QI: The Book of General Ignorance - The Noticeably Stouter Edition
Page 37
nacre 1
Naismith, James 1
Namaqua people 1
names of boys, most popular 1
Namibia 1, 2
NASA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Nast, Thomas 1
‘Near Earth’ Asteroids (NEAs) 1
Near Earth Object (NEO) 1
neck ties 1
Nelson, Horatio 1
eye-patch 1
funeral 1
last words 1
preservation in brandy 1
and ventriloquism 1
Nepal 1
Neptune 1, 2
Nero 1, 2
Netherlands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
World Stinging Nettle Eating Championship 1
WWI German uniforms made from 1
neurons 1, 2, 3, 4
New Zealand 1, 2
Newton, Isaac 1
newts 1, 2
Nicholas, Saint 1
Nicot, Jean 1, 2
colour of 1
etymology 1
toxicity 1
Nile, river 1
‘Night before Christmas, The’ (Moore) 1
nitrogen 1
Noah 1, 2
Noah’s Ark, sheep on 1
nociception 1
Nome, Alaska, naming of 1
North America, camels from 1
Norway 1, 2
nuclear war, most likely survivor
of 1
numbers, unlucky 1
nuts, definition of 1
Oates, Titus 1
ocean, loudest noise in 1
Olazowa Cave 1
Olbers, Heinrich 1
Olbers’ Paradox 1
Old English Game fowl 1
Olsen, Lloyd 1
Olympics, modern 1, 2
Olympus Mons, see Mount Olympus
orange 1
original, 1
orang utans 1
orange, words rhyming with 1
Orkney, polar bear in 1
osmium 1
ostriches 1, 2
on the Ark 1
colour-blindness of 1
eaten by Darwin 1
eyes of 1
sounds of 1
oysters 1
ozone 1, 2, 3
Palin, Michael 1
Panama 1, 2
Panama hats, origins of 1
panthers, colour of 1
papacy 1
paper, possible number of folds in 1
paper clip, invention of 1
Papua New Guinea
cannibalism in 1, 2
lack of colour words 1
Parker, David 1
Parker, Hyde 1
Parkes, Alexander 1
Parr, Catherine 1
Parton, Dolly 1
Pascal, Blaise 1
Pasteur, Louis 1
Paterson, William 1
Patrick, Saint 1
Paul, Saint 1
Paul I, Czar of Russia 1, 2
peanuts 1
pearls, middle of 1
Pedro, King of Castile 1
pencils, consequences of sucking on 1
penicillin, discovery of 1
baculi 1
barnacles 1
in the Bible 1
blue whales 1, 2
European earwigs 1
length of, related to shoe size 1
replaced by sandwich 1
Penn, William 1
Penny Post, invention of 1
Pepys, Samuel 1
Perey, Marguerite 1
Periander 1
Pérignon, Dom 1
Perovski, Count Lev 1
perovskite 1
Perrault, Charles 1, 2
Perseus, virgin birth of 1
Peru 1, 2, 3, 4
Peter the Great 1
Pheidippides 1
philtrum 1
phorids 1
Piccadilly Circus, name of statue 1
Pierce, Franklin 1
pineapples 1
Pinker, Stephen 1
Pisa, Rustichello da 1
pistachios 1
naming of 1
number of 1
plaster of Paris 1
naming of 1
Pliny the Elder 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Plunket, Saint Oliver 1
Plunkett, Roy 1
Plutarch 1
Pluto 1, 2, 3, 4
Poe, Edgar Allan 1
antitdote to arsenic 1
ethyl gasoline 1
and Nero 1
and newts 1
and snakes 1
in tobacco 1
Poland 1, 2, 3
polar bears 1, 2, 3
Polo, Marco 1, 2
‘pom’, as nickname 1
pomegranate 1, 2
Pony Express 1
porridge, origins of 1
Portugal 1, 2, 3, 4
evolutionary path of 1
introduction of 1, 2
nicotine in 1, 2
Potemkin, Grigori Alexandrovich 1
Procopius 1
proprioception 1
Prozac 1
Prussia 1
Ptolemy II 1
Puerto Rico 1, 2
puma 1, 2
punctuation 1
Punxsutawney Phil 1
Pythagoras 1
Quaker Oats, creation of 1
Quinion, Michael 1
rabbits 1, 2
raindrops, shape of 1
Raleigh, Walter 1
Rama I, King of Thailand 1
Randolph, Peyton 1
