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Love Beyond Words: Book 9 of Morna’s Legacy Series

Page 5

by Bethany Claire

  Marcus didn’t appear to be convinced.

  “And what role is that? We know no one here. We will both stand out like sore thumbs. We have nowhere to stay, no way to earn money. Heck, I don’t even know how money works in this time. We will be lucky if we survive a week here.”

  “I don’t know.”

  As if she’d heard his worries from centuries ahead, there was a loud, sudden thump on the other side of the stall wall where I’d found Marcus. I leaned over to find a pile of folded clothes with a letter on top.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Marcus retrieved the items and ripped open the letter as he leaned against the side of the stall. I reached out to stroke our new equine friend as he read the letter aloud.

  Laurel and Marcus,

  I am truly sorry for the scare I’ve given you. While I’ve been known to surprise others with the travel, never before have I sent someone through when they believed me capable of ill intent. I promise that I mean you no harm. I know you must have many questions. Firstly, put on these clothes straight away. Unless ye wish to be burned for witchcraft, doona let anyone see you dressed as you are now.

  Laurel, you are in the stables of the castle you wish to visit. Had you traveled back tomorrow, I would’ve placed you on their front steps, but since you made me send you in the middle of the night, I thought it best you hide out until morning. Some of The Eight travel down to the village every third day to check on their tenants and to see to the needs of their people. Tomorrow is just such a day. Best be out of their stables by sunlight lest you wish to be accused of trying to steal their horses.

  When you approach the castle, tell whomever greets you that you are here to see Laird Allen. He’s familiar with me. He’ll know what to do with you.

  Marcus, I’ve never been one to mince words, so I’ll not dance around something I’m sure you already know. Things may not be easy for you here. The color of your skin may subject you to unfair prejudice, and I am sorry for it. What I can promise you is that the men within this castle are different. While you are among them, they will protect you and treat you as the equal that you are. When Laurel gains entry to the castle, insist that you would never allow Laurel to enter without an escort. They will expect to know what you are to her, and a friend simply won’t do. Say you are adoptive siblings. They should allow you to stay at the castle, as well.

  Once there, try to relax and enjoy. Get to know the men. Get to know the castle. It won’t take long for the reason I’ve sent you here to be clear.

  I’ll be watching. If you ever truly need me, I’ll be there.

  Much love,


  P.S. If it makes you feel any better, Jerry is very cross with me. He wanted you to know that. He tried to talk me out of all this many, many times.

  When Marcus finished reading the letter, he crumpled it up and threw it as hard as he could across the stables.

  “This is madness, Laurel. What are we supposed to do until tomorrow?”

  I patted my new friend as the horse leaned his large head into my hands. I could see that Marcus was angry, worried, and grappling with how any of this could be real. I was worried for him, too.

  “Hey.” I walked across the stall and reached for his hands. “Are you okay? I believe what Morna says. I don’t think she would allow anything to happen to you. If she says that these men are different, I’m certain they are. And as for what we do, I guess we hang out with this big fellow.” I patted the horse as if Marcus didn’t already know who I meant. “At least we are safe in here, and it will be far warmer than camping outside.”

  Marcus’ angry expression softened as he pulled one of his hands away from mine to gently cup the side of my face.

  “Laurel, as angry as I am with the witch, I’m glad she didn’t bullshit me. Of course, things will be trickier for me here. Although, I imagine things will be more difficult for you here, as well. I’ll be fine. Anything that is said to me, I doubt it will be anything I haven’t heard before. And I agree, if there is any real danger posed to me, surely if Morna has the power to send us here, she has the power to help me out of a bind. I want you to promise me something, Laurel.”


  “When ignorance rears its ugly head—which it’s bound to—please keep your mouth shut. I know you mean well, but sometimes you tend to make things worse. I can handle myself, okay?”

  I knew he was right. Marcus might as well have been my brother for as protective as I was of him.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  He smiled and threw me the dress he’d draped over the side of the stall and closed his eyes tight.

