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Hunted: An Erotic Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (An Adult Fairy Tale Novel)

Page 6

by du Lys, Cerys

  Her pussy clenched around him, squeezing the cum from his cock. Harder, pressing him, and then something more. It was completely unlike the first time she'd orgasmed with him, but amazing nonetheless. Her inner depths convulsed around his cock, an orgasm streaking through her, but a steady, constant thing instead of the frantic, urgent spasms from before. It felt stronger, more reliable, and the beast seemed to feel this, too. His cock twitched with the same rhythm as her steady climax, pressing against her inner walls as her pussy clutched against him.

  Alena wanted to shout out some litany, to tell the world how much she loved this, but no words came to her. Instead, she smiled at him, held him inside her, kissed at his face, his lips, his cheeks, and reveled in the feeling of his cock flooding her womb with his needy cream.

  Everett collapsed on top of her, spent. He rolled over onto his back, his cock popping out of her and his seed leaking from her ravaged folds. Alena wasted no time in crawling atop him, laying on his fur-covered body, and kissing his chest and nipples and stomach. The beast sighed, watching her with a happy look on his face.

  She curled up close to him, her dress-covered torso pressed against his bare chest. She laughed at that. All this time and she still had her ripped dress on. Oh well, she'd lost her panties, at least. They were somewhere around here, but she didn't really care enough to find them at the moment.

  "I really liked that," she said, kissing his nose.

  "Yes," Everett said. "I, too."

  "I know you're very tired, and I am, too, but do you think we can do that again sometime?" she asked.

  He answered with a grin.


  "What exactly...?" Danya asked.

  Horatio smiled at her. "Darcy enjoyed this if we were in the kitchens alone late at night. I would set it up and then go about my work. I'm sure you will enjoy it, too, Mistress."

  Danya wasn't positive about that. Mostly, she had no idea what he was doing. The butler had grabbed an old-fashioned tapered rolling pin, a jug of olive oil, and two clean and dry terry cloth dish rags from a cupboard, brought them over, then told her to lay down on top of one of the food preparation tables. Honestly it made no sense. If he wanted to fuck her, she was fine with that, but as an older man he probably wasn't up to the task of becoming erect so soon after she'd brought him to climax.

  "The kitchens are magic," he said. "Actually, the entire mansion is magic, but it's all of a different kind. In the kitchens you can make any of the tools perform as you wish, in a repetitive motion. Darcy and I discovered this particular use after a night of heavy drinking."

  "Which is...?" Danya asked.

  Horatio didn't bother to explain anything to her. Instead, he took one of the terry cloth rags and placed it on her stomach. Rubbing it across her skin as if she were a dish in need of washing, he wiped it up towards her breast and then gently scrubbed. Danya arched her back in surprise when the soft roughness of the cloth sent a pleasant sensation through her skin. It tingled, tiny thrilling pricks of intimacy tracing little lines across her breast and teasing at her nipple.

  The man cupped her breast in his hand, holding the rag over it, then moved it in a circular motion. Danya wriggled, enjoying the attention to her breasts, and wondering why she'd never thought of this before? Granted, it probably wasn't at all the same if she did it to herself, and none of her other lovers had cared to experiment on her body with dish rags, but... she really wondered why they hadn't? This felt strangely amazing.

  The next thing she knew, there was another cloth circling her other breast, attending to that one with its gentle rubbing. Horatio wasn't holding the first, either. She stared at it in awe, trying to deduce what was going on. The arousing satisfaction she gained from the cloth was clouding her ability to think rationally, though.

  Before she knew it, both rags were moving on their own, perfectly cupping her breasts and gently scrubbing across her smooth, sensitive flesh. This man, Horatio, was a genius.

  "They're supposed to be for cleaning," he said. "Of course, they'll do whatever you have them do, but the initial intent was for cleaning. Or, this rolling pin was for dough, but..."

  He picked up the rolling pin, an old tapered sort; thicker in the center, becoming thinner at the handles. Opening the jug of olive oil, he liberally slathered it onto the rolling pin, rubbing the oil into it much like a man might stroke his cock. Maybe that was just Danya's sex-addled mind thinking devious thoughts, but she dreadfully wanted a cock right about now. Was Horatio possibly ready for more?