raspberries 1
rats, colour-blindness of 1
Recorde, Robert 1
Red Jungle Fowl, chickens
descended from 1
Redi, Francesco 1
Reed, Carol 1
antler loss in 1
domestication of 1
speed of 1
Remarque, Erich Maria 1
Reyburn, Wallace 1, 2
rhinoceroses, horns of 1
Richardson, Lucy 1
Richter, Charles 1
Richter scale 1
rickshaw, invention of 1
‘ring-a-ring o’ roses’, origin of 1
Roberts, Brushy Bill 1
Robin Hood 1
rock, biggest 1
Romania 1
Rome, ancient
Britons considered cannibals 1
carrots as aphrodisiacs 1
fashions in dress 1
gladiators in 1
names for British 1
naming conventions 1
Nero and the fire 1
and number thirteen 1
postal service 1
running-with-a-ball game 1
vomitoria 1
Roosevelt, Robert 1
Roosevelt, Theodore 1, 2
Ross, Ronald 1
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1, 2
Rowbotham, Samuel Birley 1
Royal Society 1
rubber boots, invention of 1
rubidium 1, 2
Rudolph the Red-nosed
Reindeer, gender of 1
rugby 1
Rugby School 1, 2
Rumsey, H. J. 1
Ruskin, Effie 1
Ruskin, John 1
Russia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Russian Roulette 1
Sahara 1, 2
sailors, biggest sea battle killer of 1
Sa’im al-dahr 1
St Bernards, uses for 1
St John’s Wort 1
St Vincent, Earl 1
Salmon, William 1
Sandwich, Earl of 1
Santa Claus, origins of 1
Santorini, Giovanni 1
Schiaparelli, Giovanni 1
Schönbein, Christian 1, 2
Scobie, Jonathan 1
Scotland 1
arrival of whisky in 1
Celts in 1, 2
Eskimos in 1
inventions from 1
Jacobite rebellion in 1
last country invaded by 1
Scott, Dr 1
Scott, Ridley 1
Scott, Walter 1
Scoville, William L. 1
Scoville Scale 1
Selkirk, Alexander 1
Sellers, Isaiah 1, 2
Seltzer, David 1
Semmelweiss, Ignaz 1
Seneca the Younger 1
September 1, 2001 2, 3
Sequoyah 1, 2
serial killer, history’s first 1
Seychelles sheath-tailed bat 1
Shaftesbury, 1th Earl of 2
Shakespeare, William 1
sharks 1
sheep 1, 2, 3, 4
and violin strings 1
Shenton, Samuel 1
Shistov, Lev 1
shistovite 1
shoes, the fitting of 1
shrimps, noise of 1
Silk Road 1
silver, as best metal conductor 1
Sinbad the Sailor 1
Skinner, B. F. 1
sleep, healthy amount of 1
as most dangerous animal 1
metabolism of 1
three-toed 1
two-toed 1, 2
Slovakia, smallest dog from 1
smallpox 1, 2
smoking 1, 2, 3, 4
charming of 1
poisonous, not venomous 1
probability of a bite 1
rattlesnakes on 1970s TV 1
tolerant of poison 1
snow, Eskimo words for 1
soccer 1
Solanges, Comte de 1
solanine 1
sound barrier, first invention to break 1
South Africa 1, 2, 3
South America 1, 2, 3
cannibalism in 1
flamingos in 1
guinea pigs in 1
peanuts in 1
Spanish pronunciation in 1
South China tigers 1, 2
Spain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
cannibalism in 1
pronunciation in, and the ‘lisp’ 1
Spam 1
Spears, Britney 1
Spencer, Herbert 1
and division of labour 1
of dogs 1
sensitivity to scents 1
sperm whales 1
Sphinx 1
spiders 1, 2, 3
spirulina 1
Spitfire 1
‘sport of kings’ 1
squirrels, fur of 1
stamps 1
Boomerang Nebula 1
names of constellations 1
Olbers’ paradox 1
shape of 1
visible 1
steam engine, inventor of 1
stomach ulcers, cause of 1
Stone Age peoples, habitats of 1
strawberries 1
Strutt, William John, Lord Rayleigh 1
Stuart, Gilbert 1
Suetonius 1
suicide rate, highest 1
Sundblom, Haddon 1, 2
superconductors 1, 2
