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Against All Odds

Page 7

by McKeon, Angie

  My pulse races as if I’m sprinting the hundred-meter dash. What’s happening with us? Why is he doing this now? I’ve always noticed he was sexy, but I never allowed myself to go there. He’s off limits.

  But with that look on his face and the way he seems to be struggling with his attraction to me… It’s becoming difficult. The lines are blurring. I reach the deck stairs and take them to the top.

  Once there, Gray looks down and grunts. “I’ll be right back.” He laughs, then shakes his head and adjusts himself.

  Oh God… I stare at his retreating form almost in shock. I can’t believe this. I’m turned on. Why am I turned on? Why does it feel so good to have his attention?

  A moment later, he strides back out carrying two beers. Cheeks rosy, he doesn’t look at me at first but eventually lifts his eyes to mine and smirks. I laugh. It’s impossible not to. If he wasn’t so hot, that smirk would be incredibly corny.

  “Grayson Walsh! What was that? Were you just eye fucking me?” I ask with a mixture of amusement and surprise.

  He smiles a big goofy grin and sets the beers down on the table. “When? Right now?” He questions, innocently. I nod. “No. But on the deck, you bet your sexy ass I was.”

  “Oh my God,” I groan in mock protest. “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  His smile falls, hunger glazing over his eyes. “You, sweet cheeks have gotten into me, and you’ve gotten into me good.”

  He’s serious. Is he making a play for me? I think he is.

  Looking away, I start to freak out. Why do I feel drawn to him all of a sudden? Gray’s hot, but I can’t go there. In my heart, I know I can’t do that to Cooper. But does Cooper even care anymore? He’s not here. He’s never here. He’s always gone and God knows who he’s with.

  I’m playing with knives. I can feel myself getting cut. Not once, but repeatedly. The truth is… when we start crossing boundaries, things get messy. Often times, one boundary leads to another and another, and before we know it, we’ve crossed so many that we’re screwed. Blurring the line with Gray would be trouble.

  I can’t lose Cooper.


  Gray’s voice is sharp, causing my head to jerk in his direction.

  He sees it. Oh, he sees my panic attack. “It’s okay. I’ll tone it down. I’ll never do anything you’re uncomfortable with. Never. Come on,” he coaxes. “Let’s just eat before it gets cold.” He points at the food he set out.

  I nod, swallowing a knot of anxiety, and throw on my dress. I’m not going to dangle myself in front of a starving man, which is exactly what Gray is. I’m nervous about the change between us. I’m uncomfortable not only with his feelings but with mine.

  He’s already sitting when I get to the table. I take a seat, grab my silverware, and cut into my steak. Silence hangs in the air as we eat, avoiding each other’s eyes. The tension is thick and awkward.

  He clears his throat. “So have you bought any more shoes lately?” He puts a bite of steak in his mouth and chews, looking at me.

  “What?” I ask, taken aback by the random question.

  “Shoes, Kylie. You know, those things you have a million pairs of and love? Have you picked up any new ones lately?” He’s trying to cut the tension.

  I can’t help the confused giggle that escapes me. “What am I going to do with you?”

  He smirks. “I don’t think you want to ask me that. You don’t want to know.”

  I feel myself blush. “Yeah, I have. I just ordered a pair from Nordstrom’s.” I take a green bean and put it in my mouth, looking at him.

  “Only one pair?” He sounds surprised.

  I laugh. “Do you really care?”

  “Honestly?” he asks, grinning. “I couldn’t care less about your shoes, but someone needed to do something about this.” He gestures between us.

  “Yeah, I guess it got a bit awkward,” I murmur, my face turning crimson.

  “A bit?” He quirks a brow and releases a chuckle. “I’d say a lot, but let’s move past it. Why only one pair? That seems tame for you.”

  “Good Lord,” I groan, taking a bite of food with a grin. “I bought only one because they’re expensive. Cooper’s going to flip when he sees the bill for the month.” I sigh. “I overspent last month, which led to a whole discussion. I promised I would tone it down. So I picked one. The problem is…” I glance at him, a reckless smile forming on my face. “One pair cost as much as two. They were two grand.”

