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Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4)

Page 9

by T. N. Hayden

  “I don’t know what happened.” Kaleb paused. “It was like my body had a mind of its own. I know I’ve boasted about killing you and being your executioner many times, even wounded you, but I no longer want to kill you. I’ve been struggling with these emotions for quite a few months. For a while I even tried to convince myself to kill you to protect the people because my father promised the kingship to the son who kills you. My brother Izik is just like my father, and I told myself I had to kill you to make sure Izik never becomes king.”

  “And you don’t feel like that now?”

  “I want to protect you now.” Kaleb whispered. His emerald eyes burned with something she hoped was desire. Could it be possible he had really meant to kiss her? “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me.”

  “Come with me.” She held her hand out.

  He glanced at her inked skin, and then he gripped her hand. She took a step closer to him and pulled a blindfold free. “I’m sorry, but I have to.”

  He nodded.

  She tied the blindfold around his head. Taking his hand once more, she led him down the hall of the Sobica. Cyril would not be happy with her.

  Rebels glanced at them as Whitney led the prince across the street and down several more. She knocked on Cyril’s cabin, and he opened the door.

  “Now what?” Cyril crossed his arms.

  “I think his mind needs to be cleansed.”

  “Is that Ryl?” Kaleb frowned.

  “Yes.” Cyril groaned. “Alright, bring him inside.”

  “Why are you taking me to Ryl?” Kaleb whispered.

  “I’m not.” Whitney replied.

  Cyril grabbed his hood and bandana. “Henika.”

  “Henika?” His mother walked into the main room. She stopped. “Oh.”

  “Hello Henika.” Whitney guided Kaleb to a chair. “Kaleb, go ahead and sit.”

  Kaleb did as told, and Whitney looked at the woman who had taught her everything she knew about her own magic. “He needs your help.”

  Henika didn’t hide her face, but she removed the blindfold from Kaleb. The prince blinked and opened his eyes.

  “My name is Henika.” She told him. “I’m a healer, and I can remove magic from those who have been manipulated. Darbina magic is strong inside the royal palace, and you have been affected.”

  “My father used magic against me?”

  “The king had one of the two ladies, yes.”


  “Liliana Remin and Gizelle Lennox.”

  Kaleb nodded.

  A stab of jealousy ran through Whitney. What kind of relationship did Kaleb have with the concubines? Neither Nate nor Brent had said anything to her about the prince in a relationship. What would they think if she asked?

  “Gizelle tries to tempt me into her service.” Kaleb stated. “Liliana spends more time with my father and the older nobles at court. Gizelle must target the younger adults.”

  Whitney wanted the prince to elaborate more on tries.

  “That would be wise of Liliana.” Henika nodded. “I need to touch your skin to remove the magic.”

  Kaleb nodded.

  She placed her palm on his forehead.

  Kaleb closed his eyes as the faint rich brown of Henika’s magic shined under her hand. Whitney wondered what he saw. Brent had described how he saw the truth revealed, the memories resurfaced. What was Kaleb seeing?

  Sweat beaded around Kaleb’s temples, and Henika removed her palm. It hadn’t taken as long to remove the magic from his mind as it had for Brent.

  Kaleb blinked. He was pale, and Cyril blurted. “What did you see? What did you remember?”

  Kaleb looked at him. He shut his trembling lips, and then he turned his gaze to Whitney. “Thank you. Do you think my mom has also been influenced by magic?”

  “I don’t doubt it.” Henika replied.

  “If I ever go back, how can I help her?”

  “When you go back, give her this.” Henika handed him a gold ring. “This will restore her true memories of the moment magic was first used on her. It will not bring all of her true memories back; I will need to touch her for that. But this will help her know she needs to be cleansed.”

  “Thank you.” He took the ring, noticing small roses etched into the material. “I’m ready to return to my room.”

  She nodded, and Henika replaced the blindfold around the prince’s head.

