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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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by Laura Edwards

  Chapter One - Louise

  I stare at my reflection in the dressing room mirror and take a deep breath to steady my nerves. Now was the moment I had been waiting for. It’s what I had prepared for all my life. It was final show choir night. The FSC was the ultimate singing competition that every high school performing arts club tried to reach for. My club had to win. They just had to. Not only because I was a bit of a perfectionist and had a strong desire to be the best at everything I turned my hand to, but because it was my last chance to impress the fearsome Cara Whinney. Cara was a dean at New York School for Stage and Arts or NYSSA for short. It was the college that I had dreamt I would go to since I was three years old. Cara Whinney was notorious for being tough and shattering teenage dreams for absolutely no reason. If I didn’t do well in this six-minute performance, my future would disappear. It was all I wanted. I needed this.

  I tightened up my velvet black hair bow, the movement making my long brown wavy hair bounce. I smoothed out my red halter neck dress with shaking hands, making sure the thick black waist belt was straight. Amy, who was also part of the club had designed all the dresses and suits for the competition, just like she always did. I couldn't help but admire her talent, I could never have made the club look as good as they did tonight with so little time. I made a mental note to thank Amy when the night was over.

  I apply a layer of mascara over my thick lashes that frame nervous brown eyes as wide as saucers. I was not used to seeing fear in them. I gulp and turn away from the mirror, no longer wishing to look at the shaking wreck I had become. I sit down on the scruffy brown leather sofa in the corner of the dressing room fiddling with the fraying material.

  My eyes scan the room, taking everyone in. The guys all looked dapper in their black trousers and red long sleeved shirts with black ties, while the girls looked stunning in the dresses. Everyone looked as twitchy as each other. You could smell the nerves. Alfie who was always known as the class clown was tapping against a wooden chair with a ruler he had found over and over again. It was annoying and certainly wasn’t helping anyone with their nerves. Lucas, our resident bad boy, looked miffed. He snatched the ruler away from Alfie and threw it across the room.

  It was ten minutes until show time and Frankie, the tall, goofy football player who I once dated walked over, plonking himself down on the sofa next to me.

  "Hey. I just wanted to tell you good luck. You don’t really need it, but it’s the right thing to say.”

  The lazy smile on his face took me back to happier times. It was the same smile that had attracted me to him all those years ago. I looked at him sadly.

  "Two years ago when we were here, we were so happy. We crouched down in that corner over there thinking that no one could see us making out. It was all so simple back then.”

  He clears his throat, clearly feeling uncomfortable with what had just been said. Honesty had always been a factor in my life, I found it extremely difficult to keep my feelings and thoughts inside. Frankie suddenly had a remarkable interest in kicking the piece of torn carpet next to him.

  "I will always care about you Louise." His voice was soft but he couldn't meet my eyes. "I know you will blow them all away tonight. You deserve this more than anyone."

  Despite my faint sadness at the memories from long ago, I smile at the sweet, loving boy who cared about everyone. His kind words touched me and I immediately felt guilty for making him feel uncomfortable when we had all moved on a long time ago. I took his hand, squeezing it gently.

  "Thank you Frankie. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward or anything. I was just reminiscing. You and Zoe are made for each other. I know how happy she makes you."

  It was true. Zoe, the pretty blonde head cheerleader did make him happy. She was the most popular girl in school and he had always been destined for someone like her really. She had skin as soft as cream and a smile that could light up the room. Even though I had fought with Zoe over the last few years, I now regarded her as a friend.

  The lazy smile returned to his face.

  "You are a star. You get out there and show them how it’s done. See you after the show Louise."

  Frankie gives me a friendly peck on the cheek and walks back over to Zoe. Zoe is engaged in conversation with two other cheerleaders who also happen to be in the show choir club, Becky and Samantha. The three of them were a tight group, their friendship was probably the strongest at our high school. I couldn't help but feel jealous of them sometimes, I didn't have anyone I was especially close to. Having a few friends here and there was different to having best friends. I was used to it by now though.

  Frankie wraps his arms around Zoes waist, kissing her gently on the forehead as he squeezes her. The gesture was so sweet and loving. I couldn't deny that even though I didn't want Frankie anymore, I wanted the relationship he and Zoe had. I missed the closeness of being with someone. I wanted somebody to look at me in the same way. I wanted somebody to hold me like that. But tonight, I wouldn't think about it. I couldn't think about it. Tonight was about my hopes and dreams. I had to focus.

  My heart thuds with the usual pre-show nerves as the bell signalling we were up next blasts in the dressing room. We huddle in a circle together, all fifteen of us, wishing each other good luck before we make our way out to face the audience.

  As I take my place centre stage and catch sight of Cara Whinney sitting on the very front row, my heart erratically pounds. I feel sick to my stomach as a huge beam of light blinds me as it lit the stage up. The spotlight fell directly on me, letting everyone in the audience know that I was the one to watch. The band starts playing and I take one last deep breath, trying not to take any notice of the fact that I was completely on my own for this first song.

  'Take me back into the arms I love….'

