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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

Page 11

by Laura Edwards

  I look at Drew as he sits up with me, looking sexier than I have ever seen him. His hair was a mess, and his sleepy eyes were looking me up and down while his mouth curved into a shy smile.

  "M-m-morning ."

  I stutter. My voice is croaky with sleep. From what I could remember, last night with Drew had been magical. So why did I feel so…. anxious?

  Drew is quick to pick up on my demeanour, he pulls me towards his bare chest holding me in his strong arms. I hug him back limply, not daring to think about what I can't remember.

  "Nothing happened between us if that is what you are worried about."

  His chest rumbles as he speaks, I hold on to him tighter, trying to convince myself that this was good, this was how it was meant to be. But I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't supposed to happen. Where has the dirty, self-centred jerk gone? Could he really be this lovely?

  "Although I must admit…. It was nice having you try and shag my brains out for once."

  I tense at his words, and start to move away from him. He just pulls me closer. Hugs me tighter.

  "But I was the perfect gent and had to turn you down. I hope you appreciate how hard it was for me. In every sense."

  Despite my nerves, I laugh. I was slowly piecing together bits from last night and he was right, he had behaved like a gentleman. I smile as I remember the way he held me as I fell asleep. His arms had felt like the safest place to be.

  "I'm sorry if I… I didn't mean to …. I am sorry."

  I stop, not knowing the right words to say. I wasn't sure what point I was trying to make.

  He places a soft kiss on top of my head.

  "Whatever you are trying to say, forget about it. You have nothing to apologise for. Do you understand?"

  I look up at him, my heart pounding as I get lost in his beautiful eyes. They were swimming with affection, for me I think. It was too much to take in.

  I break away, clambering over him to get off the sofa. In my hurry, I don't care that I am only in my underwear, I am just feeling overwhelmed with an urgent sense to run. Like I always do.

  My eyes dart around the room in confusion as I look around for the dress I was wearing last night. He studies me and stands up too, not daring to come near me. He is treating me like a fragile puppy who is about to bite or something. I try not to stare at his perfect body as he talks.

  "You won't find it."

  Panic sets in as I realise what he is on about.

  "You've taken my dress?"

  I stare at him in horror.

  He nods guiltily, and I am a little comforted to see that he looks sheepish for having stolen it.

  "What the hell Drew? Give me my clothes back."

  He stays where he is, pleading with me. His hands rest nervously by his sides.


  I frown. It's hard to be mad at him when his eyes are a maze of wonder and he is flaunting his body in just his boxers. He looks like a male model.

  "No." I repeat softly, as if trying to get my head around the word.

  He walks over to me, closing the gap between us. He reaches out to touch me, but thinks better of it. Instead, he continues to just stare at me. I don't feel uncomfortable under his gaze anymore like I would have just before yesterday.

  "Louise, I had to take it. I knew you would do this. You are getting ready to run."

  I open my mouth to try and protest. I want to argue with him, but he is right, I would have been out of the house five minutes ago if my dress had been there.

  "You have to stop running from me baby. There is nothing to run from. I have been a complete and utter jerk, but you have changed me. All I can think about is you. I have never cared about anyone before. It's not all about your feelings. I am confused too. It's all new to me and I am trying my best to handle it. If you run from me, you won't get to see what you have done to me. And I will be left crushed."

  I touch his cheek, his stubble tickling my hand. To say I am a little shocked at his words is an understatement. I was touched. He is right, this must be weird for him as well.

  "I won't run"

  My voice is barely a whisper as I cup his face with my other hand and pull him towards me.

  My lips touch his, gently, lingering just to taste him. His smell is now familiar to me. I breathe him in, wanting to be close. His curly hair flops down on to his forehead. I push it away to get a better look at his face.

  His strong arms snake around my waist, pulling me into him, our bodies touching as we kiss.

  I run my hands from his cheeks down to his neck, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. He responds eagerly, crushing his soft lips into mine harder. He ever so gently pushes his warm tongue into my mouth, exploring, making sure I am OK with it as he kisses. He has changed.

  I smile against his mouth as I start to feel his growing pleasure dig into me. Maybe he hadn't changed that much. He was still Drew Evans after all. It actually puts me at ease to know that he still wants me like that.

  He breaks away from me, keeping a firm grip around my waist, looking down at me smiling.

  "Something funny Miss Hart?"

  His eyes glitter with amusement as he lightly runs his fingers up and down my back, making me shiver. Just the slightest touch from him was enough to drive me wild.

  I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to reply.

  "I’m just glad you still want me, that's all."

  I would have been mortified saying that to him just a few days ago, but I felt so comfortable around him now that I didn't care.

  He tucks my hair behind my ear in an intimate gesture.

  "I have never wanted anyone so bad. You are beautiful."

  To my dismay, he lets go of me. I instantly wanted to pull him back, to feel his body warm against me again, skin on skin. But he takes my hand and leads me upstairs. My heart starts pounding wildly at the thought of what was to come, but I wasn't scared. I trusted him. I knew I wouldn't regret it.

