Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 12

by Laura Edwards

  I laugh quietly at Drews question.

  "Shut up curly, I am not here to discuss my alcohol consumption with you. Where is she?"

  I step out from the stairs, deciding to end Drews misery. Samantha could be a handful at the best of times, but when she was angry, it was a whole different ball game.

  "Calm down Sammy. I am here. I am fine."

  Samantha jumps, then looks me up and down with distaste. I suddenly feel self-conscious as I remember I am only wearing Drews t-shirt. I smile weakly at her.

  "Well well well, You two have finally done the deed. About time."

  I flush bright red. Drew isn't affected by her words as he gives me a huge soppy grin that makes my heart melt.

  "N-n-no we didn't. He…he j-just, well, he let me spend the night here that's all."

  Samantha scoffs.

  "Right, that's why you are wearing his clothes, he is practically nude and grinning like the cat who got the cream, and you have 'I've just had sex' written all over you. Seriously Lou, the only way you could make it more obvious is if you go shouting it out loud down the streets. "

  My already red cheeks go a deeper red. There is no point arguing with a stubborn Samantha.

  To my horror, Drew walks over to me and starts nuzzling my neck, not caring that Sammy is stood there with a look of utter disgust on her face.

  "Yuk. Lay off curly, I do not want to witness you slobbering all over my best friend."

  I push him away much to his annoyance and grab her into a huge hug.

  "You are my best friend as well. I love you. I'm sorry I worried you."

  She pulls away, her eyes shining with affection.

  "It's OK dwarf. Here you go, thought you would need this."

  I take the backpack from her.

  "What's this?" I ask in confusion.

  "Today's Saturday, you have no work this weekend and no classes until Monday. You have clothes, toothbrushes, hair brushes , all sorts to keep you going. I figured you would want to stay with Curly McCurlison."

  I grin as I examine the contents.

  "Thanks Sammy. This is really nice of you, but I will have to come home anyway, I have work tonight."

  Disappointment fills me as I remember I picked up an extra shift. I still desperately needed money.

  "Afraid not shorty. I picked it up for you. I will now do three nights; you will do three nights. And don't worry, the money from my shifts will be all yours."

  "What?!" I almost shriek, not sure if I am hearing her right. "You will not give me a penny you have worked for. Don't be daft."

  She rolls her eyes at my protests.

  "Tough luck Lou. You have been working your ass off since you got here, you are waking at five am just to try and cram some study time in, I won't let you do it anymore. Nobody can carry on like that forever. I don't need the money as you know, my grandma felt so guilty about the whole way she reacted when I came out to her that she is basically pouring money down my throat every week. And, the three days a week I have picked up for you, Becks has stuff on anyway so I am not missing out any time with her. There are no arguments about this dwarf. I have already spoken to Curls Dad who will be transferring any money I earn straight over to you. How else do you think I got this address? I had to find out where you were. I had a feeling you would be with him, but you left in such a hurry that you could have been anywhere. The text was very vague and I didn’t know if I could trust it." She gives Drew a sceptical look.

  Tears spring to my eyes as I drop the bag and hug her again.

  "I don't know what to say."

  My voice is almost a whisper. I didn’t realise anyone cared about me this much.

  She shrugs me off. She really wasn’t one for being sentimental and mushy.

  "No worries. Let's get your life back huh?"

  I nod, smiling at her. Drew speaking startles me, I had forgotten he was here in all this amazing news.

  "It's very decent of you Samantha. But, one question. If your grandma is crapping money…. Why are you living in the same building as Lou? It's a shit hole."

  "Why wouldn't I live there? Someone has to keep an eye on her. I know her better than you Curls, don't you think I have wanted to drag her out of there ? She is stubborn to the end, there is no way she would let me rent somewhere for the both of us that I can easily afford, which is why I have come up with this solution for the time being. She has no say in this whatsoever. It has already been sorted."

  "I am still here you know guys. You don't have to talk about me as if I'm not."

  Drew joins us over near the door, kissing me on the cheek.

  "Sorry baby."

  Samantha wrinkles her nose in disgust.

  "Oh you guys. Stop drooling over each other. At least wait until I am out of here."

  She opens the front door.

  "Wait." Drew lets go of me as he speaks. "Are you and uh Becks was it?" He looks at me unsure. I nod in confirmation. "Are you and Becks doing anything tomorrow night?"

  Samantha eyes him suspiciously again.

  "Just the usual. Why?"

  "Maybe you could both come over? Spend the night with us or something? Watch a movie, order some takeout, have a few drinks?"