  He smiled at her before pressing his oiled palm against her slit. He rubbed the oil across her folds, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. She thrust her hips upwards, lifting herself from the table with her legs. Horatio teased her slit, rubbing the oil in and toying with her plump labia. He tweaked her sensitive pearl and rolled it around lightly between his thumb and forefinger, then patted it with his palm.

  "More," she said. Just one word. No time for anything else.

  "Oh, yes, of course, Mistress."

  More was—she didn't know what more was, but it felt a bit odd. Not a bad odd, but definitely not a cock thrusting into her. Still good, though. When she looked down, managing to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her head from the heavy sensation of mounting pleasure, she saw the rolling pin pressing inside her. Horatio pushed it farther, the girthy center stretching her folds as the thinner handle pressed in deep. The rolling pin stretched her even wider than Everett's cock had, and she found herself clutching at the table, trying to grab it in her fingers. Her nails dug into the smooth wood, scratching. Too full, too much—but it felt so good.

  And then it came out. Danya didn't realize she'd been holding her breath. She breathed fast and heavy, frantic to catch her breath so she could concentrate on this feeling again.

  The rolling pin pushed into her. "Is that a good speed?" Horatio asked.

  "Faster," she said through pursed lips.

  The pin picked up its pace. "Now?"

  "Faster!" she said.

  By the time he got it right, the rolling pin was pounding hard into her. The wood had no give, unlike a cock, and when her inner depths squeezed against it the feeling was so strange. The oil, too, letting the wood slide in and out as if this were the simplest thing in the world. Horatio stood at her side, admiring his handiwork.

  "Are you pleased, Mistress?"

  "Fuck," she said. "Yes."

  "Alright. I'll leave you as you are now. I'm going to finish dinner. Whenever you're fully satisfied, please let me know." As an addendum, he said, "Oh, Darcy enjoyed pleasuring herself with her fingers while she lay like this, too. If it helps, feel free to try it."

  Danya immediately scrambled to do so. Her hand made a beeline for her clit and she rubbed at it furiously. It helped that she absolutely loved Horatio's fantasy, and her vicarious fulfillment of it. Gods, she was so aroused during that session before, but she couldn't very well seek out her own pleasure while satisfying him. Besides the fact that he was so forceful with her, she just didn't have a free hand at the time. It wouldn't have been the same as this, anyways. Now she was playing a similar role as Darcy again, but this time it was for her own benefit.

  The rolling pin slammed in and out of her sex, stretching her to gaping and then giving her some minor relief before cramming back in all over again. The rags massaging her breasts were slower, but constant, never ceasing their work. Her nipples hardened with each passing second, almost painfully so now, intensifying the effect of the cloth as it stretched to encompass the nubs and the soft, rough fabric rubbed against her sensitive skin.

  This couldn't continue like this, or at least she couldn't. In another few moments she would be thrashing in orgasm, completely undone, with no control. Through glazed, half-lidded eyes, she saw Horatio humming to himself while he pulled a pan of succulent meat from the oven. He acted completely oblivious to her writhing in ecstasy on a table only a few feet away from him.

  That was it. She squeezed hard, her pu
ssy grabbing at the rolling pin to no avail, and her orgasm crashed into her. The rolling pin didn't care, though. She couldn't rub at her clit any more because the pleasure was too intense, but the rolling pin never stopped. The cloth rubbing her breasts just made the whole situation worse, too. Worse in the sense that—dammit—she hadn't felt anything like this before. Usually when she came, with herself or a man in her, there was some relenting. Maybe not intentionally, but when she squeezed against a cock it couldn't go into her as fast as it previously had, nor as deeply, and so she could let her orgasm ride through and subside before hoping to lift it back up.

  The rolling pin was having none of that. It wouldn't let her down from her orgasmic high. The ecstasy pushed into her, pouring through the pin, pounding, stretching all of her. Horatio dutifully came over and lifted the jug of oil above her pussy, letting the slick liquid drip out and onto her folds, oiling up the pin some more. Before he left, he patted her pubic mound, laughing heartily as she arched her back and let out a moan.

