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Liquid Assets (Liquid Regret #3)

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by MJ Carnal

  It doesn’t take long to get to Max’s massive house on the water. Despite its size, it feels like home. I’ve never questioned him about how he had a house so impressive before the band really hit it big. There’s a part of me that understands if I was supposed to know that, it would have come out before now. I’m curious and it crosses my mind. The other part of me, the one that wants to park my car in the garage and leave it there forever, would rather not know in case it’s due to some sort of illegal activity.

  What would I say anyway? Hey Max, I’m totally in love with you and as I’m moving my things into your closet, do you want to tell me about the person you killed to get this place? Or better yet. Max, I’m going to need you to fuck me in the middle of that huge bedroom upstairs that you paid for by being a drug dealer.

  The thought of fucking Max has my stomach in knots. My hands shake and goose bumps break out all over my body. In all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him with anyone. He’s never brought up a woman during therapy and I’ve never asked. He seems like such a gentle giant. Tall, broad and full of sex. If I have my way, that’s exactly what he’ll be.

  “Pull yourself together, Rachel.” Great! Now I’m talking to myself. I have to find a way to pull my heart out of this. I have to find a way to be their therapist and not be part of the family. After today, I will start to pull back. After today, I will be there in a professional capacity only. After today….

  The door opens and I can’t breathe. I look up and meet his eyes. His deep voice weakens my resolve. His smile is my undoing.


  Chapter 3

  The minute her eyes meet mine, I know exactly what I want for Christmas. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. I need her in my bed, under me, letting go of that perfect, quiet exterior. I will have her. The sooner she realizes it’s going to happen, the better.

  She’s the first person I’ve felt this way about. My past has defined every part of me, especially the intimate parts. I’m no saint but I certainly haven’t had thoughts that keep me hard for days at a time, wishing I could take her so rough she’d forget her own name. I’ve spent forever lost in music, trying to forget the past. I’ve spent years hammering on the drums to take out my aggression. Now the only thing I want to hammer is that tight pussy I know she has.

  I can feel my pants getting tight and I have to take a few deep breaths. As she steps into the house, I get a whiff of her perfume. I’m totally screwed. I just need one taste. It’s my dying wish.

  “Everyone is outside by the pool. Can I get you a drink?” Act natural, Max. I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her toward the back door. She stiffens but it’s only for a second. She must know I watch her when she pretends not to be looking. I’m like a twelve year old boy with a crush. “I’ve got wine, beer, soda, water.”

  She smiles and I could swear she leans back into my hand. “Wine sounds nice.” Her voice is hushed and her cheeks turn pink. Oh yeah, she knows.

  I can’t help myself. I lean into her, breathing lightly against her skin. “You smell delicious.” The little pulse point in her neck goes into overdrive. As I head into the kitchen, I smile back at her. “I saved you a seat next to me.”

  Chance laughs at me when Rachel is out of ear shot. “Dude, you’re going to give the girl a heart attack.”

  “Says the man trying to get into Laney’s pants.” I smack him in the back of the head as I walk by.

  “You can tell Laney’s a freak in the sack. Rachel? She’s pure, man. You can’t hit that and walk away. She’s the type of girl who wants a ring and two point five kids. You get your tip wet in that and you can pretty much guarantee a sleep over with the dreaded cuddling.” He takes a sip of his beer and tips it in my direction. “But cheers to that if that’s what you’re looking for.”

  “Just a gut feeling here but I think Laney may have her eye on someone else. May not want to even try to go there, brother.”

  I pour Rachel’s wine. The kind of girl that wants a ring and the whole package. I think about it for a minute. No part of me wants to run from the room screaming. The only part that terrifies me is that I’m not terrified.

  “On who?” Chance puts his beer down and for the first time in a long time, he’s serious. “What do you know?”

  “I don’t know anything. Just a feeling.” I’m not going to stand around and discuss this when I know Rachel is right outside. I want my Christmas present and I’m not going to get it if I spend all my time analyzing Chance’s life. “I’ll see you out there.”