  I smile at the idea as I squeeze his hand in thanks.

  It takes a while for Sammyto hide her surprise.

  "Sure. That would be good. About sevenish?"

  Drew holds the front door open for her and nods.

  "Seven sounds fine. And Samantha?"

  She turns back to face him as she steps out the front door.

  "Yes Curls?"

  "Be careful at that place tonight? Just… be wary of my Dad and … please, stay away from someone called Brett. Just be careful."

  Confusion sweeps her face. But she nods anyway, gives us both a wave and saunters off down the road.

  He shuts the door. I wrap my arms around his neck, backing up against the front door, kissing him deeply.

  He moans with pleasure as I nibble his ear and run my hands down his bare chest. I still couldn’t believe that he had opened the door in his boxers. But I was glad he did.

  "Oh god. I have turned you into a sex demon. You are insatiable."

  I kneel down, gripping the waistband of his boxers and grin up at him evilly.

  "Are you complaining Mr Evans?"

  His sultry grin and his ragged breathing tell me he has no complaints at what I’m about to do.

  "Not at all Miss Hart."

  After, in his words, 'the best blow job he's ever had' and plenty of shower sex later, we are sitting on the sofa, wrapped in each others arms watching a movie. OK, not watching a movie, watching each other. I hated to burst our happy bubble, but I had to ask what was on my mind.

  "When are you going to tell me about Brett?"

  His happy smile instantly changes to a look of anger. His whole body stiffens.


  I sigh.

  "You can't keep telling me to stay away from him, and warn Sammy about him, and not tell us what we are supposed to be avoiding."

  He lets go of me, standing up in a huff and heads to the kitchen. I follow him, watching as he grabs a glass of water, draining it completely.

  "It should be enough to just listen to me. I can't believe after all we have been through in the last day or two, you are questioning me on my judgement about Bre… about him."

  His face is hard as he struggles to even say his name.

  I rest my hands on his shoulders, making him look at me, trying to calm him down.

  "I am not questioning your judgement. I am asking what happened. I have to work with him after all."

  He shrugs me off, walking back to the front room, falling down on the sofa in a mood.

  "No, you don't have to work with him. I can't believe I told you about that fucking job. I didn't know he had already turned twenty-one. It’s my fault."

  I sit on the carpet facing him.

  "I do have to work there. I need the money. Why won'
t you just tell me what's going on?"

  His huge eyes bore into mine, a mixture of anger, sadness and hurt written over his face. It pained me to witness him like this.

  "Don't fucking lecture me Louise. You took weeks to tell me your parents had died, and now you are jumping on me for not telling you stuff? Don't be such a hypocrite. And while we are at it, you haven't told me why you need the money, why you are living in that shithole room you call a home. I am guessing it is something to do with your parents, because the old Louise would never have been seen dead in a place like that."

  Now it was my turn to look hurt.

  "Why are you so grumpy with me? It was just a question Drew. It's not my fault you are unable to answer it. You can’t just turn the blame on me. I haven't done anything wrong."

  He runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath, not even looking at me.

  "You haven't told me you love me."

  The statement makes me falter. I didn't know what to say to that. I didn't think I would ever feel happiness again after losing my parents, let alone love. It was hard to wrap my head around, surely he realised that.

  "What? What has that got to do with anything?"

  Now he looks at me, his sorrowful eyes tearing at my heart.

  "I'm in love with you. And I have told you that a lot over the last day. It's a huge deal for me, saying something like that. I have never loved anyone before."

  "Neither have I." I say quietly.

  He scoffs.

  "You didn't seem to have a problem telling Samantha you love her. It's clearly just me you have a problem with."

  I sigh and shake my head. I was regretting bursting our bubble now. Why did I open my mouth?

  "Don't be ridiculous. You sound needy. Where has the cold, calculating Drew gone? "

  As soon as I say the words, I regret them. I had the most gorgeous man I have ever seen telling me he’s in love with me, and I repay him by calling him needy. The look of pain on his face makes me feel sick. I had hurt him. I knew it hadn't been easy for him telling me he loved me. It was Drew Evans after all. He didn't do feelings. Except, he did with me. And I had just thrown it all back in his face.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

  He turns away, not wanting to look at me. Not that I can blame him.

  I have screwed up our perfect weekend. This was the only time I have felt happy in months and I have chucked it all away.

  I kiss him gently on the cheek.

  "I'm sorry." I repeat again. "I should go."

  I run up to his room, grab the bag Samantha had dropped off for me, not even daring to look at the bed we had already made happy memories on.

