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Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1)

Page 3

by Arden, Dana

  I round the corner and lean against the wall, taking it all in. The kids are at a dark cherry table with Trigger and another little girl who could pass as Sadie’s mini-me. Dani is at the stove in a purple robe cooking bacon and Sadie is at the kitchen island flipping pancakes.

  The chatter in the kitchen stops and all eyes are on me. Dani looks up from the pan and then looks towards the kids, my kids. Then I look at the kids and they are just staring back at me trying to figure out who the hell I am. What am I supposed to say “hey kids it is great to finally meet you after what seven years.” Yeah, not likely, so I just wait. Trigger is completely silent drinking coffee like it is his job to suck it down as fast as possible.

  Dani clears her throat and turns to face to kids. “Kids this is Ryker. Ryker this is Tatum, Rory and Sadie’s daughter, Lyla. Why don’t you grab some coffee and have a seat at the table. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

  I go around to Dani’s other side where the coffee pot is and lean close to her ear.

  “Are they the presents I left you with?” I whisper.

  She turns her head to look up at me and nods her head. “Yes, Ryker, but if you’d talked to your parents you would’ve known that.”

  She turns back to finish pulling the bacon out of the pan and then sets it on the table. Sadie walks up beside her and places the pancakes down. I grab my cup of coffee and take a seat across the table from Tatum and Rory while Dani sits at the head of the table to my left.

  Food is passed around and everyone is silent for about five minutes before my son decides quiet is overrated.

  “Momma, how do you know Ryker?” I turn to look at Dani trying to figure out how she is going to answer this question.

  “Well, we grew up together in Virginia. Trigger met Ryker in the Marines, but didn’t know that I knew him until last night.” She looks at Trigger, then Tate and then me.

  “Ryker is a cool name.” He says with a smile and I smile back. “My middle name is Ryker.” And now I want to bawl like a baby. Dani may have been mad at me, but she still gave my son my name.

  “Ryker is a very cool name. What is your middle name Rory?” She looks up from her plate and she has the same shy personality Dani had when she was little.

  “My middle name is Grace.” She says softly.

  My fork drops to my plate with a loud clank. Even my little girl has a part of me with my grandmother’s name as her middle name. I stare at Dani for a long moment before I turn to Rory.

  “Grace is a beautiful name. My grandmother’s name was Grace. She was a very special lady, like I’m sure you’re a very special little girl.” Rory smiles at me and she is missing her two front teeth. Man I think I just melted into a puddle.

  We finish eating breakfast in silence. All you hear are drinks being sipped and silverware hitting the plates.

  Dani scoots her chair back and stands up. “Alright kiddos, I need you to go get your backpacks and shoes on while I go get dressed to take you all to school.”

  All three kids get up and run to get their stuff. Dani walks past me to get dressed and I just sit there waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  She comes down a few minutes later in none other than fucking yoga pants and a tight tank top. For the life of me, can she please wear some fucking clothes that make her look frumpy?

  She goes to the kitchen counter and grabs her purse and keys. “I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes and then we can talk.” And once again she’s out the door.

  I turn to survey my company. Trigger is still at the table with his head bowed and Sadie is cleaning up the kitchen.

  “Trigger, I know it wasn’t your place but I wish I would’ve known so I could be prepared.” He lifts his head and nods.

  “Just like Dani was prepared to be pregnant with twins at eighteen and no way to get in contact with you. I get it.” He pauses. “No, you know what. I don’t get it. How do you cut off contact with my cousin to join the Marines and don’t say a word to her? Don’t try to play the innocent victim because you aren’t. She went to your parents’ house the day she found out she was pregnant and you know what she got. She got your ex with an engagement ring on her finger saying she was pregnant and your parents calling her a whore. All she wanted was a way to contact you. She didn’t go there to be thrown under the bus.” He says irately, and gets up and goes out the back door to what I suspect is a deck.

  I look over at Sadie and she has her head down washing dishes.