  Kaleb was silent as she walked him back to the Sobica and into his room. She gently removed the blindfold and turned to go. Kaleb touched her shoulder. “Liliana used her magic against me. She told me to kill you, no matter what. Even if I didn’t want to kill you, I had to kill you. She used her magic to make my muscles, my body, do one thing.” He gently brought a finger to rest against her throat. “I can’t believe I nearly killed you, again. I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you.”

  “My father was right about one thing.” He paused. “Well, the king was right that magic can be used for great evil. He was just wrong to make me think magic made people evil. People make magic evil.”

  Whitney nodded and took a small step back.

  Kaleb dropped his hand. “My mother has bruises, scars… I think my father even broke her ankle once. I didn’t remember until now.”

  “Darbina magic hides the memories.” Whitney explained. “Henika brought them back.”

  “How could I ever think he was a good man?” Kaleb shook his head.

  “You didn’t know.”

  “Why are you so good?” Kaleb’s voice broke.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You should have killed me by now. I hunted you, hurt you, nearly killed you, and yet you’re standing alone in my room with me. You came when I asked, and you brought me to be healed. Why are you so good to me?”

  “Because you’re going to be a great king, like King Jenkin, your true father, was. You’re going to bring back the light and goodness to the land. I believe in you, Kaleb.”

  “I’m nearly believing the same thing.”

  ~ Chapter 19 ~

  The moonlight was bright as Nate went to his cousin’s cabin. He didn’t know what to expect for this meeting, but it was something Whitney insisted.

  Nate closed the door silently, and he looked into the faces of his friends and family.

  “I said this before, and I will continue to say it.” Brent shook his head. “I will not go back.”

  “But Kaleb trusts you, and now you are protected.” Whitney insisted. “He’s ready to return home and face the truth.”

  “I’ve lost all this time with you and Dad already. I will not let them take any more of it.”

  “What’s going on?” Nate asked.

  “Whitney and Cyril are trying to convince me to return to Owlet with you and Kaleb, but I refuse. I won’t go back.”

  “Kaleb doesn’t know the truth about our connections to the rebellion here.” Nate looked at his friend. “If you don’t return, he’ll know something is going on.”

  “He’s seen the world outside Owlet, and I know he will be different when he gets home. He’s going to believe the truth about everything, and he will change. You don’t need me around for that.” Brent insisted.

  “But until that moment, he needs his two best friends beside him.” Whitney sighed. “We cannot release Nate and Kaleb without releasing you as well. Kaleb can’t know we’re twins.”

  “Not yet anyway.” Nate understood how Brent felt, but he also knew how important it was for him to return to Owlet, to keep the truth from the prince. Nate believed in Kaleb, and he trusted his friend to make the right decision when it came down to the truth. “If you don’t come with us, Kaleb won’t return home. He’ll search for you and insist on making sure you’re fine before even thinking about returning home.”

  “And we’ll see each other again soon; I promise.” Whitney took her brother’s hands.

  “He’s going to speak with his mother, and she’s going to tell him the truth about everythin
g. Kaleb will truly believe us, and he’ll want to help the rebellion.” Nate stated.

  “That’s your plan, your hope, but you don’t know if that will happen or not.” Cyril finally spoke. “I don’t have the same faith in the prince as you do, Cousin.”

  Nate sighed. “How many times do we have to go over this, Cyril?”

  “You don’t know if the queen will tell Kaleb the truth, and you don’t know what will happen there. Maybe Kaleb won’t trust either of you if he thinks you’re both loyal to his father. You’ve put too much faith in the prince, and I don’t think it’s right.”

  “He’s proven himself to us many times over.” Nate glared.

  “I will come for you.” Whitney looked at her brother. “It’s your choice, but please make a wise one. Do you have faith in the prince as Nate does?”

  Brent glanced at Nate, and Nate knew Brent did believe in Kaleb as he did. They had both trained, worked, and grown with the prince. The three were brothers.

  “Alright.” Brent took a deep breath. “I’ll do it. I’ll return to the palace.”