  We enter his bedroom and I look around in appreciation. He was definitely the cleanest guy I knew; his bedroom was immaculate. Everything in the room had a light green theme to it. But my gaze was fixated on the huge double bed. He walks over to the bed and sits down. He watches me as I linger by the doorway.

  "I just want to make this very clear Louise, we do not have to do anything you don't want to do. You can get in bed and sleep, I don't care, I just want to be with you. After watching you sleep all last night, I don't care if I have to watch you sleep forever."

  I blush and look down at the floor.

  "I don't want to sleep."

  I pluck up the courage and walk over to him. The fluffy green carpet tickles my bare feet as I walk.

  I want to lose myself in him and never come up for air. I want to let all my inhibitions go. Instead, I sit gingerly on the edge of the bed next to him, waiting for him to say something. I wasn't used to his caring side, but I liked it.

  "Do you want to read a book?"

  I look up at him, frown lines creasing my face. Did he seriously think I wanted to read right now?

  He laughs. I can tell he’s just as nervous as me.

  "OK, that's a no then. So, what do you want to do?"

  He clearly wasn't going to make the first move, he was still treating me like a breakable doll, which was great, but not what I wanted right now.

  I pull him to the centre of the huge bed with me, gently pushing him down so he is flat on his back. I straddle him as he gazes up at me, not caring that he can see everything from his position. I was still in just my underwear, but what did it matter? I wanted him to see me.

  I bend down, giving him a long full kiss on the lips. He returns the kiss, but makes no move to touch me, much to my frustration. I trail light kisses across all over him, loving the feel of him against my lips. I nibble his ear, keen to taste every bit of him.

  "You can touch me you know." I whisper.

  I sit back up and take off my bra in one swift movement, throwing it off the bed. He gasps as
he looks me up and down. His breathing quickens as I resume my task of kissing him. I kiss his neck, sucking, biting. Judging by the movement in his boxers, I am clearly doing something right.

  He moans in pleasure as I move down to his chiselled chest, scattering feather kisses everywhere I can get my lips to.

  "Lou… We don't … Uh…. Have to do this"

  He interrupts himself with another groan of lust.

  I silence him by kissing his lips, needy, urgent. This time, it's my tongue probing his, making him realise that I want this. I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to.

  All of a sudden, I find myself on my back with him on top of me, his hard cock pressing down on my belly as his heated eyes stare down at me, full of hunger.

  I writhe in pleasure as he mirrors what I have just done to him, showering me with kisses, making me tingle from head to toe. I moan as he grazes my neck, driving me wild with want.

  He moves down slowly towards my breasts, cupping them with his hands before resuming his sprinkling kisses, driving me insane. I wanted him badly now. I arch my back, trying to bring myself closer to him. He chuckles lightly against my skin, his hot breath making my nerves stand on end.

  "Patience beautiful, all good things come."

  I breathlessly finish his sentence for him.

  "To those who wait?"

  He laughs again.

  "No, Just all good things come. So be good and I will make you come. Hard."

  His eyes sparkle with mischief as he starts his sweet torture of my body all over again. He wasn't joking, if he carried on with this for much longer, I would be coming from this alone.

  My breath catches as he licks my nipple, taking it into his mouth, licking, sucking. If he keeps this up, I will explode. He repeats the pattern with the other, prolonging my want and need for him.

  "Drew" I moan in delight, my ragged breathing coming out in bursts.

  He looks up at me tenderly.

  "We can stop. We don't have to…."

  I silence him by making a play for his boxers. I wanted to rip them off like they do in the movies, I was so hot for him. I was done with the fooling around now, I wanted the real thing. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I grow impatient as I struggle to take my panties off. My burning desire for him was making me clumsier than what I usually am.

  His eyes twinkle mischievously as he watches my growing impatience. I pull him down so he is laying on top of me, our eyes boring into each other with lust.

  "I need this" The words came out in a whispered rush as I arch my hips, letting him know there was no going back now.

  "I don't want to pressure you. You can back out." He looks unsure of himself as he speaks the words. He was a changed man.

  "I want this. I want you."

  His gaze lingers on me for just a moment more, trying to determine if I am telling the truth. Couldn’t he see how desperately I wanted him. I had never felt like this. I wanted to laugh, cry and scream all at once. I had too many feelings all at once. I didn’t know what to do with them.

  He leans over, grabs a condom from his dresser and puts his on. I hadn't even thought of that in my heightened state. I was relieved at least one of us was thinking clearly.

  I cry out as I feel him tease my opening, pushing with gentle force. He takes my wrists, pinning them against the bed with his strong hands as he slowly enters me. I try to edge myself forward, impatient for him to fill all of me. But his weight is pinning me down. I groan in frustration.

  "Go slow baby girl, I don't want to hurt you. Trust me."

  I look up into his soulful eyes as he fills me inch by inch, never breaking eye contact. I feel full to the brim. Nothing has ever felt this good.

  "I trust you."

  He rewards me with a dazzling smile, then kisses me hungrily on the lips as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of me. I moan with desire, trying to grind my hips into his, trying to make it faster, harder. I knew I wouldn't be able to take much more. He nuzzles my neck as he carefully drives into me, making me shout out with each thrust. He releases my hands, allowing me to touch him at last, I run my hands down his chest, around to his back dragging my nails down his skin, making him lose control just like the first night we met.

