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Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4)

Page 7

by T. N. Hayden

  “The rebels trained both of us, and Henika does what she can to guide your sister.” Telford added. “Whitney’s magic is rare, obviously, so it’s hard for her to be trained to use it. Henika is the only person here who has magic.”

  “Ed, the man in charge of Pheant, has tried to get help from Najos and Perso’s Creek, but we haven’t been successful at getting someone here to instruct me.” Whitney explained.

  “Perhaps one day someone will come into your life who can help you.” Brent smiled and took her hand. “I’m so glad we’re all together again.”

  Soldata Trainee Ashlie Fenn of Krijar, Perso’s Creek rode her stallion with a grace and skill of someone who had been born in the saddle. She was the daughter of nobles, and they had hated common folk since Ashlie could remember. She had been at Krijar Castle when news of Soldata Rayna Little had come through messengers. Rayna Little, real name Faryn Quint, was common folk. The young woman had been admired by many trainees, including Ashlie herself, and then she had turned out to be something they had all been raised to despise.

  Ashlie’s parents had threatened to remove Ashlie from Krijar Castle when they heard Soldat Viktor Little had knowingly raised someone born common, but Ashlie had been awed. She refused to leave the castle, even after their newly coronated king, King Navion Kurtis Perso II, had opened the school to anyone wanting to train to be a Soldata or Soldat.

  Only one common folk had wanted to train. Delisa Quint, younger sister of Faryn Quint, wished to live up to her sister’s reputation and fate.

  While most everyone at Krijar alienated Delisa, Ashlie longed to be friends with the sister of the common blood of Prophecy. They had been friends for almost a year, and when King Kurtis asked Delisa to go on a diplomatic mission with her older brother, Peyton. Ashlie had been asked to come along as well.

  Now she rode with Duke Peyton Quint, Soldata Valerie Barton, and Soldata Trainee Delisa Quint through the mountains of Waden to the rebel camp.

  “Do you think they’ll be grateful for our assistance?” Peyton called over his shoulder.

  “Let us hope.” Ashlie replied.

  “We will find Pheant and offer our assistance to their rebellion.” Valerie added. “I am ashamed to say I did not help the rebellion in Perso’s Creek. I will not make that mistake again.”

  Peyton smiled at Valerie, and Ashlie was proud to be on a mission with the engaged couple. Marriage between classes had been forbidden during the reign of King Navion Perso I, but now common folk could marry nobles. Two of the Quint siblings had already married into nobility, and Peyton would be the third in Fobst the next year.

  “There.” Delisa pointed in the distance. “I see something there.”

  The four rode through the sunny peaks of the mountains until they came across a large city in a valley.

  Valerie held onto her Wopler, tied around her waist, as she rode into the city with Peyton by her side.

  “Hello strangers, you look out of place, if I do say so myself.” A man walked to greet them. He was tall with brown hair and dark blue eyes. He was dressed in cotton clothes.

  Ashlie glanced around and suddenly felt very out of place in her leather outfit. She, Delisa, and Valerie were dressed in the leather pants and jacket of Soldatas, and Peyton was dressed in a fine outfit of the newly noble.

  “My name is Peyton Quint, and I have come from Kapok, Perso’s Creek under the directive of King Kurtis Perso. We have gotten many cries of help from refugees in the capital city, and the king sent us to aid you in this fight against your king. We understand you are sheltering your Sorceress of Prophecy? Our sister was the common blood of Prophecy in our land.” He gestured between himself and Delisa. “This is my sister, Soldata Trainee Delisa Quint and her friend and partner, Soldata Trainee Ashlie Fenn. Also, with us is my fiancée, Soldata Valerie Barton.”

  “We have heard much about the prophecy in Perso’s Creek, and it is an honor to meet those in the Quint family, as well as their friends.” The man bowed. “My name is Edwin Burrows; welcome to Pheant.”

  Ashlie, Delisa, Peyton, and Valerie were given rooms at a local inn for their time in Pheant, and Ashlie and Delisa left the inn to walk around the rebel town.