  Grayson chokes on his steak. “Two grand on one pair of shoes? Holy shit!”

  What Gray doesn’t get is this is another way of saying fuck you to Cooper. It’s another way of getting his attention. He doesn’t like me wasting money on shoes, but they make me feel good.

  “Looking hot isn’t cheap.”

  “Jesus Christ, that’s a rip off,” he mutters, grabbing his beer and taking a sip.

  “No, it’s not,” I say. “You have cars and golf. I have shoes.” I grin, popping a piece of meat in my mouth. “I like looking pretty and feeling good, Gray. Shoes do that. They give me confidence.”

  “Shoes do that?”

  “Yeah, they do, and as Carrie Underwood would say, they make my legs look like a cool drink of water.” I wink.

  That gets a full belly-rumbling laugh. He shakes his head. “Well if you’re happy then I’m happy. But trust me, your legs are sexy as shit. You don’t need the shoes.”

  I smile at his comment and shake my head. After we finish eating, I sit back and debate how to ask a question that’s been on the tip of my tongue all afternoon.

  “Spit it out,” he orders, placing his silverware on his plate.

  I roll my eyes, my lips pursing playfully. “You know me too well.”

  He says nothing, just keeps those aqua beauties trained on me.

  “Have you talked to Nate yet?”

  He stills and his demeanor changes instantly. “Yeah, I called him when I dropped you off.”


  “And what, Kylie? I told him he might be my business partner, but he’d better stay the fuck away from you. He told me he was aware you were married. He saw Cooper at the bar and didn’t think he had a problem sharing you.” He slams his fist on the table. I flinch, feeling my body quiver. “I told him that if he ever touched you again, I’d fuck him up, and make sure he’d never use his dick again.”

  I swallow, taken by his level of anger. Nate must be bad to stir this kind of reaction from Gray. I think there’s something more between the two of them though. “What did he say to that?”

  Gray flips his fire-filled eyes to mine, his brows arching. “Not one damn thing. He knows me too well to fuck with me. He’ll leave you alone. It’s not going to affect business,” he assures me. “He’s not the only one with a part in our company. I own fifty-one percent of the stock, which means that I get the say. So things are fine. But I’m telling you now, stay away from him. He’s a bastard, and the only reason I’m in business with him is because of my father. Otherwise, I’d have bought him out a while ago.”

  I take a minute to digest every word he said. If Gray owns all the stock, why isn’t he the CEO? Why Nate? His perfectly square jaw works back and forth as he waits for me to respond. I decide to save my inquisition for later. He looks too aggravated.

  “Okay, I’ll be careful. I’m going to get my life together, Gray. I need to.”

  He shakes his head and rolls his shoulders, trying to relieve his stress. “I’m glad to hear that. You’re too good for all of this, anyway.”

  I smile, not feeling as though I’m good enough for anything.

  “I’m going to clear the table,” he says, grabbing plates. “Just relax.”

  I watch him head inside, and walk to the deck railing, taking a minute to think. I’ve screwed up so many things in my life. And now Gray’s had to deal with Nate. It’s ridiculous. He shouldn’t have to deal with my messes. The thought of putting him in situations that stress or upset him makes my chest ache.
He’s been so good to me, and all I’ve given him in return is a mess.

  I’m mulling over life when I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I gasp and look up at Gray. He looks playful and naughty. Laughing, he lifts me off the floor and tosses me over his shoulder. The next thing I know we’re moving and moving fast.

  “What the fuck? Put me down,” I screech.

  That makes him laugh harder, and the heavy bounce in his step causes my nipples to brush his back. Electricity sparks and arousal stirs as I slap his ass repeatedly, feeling the taut, firm muscles bunch beneath my palms. He picks up speed while I yell for him to put me down.

  Once we hit the water, I feel his pace slow. I’m about to demand he set me down when I become airborne and hit cold water. I splash my way to the surface, sputtering.

  His arms wrap around me again. “Get ready!” He picks me up and dunks me under once more.

  I come up gasping and flailing. “You asshole! What the hell was that for?”

  “You were being moody.” He chuckles. “I had to do something to take you out of it.” His face is alight with playfulness, and I can’t stop the fire kindling inside me.

