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Knights of the Dragon (of Knights and Wizards Book 1)

Page 10

by A. J. Gallant

  Marcus threw his sword and hit the dragon in its right eye as it was about to blast them. Ryxa, seeing her chance grabbed it by the neck, bit down hard and shook it; Marcus barely managed to keep himself from falling off during the shake. Titus had to jump out of the way as the dead dragon hit the ground, but the vibration woke the sleeping dragon. It stood up looking confused and disoriented. It fixed its gaze on the humans but then suddenly flew off. It wasn’t flying straight, but at least, it had survived the encounter.

  Ryxa touched down. “Are you guys okay?”

  “Nothing serious,” said Urban.

  “Climb on,” said Marcus. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Daylight had taken over from night as Ryxa circled the Valley of Cubes with the five humans on her back, now with more sun than clouds. They were looking down at two red dragons perched on top of one of the giant cubes some three hundred feet below, and Ryxa was unsure of her next move. If attacked just as she was diving down into the flowers, into the portal, it could be fatal for all of them. She watched for signs to see if they were going to be aggressive but at this point she couldn’t tell if they were friendly or not.

  The red dragons whispered to one another but otherwise didn’t appear belligerent. They cocked their heads up at the black dragon and then whispered some more. One got closer to the other and stroked his head against hers; apparently they were a couple just hanging out away from prying eyes. They were mates enjoying one another’s company.

  “What the hell are we waiting for?” Zak sighed. He disliked being up there more than he thought he would; he had never been so scared. Knights could battle a lot of things, but gravity wasn’t one of them.

  “They could attack as I fly down,” said Ryxa. “Big trouble for us if they do. One blast of fire would turn you all into ash.”

  Marcus stared down at the dragons as one looked up at him and smiled. “Let’s go Ryxa they’re not going to hurt us.”

  “Now how do you know that?”

  “He smiled at me.”

  “All right, hold on tight everyone.” Ryxa pumped her wings hard as she went down into the flowers and as soon as she did everything went black, and then they were into a cave-like tunnel that went on for miles. It was as tall as ten dragons high and ten dragons wide. There was an eerie orange glow in the distance as they passed a small blue dragon heading in the opposite direction. A strong smell of sulphur caught them just about the same time as the blue dragon did. The blue guy looked puzzled at the sight of the humans on the back of a dragon, so much so that he almost bumped into the wall before he recovered as his right wing touched one of the rocks.

  “All right dragon,” said Zak. “Let us down so we can walk for a while.”

  “It’s a lot faster on my back.”

  “Just let us down.”

  She touched down a little rougher than she had meant to, jarring them a bit. There was an echo and when Ryxa screeched it scared the hell out of Titus. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  The blue dragon Synap flew back to where they were dismounting; the screech had summoned him. “What is it? My name is Synap.”

  Ryxa nodded. “Nice to meet you Synap, I’m Ryxa. Are there any wizards in here Synap?”

  “Several that we know of. This place is so freaking big though so have fun trying to find them. There’s lots of good stuff inside the cubes but good luck getting in there.”

  “Any good wizards down here?” asked Marcus.

  The little dragon thought on it. “I don’t know. Maybe. Depends upon your definition of good I guess. Not many humans here as they have to be brought in by a dragon so I was surprised to see you people in here. Well, I have to go I have a meeting.” The blue dragon, which was only about the height of a human, sped away back in the direction of the flowering portal.

  Titus shook his head. “The dragon has a meeting. Ryxa, now what?”

  “Now we move forward until we find something good or we’re eaten.”

  “Yeah, funny.”

  “Why was that funny?” Ryxa asked the boy. He shrugged.

  The Knights from Joshuar commenced to walk and did so for about a mile until they could hear something heading in their direction. It was heavy whatever it was and was making a lot of noise. They couldn’t see anything as the tunnel took a turn to the left but everyone figured it to be another dragon, and as they stopped and waited, they soon observed it coming around. An enormous green dragon named Olive, who could barely fit in there, ran towards them screaming.