  “Sadie, why didn’t I know anything about my kids?” Sadie turns to me drying her hands with a towel.

  “You would’ve known all about them if she was able to contact you, but your folks wouldn’t give her anything. She has sent pictures of the twins to your folks since the week after they were born. They knew, unless they’ve moved in the last eight years.” I just shake my head no and turn to walk back downstairs. It is about time my parents start explaining what the fuck happen eight years ago.

  I text my mom to make sure both her and my father are up since it is only a little after eight in the morning.

  Me: Ma, you up? I wanted to Skype with you and Pop before I started my day.

  Mom: Yeah were up. I will get the computer ready. Just give me a few minutes.

  I wait a few minutes and then send a request, which is picked up. Once they are in focus, I see my mom checking out my surroundings. I am sitting up in the bed that Trigger told me was mine for the night. I guess she is trying to figure out if there is a woman somewhere.

  “Hey Ma, Pop! How are ya’ll doing this morning?”

  “We’re good, Ryker. Where are you at?” Of course my nosey mother wouldn’t care how I am doing just who I am doing it with.

  “I’m in Georgia. I am planning to stay here for a few more days with Tanner and then head home, but I wanted to give you two a chance to tell me about some pictures you have been receiving over the years.” My mom blanches and turns to my dad where he is rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I’m not sure what pictures you are talking about son.” My dad either knows something or he is just as dumb to it all as I was.

  “Well you see, last night Tanner and I went to a bar in Cumming, Georgia. The bar is owned by his cousin, Dani.” Just her name has my mother’s eyes welling up. “And then I find out that his Dani is my Dani. Funny coincidence, huh? And just as I’m getting excited about seeing my Dani after all these years, I find out that I gave her two presents that I had no clue about, but instead she tells me you two, my mom and dad, have known about them since they were a week old. Any thoughts as to what presents she is talking about now.” I say heatedly.

  My dad stands up and walks out of the room. He comes back with a shoe box in his hands and sits back down. He looks over at my mother. “You can handle this Doris since I told you to tell him all about her little visit the week after he left.” He turns to face me on the computer. “I’m sorry son, but we took the word of Samantha over anyone else, but we can’t go back and change anything. We can just move forward if that is even possible after the way we acted.” He sits back and crosses his arms over his chest.

  I turn to my mom and wait for her explanation. “I wanted to tell you, but Samantha said you didn’t need to be stressed out while you were in boot camp, that you needed to focus. Samantha came to us a few days after you left and told us that she was pregnant and that is why you had up and joined the Marines in a hurry. We believed her because that was the only reason we could think that you would leave so fast without even talking to us about it in detail. She came here with an ultrasound, saying she was twelve or so weeks along and we believed her. We had no reason to think she would lie about a baby. Then she started talking about how Dani was upset because you and Samantha had gotten back together for the baby. She said that Dani was out flaunting herself to all the boys now that you were gone and making a name for herself, so when Dani came here looking for you after all of that we couldn’t let her disrespect our family. Samantha was pregnant with your child, whic
h made her family, Ryker.” She takes a deep breath and opens the shoe box and pulls out a piece of paper. “In April after you left, we got this letter from Dani and I opened it. When I did pictures fell out and they were of two babies. We didn’t think anything of it until we read the letter. Here let me read it. It isn’t long.” She opens the paper.

  Dear Doris and Todd,

  I attempted to get in contact with Ryker through you, but you decided I wasn’t worthy, but that is okay. I know how manipulative Sammy can be and I hope that you are enjoying your new grandchild. I wanted to formally introduce you to two more of your grandchildren. This is Rory Grace and Tatum Ryker. They were born on April 18. They are healthy and happy and that is all I ever wanted.