  “That’s all I ask. Now, let’s get changed. The next time I see Morna, I’m going to kill her.”

  Laughing, I began to undress. Marcus was the gentlest man I knew. “Says the man who called me when a mouse got into his apartment.”

  “All right. Maybe I won’t kill her, but I’m definitely going to give her a piece of my mind.”

  “I’m sure you will. Now, help me tie this up, and can you please just try and enjoy this a little bit? We’ve stepped into a world most people have never seen.”

  It took a few hours of visiting and me making every possible effort to make him laugh, but as the night wore on, Marcus relaxed.

  By the time we stopped talking and decided to try and get some sleep, he was as curious about what the next day would bring as I was.

  Our excitement was replaced with fear as we were both startled awake at dawn.

  Chapter 10

  The Castle of Eight Lairds

  * * *

  Lifted up by my arms in the middle of a deep sleep, I struggled fruitlessly against the hands that gripped at me as I woke.

  A giant of a man with curly red hair and a frizzy red beard held me away from him as I found my footing. He smiled widely but shook his head and clucked his tongue before speaking.

  “Ye two are the worst thieves I’ve ever seen. Ye fell asleep in the middle of yer jobs.”

  “We’re not…we’re not thieves.”

  I glanced over to see Marcus who was being held back by a tall but slender man with dark hair that was cropped short and eyes that were a startling blue. His face was grim. He looked remarkably serious.

  Marcus said nothing. He still looked half-asleep.

  The man in front of me—seemingly deciding that I was no threat—released his grip on me as he crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Oh, really? Then how and why did ye climb our gates in the dead of night, and why are ye asleep in the stall with our finest horse?”

  “We were on our way to see Laird,” I completely drew a blank on the name Morna mentioned in her letter. “Laird…Laird Aldridge. He’s expecting us.”

  Marcus groaned, and I knew that I’d said the wrong name.

  The man in front of me laughed. “Laird Aldridge? There is no such man here.”

  “I…I mean Laird Albert.”

  I knew the second I uttered the name that it was wrong, as well. In an attempt to save me, Marcus spoke up for the first time. It was a struggle to refrain from literally facepalming myself on the forehead. I felt like a total idiot.

  “Laird Allen. We are here to see Laird Allen.”

  The man turned to face Marcus.

  “And ye say he’s expecting ye? Ye think I should believe that when this lassie,” he paused and pointed his thumb at me, “doesna even know his name? Do ye know him?”

  I tried to recover.

  “I do know his name. You just startled me, is all. And we do know him. As I said, he’s expecting us.”

  He swiveled back toward me.

  “This shall be fun, lass. Okay, if ye truly do know him, pray tell me what he looks like.”

  I was an imbecile. I glanced back and forth between the two men and pleaded with Marcus with my eyes for help. He simply shrugged.

  “It’s been a very long time since I last saw him. I would’ve been a small child, really.
Although, I do remember that he is very tall.”

  “Just how tall would that be, lass?”

  I pursed my lips and attempted to look like I was trying to remember. “I would say just a little bit shorter than you.”

  For the first time since our exchange began, the man holding Marcus’ arms released him and cracked a silent smile.

  The red-haired man shook his head and smiled even more widely.

  “Ye’ve managed to make Calder smile. He doesna smile for anyone. I suppose that means that thief or not, we canna kill ye. ’Twould break his heart.”

  My eyes must have widened with worry for the man hurried to reassure me.

  “Doona fash, lass, I only speak in jest. We wouldna ever kill ye. Now, do ye have any idea what ye said that might’ve made Calder smile so?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t have any idea.

  “Lass, Laird Allen canna be more than a few years older than ye are. I doona believe that he was my height at the age of ten.”


  The redhead’s eyes widened.

  “’Tis unladylike to curse, lass.”