  I belt out the notes like it was the last performance I would ever give. My life depended on it. I had to get it just right.

  'Need me like you did before.'

  I knew that I could do justice to this song. Celine Dion was an idol of mine, and I knew every one of her songs by heart.

  Was it just me or was…..was Cara actually smiling? She was, she really was! It spurred me on with the rest of the song, and I knew as I belted out the last line, that I had done myself proud. I couldn't have given it anymore.

  "Ladies and Gentleman, Please welcome onto the stage…..The Never Notes."

  I beam with delight as the rest of the club run on stage and join me in an impressive and rousing rendition of Queens Bohemian Rhapsody. By the end of our set, the crowd were standing up, cheering at the top of their lungs. The Never Notes run off stage hugging each other. Some of us, including me, were crying with happiness. This was us at our best. I loved it when a team of misfits came together to put on a show like that. My team of misfits.

  We made our way to the few empty rows in the middle of the arena which had been reserved for The Never Notes to watch the rest of the competition. It was the last performance and the biggest competition of the night, The Singing Academy Harmonies. I doubted they would be as good as we just were. The audience were still applauding us as we sat on our seats, surely that was proof enough what a hit we had been up there? Still, I had heard that The SAH club were good and had beaten greater clubs in the past. I couldn’t help but be apprehensive.

  Around eighteen guys all walked on to the stage in perfect unison with each other. There were a few more of them than in The Never Notes, but it didn’t matter. It was impressive just seeing them walk on so I hated to think of how good they would actually be when they started singing. They were all polished, groomed and smiling. Their black blazers with red trim made them look smart and tailored.

  The crowd chee
red as they walked on, making me feel even more nervous. Just as I had suspected, they were clearly well known and loved in these competitions.

  One of them stepped forward. His hair was black and plastered down with gel, but it somehow suited him. He was very striking to look at. He oozed confidence and looked like he could charm the entire universe. He was almost hypnotic before he had even started singing.

  "We are The Singing Academy Harmonies. We hope you enjoy."

  His speaking voice was as smooth as his looks. It had a melting quality about it and I could feel my stomach churning. Not because I was nervous, but because he was the type of man any girl would have butterflies for. The audience clapped again as The Harmonies lined up in their places to sing. They waited until the noise had died down before launching into an acapella version of My Way by Frank Sinatra. They were good. They were really good. I looked down the row of my fellow club members, dismayed to find that they were all staring open mouthed with how great the performance up on stage was. It did nothing to help my fears. We couldn't lose this. Not tonight.

  The one who had spoken was clearly the main singer. It wasn't hard to see why. His voice was breath-taking. He somehow managed to hit the high notes and croon low and sexy while managing to keep up an energetic dance routine and never once sounding out of breath. The song came to an end, and they were applauded just as loud as what The Never Notes were, maybe even louder. This was going to be a tight call, and the Harmonies still had another song to do. I push Beckys hands down, she was clapping for our rivals for goodness sake. We didn't want to give The Singing Academy Harmonies any more support than what they already had.

  Yet again, The Harmonies wait until the applause dies down. The hypnotic one walks to the middle of the stage. I stare at him, trying to figure him out. I would have loved to have someone like him in our club. Frankie had become an amazing singer over the years, but he was still a bad dancer. This front man of The Harmonies had it all. He could sing, dance and had so much charisma.

  My breath caught as he looked directly at me. The corner of his mouth turned up in a sexy smile as he winked. The Harmonies launched into an energetic version of Whitesnakes Here I Go Again. I fan myself with my hand, feeling hot all of a sudden. I wasn't sure if it was that guy, or nerves about what this night meant to me, but I needed to get out of here. I stood up, knowing I was making a spectacle of myself. I ran back to the dressing room, trying desperately not to hyperventilate and go into full blown panic mode. I had to keep calm. But how could I stay calm when so much was riding on it? The Singing Academy Harmonies were excellent. It had thrown my earlier euphoria into sinking dread.

  Five minutes later, the rest of The Never Notes walked in to the room.

  Lucas strode up to me, a look of concern on his face.

  "Hey Louise, I know we aren't the best of friends but try and chill out a bit babe?"

  I groan. Lucas would forever be the same. He didn't care about huge things like FSC and college hopes, he just happily went through life with numerous girlfriends and no ambitions.

  "Did you not see how good they were Lucas? What if we lose?"

  I bit my bottom lip as I always did when worried. Everyone crowded around me, circling me in a reassuring hug.

  "You were amazing Louise."

  "We couldn't have done it without you."

  "Everyone loved us because of you honey, you were a star out there."

  I had to fight the tears as everybody, even Samantha who I had never been the best of friends with, showered me with hugs and compliments. They were right, we had all given it our best. If that wasn't good enough, then what was?

  The bell warning us that we had to be on stage for the results rang out. I felt dizzy as I realised that the judges had already decided and it was now out of my hands. No more could be done. We filed onto the stage silently, all of us too nervous to speak.