  His groans as he loses his composure. I am right on the edge. I claw at his back, squeezing him against me as he growls, trying to fight what we both know is about to happen. Both of us cry out as we reach a shuddering climax at the same time, gripping on to each other as our bodies tremble together, his huge eyes never leaving mine for a second as we try to catch our breath.

  Minutes pass by as we lay entwined, panting hard. Finally, Drew speaks.

  "Are you OK ? Did I hurt you?"

  He rolls off me gently, pulling me round so I am facing him as he cups my face with one hand, making me look at him.

  "It was perfect. You were perfect."

  I kiss his hand.

  He grins at me, clearly accepting my words.

  "You know, I usually last longer than that. You broke me. This time, I intend to drive you insane for hours."

  The combination of his sultry tone and the feel of his cock rubbing against me, already hard again, made my belly flutter with desire.

  I raise an eyebrow at him.

  "Oh really? Who says there will be another chance?"

  His face falls at my words, his eyes resembling a puppy who had just had their chew toy taken away. I can't help but laugh. He was devastatingly handsome.

  "You surely wouldn't break my heart like that would you?" His eager hands start to roam over my naked body, already making me feel horny again.

  "Go on then" I tease him. "Just one more go."

  He beams as he pulls me on top of him, kissing me full force.

  "Thanks beautiful. Oh and Louise?"

  I run my hands through his curls and gaze at him questioningly.


  He kisses my lips softly before taking a deep breath.

  "I just wanted you to know that I am hopelessly in love with you."

  Chapter Twelve - Louise

  As I listen to the deep breathing of a fast asleep Drew cuddled up to me, I feel content. To say the day had been amazing is a complete understatement.

  When he told me he was in love with me just a few hours earlier, I was completely floored. I was so shocked, that he actually had to shake me a bit to get me to respond to him.

  "Louise? Say something. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But I am."

  I just stare at him. Stare into his worried eyes as I try to get a grasp on what he has just told me.

  He carries on rambling. He is starting to sound a like me when I get nervous and talk a lot for the sake of it.

  "In love with you that is. I really am. I mean, I couldn't figure it out before. But I haven't really been eating. I haven't been sleeping. You have been on my mind constantly. And I just know, I have always known it. From the moment I saw you up on that stage. I love you Louise Hart. "

  I open my mouth to say something. To reassure him somehow. But no sound comes out. Instead, I just pull him towards me for a kiss, so we can continue where we left off before he dropped that bombshell on me.

  To my relief, he doesn't push me to say anything further, he takes the hint and starts another delicious assault on my body. Being so new to this feeling, I am taken by surprise at how much I want this again after only a few minutes.

  He was certainly right about usually lasting longer the second time round, it was a never-ending heaven, and each time I felt on the edge of coming, he changed pace, determined to prove to me he had staying power. Not that I was complaining of course. For the second time that day, our bodies were completely tuned to each other, we moved as one and came together once again.

  About two hours had passed since then, and it had been my turn watching Drew sleep now. His naked body felt warm and soft against my own, we seemed to fit into each other perfectly. I flush as I remember him telling me how he had been watching me all ni
ght as I lay fast asleep in his arms. I certainly didn't make sleep look as cute as he did. His soft black curls were flopping down on to his head. He was perfection.

  He looked younger somehow when he slept. Gone was the cocky guy who claimed he knew everything about everything, he was replaced with a vulnerable, sweet man with real feelings.

  I jump as Drews doorbell rings, waking him up in the process. He rubs his eyes sleepily, before looking up at me, a grin spreading over his sexy face.

  "You didn't run?" His voice is hoarse and deep from being asleep. It awakens the butterflies in my belly just hearing him talk like that.

  "Of course I didn't run." I smile back at him, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. The doorbell sounds again, repeatedly this time. He shrugs his shoulders as I look at him in question.

  He climbs out of bed, stretching his muscled arms above his head lazily, not seeming to care that the doorbell is still going. He opens a draw next to his bed, chucking me one of his t-shirts so I can cover myself up, and quickly pulls on his discarded boxers on from earlier, then heads down to answer the door.

  I throw the shirt on, struggling to catch up with him as he hurries down the stairs.

  "Wait." I call out breathlessly. "Aren't you going to put some clothes on?"

  He laughs as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

  "What for? I'm going to jump in the shower soon."

  I shake my head. He didn’t get it.

  "So you are answering the door in your boxers?"

  "Sure am baby girl." He opens the front door while I crouch on the stairs, trying to figure out who our interruption was. I didn’t have to wonder for long.

  "You think some lousy text is going to reassure me that she's not dead in the gutter somewhere curly? If you have hurt her, I will end you, is that clear?"

  The door slams hard, Drew sighs loudly.

  "Come in Samantha." He mutters sarcastically.

  She has clearly barged her way in. I wince as her angry tones start up again.

  "I have been worried sick all night. And literally sick. That pizza must have been bad."

  "It wouldn't have anything to do with the alcohol you consumed last night then?"


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