  It’s nice to see everyone smiling and relaxed. I knew spending Christmas by the pool was exactly what we needed after the year we’ve had. I sit next to Rachel and take it all in. The only thing missing today is Harley. Even Della is with us in spirit. She didn’t love Christmas but that hasn’t stopped us from making her front and center in our favorite memories.

  So many of my happy memories revolve around Dell. I loved her from afar for such a long time and letting her go has been painful. But the woman beside me has helped me heal in more ways than she will ever know. Della was more of the dream of the relationship and the woman I wanted in my future. Rachel is so much more and I’ve only known her a short time. She snuck into my head and took up residence and I don’t ever want to evict her. She makes me want things I never thought I would deserve.

  I see Harley before anyone else does. He puts his finger over his lips to keep me quiet. I brace myself for the squealing women when they see he’s home. Shit, I might even squeal. I’m so ready to get back on the road and get the hell out of LA. I need to leave before my entire family finds me.

  Rachel is on her feet the second she sees him. Her entire face lights up and she’s more beautiful in this moment than I’ve ever seen her. She’s flushed from the wine, her smile is genuine and her love for him radiates and surrounds him as he takes her into his arms. She fits in with this family of misfits and it’s like she’s always been here. She will always have a special connection with Harley and our lives are better with her here.

  I watch her laugh as Chance pulls Laney into the pool and Harley isn’t far behind. She sips her second glass of wine and catches me staring. Instead of shying away, she grins at me when I wink at her. Her hand touches my knee the next time she laughs at Chance and I almost jump out of my skin. She doesn’t move it. My breathing changes immediately. What is it about this woman? The skin on my leg heats under her touch. I need to get up now or I will have a big problem to hide.

  “Harley, there are towels in the warmer in the bathroom. Grab some sweats or something out of my closet. I’m sure there’s something in there you want.” I give him a look that I hope he understands. I know Laney will be in there getting dressed. Seeing them finally admit their feelings for each other is just the miracle we need this Christmas.

  I lag behind when everyone goes inside. I need a minute to breathe. I’ve had a few drinks and I don’t want to say or do anything that I will be sorry about in the morning. I’d love nothing more than to throw her over my shoulder and drag her back to my bedroom. I’d have her naked, spread and I’d be enjoying my Christmas dessert before dinner. I just need a taste, a touch. It’s all I’ve thought about since she showed up today. Fuck it.

  I walk into the living room and sit directly across from her. She’s got her legs tucked under her and that fucking sweater hanging off her shoulder. It’s making me lose my mind. She’s scrolling through something on her phone and doesn’t even look up when I clear my throat. That’s ok. Two can play at this game. My phone is in my hands and I’m texting before I have a chance to second guess myself.

  I know what I want for Christmas and you’re the only one that can give it to me.

  She looks up at me with a confused look on her face. I just stare. She types back and watches me as I read it.

  Ok. I’ll bite. What is it?

  I smile as I type back. Hitting send changes the playing field and I don’t care.

  It’s under that s
exy sweater and those tight jeans. I need it.

  Her eyes widen for just a second before he face flushes and she bites her lip.

  I didn’t know you were into women’s underwear.

  I want to be into yours.

  She giggles when she reads it. She didn’t get up and run from the room. She giggled. It’s a beautiful sound but not the response I was looking for.

  You won’t be laughing when my face is buried between your legs.

  Yep, that shut her up. She looks up at me, wide eyed and flushed. That might have been too much. She’s so soft spoken and sweet and now, she’s panicked. Shit.

  Chapter 4

  What the hell was that? Is he drunk? He doesn’t look drunk. My heart is pounding. What do I say to that? I want that too. My body is on board and I shift to try to ease the ache between my thighs. He’s my patient. He’s my patient. He’s my patient. I can’t break the rules. I’d be putting my job and my future on the line. I’d be putting the bond I’ve formed with these men on the line.

  I tilt my head and take in his body language. His breathing is shallow. His usual relaxed posture is tense and there’s a fire behind those blue eyes that I haven’t seen before. His pupils are dilated. He looks exactly how I feel.