  “It’s nice that the rebellion has such an open place to train and gather.” Delisa stated. She had grown up in Kapok, and the rebellion, which her father had started, was forced to meet and train in secret.

  “I hear you’re Soldata Trainees from Perso’s Creek.” Someone said from behind.

  Delisa and Ashlie turned and saw a young man and woman. The woman had sapphire eyes and golden hair, and the man with her was similarly colored with golden hair but his eyes were light blue.

  “My name is Whitney.” She was dressed in a forest green dress with brown, leather armor. “This is my brother, Brenton.”

  “Ashlie.” She shook the offered hand, and her breath was caught by the man’s light blue eyes. She felt her cheeks burn as she quickly turned to her friend. “This is Delisa.”

  “Welcome to Pheant and thank you for the offered help.” Whitney stated.

  “We’ve heard many reports of the atrocities happening here in Waden.” Delisa stated. “Is it true the king kidnaps young men and enchants them into being loyal to him?”

  “It is.” Brent stated. “I was enchanted to forget my family and be loyal to the king. I forgot that they killed our mother when I was taken.” His light blue eyes held a level of something close to pain in them, and Ashlie longed to stroke his arm and comfort him.

  Ashlie’s fingers curled into her palm to keep them under control.

  “We look forward to fighting with your army and alongside the Sorceress.” Delisa continued. “My sister was also the subject of a prophecy…unfortunately, she died bringing her destiny to pass. I’m sure your Sorceress will not come to the same fate.”

  Whitney chuckled. “We hope so.”

  “We’re going to the bonfire tonight.” Brent stated. “Would you two like to join us?”

  ~ Chapter 14 ~

  Brent sat with Whitney in the light of the bonfire. He still couldn’t believe he was reunited with his family, and he hated that he had hunted and wounded his twin sister.

  Brent smiled. He liked how bright Ashlie’s blue eyes were.

  “I hear things are still being worked on in Perso’s Creek.” Brent stated.

  “You can say that.” Delisa smiled. “My sister’s the woman everyone knew as Rayna Little. She gave her life fulfilling the prophecy of our country.” She paused as her deep blue eyes filled with sadness.

  “Under King Navion I’s rule, Perso’s Creek was divided into different castes.” Ashlie paused. “Delisa and I would have never been allowed to be friends, and she would have never been allowed to train to be a Soldata.”

  “You’re both Soldata trainees?” Brent grinned. “I’ve heard stories of Soldatas and Soldats. Is it true you have a powerful weapon called a Wopler?”

  “When you have passed all your training and become a Soldata or Soldat, you receive the Wopler.” Ashlie’s smile revealed dimples in her pale cheeks.

  “So, we don’t have Woplers.” Delisa finished. “But we came with the king’s ambassador and his fiancée, who happens to be a Soldata.”

  “Who’s the king’s ambassador?” Brent asked.

  “My brother Peyton.” Delisa grinned. “That’s why we were able to come along on this journey.”

  “She has connections.” Ashlie stated.

  “What about your family?” Brent looked at the brunette with pale skin and bright blue eyes.

  “My family disowned me the moment they found out I volunteered to partner with Delisa.” Ashlie shrugged. “Hopefully they will come around and accept me again. A lot of high noble families in Perso’s Creek still cling to the old ways under the reign of King Navion I. Some of the high noble families hated the caste system long before it was eliminated.”

  “The Reece family helped the rebellion for a long time.” Delisa nodded. �
�My father began the rebellion.” She paused. “I wasn’t even born yet when he started it.”

  “Your family must be very brave.” Whitney stated.

  “I like to think so.” Delisa smiled. “My family is now entwined with the Little family, high nobles. My sister Aileen is married to Sage Little, and my brother Barrett is married to Jerrika Little. Their adopted sister was my biological sister.”

  “I heard Viktor Little kidnapped Rayna because he knew she was the girl of whom the prophecy spoke.” Brent stated. “And he was betrayed by his son at the end?”