  I glanced across at The Harmonies, I could see the main guy close up now. He was even more good looking than I had first thought. His eyes were huge, and he had a sexy bit of stubble lining his jaw. I shivered as I imagined it grazing along my neck, prickling at my skin, making me feel hot and sweaty and.... wait. What the hell was I thinking? I was about to have the biggest moment of my life, and here I was fantasizing about some smug guy from my rival singing club. I really didn't need to concern myself with silly matters like boys tonight, my whole future was about to be revealed.

  I turn away from him, but not before I notice the tiny smirk on his lips as he watches me. A smirk that suggested he knew what I had been thinking. But that was impossible, wasn't it? I blush, feeling my whole face turn red. I flush an even deeper red when I hear him do a low chuckle. He definitely knew.

  The host of FSC walks to the front of the stage with a white envelope. I hold the hands either side of me, not realising they were Zoes and Alfies, not really caring. I just needed the support, and they did too, from the way they squeezed my hands back.

  "Ladies and Gentleman……. The winners of our Finals Show Choir night has been decided. In the history of these events, never has a vote been so close. But I can confirm, that the winning team tonight are ..... The... "

  Blood rushed to my head, I felt like I would collapse at any moment. This was torture.

  "Singing Academy Harmonies!"

  The arena erupts in cheers and applause. To my left side, I see flashes of black and red jumping up and down with happiness, all punching the air with delight.

  To my right, everyone was still. They were all rooted to the spot. Everyone was silent. Until a loud sob could be heard in all the madness. I realised with a start it was me. I run off the stage, back to the dressing room and collapse against the door, crying like I had never cried before.

  A few minutes later I hear frantic knocking at the door.

  "Go away." I shout through the tears. "I just, I need to be alone right now."

  I jump as a big brown envelope is pushed under the door, right next to where I was sat. I dab at my tears with the hem of my dress, staring at the envelope in confusion.

  "See you in September Miss Hart."

  I freeze. The voice belonged to Cara Whinney. I listen to her footsteps echo down the corridor as she walks away. I pick up the brown envelope with shaking hands, ripping it open and making a mess of the once neat envelope.

  Dear Louise,

  We are delighted to accept you at NYSSA........

  I didn't read anymore. I hop up screaming with joy. I got in, I was in! I just couldn't believe it. I stop the celebrations for a moment, looking at the empty room, feeling bad for bailing on my friends and fellow club members. They were devastated about losing too, and me, being the selfish fool I always was, hadn't even given them a second thought.

  I wipe the smudged mascara from underneath my eyes, grinning at myself in the mirror. I just couldn't believe that I was in. I would make it right with The Never Notes. I would apologise for running away.

  I head out into the corridor, feeling on top of the world. I stop when I see a lone figure in a distinctive blazer making his way towards me. It's him. The cocky one with the sexy stubble and huge eyes. I didn't know if I should turn back. I very nearly did, but then I figured he had already seen me. I didn't want him to think I was intimidated.

  As he draws opposite, I notice how striking his eyes actually are. The colour of them are hard to describe. They were almost golden. Not quite human somehow but certainly mesmerizing. His lips were as red as blood, soft and full.

  The way he stared made me feel uneasy and alive all at once.

  "Congratulations. You were really good up there"

  I nearly choked on the words, but I meant them.

  "I know we were good. But you didn't seem to think so. You were the only one not clapping. In fact, If I remember correctly, you ran off half way through our set. Were my dashing good looks and charm too much for you to handle?"

  I snort, surprised at how big-headed he was. I was hoping it was just a stage presence he
had, but it was obvious this was just the real him.

  "No, I ran away because I was repulsed actually. You are way too arrogant for my liking."

  He grins, taking a step closer to me, making me take a step back. I didn’t want to get too close to him. I didn’t know what his game was.

  "Ah. So that's what it was. The rumours must be true; Louise Hart is fussy. I have never repulsed anyone before. I'm wounded."

  "How do you know my name?" I ask, deciding to ignore everything else he said.

  He comes closer, making me retreat further.

  "Everybody at our school knows who you are Louise. You are a legend in The Harmonies. All the gay guys want to become your best friend because you have a kooky wardrobe and know your show tunes. And all of us straight guys...."

  He pauses, taking yet another step towards me, but this time as I back away, I hit the cold corridor wall. I wished I was wearing a jacket or something. The contact with the wall made me shiver. Or maybe it was just being alone with this guy.

  His face was an inch from mine as he continued speaking.

  "Well, we just want to fuck you."

  I inhale loudly. Did he really just say that? Despite my cheeks turning bright red, I summon up the strength to shove him away.

  "Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?"

  He shrugs his shoulders, not looking in the least bit bothered that I had just pushed him away.

  "I'm Drew Evans."

  I huff, already annoyed by his irritating ways.

  "I didn't actually want to know who you were, I just.... I ... ugh. You are really annoying, you know that?"

  He shrugs again, a sly smile spreading on his lips.

  "What have you got there?"

  He points at the envelope in my hand.

  For some reason, I hide it behind my back, even though he has already seen it.

  I realise my mistake as soon as he backs me up against the wall for a second time, pressing his body into mine. I go to push him away again, only to remember that my hands are now trapped in-between the wall and my back because I tried to hide the letter.


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