  “I keep saying this, but what am I going to do with you, Grayson?” My eyes hold his. “I need to swim back and drop my dress.”

  “Can I help you with that?” He licks his lips, heat coiling the space between us.

  I don’t answer his question. I shoot him a narrowed, light hearted glare and swim to shore, dropping my sundress. As I stand at the edge of the water, I look out at Gray’s body. My tummy flutters, sending warmth trailing over my skin. The fact he’s here with me is not lost on me. I want to see him happy, loved, and taken care of. A small part of me wishes I could be that girl. The one who gives him everything.

  He deserves that.

  It makes me sad to think he’s wasting time on me. But I know the man Gray is. He’s pure to the core. He’d do anything and everything to see me happy.

  He glances over his shoulder to see what’s taking me so long and I smile before heading back.

  “What were you thinking about?” he whispers.

  I shake my head, my smile small. “I don’t think you want to know what goes through my crazy mind.”

  “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong.” He pulls me close. “I always want to know what’s going through that sexy head.”

  My pulse flutters as I feel his body. I should pull away, but instead, I twine my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. This isn’t a friendly position, but I don’t want to fight his warmth. It’s been so long since I’ve felt more than just lust with a man. With Gray, it’s deeper. We have a friendship, and I like his arms around me, bringing the contentment I crave so badly. We’re stepping over boundaries, but as usual, my toxic self enjoys pushing limits. I just hope I don’t bring him down with me. Hands settling on my waist, his heated eyes connect with mine.

  “What are we doing?” I ask, my voice unsteady.

  “I don’t know. But I don’t want to stop.”

  “We can’t, Gray. It isn’t right.”

  “Maybe it isn’t, Ky. But I don’t care. You need someone to love you, and I want to be that guy.”

  “Why now?” I ask.

  “It’s not a question of why now, Kylie. I’ve wanted to be that guy for you for a while. I’ve just tried to be respectful of your boundaries. But the reasons to stay away from you don’t make sense. I shouldn’t be off limits. If anyone is equipped to take care of you, it’s me.”

  “Gray…” His words settle deep in my gut, stirring an ache in my core. He makes me feel wanted. It’s wrong. I’ll never feel for him what I do for Cooper, but I need it. My soul is freezing and craves heat.

  “You’re beautiful. Every time I look at you I fall a little more.”

  “You can’t say stuff like that,” I whisper, my face heating from the compliment.

  “It’s true. Every fucking word is true.” His voice is smooth like rich chocolate. He pulls me closer and buries his face in my neck.

  He feels so good this close.

  We’re asking for trouble. I know it; he knows it. But we ignore it. I shiver as I breathe in his scent, trying to infuse it deep inside me. I want to take the comfort he gives me and use it when I feel life crushing me. Something warm and wet slides against my neck, and I realize he’s licking a path to my ear. A groan slips from my mouth, my legs trembling with need.

  “Jesus, you taste good,” he whispers.

  I whimper. I should put a stop to this, but I can’t. When our eyes meet, all I see is desire and hunger. He looks at me in a way I haven’t seen, felt, or experienced in years. I want him. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want to feel loved, savored and cherished.

  “Say it, Kylie. Ask me,” he pleads.

  My mind and heart war with each other. One pleads for me to take the leap, the other begs me not to. “I’m scared. What about Coop?”

  He puts a finger to my lips. “Don’t. He knows exactly where I stand when it comes to you.”

  Confused but entranced, I’m unable to resist the lure of temptation. My heart wins out, seeking what it’s thirsty to find—affection. “Kiss me, please.”

  “About damn time,” he breathes, eyes flashing with relief.

  His hands trace my face, his palms warm. I close my eyes and spread my lips, wrapping my legs tighter. My desire calls out for him, asking for something it shouldn’t have. It begs for his caress along the most intimate parts of my body. Ones his eyes shouldn’t explore. I feel his breath, feather soft against my mouth, and hold still.

  Anticipation runs wild.

  Then his lips touch mine, making contact. They’re soft like the caress of satin. My body sparks. My closed heart cracks its eyes open after years of sleep. His tongue drags across my bottom lip and those sparks ignite. I pull his face closer, wanting more. He groans, and that groan sends a spiral of bliss through me. His tongue touches mine, and those ignited sparks flame. All of my thoughts are lost on Gray as I taste him for the first time.

