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Edwards, Willa - Midnight Mirage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Willa Edwards

  “But this? Sharing a woman? I think they’d expect it the other way, but I don’t know if anyone can accept this.”

  “We’re not embarrassed of what we feel,” Logan interjected, the rough rumble of his voice returning, the anger flashing in his midnight eyes.

  Gabe turned to stare at Lincoln, sharing some communication through their gaze she didn’t understand, before returning to her. “But we understand if you are.” Gabe’s voice was sympathetic. “It may be understandable for us to have an unusual social life, but you’re a normal woman, with normal friends. We understand if you don’t want to risk all that for us.”

  Mallory had spent a majority of her life kowtowing to convention, fighting it in words while every Monday morning she got up to do as others wanted. She’d buried all that with her mother a mournful November ago.

  She needed to make sure she entered into this relationship for the right reasons. She wanted to be with Lincoln and Gabe. She cared about them, maybe even loved them, though it was too early for her to consider such an emotion. But she needed to treat them right, as she hadn’t been by any men in a very long time, except for them.

  She had to ease her fears before she entered into this relationship. For them. She refused to be another person to leave.

  “What am I supposed to do for a living? I can’t follow you around like a groupie. I need to do something with my time.”

  Mallory’s blue-collar background had instilled in her a strong work ethic, the same drive that pushed her to take an interview on New Year’s Eve, when all she’d really wanted to do was stay home and celebrate the New Year with her friends.

  But she couldn’t regret that now. How could she, with these two delicious men sitting before her, watching her with more interest than the entire world had on the clock last night.

  “When we told your editor we wanted to do an interview with you for the February edition—”

  “Wait, you told her what?”

  Lincoln looked down at the floor sheepishly. It was the only time she’d seen him look apologetic or concerned. The control he usually so easily inhabited vanished.

  “We didn’t want to spend the holiday without you. Even if you didn’t return our affection, we wanted be with you.”

  Mallory’s heart glowed. They’d orchestrated the whole night to spend time with her. She should have been upset by how far they’d gone to bring her into their lives, into this complicated connection that made no sense to the outside world, to keep her from her friends and family.

  Instead it just felt right. Like all they’d been through, all the time and distance, loneliness and self doubt, was how it was supposed to be to bring them together. It was a bizarre feeling to Mallory, who never believed in such sentimentality, but she decided, just the once, to give in to it. Maybe it was time to take a chance on something, just like Krista had told her.

  “What did my editor say?”

  Lincoln’s head picked up, his eyes brighter than she’d ever seen them before. Gabe stared at her with the same wonder, as if they’d both expected her to race out of the bus at that very moment.

  “She was looking for someone to do a monthly column about life on the road.” Gabe’s voice sang with glee.

  “We couldn’t think of anyone better qualified than you.”

  Mallory wanted to be angry, for going over her head to her editor, for not including her in the next possible step in their life together, but all she felt was love. There were few people in her life who made any effort to cherish the unique parts of her. These men had already done so much for her, propelling her career, supporting her dreams. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve them.

  “Unless that’s not what you want.” Gabe’s voice shook with uncertainty. “Whatever you want, we’ll make it work.”

  Mallory smiled. “Promotion, live on a rock-and-roll tour, every night filled with steaming hot sex. How can someone turn down an offer like that?”

  “It’s not completely free,” Lincoln growled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his lap, pushing her up against his hard, firm chest. Gabe gathered her legs together and pulled them over his knees, beside his best friend.

  Before she even had a minute to catch her breath, Lincoln pressed his lips to hers, tangling his hands in her hair and holding her head to his. He licked her lips, seeking entrance, which she willingly gave. His tongue stroked hers, rolling together until her mind whirled with lack of oxygen.

  Lincoln’s lips pulled back as different hands stroked her cheekbones, redirecting her head to another set of strong lips. Mallory didn’t even have time to open her eyes before his tongue thrust into her mouth, fast and without precursor, unapologetic. She twisted her torso, her hands landing on wide, strong shoulders. Her forearms brushed the soft T-shirt covering his muscles as he discovered her mouth. Her fingers grasped the fine hairs at the back of his neck. Even without her sight, she knew the spiky tresses beneath her fingers were blond, and the cheek rubbing against hers was a warm, sun-kissed tan.

  After a few moments, Gabe pulled back. Their three ragged breathing rhythms were the only sounds in the quiet room. Against her ass she could feel Lincoln’s sizable cock hard and ready, pressing erotically into her skin.

  Mallory smiled. “Was that my payment?”

  “Not even close.” Gabe’s hands caressed her legs, finding the juncture and applying a slight pressure in just the right spot. Her whole body trembled at the touch, her clit throbbing.

  “And what about last night?”

  “What about it, love?” Gabe’s stare remained focused on her, his words strained, as if afraid to spook a timid rabbit.

  Lincoln’s head swirled toward her. His gaze filled with concerned surprise. They both waited, bodies tight around her, preparing for some disastrous description of last night, some complaint she’d yet to reveal.

  Mallory had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. She stuck her chest out slightly and pushed her ass deeper into Lincoln’s lap. It was her turn to play. After all, they’d played with her plenty last night. “We did leave it a little unfinished.”