  “Get out of the way!”

  Ryxa flew up and just barely managed to avoid her, but the others were smashed hard against the wall as she passed, knocking the air out of Zak with an OOF! Theon, dragged and scraped against the wall for about ten feet before he fell, his nose scratched and bloodied. At least, Marcus had managed to go under it and remained unscathed.

  Theon was furious and had to be restrained from going after the big green dragon. “Watch where you’re going you fat pile of dragon meat!”

  “I am not fat it’s all muscle!” Olive’s raspy-voiced echoed off the walls.

  “Muscle my ass!”

  Suddenly there were four men and one woman all wielding battle axes approaching them. They had been looking to make a meal out of the green dragon, fierce looking brutes they were. Although the Knights didn’t go for their sword, they were ready to do so.

  “Well what do we have here?” said Granger, their leader. “We were gonna eat that dragon and you fellas got in the way. Maybe we’ll eat this one instead?”

  Marcus couldn’t contain himself. “You’re not eating Ryxa. Maybe she’ll eat you.”

  “And who’s going to stop us? You? You little piss-ant. This one’s barely out of diapers! Then again maybe he isn’t.” They all had a good laugh.

  Ryxa lowered her head down to their level. “Listen to YOU piss-ants. I strongly suggest that you turn around and head back to where you came from lest I decide to burn you alive.”

  “You have fire?” Granger wasn’t sure if he believed the dragon or not. “Oh yeah, she’s not a green dragon.”

  Ryxa tilted her head toward the ceiling and scorched it.

  “Well, that changes things.” Granger turned to face his men to whisper commands and then turned back to face the dragon. He snatched up the boy and threw him back to his men. “How are you gonna burn us now? Burn us you burn the boy.”

  “We could eat the boy,” said their only woman warrior. “He looks tasty enough.”

  Ryxa was visibly upset as she turned to Zak. “What do we do?”

  “You’re the boss.”


  A vicious fight erupted, but the one in the rear ran away with the boy; Marcus screamed for Ryxa to save him.


  ZEDOCK WATCHED THE CLIFF where Ella had accepted his offering of food; he watched from a great distance hoping that he would see her again but so far no luck. All he saw was a flock of mallard ducks and several red dragons off to the north, and a starling chasing a crow away from its nest but no Ella. He knew that time would take care of it, either they would manage to be together, or they would drift apart. He was also aware that he might never see her again, and that was heart-breaking, or he would see her flying with someone else and that would also be disheartening. Zedock thought that she was torn more than she would admit. He was prepared to bring her yet another gift if he could see her, thinking that entering the territory of the red dragons was showing her that he cared. He could be brave for her. Yes, he needed to be courageous. After all, life was a risky undertaking.

  He laid his head down like a sad dog, taking a deep breath he sighed. He brought his right claw up and scratched the back of his ear, slowly closing his eyes he drifted off and commenced to snore. In his dream he found Ella in a bed of the reddest roses; her scent combined with the flowers was both beautiful and invigorating. He felt some of the petals, and they felt like velvet. She smiled at him as he touched her face; Ella
closed her eyes, and then they snuggled. Zedock licked her face, and she tasted like the sweetest melon, and when he took a bite out of her, he awoke with a start.

  Zedock opened his eyes and immediately stood up as he saw Ella gliding down, instant joy descended upon him. Even though she was still quite far, he could smell her. Dragon’s usually couldn’t smell that far; it was only when a couple had commenced the bonding process that it worked. It was said that love created its own magic. Zedock rushed to an apple orchard several miles away, flying his fastest. Mile after mile of apple trees lined both sides of the rural road as he looked down at them; those beautiful red apples were appealing even from so high up. The wind blew just right, and he could smell the apples, making his mouth water.

  “Don’t move Ella I’m coming.”