  “Fergus Little murdered his father.” Delisa nodded. “The Little family suffered much at the end of the prophecy. Their father dead, their brother a traitor, and our sister also dead.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Brent didn’t know what else to say.

  “I’m just glad I got to know her at least a little before she died.” Delisa paused. “And King Kurtis allows common folk to train to be Soldatas and Soldats now. He would be my brother-in-law by now if my sister had lived.”

  “I hope we will have a great king in our future as well.” Whitney paused. “I haven’t seen it, but Nate claims Kaleb isn’t like his father.”

  Brent looked around Whitney’s room and noticed how plain everything was. Life in Pheant was very different than the life he’d been living in Owlet. His father and twin sister had been living in poverty, on the run, and afraid. All the while Brent had enjoyed life at the royal palace, lavish in everything and never taking anything for granted. He felt sick.

  “It must be amazing to have such incredible powers.” Brent stated as he looked at his sister.

  “Sometimes.” Whitney rubbed her right thumb and pointer finger together. “Henika says my power can grow and become even stronger. With the right training, I could take down an entire army. There’s just no one in these parts who can train someone to use Llempac magic.”

  Someone knocked, and Whitney called. “Come in.”

  Nate and Ryl walked into the room.

  How had Nate never told him the truth? Part of Brent was upset with his friend, but he understood as well. He was glad Nate had been looking after him.

  “Brent, this is Nate’s cousin, Cyril.” Whitney introduced.

  Brent shook the man’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Cyril’s black hair was darker than Nate’s light brown, and they didn’t resemble each other.

  “How is Kaleb?” Brent asked, looking between his friend and sister. “You all saw him, right?”

  “He’s okay, just having a hard time dealing with the truth.” Nate promised. He paused and glanced at Whitney. “Did you tell Brent?”

  “No.” She put a hand to Brent’s shoulder. “There’s something you need to know about Kaleb.”

  Brent couldn’t believe it. No wonder Kaleb wasn’t like the king. He wasn’t Marc’s son. He was the son of King Jenkin, and he would be a great king, once he accepted the truth about his parentage.

  Whitney sighed. “You should have seen his face. It was like the idea was both terrible and believable.”

  “Kaleb really is a good man.” Nate assured them. “I know you don’t think so.”

  “I really don’t.” Cyril nodded. “I’ve been there when he’s hunting Whitney down too many times.”

  “He’s not the only one who wounded her.” Brent frowned. “I’m so sorry about that.”

  “You weren’t yourself.” Her smile always assured him, as it always had as a child. “I don’t know what more to do for the prince.”

  “He’s always seen rebels and magic as evil, something bad and something which needs to be destroyed.” Nate stated. “Perhaps if you show him exactly how good the rebellion is and how magic isn’t a bad thing, then maybe it will be easier for him to change his mind.”

  Brent looked at the Soldata trainees as they went through a sword routine with the Soldata. Ashlie, dark hair and bright blue eyes, kept her sight on their trainer, but Delisa, blonde and deep blue-eyed, was distracted by the mountains to the left of their trainer.

  “Do you have something you wish to add to this?” Soldata Valerie brought her weapon, the Wopler, around in sword form. Her dark green gaze fell upon Brent.

  Fire seemed to envelope his face, and he shook his head. “I was just impressed with your skills, and I couldn’t help but watch you train, my lady.”

  “Valerie.” She stated.

  He nodded. “Do you mind if I watch?”

  “I suppose not.” Valerie shrugged. “Delisa, Ashlie, do you mind if he watches your training?”

  Brent glanced at Ashlie, and she seemed to meet his gaze. The sun highlighted a bridge of freckles across her nose, and he smiled.

  “I think he’s here to watch Ashlie, not the training.” Delisa stated.

  Brent coughed, and Valerie nodded. “Well we should be done with this training in another hour. You can watch the whole time, or if you would rather just come back then you may.”

  “I’ll stay.” Brent managed to reply.

  ~ Chapter 15 ~

  Kaleb couldn’t keep questions out of his mind. Could it be possible? Was he truly the son of Jenkin Masen? Was his mother a prisoner to King Marc? He had seen bruises on her before, but she had always dismissed them. If it was true, then why had she never told him? Why would Marc treat him like a son?