  It would be so easy to get lost for a night. Just one and no one would have to know. But I’d know. I also have a feeling that one night with Max would never be enough.

  If I wasn’t your therapist, I’d jump at that offer. You have no idea how much I’d like that.

  His face falls when he reads it. My heart breaks a little bit. He gives me a half smile and nods his head. I know he understands but it doesn’t make it any easier. And now that Harley is back, I’m going to need to concentrate on making sure he’s ok. Maybe when this assignment is over. Maybe if Max is still single. I officially hate the word maybe.

  I finish off my second glass of wine. My head feels a little fuzzy and I’m warm. It feels nice to let go a little. I lean my head back against the couch and close my eyes. Hearing the laughter fill the room warms my heart. I feel the couch dip next to me and I know it’s Max without opening my eyes. His clean smell makes me moan and I smile.

  “Don’t make those sounds. I’m having a hard enough time as it is.” He holds a new glass of wine to my lips and I take a sip. It’s sweet and I feel the warmth as it slides down my throat.

  “You trying to get me drunk?” I giggle when he plays innocent.

  “Not drunk. Just loose enough to let me take advantage of you without you feeling guilty.” He laughs and brushes his fingers over my exposed shoulder. “You’re never allowed to wear this again. It’s driving me fucking crazy.”

  “I’ll buy it in every color.” I laugh when he groans.

  “Evil woman. Evil.” He squeezes my knee before he gets up and walks Joshua to the door.

  My eyes are so heavy and I feel myself drifting off to sleep. I haven’t been this relaxed in such a long time. It’s been a beautiful Christmas Day. I’ve missed my family but I feel like I’m a part of the one they have here. Harley kisses my forehead goodbye and tells me not to get up. I hear everyone saying their goodbyes. My grin says it all. I’m happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like this.

  “Are you hungry?” Max whispers above me.

  “Starving.” I whisper back.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He’s right at my ear and my eyes snap open. “Close your eyes, doc. Keep your head back.”

  I feel the pineapple juice hit my lips and I open my mouth. His lips touch mine, the piece of pineapple between his teeth. I bite into it and the juice runs down my chin and onto my neck. I moan when he pulls his mouth away. I don’t know if it’s because the flavor is so intense or because having his lips so close was heaven.

  His tongue licks at the juice on my neck. “More?” His voice is barely a whisper. I can feel him leaning over me and I can’t help myself.

  “Yes.” Shit. I want so much more.

  I hear him walking around to the front of the couch. I’m helpless to stop this. I want it so badly. I pray he has some strength because I don’t have any. I tense when I feel his knees on each side of my legs. He straddles my lap and I can’t think. All I can do is feel.

  “Relax and trust me. I promise I won’t take this too far. Not tonight, Rach.” He runs his fingers down my neck. “Keep those beautiful eyes shut.”

  I nod and struggle to catch my breath. I feel the cold hit my lips and I flick my tongue out. The flavor explodes in my mouth. Whipped cream is my weakness and knowing its Max that’s feeding me makes it so intense. My nipples harden. I want him. He drags the strawberry over my bottom lip, then the top. I take a bite and chew slowly. His tongue runs across my lips, licking away any leftover whipped cream.

  “More?” I shiver and nod my head.

  He dips his finger into the bowl of whipped cream and drags it over my shoulder. His mouth is hot as he licks it clean. His lips drag up my neck, licking near my ear and my whole body breaks out in goosebumps.

  His lips meet mine again. This time, a tiny grape passes between us. He lingers a little longer and I reach for him. I want to pull him against me. I want to feel his full mouth on mine. I want to taste him, to feel his tongue against mine.

  “No hands.” He whispers against my ear. His sexy voice sends a bolt of electricity straight to my core.

  “You’re killing me, Max.” I whine.

  “The feeling is mutual.” He runs another piece of pineapple against my lips and I moan.