  This rolling pin was ridiculous. Danya gave in to it, letting it keep her in a heightened state of pleasure, while she tried rubbing at her clit again. Too sensitive! Except, oh gods. How the hell had that happened? She'd only rubbed her clit a tiny bit, such a small amount, but from the constant, insatiable pleasure pounded into her by the rolling pin she felt another orgasm burst through her immediately after she touched herself.

  Sharp, quick pulses, echoing through her body, reverberating and extending the blissful sensation that was already there. She screamed loud, then covered her mouth for fear of Everett hearing her. Would he care? She didn't know, but it just felt odd knowing he might walk in on her being fucked by magically moving inanimate objects, and with Horatio traipsing around in the background, preparing their meal. In fact, she'd rather Everett walked in on Horatio fucking her than him seeing this. That would be easier to explain.

  The rolling pin didn't really care about any of that. Danya tried to touch her clit again, dared an attempt, and managed a second of it before spasming uncontrollably. Then another. Oh gods. More. Touching, softly, convulsing, thrashing, squirming, touching, wriggling, forever, constant, insatiable and unstoppable.

  She wasn't sure when, but Horatio returned and stopped everything. Danya lay on the preparation table, drenched in sweat and oil and arousal. She opened her eyes and watched him set aside the rolling pin. Placing one of the towels in a bowl of soapy water, he washed her body, rubbing away the glimmering slickness. Once finished, he helped her off the table, assisting her while she wobbled on uneasy legs.

  "Is the Mistress satisfied?" he asked with a grin.

  "Mhm," she said.

  "Dinner will be ready shortly. Shall I escort you to the dining hall? Would you like me to find a dress you can wear, or shall you and Master Everett eschew clothing for the evening?"

  "Maybe find one and let me know?" she asked. "I'm not sure."

  "As you wish."

  He helped her back to the dining hall, giving her a shoulder to lean on. Her feet, if they really were feet, didn't work very well, but she managed to hobble along the lushly carpeted hallway and back to the massive table. Horatio helped her sit, pulling out a chair and lowering her into it. He poured her a glass of water from a pitcher on the table.

  "It seems that another servant has arrived," he said, gesturing towards the water. "This wasn't here before. I shall have to find out who. This shall be a boon for when I bring out the dinner platters. If you'll excuse me, I'll attend to the evening meal immediately."

  Danya nodded. "Yes, of course."

  Left alone and to her own devices, she looked over her shoulder and out the large bay-styled windows. Turning her chair around, she chanced to get a better view. Far off, she could see the gardens, with an overgrown hedge maze even further in the distance. A lovely tree that looked like it might be perfect with the addition of a pleasure swing hanging from its branches grew alongside the mansion, too. And nearby the tree, laying on his back, was Everett.

  Danya thought to knock on the window, to catch his attention, but then she noticed something quite odd. Laying atop Everett, naked from the waist down, was a girl. Everett, of course, was naked, too, and...

  Wait a moment. Danya jumped out of the chair and rushed to the window, stumbling. Was that—yes, it was. The couple had clearly just had sex, which annoyed her, but besides that the woman was her younger sister, Alena. Why was Alena here, and why was Everett fucking her? Why? Why? She didn't understand any of this.

  Neither of them noticed Danya watching them. Alena curled onto Everett like a lovesick puppy, kissing his face and his cheeks and...

  Danya couldn't watch anymore. Spinning away from the window, she stomped back to her chair at the table and sat in it, almost knocking it over with the force of her anger. The chair teetered, but kept its balance. Danya stared at the water Horatio had poured for her, then picked it up and took a hefty swig. And another. Why did she have water? She wanted alcohol.

  Horatio returned, frowning slightly. "I couldn't find anyone else, but I'm sure they'll show themselves soon. They must have gone off to attend matters elsewhere. It's a large domicile and—is everything alright, Mistress?"

  "Yes," she said through clenched teeth. "Everything's fine."

  "Are you sure?"


  "Alright. I'll return in a moment with the first course. I do hope Master Everett arrives shortly. I'll chime the dinner bell just in case." Horatio left her to her anger.