  Zedock touched down at the very last tree on the right of the road and immediately commenced to dig around it and down into its roots. He was careful not to damage the roots as he grabbed it by the trunk and flew off with it, desperately hoping to catch Ryxa before she flew off. He was sure she would like the apple tree.

  Ella was once again staring off the cliff, and she was lonely. She wanted to pretend otherwise, but she hoped the black dragon would show up, even though she told him that it was too dangerous to do so. Her feelings were confusing and disheartening. It was so difficult to enjoy the little things in life because all she could think of was Zedock. Her parents noticed her changing moods and her unhappy face as of late, but she couldn’t tell them about the black dragon. Her father’s searing blue eyes gave the impression that he knew what was going on but of course, she knew he didn’t.

  Ella spotted him from quite a distance away, flying awkwardly with the apple tree and she had to laugh; her want-to-be knight in shiny armour flying up and down and sideways with the thick tree. When Zedock landed beside her, he started to dig a hole so that he could replant the tree, wanting to be angry with him but she couldn’t quite get there. After he had replanted it he let a big gob of dragon saliva drip down into the soil, and the tree immediately took hold in the earth, its roots growing and holding on and enjoying the new soil. All the apples instantaneously grew bigger and shinier. It had taken hold in its new location and would thrive there.

  “What on earth Zedock? How did you do that?”

  “Everyone knows that dragon spit helps things grow. Maybe it’s different for red dragons. The tree is a gift. Do you like it?”

  Again her soul conflicted because he was trying so hard. Whenever he was around she was happy but should they become a couple she would lose her family and friends, and how could she ever be happy with that? It was a confounding situation. Ella would be condemned if she did and damned if she didn’t. “Zedock, what did I tell you about coming here?”

  Zedock jumped for joy. “You’re happy to see me! I can see it!” The black dragon paused and considered before he spoke again. It was difficult to know what to say to her because they didn’t know each other that well. “Ella, I know it’s dangerous to come here, but I am miserable without you. Don’t think that I don’t know what you are doing Ella. You didn’t have to come back here where you knew I could find you. Am I right or am I right?”

  Ella knew that he spoke the truth, and she was a little embarrassed. It was tough to look annoyed when she was so happy to see him. The mutual attraction was, unfortunately, unavoidable. “I didn’t think you’d figure that out.”

  “Have an apple.”

  Ella ate an apple, and they were delicious, and as soon as she ate it another one popped in its place. Then she ate a dozen more, and a dozen more appeared to replace them. “They are so delicious Zedock.”

  His goal was a kiss but would she go for it? He guessed she was fighting her instincts. “Then you should probably reward me?”

  “Oh really, and how should I reward you?” Her heart was beating just a little faster than normal. Of course, he was going to ask for a kiss. She could see his nervousness; she liked how he was unsure of himself and not so cocky like the others.

  Zedock smiled. “I, I, I, I ah.” He cleared his throat. “Well, a kiss on the cheek couldn’t hurt.”

  Ella showed him a mischievous smile. “Turn your head black dragon.” Zedock turned his head, and when she went to plant a kiss on his cheek, he turned back, catching him on the mouth. Although Ella should have expected it being caught up in the moment, she didn’t. Chemicals released in both of them, and an hour later they were still kissing. And then she licked the black dragon’s neck.


  ELLA’S SISTER SUNFIRE COULDN’T BELIEVE HER EYES; Ella was mating with another dragon. And oh my goodness a black dragon! She landed with a thud as the couple broke apart but they had finished the deed and Zedock had a silly satisfactory look on his face. He cocked his head and wondered who this new dragon was that was staring at both of them disapprovingly. The red dragon was invading their privacy. He smiled at her politely even though he knew it wasn’t proper for her to have been watching them mate; Ella pushed him out of the way and sent him tumbling so she could approach her sister.

  “Zedock, it’s my sister! No! What did you see?”

  “Ella! You’ve mated with a black dragon? Are you insane? You’ve ruined your life and mine too! What is wrong with you?” Sunfire blew a column of fire high into the air in anger, a long hot blast. If it had been possible, she would have had smoke coming out of her ears.