  I take a tiny bite knowing his lips will stay close. I’ll play this game until I get my way. I need to know what it feels like to kiss Max Callum. I need to know if it’s everything I’ve dreamed it would be. Fuck being his therapist. He can find a new one. In this moment, the only thing that matters is knowing what it’s like to be Max’s. Even if it is only for tonight.

  He chuckles knowing exactly what I’m doing. He brings the pineapple back to my mouth and I take another tiny bite. My lips brush against his each time and finally, there isn’t much left.

  He takes my hand and places it on his throat. I can feel him chewing and as he swallows, his throat bobs. It’s so sensual. He moves my hand onto his chest and gives me a minute to explore his muscles. He’s a work of art and I trace each inch of him with my fingers. His nipples harden as I run my fingers across them. I need to feel the warmth of his skin.

  His body tightens as I pull at the hem of his shirt. I run my hands up his chest, his flesh burning hot under my fingers. His skin is so soft. I can’t get enough. I pull him toward me and my nails dig into his back. He hisses and grabs my ponytail. He pulls my hair and his lips crash against mine. The kiss is rough and demanding. His tongue doesn’t ask permission, he owns this kiss. He owns my mouth. For the moment, he owns me.

  I’m always in control. This is a new feeling but I like it and I want more. It’s a battle of tongues, a battle of wills. I gasp for breath as he pulls away and shoves me flat onto the couch. He owns every inch of me as the weight of his body pushes me further into the cushions and I moan as he grinds against me. I pray our clothes will combust and I will feel all of him. I wrap my legs around him and he moans into my mouth. I tangle my fingers into his hair and pull. His growl sends me over the edge. I’m soaked and I need him.

  “Shit.” He pulls away and sits up. He struggles to catch his breath. “We need to stop.”

  I don’t want to stop. I just want to feel. I want to feel everything. He runs his hands through his hair and I shut my eyes. He’s right.

  “I want you so badly, Rach. I can’t see straight.” He adjusts himself and laughs. “That escalated quickly. I’m sorry. I took it too far.”

  “No. It was amazing.” I giggle when he rolls his eyes. “That was the best snack I’ve ever had.”

  His belly laugh is contagious and I join in. He pulls me up and gives me a hug. There’s whipped cream all over the leather couch. The fruit plate is on the floor, pieces of pineapple and strawber
ries everywhere.

  “Oh my god. We made a huge mess.” I try to get off the couch to clean it up but he pulls me back into his lap.

  “It was so worth it.” He bites my shoulder hard and I whimper. “I’ll never look at fruit the same way again.”

  “Next time you feed me, maybe we should pass on the whipped cream.” I try to wipe it from the cushions but it’s no use.

  “Next time there’s whipped cream, I’ll be licking it off every inch of your body before I fuck you into next week.” I gasp before he continues. “I might be sweet Max out there to everyone but not in here. Not with you. I want to own you like you already own me. I want to hear you scream and believe me, you will. Next time you step foot in this house, I’m not going to stop. You need to understand that.”

  I’m so fucked. And I can’t wait.

  Chapter 5

  Maddox is on high alert. The motion lights went on in the middle of the night and the house alarm chirped. I was awake and as soon as I heard the alarm, it sealed my fate for the night. I didn’t sleep at all. I’m not usually a complete pussy but I can’t help but worry that somehow, all the success and happiness I’ve found will come crashing down around me.

  “Cal, I promise I won’t hurt you.” She touches me and I’m torn. I’m a teenage boy and I’m horny. She’s beautiful and twice my age but she’s marrying my dad next weekend. “I’ll make you feel good if you let me.”

  “I don’t know.” I can’t do this. If my dad finds out, it will kill him. Motion in the doorway catches my attention. “Who is that?”

  “Don’t you worry, sweet boy. We’re going to take good care of you.” She pulls a syringe out of her purse and I try to pull away. “It will only sting for a minute.”

  “Max?” The glass bottle of juice I’m holding slips from my hands and orange liquid explodes all over the kitchen floor. Mia grabs the paper towels and runs to clean up the mess. “Are you ok?”

  I shake myself out of the flashback and try to smile at her. It’s forced and she knows. “I’m fine. You just scared me.”


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