  The day I showed up on your doorstep was the day I found out that I was pregnant with Ryker’s twins. After are little discussion on your porch and the hurtful things you said, I decided it would be best if I left and moved to be closer to my family for the support I would need to raise these beautiful babies. I know you don’t want anything to do with me and that is fine, but these babies are innocent and they deserve to be loved. Hopefully you can find it in your hearts to let Ryker know. If you want to have a DNA test done, I am willing to meet halfway somewhere in order to do it since you decided I was a whore. But to set the record straight, I have never and will never be a whore. Your son was the only and still is the only person I have slept with, but you don’t need to believe me and I am fine with you belittling me, but if your bad thoughts of me ever touch my babies I will rain my wrath against you both.

  Just so you know, I’m not mad at you two just a little bitter since I have known the two of you since I was little and thought rather highly of you. If you decide to tell Ryker, I would appreciate it since I am unable to contact him.

  Best wishes,


  My mother folds the letter back up and shows me the picture of Rory and Tate. They are both in a crib together sleeping peacefully.

  “So Ma, why didn’t you tell me? And most of all where is this grandchild you have from Sammy?” My mother is sobbing now and can barely speak, but I am done. The two most important people in my life kept my kids from me. Here I thought Dani just up and left, but no she had gone to my parents to get in touch with me.

  “Ryker, a few months before I got this letter Sammy came by and told us she was thinking about giving the baby up for adoption. It was before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t understand how this excited soon-to-be mother would consider giving her baby away to someone else. I questioned her on it and she told me that she couldn’t afford to support a baby and didn’t know when she would talk to you again to discuss the baby, so I started giving her money to help her out. I didn’t want to lose my grandbaby.”

  “Your telling me that you believed a liar like Sammy over Dani who you have watched grow up. You knew I loved Dani. I joined the Marines for her. I wanted to have a stable job. I wanted to make a better life for her and me. Damn it, Ma. I have missed out on the beginning of my kids’ lives because you chose to believe a whore. Isn’t that what you called Dani? No wonder she was less than excited to see me after all this time.” I look at my father and start to talk to him, ignoring my mother. “Pop, you should see them. Man, I had breakfast with them this morning and they are gorgeous. Tate looks just like me and Rory is exactly like her momma except she has my eyes. How could you not look at those pictures and not see that they are mine?”

  “Son, we didn’t open anymore of the letters. I’m sorry you have missed out on them, but hopefully now you won’t.” My dad is trying hard to hide his emotions, but it isn’t working.

  “Ma, open those letters and look at those pictures and tell me what you see.” She picks up the remaining envelops and opens them. With each picture she looks at the more tears fall down her face. My dad is looking over her shoulder and he has a few wet streaks on his cheeks. I can’t believe my own family has kept this from me. “Now what do you see, Ma.”

  She looks up at the computer screen. “I see a little Ryker and a little Dani.”

  She gets up from the chair and basically runs from the room. I look at my dad and he just shrugs. She comes back with a picture and puts it beside one of the pictures of my kids.

  “This picture was taken when you and Dani were five I think.” She holds it closer to the camera so I can see and damn if it isn’t an identical reflection of Rory and Tate now.

  “Yep, now tell me they aren’t mine.” I look at my parents as they shake their heads. “You can’t and I’ve seen them in person. I’m going to get off here and hopefully sit down with Dani to talk about how we move forward because I’m not missing anything else.”

  “Call us later, Ryker. I know we don’t deserve it, but I want to get to know my grandbabies. Hopefully Dani will forgive us.” My dad replies.

  We say our goodbyes and I lie back on the bed and wonder how much hell Dani is going to put me through to make this right.

  Chapter 5


  Entering the house after dropping the kids off at school, I am not sure what I am expecting but it isn’t complete silence. I decide it is time to get a run in before I have to face Ryker.

  I go upstairs to my workout room and get on the treadmill hoping to run a few miles before I am interrupted. I put in my ear buds and start jamming to some old school music.

  I am about thirty minutes in and sweating my ass off when I see Ryker standing against the door jam. Hmmm….guess it is time to face the real music instead of the music I am hearing in my ears. I slow down the treadmill to a walk so I can cool down and take my ear buds out of my ears.