  Kaleb was surprised that he was allowed to walk through the city. He would have much rather had the Sorceress with him than Ryl. Ryl was as cold to the prince as ever, and Kaleb once again wondered if the man loved the Sorceress. Were the two a couple?

  “How is Henika doing?” Kaleb asked.

  “Why are you asking?”

  “She did me a great favor, healing me as she did, and I’m very grateful.” Kaleb explained.

  “She’s fine.”

  “Is she your mother?” Kaleb wondered if Ryl had the same dark brown hair as the woman.

  Ryl stopped and jabbed Kaleb in the shoulder. Kaleb stepped back.

  “Don’t ask questions.” Ryl demanded.

  Probably means yes. Kaleb wondered how Ryl had a mother who had helped him when the rebel seemed to want him dead. “Listen, Ryl.” Kaleb paused. “I’ve apologized to the Sorceress, and I realize now that I’ve never apologized to you.”

  “For what?”

  “For hunting you and trying to kill her.” Kaleb explained.

  “I don’t need an apology from you.” Ryl grumbled and kept walking. “Come on.”

  Kaleb followed him.

  “Ed wanted to make sure you get exercise since you’re stuck in that room all day.”

  “What about my friends?” Kaleb wondered. “Do you treat Nate and Brent the same as you treat me? Better? Worse?”

  Ryl didn’t answer for a while, and Kaleb stopped. “What? Are you treating my friends worse than you treat me? Do I get the prince’s welcome, and they get the common soldier’s welcome?”

  “No.” Ryl glanced at him. “They get it better than you.”

  “Oh.” Kaleb was surprised, but he was glad to hear it. “Good.”

  “I mean, they get the same treatment as you.” Ryl paused. “Same but maybe a little better.”

  Kaleb frowned. “Okay.”

  “Ryl.” A hooded and bandana-wearing rebel dressed like the man joined them. “Hey, I was looking all over for you. I’m going to take over from here.”

  “This is my cousin, who you met that first day we told you about your true father.” Ryl introduced the rebel.

  “The cousin who climbed boulders with you?” Kaleb remembered the fourth rebel now. He hadn’t seen him since that first day.

  “You can call me Neil.” His voice was muffled, but it was somehow almost familiar. He sounded like his cousin.

  “Neil.” Kaleb paused. “Neither of your true names are Ryl or Neil, are they?”

  “Of course not.” Ryl clapped his cousin on the shoulder. “He’s your problem now.”


  Kaleb looked at Neil. “Where’s he going?”

  “He’s going on a mission with the Sorceress.” Neil answered. “They’re going to help a few villages. Ed thinks it’s important that the Sorceress makes a statement long before she kills your father.” Neil paused. “I’m sorry if that was callous.”

  Kaleb was surprised. “I don’t expect anyone to apologize for saying something ill about the man who hopefully isn’t my father.”

  Neil nodded. “Alright.”

  “So Ryl’s your cousin and Henika’s your aunt; what about your parents, are they here?”

  “Ryl told you Henika’s his mother?”

  “Not in actual words…”

  “My parents are dead.” Neil answered as they continued to walk down streets in the rebel village. “They were murdered by soldiers. Henika and Ryl are the only family I have left.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kaleb couldn’t believe how many families soldiers had destroyed.

  “So, what do you think of our little town?” Neil asked.

  Kaleb looked at the man. “Why are you so much friendlier than your cousin?”

  “Ryl loves W-the Sorceress.” Neil coughed. “He doesn’t like that you nearly killed her. He doesn’t trust that you won’t try to kill her again.”

  “I won’t.” Kaleb promised. He paused, afraid to ask what he really wanted to know. “Does she love him? Are they courting?”

  “What?” Neil blinked. “Why are you asking?”

  Kaleb pursed his lips.

  Neil laughed. “Are you telling me our prince has found himself loving the very woman he has been trying to kill?”

  “She’s very different than I believed her to be.” Kaleb blushed. “But it doesn’t matter, especially if her heart already belongs to another.”

  “It doesn’t.” Neil stated.