superstitions, and pragmatism 1
‘survival of the fittest’, coining of term 1
Sweden 1, 2, 3
suicide rate in 1
Swiss Family Robinson, surname of 1
biscuits in 1
inventions of 1
St Bernards 1
Swiss rolls 1
synaesthesia 1
Tammann, Gustav 1
Tanzania 1
tartans, origins of 1
Taylor, David 1
Taylor, Montague 1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 1
tea 1, 2, 3
celluloid 1, 2
decay of, and bacteria 1
dental statistics (modern) 1
Washington’s false teeth 1, 2, 3
‘Waterloo teeth’ 1
Teflon, discovery of 1
telephone, inventor of 1
television, effects on health 1
Tennant, Smithson 1
Thailand 1, 2
capital of 1
chicken ancestor in 1
Theory of Relativity, inventor of 1
thermoception 1
Thom, Charles 1
Thoreau, Henry David 1
Thule 1
Tibet 1
tigers 1
age of, when dangerous 1
highest concentration of 1
see also South China tigers
tobacco 1
chemicals in 1
introduced to England 1
as a medicine 1
unusual fertilisers for 1
as world’s biggest killer 1
togas 1
Tokyo 1
toothpaste, bears and 1
Tour de France 1
Toynbee, Arnold 1
Trafalgar, Battle of 1
car accidents 1, 2
hydrofoil 1
railways 1
rickshaws 1
Treaty of Madrid 1
Treaty of Versailles 1
trees ‘anti-greenhouse effect’ 1
and loofahs 1
ozone released from 1
role of forest fires 1
in thunderstorms 1, 2
world’s most useful 1
Truman, Harry S. 1
tsunamis 1, 2
tulips, origins of 1
tungsten 1
Turkey 1, 2, 3, 4
farming techniques 1
origins of 1
Turner, Herbert Hall 1
Turner, J. M. W. 1, 2
Tutankhamun, curse of 1
Twain, Mark 1
Tyson, Mike 1
United Nations 1, 2
United States 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
advertising in 1
banning of Inuit 1
baseball in 1
basketball invented in 1
bison in 1
bra-burning legend 1
bubonic plague in 1
champagne and 1, 2
cockfighting in 1
concentration of tigers in 1
declarations of war 1
depression in 1
earthquakes in 1
egg industry in 1
first president 1
forest management in 1
founding of New York 1
guano-snatching 1
gypsum in homes 1
hailstorms in 1
Hokey Pokey, as dance 1
log cabins in 1
loofahs in 1
Mike the chicken in 1
military use of dolphins 1
most dangerous American 1, 2
names for citizens of 1
national motto 1
Native American languages 1, 2
nature of ‘biscuits’ in 1
number of states in 1
number thirteen in 1
sign language 1
suicide rate in 1
tall buildings (nineteenth century) 1
television watching in 1
see also Civil War (US)
colour of 1
storage space in 1
Ursa Major 1
cinemas in 1
Cold War 1
Vaaler, Johann 1
Van Gelder, Lindsay 1
Vatican 1, 2
Venezuela 1
venom 1, 2
ventriloquism 1
Vesalius, Andreas 1
Vespucci, Amerigo 1
Victoria, Queen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
videocassettes, rival formats 1
Vietnam War 1, 2
nbsp; Vikings 1
violin strings 1, 2
Viotti, Giovanni Battista 1
Virgil 1, 2
viruses, as distinct from bacteria 1
vitamin C 1
Vitruvius 1
volcanoes 1, 2, 3
Voltaire 1, 2
vomitoria 1
voodoo dolls 1
V-sign, origins of 1
Vulović, Vesna 1
Wagner, Richard 1
Waldseemüller, Martin 1
Wales 1, 2
Celts in 1, 2
equals sign from 1
Wallace, Lew 1
Wallace, William 1
Walpole, Robert 1
Warren, Robin 1
Washington, George 1
false teeth of 1, 2, 3
colour of 1
direction down the drain of 1
and Earth’s mass 1
as electrical conductor 1
fresh water as ice 1
sterilised by silver 1