  “Ha.” Marcus seemed to be enjoying the spectacle I was making of myself. His smile was as wide as Calder’s. “There’s nothing ladylike about Laurel.”

  The redhead raised his brows at me in question.

  “Is that so, lass? Ye look like quite the proper lady.”

  I shot Marcus a frown. I was low-maintenance to be sure. I didn’t fuss with fashionable clothes, and I never paid more than twenty dollars for a tube of mascara, but I’d never considered myself unladylike. Perhaps, I did need to start trying just a little harder. I didn’t like the thought of anyone thinking of me as a manly slob.

  “I…I am too ladylike.” My answer sounded ridiculously childish.

  The redhead gave me a sympathetic look. “O’course ye are. Laurel, was it?”

  I nodded.

  “’Tis a bonny name.” He extended his hand to me, and I gladly took it. His grip was firm and his handshake was a little over exuberant, but it made me like him immediately. “I’m Harry.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Harry.” I pointed to Marcus once my hand was free. “This is my brother, Marcus.”

  As expected, Harry’s brows lifted as his trademark smile spread across his face once again. He was looking at the obvious difference in our skin colors and not buying it for a second.

  Harry extended his hand toward Marcus and spoke as they shook. “Yer brother? Are ye sure ye dinna mean to say friend or mayhap, lover?”

  Marcus spoke and the lie sounded remarkably believable even to me. “Her parents took me in when I was young. I’m her brother in every way that matters.”

  Understanding spread across Harry’s face, and I could see right away that Morna had been truthful. There was no malice in the man’s doubt, only curiosity. “Neither of ye are from here, aye? Not that I rightly care, to be sure. ’Tis only that I’ve never heard such speech in my life. I’ve already told ye Calder’s name. He’s a shy one. Ye willna get much out of him. Now.” He clasped his palms together and rubbed them back and forth excitedly. “Calder and I are expected in the village shortly. ’Tis time we decide what to do with ye.”

  “What to do with us? Are you not going to let us speak to Laird Allen?”

  “Laird Allen isna here. He hasna been in two and a half years. I doona expect he will be here for another fortnight, at least. While I doona believe for a moment that ye know him or that ye even have business with him, I like ye well enough that I’m willing to host ye until he returns. I’m verra curious to see how he responds to ye.”

  For the first time, Calder spoke up, his tone filled with warning.

  “She’s a lassie, Harry. She canna stay in the castle. ’Tis not allowed.”

  Harry waved a dismissive hand.

  “Calder, ’tis a foolish superstition—one we should’ve tested long ago. She tries to control us through fear. ’Tis likely that much of what she says is untrue. I hardly believe that having one lass inside these walls will cause us trouble.”

  “Let us at least have them stay in the village, Harry. ’Twill be safer for everyone.”

  Harry gestured toward the stable doors with a small nod of his head. Together, we all began to move toward the exit.

  “Ach, doona be such a worrier, Calder. ’Twill send ye to an early grave. ’Twill lift everyone’s spirits to have a lass about—even yers, I reckon.”

  As Harry pushed the large doors open, we stepped out into the fresh air, and Marcus and I got our first look at The Castle of Eight Lairds. It was even more gothic and intimidating than it appeared in the documentary. Dark, dead vines creeped up the front, and the forest surrounding it dropped off steeply on each side.

  Marcus muttered under his breath, “Wow.”

  Harry clasped Marcus on the shoulder. “’Tis even more impressive in the daytime, aye?”

  Marcus nodded as Calder stepped over near Harry. “I doona think this a good idea.”

  Harry’s tone dropped and I noticed that his face—when he wasn’t smiling—made him appear very unfriendly.

  “I doona care what ye think, Calder. See them settled inside while I ready our horses. Place Marcus in Timothy’s old room. Place Laurel in the castle’s finest bedchamber.”

  “But that’s Raudrich’s room.”