  Oh, Danya could summon him, she thought. Oh, yes, she could very well do that. Maybe she would, too? Just go to the window, bang against it, catch his attention. Yes, that's what she would do. She stomped over, ready to alert him to her knowledge of his transgression, except when she arrived at the window neither he nor her younger sister were anywhere in sight.

  Had she imagined it? Had she...?

  "Hello," Everett said. He walked into the dining hall as if nothing had happened.

  Danya scrunched up her brow, staring at him. "Hello."

  "Are good?" he asked. "You?"

  Danya frowned. Hallucinations? Yes, of course. Alena wouldn't be here, couldn't be here. Why would she be? Danya ran towards him, burying her face in his chest. The fur, his warmth; it comforted her. "Oh, I missed you," she said. "You weren't here when I woke up."

  "Is alright," he said, patting her hair. "It is alright."

  Horatio returned pushing a cart carrying a tureen of soup and a pile of bowls. "Oh, Master Everett, good. I was just about to chime the dinner bell for you, but I see there's no need."

  Strange hallucinations, Danya thought. Soup would help. She was so hungry. She was so hungry before, and then Horatio, and...

  Everett only smiled at her, helping her sit, oblivious to the fact that she'd just given his butler a blowjob and let him set her up on a table to be fucked over and over again by a magical rolling pin. Perhaps she had no right to be upset over him sleeping with another woman, but—well, she wasn't about to tell him about any of what she did, either. So...

  "Soup, Mistress?" Horatio asked, offering her a bowl. "It's minestrone."

  Taken by the Beast

  Alena was in love. She thought she might be in love. She knew it was too soon to say, supposedly, but then what were these feelings? The fluttering in her stomach and the giddy sensation she felt whenever she looked at him.

  Everett was a beast, literally. From right out of the stories, too! Rumors and tall tales, everyone said, but then here he was. Alena found him after following her sister, Danya, through the woods. Everett had taken Danya, just hefted her older sister up on his shoulder and carried her through the gates to his hidden mansion in the forest. Through quick thinking and fast action, Alena had slipped through the magical gates before they closed.

  And now here she was.

  She caught them, Danya and Everett, having sex on the dining room table. Peering through one of the mansion windows, wanting to find the pair so she could shyly tap on the
glass and ask that they let her in, she'd instead discovered them in quite an uncomfortable position. Uncomfortable for Alena, at least, who didn't want to see her sister, naked, with another man. Everett, though, his passion and need, the way he thrust his hips and used his cock with reckless abandon...

  Gods! Alena wanted him. She had wanted him, but she couldn't watch what was going on, not when it involved her sister. Instead, she'd hidden by a tree and fantasized about it happening to her. The beast, Everett, discovered her and came to make her dreams come true, though.

  She loved him! She loved him so much. It was silly, childish, but no, it was none of those things. It was true and she knew he must love her, too. If not, she didn't know what she would do.

  Being no stranger to men, she was a stranger to the actual act of sex, but Everett had been so caring and sweet. He went slow, listened to her, did as she asked but not too much. He knew everything; her limits, her needs, her desires. He'd lifted her high up and pressed her against a tree, shoving his face into her wanton pussy, then lowered her onto his cock to fuck her gently, finally ending the act with a needy rutting session on the cool grass just outside his mansion's dining hall window...

  And they cuddled afterwards. She lay on his chest, glowing and brilliant, wanting to kiss and caress him all over. His seed leaked out of her slit and onto his stomach and the ground, but that was one of the best parts. She felt wanted and needed, so very much desired. He hadn't just had sex with her and tossed her aside; he made love to her, careful and beautifully, came inside her like a husband to a wife, and now he was making sure she would remain safe.

  Everett lifted her off his stomach and pulled her to her feet. They stood, just the two of them, in his mansion courtyard. Secretly right in front of Danya! Alena loved that idea. She liked her sister and wouldn't really want anything bad to happen to her, but apparently Danya wasn't enough for a man like Everett. Alena was, though. He wanted her, wanted to be with her, and even now he was showing how much he cared for her.


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