  Kaleb looked at him. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  Neil shrugged. “Perhaps I want my cousin to move on. She’s never been interested in him.”

  “What’s her name?” Kaleb suddenly couldn’t keep the flood of questions from pouring. “Does she have family? How hard is it for her to travel? Has she always looked the way she does? Or did she manifest her magic at some time in her life?”

  “I won’t answer any more questions about her.” Neil continued walking.

  Kaleb counted his luck. He had found out the answer to the most important question. “How many people live here?”

  “Around three hundred.” Neil answered. “We’re mostly active rebels and refugees. People come here when they have nowhere else to go, when the king and his soldiers have taken everything from the people, and when all their hope is lost. This rebel village is the symbol of hope to many people in Waden, just as the Sorceress is.”

  “I understand now why people hate the king.” Kaleb sighed. “The first man I heard speak ill of the king, I nearly beat to death. Now I wish I could go back and stop myself. The man was right, and I was the one who was drunk.”


  “It was in a tavern.” Kaleb paused. Neil was easy to talk to, so much more open than any of the rebels he had met in this town. It was like Neil wanted to be his friend, his confidant.

  “Well I’m glad you’re seeing things differently now, and I’m glad you seem to have accepted the truth.”

  ~ Chapter 20 ~

  Ashlie stood beside Delisa as the small group said their farewell to Brent and Nate. Ashlie wondered if there was something she should do. She didn’t want to say goodbye to the young knight, but what other choice did she have? She shoved down the part of her which wanted to cling to the man she’d gotten to know. It didn’t matter. She would return to Perso’s Creek at the end of this mission, and she and Brent wouldn’t have any other choice. It wasn’t like he would return to Krijar Castle with her.

  “I’m sad to leave, but I know this is the right thing.” Brent stepped up to Ashlie.

  She nodded. “It is the right thing.”

  “Still.” He smirked as he brushed fingers through her brunette hair. “I would have liked to explore more of this with you.” His lips surprised her, and Ashlie nearly jumped.

  Brent’s fingers laced through her hair as she kissed him back.

  “This is not a true goodbye.” She whi
spered as she moved back. “We will see each other again.”

  “That’s what Whitney promised too.”

  “Listen to your sister and me.” Ashlie grinned. She couldn’t even think about really saying goodbye to him. “We will see each other soon.”

  “And I look forward to it.”

  Kaleb shook the rebel off as the man nodded to the Sorceress. “What is going on?”

  “You and your friends will be returned to Petrel.” The Sorceress explained. “I hope you will take everything you have learned and use that knowledge wisely, Your Highness.”

  “Everything I’ve learned?” Kaleb shook his head.

  “I trust that you are ready to find out the truth about your parents.” She replied.

  Brent and Nate were brought over, and Sorceress turned. “You three shall be bound and blindfolded. It’s the only way we can ensure our safety.” She nodded.

  Ryl, Ed, and two other men did as ordered to Brent and Nate, and she stepped up to the prince. “I’m sorry.”

  “I understand.” He closed his eyes as she tied something around his head. “Will I see you again Sorceress?” He wanted to ask her name again, but he knew she wouldn’t trust him with it.

  “Perhaps.” She was gentle as she bound his hands behind his back and helped him sit in the back of something he assumed was a wagon. He wondered if she would be the one to take them down the mountains and into the city of fruit. Should he say goodbye to her? Would he ever see her again? He groaned as the wagon hit something on the ground and jostled him. Did the Sorceress want to see him again?

  He thought about the time he’d nearly drowned her. Did she only think of him that way? The man who wanted to kill her? Would she ever think of him as someone she trusted and admired?

  Kaleb was relieved to finally be on his way back. Soon he would speak with his mother and find out exactly whose son he was and how she came to be Marc’s queen.

  Kaleb stood and spun, trying to see any trace of the Sorceress and Ryl. He wanted to catch sight of her once more before he returned home to get answers from his mother. But she was gone. Her magic had taken its time to wear off.

  Brent and Nate groaned and stood. Brent brushed dirt from his pants.


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