  “Ryker,” I say breathless.

  “Dani.” Okay, one word responses. We’ll get nowhere at this rate.

  “So, you’ve met my kids.” He moves away from the door and sits on the weight bench that is in front of the treadmill.

  “Yes, I met our kids and I have to say surprised and shocked don’t even cut the way I was feeling this morning, but I Skype’d with my parents after you left and I think we need to have a serious talk about going forward because I can tell you now I am not missing another loose tooth, birthday, Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. I want to be a permanent fixture in their lives. I want them to know me as their Dad.”

  “I get that and I am not against it. The only thing they know about their dad is that I grew up with him in Roanoke and he went off to the military. They haven’t asked any other questions. When it comes to school functions where they need a male figure, my dad, uncle or one of the brothers is always there. All I ask is that the next time you want to up and leave without a word, at least have the decency to let them know ahead of time or you won’t be welcomed back in their lives.”

  “That’s not going to happen, Dani. I left without a word last time because…” I cut him off.

  “You don’t need to explain to me what you did to me. This has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them. We can co-parent, but I don’t need to know about what happen before you left. Can you do that?” He looks a little upset that I don’t want an explanation as to why he didn’t want me, but I don’t need one because I’ll never be in that situation again.

  “I can do that for now.” He whispers the last part as though he doesn’t want me to hear it.

  Yeah buddy keep thinking you still have me in your clutches like before. I had to grow up quick, fast and in a hurry, and I have no plans to ever feel as low as he made me feel again.

  “Good. So I take it the conversation went well with your parents.” He nods his head.

  “Yeah and I am not going to apologize for them. They can do it themselves.” That will be a cold day in hell. “And they would also like to get to know their grandchildren, if you will allow it after the way they disrespected you. I am not very happy with them at the moment and it will be a bit before I decide to accept the apology they gave me.”

  “You can introduce the kids to them on your own time with them. I do not wish to be a
part of it. I have done more than enough for them by sending pictures every year on Rory and Tate’s birthday. I don’t have much else to give them.” He nods again. “This weekend is their birthday. On Sunday, we’re having their party at the Southern Chaotic’s clubhouse at two. You are welcome to come and you can invite your parents, but my family knows what they did and I am not sure they will be treated very warmly.”

  “I’ll see what they want to do. I was planning on leaving on Friday to head back to Virginia, but I’ll stay and leave on Monday after the kids go to school if that is fine with you. I would also like to continue staying in the basement so I can get to know them a little more.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. I’m not working tonight, but I will be the rest of the week except Sunday. When I am not here, either Sadie will be here or my Aunt Queenie will be here to stay with the kids.”

  “Thanks. I can help with the kids when you are working. Maybe you can give me the run down so I can help with homework, dinner, bath time, or whatever they may need.”

  “I can do that. I’m going to take a shower and I’ll meet you back downstairs in the living room.” He nods and I turn off the treadmill.

  He heads downstairs, while I head to my room which houses an attached full bathroom.

  I take a quick shower and get dressed. I head back downstairs to the living room to see him taking in all the photos. There is a collage of the kids, me and family that fills most of the wall. If you want a timeline of our lives since moving to Georgia, it is on that wall.

  “If you want to see an album of the kids, it is on that bookshelf on the bottom. Rory likes to look at all the time.” I tell him as I stand in the middle of the living room ringing my hands together.

  “Tell me about them, baby girl.” My hands start to shake as I remember the way he used to call me baby girl so long ago. I look at his face as he turns to me and see a cocky smirk on his face. Ugh. I blow out a deep breathe and bow my head.

  “Well, Rory is a girly girl and I’m not sure where she got that from, but she is all about what she wears. She is into sparkly and colorful, even her shoes sparkle and light up. She plays with Barbie’s. She and Lyla are always in their room playing dolls and tea party. Beware you and Trigger might get wrangled into a few of those parties and they aren’t just about drinking tea.”


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