  Both men relaxed beneath her. Lincoln dipped his head to pepper the left side of her throat with kisses as Gabe did the same to her right collarbone. Both their eyes looked up at her, hungry as wolves.

  “What did we not do for you, babe?” Lincoln asked, his words husky, his breath ragged. Beside him Gabe panted in unison.

  Mallory laughed, flipping her hair nonchalantly from her shoulders to fall down her back in a long stream. “Get your mind out of the gutter. We didn’t finish your interview.” She wrapped her arms around Lincoln and Gabe together. Her men. “I learned a lot about you both last night, but I’m not sure how much of it I want to share.”

  She intended her retort to tantalize them, to remind them of their sweaty bodies rolling together, but was surprised by its truth. Last night had been sacred, special, life-changing. She didn’t intend to share it with anyone, not even her girlfriends.

  But maybe she’d tell them about future nights.

  “Ask us anything you want, love.”

  “How many women have you had together?” Mallory glared at her two men, demanding the truth from them.

  “Not enough.” Gabe laughed. Mallory kneed him lightly in the stomach. His breath huffed out between his lips, but he was otherwise unharmed.

  “Not many,” Lincoln continued, soothing her with small kisses along her hairline. “And none of them were as wonderful as you”—he kissed her below the ear—“as responsive as you.” He sucked on her earlobe, scoring it with the edge of his teeth. “As beautiful as you.”

  “Better.” Mallory glared at Gabe. The same unapologetic look he had when he pumped deep into her pussy, thrust his tongue into her mouth, or pushed her lips farther down on his hard cock covered his face.

  “How long have you been planning this?” She waved her hand in the air, motioning to the floor before the couch, where they’d initiated her
to more passion than any man had before. “The sex, the job, the relationship.”

  Gabe dropped his gaze, his hands stilling on her legs.

  “About a year,” Lincoln’s husky voice whispered along her neck.

  “A year?” She turned in surprise, making fuller contact with Lincoln’s body, her knees rubbing against Gabe’s stomach, her toes curling along Gabe’s outer thigh. They’d only known her for a year. They’d started planning this since their first interview. Every time they’d flirted and offered to pleasure her all night, to take her to their bed and never let her go, they’d been serious. She could have had all this that whole time.

  “Why’d you wait so long?”

  Gabe and Lincoln both broke out into laughter, their arms wrapping tighter around her, holding her as their bodies rolled against hers with glee. “Only you, Mal.” Lincoln chuckled in her ear. The praise in his voice heated her body, warmed her heart, and drew a smile to her lips.

  “We didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  “Last night was pretty overwhelming.” Mallory chuckled with them. Lincoln opened his mouth to interrupt her, that same concerned look returning to his face, but she spoke up before he could. “But I’ve shown I’m more than up for the challenge.”

  “That you are, sweets,” Gabe whispered. His hands smoothed up her sides to cup her breasts.

  “Do you have any more questions?” Lincoln whispered against her lips, his eyes challenging.

  “Nope. No more questions.”

  “What about us? We have some questions for you.” Lincoln wrapped his arm tighter around her waist, rubbing the rock-hard erection tenting his pants against her lower back until she almost begged for him to remove the denim between them.

  “Shoot,” Mallory responded in a breathy sigh. “I’ll answer anything you ask.”

  “Are you going to stay with us?” Gabe whispered, pinching her nipples, moving over her so that his mouth was only inches from her chest, ripples of heat echoing across her skin.

  Mallory’s breath shuddered, frozen with surprised panic. She was amazed they’d asked, astounded by how much she wanted them.

  She remembered the fear that had pounded in her chest as she awoke enfolded between them, wrapped in their warm male arms. It had scared her to death. She’d wanted to stay with them so much, feeling a sense of permanence and commitment in their hold she never had before.

  Escaping from them in the dead of night was the hardest thing she had ever done. Harder than leaving teaching and defying her dead mother, or giving up her dreams to comply with her. It had been the biggest mistake she’d ever made, and she wasn’t going to do it again.

  She looked into Gabe’s warm eyes, his golden gaze reminding her of an innocent puppy desperate for love. She swiveled to look at Lincoln, his jaw held tight, desperate for her answer but wrestling the anxiety down with his iron will. Her chest felt tight as she tried to take a deep breath, at the depth of their devotion pushing against her ribs.


  Lincoln moaned against her neck, reveling in her agreement. His lips nuzzled her throat as Gabe’s head dropped down to suck at her nipples through her top. She whimpered, her fingers twisting in Lincoln’s shirt. Her body shimmered with pleasure, overwhelmed with sensation, as only these men could do.

  “Anything else?” she asked, hoping the answer was no. She didn’t have a problem answering their questions. Later. But right now she wanted them beneath her, inside her, filling her in unison.

  “Yes,” Lincoln’s deep whiskey voice whispered as he bit her neck where it met her shoulder, making her scream in delight. “Ready to ring in the New Year again?”




  Willa Edwards has dreamed about being a writer since she was four years old. When she picked up her first romance novel at fifteen she knew she’d found her place, and she’s never looked back.

  She now lives in New York, where she works with numbers at her Evil Day Job and spends her nights writing red-hot tales of erotic romance. When she's not at her computer, you can usually find her curled up in bed with her two furry babies, her nose pressed to her e-reader.

  Willa loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her at or visit her on the web to find out more about her current projects at

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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