  The door to Kaleb’s room opened, and Ryl stood there. Kaleb frowned at the tall man, still dressed with his hood and bandana covering his face. His dark eyes watched the prince as Kaleb stood.

  “What is it?” Kaleb crossed his arms.

  “You are to be permitted time with your friends. You all keep asking to see one another, so we shall allow it.” He held the door open. “Come with me.”

  Kaleb jumped to his feet and walked from the room, and he noticed Ryl follow him down the hallway lit with torches. He needed to see his friends to make sure they were alright.

  “How far down are we?” Kaleb looked around the hallway. It was made of stone and cobwebs. “Tell me Ryl, what exactly is your relationship with the Sorceress?”

  Ryl sounded like he was choking, and Kaleb looked back.

  “Out of all the questions you can think about asking me, that’s the one you want to know?” Ryl shook his hooded head.

  Kaleb wouldn’t admit he found the Sorceress attractive, interesting, and someone he wanted to know more about. What was her name? How long had she been able to use her powers? Did she enjoy looking so different? Would she prefer to appear normal? Did she find him handsome? Kaleb gritted his teeth. He needed to get those thoughts out of his mind. She was his prey. She would kill his father, and he needed to protect his family from her destiny.

  But what if Marc isn’t your father?

  “Aren’t you her self-proclaimed executioner?” Ryl prodded. “Do you want to know if I’d be a good hostage to use against her? What other possible explanation could explain why you want to know more about our relationship?” He paused. “Unless you are interested in her life?”

  “She’s destined to kill my father.”

  “The man who raised you, but you are not Marc’s son.”

  “I am his son.” Kaleb clenched his jaw. “I have to be.”

  “You are Jenkin’s son, and you are the only hope for this kingdom’s future.” Ryl paused and gestured to a seat. “Your friends will be brought here as well.”

  “What do you mean?” Kaleb demanded. “You think I’m the only hope for the kingdom’s future? But you hate me.”

  “I hate the man you are, but I hope I will admire the man you’re meant to be.” Ryl glanced to one of the side doors, and a rebel shoved Nate inside.

  Nate brushed his arms off, and he glanced at Kaleb and Ryl.

  “You’re alright.” Nate rushed to his friend and embraced Kaleb.

  “You too.” Kaleb hugged him. He nearly choked on emotion as he saw his friend unharmed. He’d been so worried about them. The rebels knew Kaleb was a prize, but Brent and Nate were both
orphans. They didn’t even have family for the rebels to ransom them to. “I’ve been worried about you and Brent. Have they harmed you?”

  “We did not take you three to harm you.” The Sorceress entered with Brent. “You are Jenkin’s heir, and we hope you will accept the truth about your lineage.”

  “I will never accept a lie.”

  “Jenkin’s heir?” Brent frowned. “What is she talking about?”

  “These rebels think my mother is my father’s prisoner, and they believe my mom was pregnant with King Jenkin’s child, who apparently is me, when Marc took her prisoner.” Kaleb shrugged. “I don’t believe a word of it myself.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not.” Ryl stated. “It is still the truth.”

  Kaleb glanced at the Sorceress. She was dressed in a layered green dress, brown leather armor on her arms, shoulders, and chest, and dark brown leather boots. Her golden hair with sapphire and amethyst streaks was braided and coiled around her head. She looked elegant and powerful at the same time.

  “We’re going on a small trip. Ryl and I will escort the three of you to one of the lakes around these parts.” Sorceress explained.

  Why would they take them to a lake? He would be able to better understand their location knowing landmarks.

  “Should we expect to be chained to a wagon?” Kaleb demanded.

  “No.” She answered. “We’ll ride horses. Ryl and Nate shall ride together, I’ll ride with Brent, and you may have your own mount, Your Highness.”

  Kaleb glanced at Brent, and he was surprised to see his friend look calm and expecting the situation. Brent would be the most in danger of the three, but he didn’t look afraid.


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