  Harry nodded. “Precisely. Raudrich has always had a soft place in his heart for the lassies. He willna have the heart to remove her once he arrives, and it will keep the rest of us from being unsettled. He can sleep elsewhere.”

  Without another word, Harry turned to leave us. Desperate to see the inside of the castle, I all but chased after Calder as he walked inside.

  Chapter 11

  The rest of the day passed rather strangely. After Calder showed us to our individual rooms, he informed us that the other men of the castle were out in the forest working and that the master of the castle—whatever that meant—was already in the village for the day. He told us to make ourselves at home, to explore as we wished, and to be in the dining hall for dinner at sundown.

  It was all very strange. While Calder was polite, he did nothing to hide his disapproval of Harry’s order. I couldn’t blame him.

  It was one thing to allow us to stay here until Laird Allen returned. It was another thing entirely to leave us unattended in a massive castle that was undoubtedly filled with all sorts of valuable items.

  I loved it. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been more excited about anything. I’d thought touring Scottish castles long after their prime was the peak of excitement. I was wrong. Touring them in this time, as a guest, was something I would be able to live off of for years.

  It was unlike any other Scottish castle I’d ever seen. Gothic and exaggerated, each new wing was creepier than the last. And it was blatantly obvious that men lived and ruled here. It lacked anything feminine or fancy. Everything was for function, nothing for fuss.

  Marcus and I spent the day familiarizing ourselves with the castle. About an hour before sunset, we each went to our room to freshen up.

  I was ready way before Marcus. He was notorious for taking forever to get ready for anything. I waited inside my borrowed room until he came for me.

  “You ready?” He called to me through the door just as the sun dipped below the bedchamber’s tall window, and I threw the door open with way too much force.

  “So ready.”

  He smiled at me and offered his arm.

  “You look good, Laurel. More like yourself. As angry as I am at that witch, I’m pleased that you’re enjoying this so much. You needed something to bring you back to life.”

  * * *

  The ruckus from the dining hall could be heard as soon as we descended the castle’s grand stairway, but the moment Marcus and I stepped into the room, it fell completely silent.

  “Hi.” It was literally the only thing I could think to say as seven men who were even more impressive in stature th
an Marcus rose from their seats around the table.

  Harry was the first to speak.

  “Laurel, lass, ye look even lovelier than ye did this morning. Ye and yer brother come around here so I may introduce ye to everyone.”

  Nodding, we made our way to the side of the long table where there were two empty seats waiting for us.

  He wasted no time in making introductions. I paid special attention as I was determined to do a better job of remembering each of their names than I was usually capable of doing.

  “Calder, o’course.”

  He pointed briefly to the man we’d already met and then moved his finger to the next man around the table.

  The man had solid gray hair that fell just below his chin. He had kind but sad green eyes and stubble along his cheeks that was a slightly darker shade of grey. He was easily the oldest man at the table. He was also the shortest. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks.

  “This is Nicol. He is the master of the castle and the man whom we all serve.”

  Nicol dipped his head in recognition and gave us both a smile that made my heart ache. He looked heartbroken and pained.

  “Greetings to ye both. Ye are welcome here as long as ye wish. Any friend of Raudrich’s is a friend of mine.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Calder begin to open his mouth, but before he could say anything, Harry elbowed him straight in the ribs and gave him a look that made it clear he’d not told the rest of the men the truth about who we were.

  I muttered a quick greeting and a thank you to him before Harry continued his introductions.

  The next, a man named Quinn, had brilliantly blond hair that fell to his waist. His eyes were dark brown. He was striking in the most unusual way.

  Next to Quinn sat Ludo. Ludo had the coolest curls I’d ever seen. They framed his face in a way that would make any girl envious, and his honey-colored eyes matched the shade of his hair. I was certain he had no trouble wooing ladies.

  At the table’s end was Paton. He was easily the youngest. I couldn’t imagine that he was much older than twenty. He had jet black hair that he kept pinned at the nape. His brown eyes were kind and soft.


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