  God, he tastes sweet and addictive. Our tongues pass back and forth. Wetness seeps from my sex, an ache sidling in, causing my muscles below to clench.

  Oh this is… I can’t finish the thought. It’s just too good.

  We kiss for a minute longer, holding each other tight. Then he stops.

  I open my eyes, catching his smiling ones. God, he’s amazing. Sexy, sweet… perfectly Gray. My heart buckles, falling into my stomach.

  “Jesus, you’re incredible,” he says.

  My face burns at the compliment, and shyness creeps in. As my eyes leave his, they catch something in the distance.

  My heart stops. Completely stops. I stare at the blank face of my husband. He stands behind the deck with both hands braced against the railing, his eyes burning holes through the back of Grayson’s head. His face is unreadable, but his body language betrays him. His fists are coiled tight, his shoulders are stiff, and his chest is heaving.

  He’s angry. Very fucking angry.

  His eyes bounce to mine, imprisoning me. Behind their depths is a potent blend of anger, hurt, betrayal, and another fleeting emotion…


  I see yearning in Cooper’s eyes. My body—already in shock—freezes. But my heart that had stopped beating a moment ago, slowly starts to pump.

  My first instinct is to push Gray away. But I’m transfixed by the look in Cooper’s eyes. The reflection I see in them sets my heart aflame. I want to run to him, wrap my arms around him and whisper how sorry I am. But I don’t. Still fresh in my mind is the last time we were together and the last couple days he’s been ignoring my calls and texts. I feel the urge to taunt him—maybe even hurt him—take over.

  I look at Gray and he goes rigid. He hasn’t realized that Coop’s standing on the deck but he sees the mixture of emotions that are smeared liberally across my face.

  “Hey, whoa… what’s wrong?” he whispers.

  “Nothing. Can I ask you somethi
ng?” Don’t do it …

  “Of course,” he says, bringing a palm to my cheek.

  My heart constricts at the thought of what I’m about to do to this sweet man. “Can you kiss me again?” I ask, swallowing the guilt.

  Surprise dances behind his eyes for a second, but is quickly replaced by hunger. He strokes his fingers across my cheek, weaving them through my hair to grip my neck. “I’d love nothing more.”

  Oh God, why are you doing this?

  My body tightens with what I’m about to do. I should stop it, but I’m powerless to the self-destruction that continues to rule my life. He moves his mouth toward mine, and I angle my face slightly, forcing my eyes open. I stare at my husband as I meet Gray’s lips. I kiss Gray with passion, fervor, and yearning, the way I wish I could kiss Cooper.

  I never, not once, drop my eyes from his.

  Everything in me bellows and claws. The broken part of my soul chants, “No, no, no! Please stop. Don’t do this!” But the fucked up part is cheering me on. Emotionally, I’m lost. My heart’s a mess, my conscience is destroyed, but the passion I see in Cooper’s emerald eyes as he watches me kiss his best friend bewitches me. The intensity of his anger, hurt, and longing blazes an inferno inside me, egging me on.

  I slide my hands through Gray’s hair, deepening the kiss, and move up and down his body. I see Cooper register the movement. His heaving chest becomes out of control as he lets go of the deck railing and starts pacing. I see the torment seeping through him, creating a tornado that’s about to devour us all.

  His pacing stops. He turns toward us, and an angry growl floats from his chest. It’s so loud that Gray releases me, startled. I push back, and my eyes spring with tears. I’ve gone too far. His breathing rapid, Gray turns toward the house. I see his body stiffen, bracing for a fight. He mutters a curse and looks at me with resignation and disappointment.

  “Stay here, Kylie. Don’t come up there. Swim to shore and wait,” he orders, his voice gruff.

  Before I can respond, he’s moving like a tiger to the house, ready to confront his prey. Cooper surges toward him at lightning speed. His fists are clenched, his face pained, and fear stirs inside me. My head becomes foggy, and my breathing becomes shallow. I feel as if I’m standing in quick sand, and fear is swallowing me whole.


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