 1

  Duchenne, Guillaume 1

  Duchesne, Ernest 1

  Duckworth, Frank 1

  Duckworth scale 1

  Dunning, Edwin Harris 1

  Dvořák, Antonín 1

  dwarf planets 1, 2

  e pluribus unum 1

  history of 1

  ear wax 1


  and Atlas’ hands 1

  beliefs about shape of 1

  discovery of roundness of 1, 2

  distance to Space 1

  driest places 1

  formation of 1

  galaxies visible from 1

  heaviest living thing 1

  largest living thing 1

  lightning strikes 1

  lush places of 1

  magnetic field, and bees 1

  mantle 1, 2

  moons of 1, 2

  orbit of 1, 2, 3

  percentage of water in 1

  radius of core 1

  rotation of, and day-length 1

  earthquakes 1

  in Britain 1

  largest 1

  measurement of 1

  Easter Bunny 1

  eating, risk of swimming after 1

  Ecuador 1, 2, 3

  Edison, Thomas 1, 2, 3

  inventions of 1

  Edward VI, King 1

  Edward VII, King 1, 2

  Efexor 1


  industry 1

  largest 1

  Egypt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  biscuits in 1

  courier system in 1

  earliest glass artefacts 1

  polar bears in 1

  Sphinx’s nose 1

  Tutankhamun’s curse 1

  Einstein, Albert 1, 2, 3, 4

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1

  Elcano, Juan Sebastián 1

  electroception 1

  Electronic Numerical Integrator

  and Computer (ENIAC) 1

  element, densest 1

  elephant bird 1

  elephants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  as largest land mammal 1

  sensitivity to colour 1

  sleep requirement of 1

  not domesticated 1

  Elizabeth I, Queen 1, 2, 3

  Elizabeth II, Queen 1, 2

  Ellis, William Webb 1, 2

  endangered species 1, 2

  Engel, Gerhart 1

  Engels, Friedrich 1

  Enoch 1

  equals sign, origin of 1

  equilibrioception 1

  Erasmo (saddle-maker) 1

  ‘Eros’, statue of 1

  Eskimos 1

  accuracy of nomenclature for 1

  and igloos 1

  number of words for snow of 1

  reach Scotland 1

  Eton College 1

  European earwig, penises of 1

  Eve 1

  Evelyn, John 1

  Everard, John Courtenay 1

  eye-patch, Nelson’s 1

  fairy tales 1

  Faraday, Michael 1, 2

  Farynor, Thomas 1

  Faulkner, William Cuthbert 1

  feet, size of 1

  feminists, ‘bra-burning’ of 1

  fence-makers, deviousness of 1

  Fermi, Enrico 1

  Fiji 1

  fingernails, post-mortem growth of 1

  Finland 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


  and digestive biscuits 1

  fossilised 1

  and guano 1

  fishermen 1

  Fitch, John ‘Crazy’ 1

  flamingos, pinkness of 1

  Fleming, Alexander 1

  Fleming, Ian 1, 2

  fluoride 1

  flush toilet, invention of 1


  berries 1

  brioche 1

  chicken tikka masala 1

  chillies 1

  chop suey 1

  curry 1

  digestive biscuits 1

  e pluribus unum 1

  fortune cookies 1

  French toast 1

  goose 1

  haggis 1

  ice cream 1, 2, 3

  Jaffa Cakes 1

  Marmite 1

  nicotine in 1, 2

  nuts 1

  pasta 1

  porridge 1

  potatoes 1, 2

  Quaker Oats 1

  Spam 1

  and suicide in Lithuania 1

  swimming after eating 1

  Swiss rolls 1

  and tooth d
ecay 1

  unusual meat dishes 1, 2

  unusual serving times 1

  vegetarianism 1

  vending machines 1

  vomitaria 1

  Football Association 1

  Fox, George 1

  Fragonard, Jean 1

  France 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  Bastille and 1, 2

  biscuits and 1

  cannibalism in 1

  cave paintings in 1

  champagne and 1

  cravats in 1

  English lands in 1

  French toast invented in 1


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