  “Hey!” said Zedock. “That’s no way to talk to your sister. Love cannot be reasoned with and, believe me, I’ve tried. We’ve tried.”

  Sunfire was mad enough to blast him with fire. “You shut up black dragon!”

  Ella almost looked hypnotized as she smiled. Now fully bonded to Zedock. There was no turning back now; it was until death did they part. It was all happening so fast that she hadn’t fully grasped it. “Look how handsome he is!”

  “Yeah look how handsome I am!”

  Sunfire slapped Zedock in the face with her tail. “Oh Ella!” a hot tear ran down her cheek with smoke trailing from it. “What have you done? You won’t even be able to come home anymore!” It broke her heart to know that she might never see her sister ever again. “I have to tell father! I have to! The only way out is to ask father to kill him!”

  Zedock didn’t like the sound of that. Had had put her in jeopardy and he now felt sorry for doing it. Perhaps the unrequited love should have remained so. Had he been a little older and more experienced it would have never happened, but that didn’t make him feel any better. He had pursued her aggressively and won but what had he gained; a miserable life for both of them? He imagined five or six red dragons pursuing him to do him in, with one being her father. Zedock also imagined lots of screaming, all originating from him. He was afraid of Ella’s response to the suggestion that her father kill him. It was her way out.

  “No one is killing my mate.”

  That was a good answer. “Ella, you tell her.”

  Ella watched as Sunfire flew up and hovered above them, looking down with the saddest eyes; green eyes that turned into angry eyes, judging and admonishing. With the damage done, what could Ella do? If only she could keep it secret for a while, perhaps she could think of something. Maybe a spell that would make them all not care if a red dragon loved a black dragon? She couldn’t think straight. As Sunfire flew off Ella chased her; she grabbed her sister by the tail to stop her from flying forward.

  “Ella, stop it! Let go!”

  Everything was happening so quickly; she was formulating ideas as she spoke. “Listen, little sister, you don’t have to tell. That way I can nest with Zedock and no one has to know!” Ella let go of her tail, and she turned to face her. They both pumped their wings to maintain their positions.

  “Ella, I have to tell. I can’t believe that you are with a black dragon! Why would you do that? Did you think there would be no consequences?”

  “A heart goes where it wants to go; it happened so fast that my head is still spinning. I didn�
�t purposely set out to fall for a black dragon.”

  “I can smell his stink on you!” Sunfire turned and tried to fly away, but Ella was faster and blocked her; she tried to claw her sister, but Ella slapped her claws away. Sunfire blasted her sister with fire and for her effort, she was told to stop it. They grabbed one another and started to fall like a rock, with their wings hitting into each other’s they couldn’t fly properly, losing all their lift.

  “You stink,” Zedock said under his breath.

  “Sunfire let go!”

  “I can’t my claw is stuck in your wing!”

  They tumbled toward the ground facing certain death from that height as Zedock screamed and flew up to meet them. He slowed their fall as best he could but now they were all falling, finally, Zedock managed to release Sunfire’s claw and they all broke away, but it had been a close call. Even one more second of falling and it would have been too late. Zedock touched down by the tree as the two sisters once again faced each other on the ground.

  “Sunfire, think about it! I would still be able to visit you, and you could come and visit our nest. You would have a secret that no one else knows. And I could still go home! It’s a good idea if you think about it.” The more Ella yammered the more she liked the idea. Maybe her life wasn’t wrecked after all. If only she would agree to it. Of course, it was a long shot, but it was all she had to grasp.

  Sunfire raised her eyebrows as she thought about it. She was making some good points, but she could get in big trouble for not telling. “I could come and visit your nest?”

  “Yes of course. Think of all the fun we’ll have. You could watch the little ones when we go hunting.”

  Being able to play with baby dragons was tempting but what she had done was unforgivable. “I don’t know. That’s about as good an idea as tying your wings together and jumping off a cliff. Father will smell his scent on you.”


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