  I put my shoes on, then head back down, taking one last look at Drew, who was still slouched on the sofa, looking like the whole world hated him. And it was me that had made him feel like that.

  I walk out into the night air, closing the door behind me. A tear falls down my cheek. I was such an idiot. I glance back, taking one last look at the house and gasp as the door opens, a heartbroken looking Drew standing there.

  "You said you wouldn't run."

  His voice sounds so sad it cuts me like a knife. I start running. But this time, I run back into his arms, sobbing, gripping on to him as if he will disappear.

  "I- , I- think… well, I’m pretty sure… I love you."

  He leads us back inside, shutting the door behind us. I couldn’t read what he was thinking.

  "Don't say it if you don't mean it. Say it when you are ready. I can wait. I would never force you to feel things you don’t feel. I completely understand it’s going to take time. I’ve been awful. Not just to you. But to everyone. I’m not an easy person to love."

  I push a curl back from his forehead, getting lost in those beautiful eyes.

  "Drew Evans, I am in love with you. I… I might get hurt."

  He kisses me deeply.

  "I will never hurt you."

  I smile, relief flooding through me.

  "In that case, I will never stop loving you."

  Chapter Thirteen - Drew

  He couldn't help but beam as Louise stood there, in his house, looking at every detail. It felt so surreal having her here. He was still shocked that she had agreed to come back to his. But he tried to remember, she was still drunk from the wine she had guzzled down earlier. He wouldn’t dare dream that she actually likes him.

  He wanted her to like the house. He wanted to make some kind of an impression on her. It seemed she was impressed, she made some comment about teenage boys being messy and how his house was clean, so he guessed she approved.

  He watched as she giggled and swayed. He needed to get her sobered up and fast, she clearly wasn't the type of girl who was used to drinking. If he didn't get some food and water in her soon, she would feel like crap and would probably start puking. But first, he wanted to show her something.

  He could barely believe his ears when she makes a filthy comment about wanting to see his cock. Wow, she really was drunk. She even manages to head butt him. She was aiming for a kiss but he couldn't be completely certain.

  He felt a bit nervous as he led her to his 'library'. He had one room crammed full of every sort of book you could imagine. He hadn't forgot that she loved to read, and he wanted to show her that they at least had something in common. He nearly backed out of showing her, worried it would completely squash his bad guy reputation, but then he realised it didn't matter. Not when he was this close to getting the girl of his dreams.

  Her reaction confirmed he had made the right decision in showing her. She was awestruck. He smiled at the wonder in her face. It was amazing what a few books could do.

  After they had a discussion about Beauty and the Beast, she basically throws herself at him. It takes all his willpower to fight her off and convince her that she needs to eat. He was quite proud of himself really, the old Drew would have fucked her and sent her on her way. But he had changed. Or rather, she had changed him.

  He cut her some cake he had made earlier and they headed back into the front room, settling down together on the couch. He watched with amusement as she took a huge bite of the cake, crumbs falling down her dress. He would have given anything at that moment to lick every single piece of cake from her body, but he held it together. He distracted himself by grabbing her a jug of water and running upstairs to get a blanket and pillows.

  He gulps as she slowly takes her dress off, stripping down to just her underwear. She had no clue that she was driving him insane. She was so sexy and she just didn't seem to realise. Or maybe she did. Maybe a drunken Michele was a tease. She climbed on to the couch, diving under the blanket and patting the space beside her. He didn't need telling twice.

  He stripped down to his boxers, grinning as she drunkenly wolf-whistles. It was still weird receiving compliments from her, so he would take any, whether they were drunken ones or not, they made him smile.

  He swoops under the blanket with her. He hugs her so tight that he doesn’t ever think he can let go. When she cuddles up on his chest, it feels like everything. It felt peaceful like this. It felt so right.

  He tries to keep it together as she starts stroking his chest. He was already too wired up from her earlier attempts to seduce him, He couldn't handle even the slightest touch right now.

  He places his hand over hers, stopping the movement.

  "No funny business Miss Hart."

  She sighs, but snuggles up closer, her whole body relaxing. He felt happy that she could be this way with him.

  "You have been begging me for funny business since the day we met. And now you don't want it? "

  He couldn’t help but laugh. She had a point.

  Even he shocks himself at the long speech that comes tumbling out of his mouth.

  He couldn’t believe he had said all that, but he meant every word.

  "I'm a different person with you. You make me want to be a better person."

  She seemed to believe what he was saying. He cou
ldn’t possibly articulate how he felt. There were too many things to say. The main thing was that she seemed to feel safe around him. That mattered more than anything.

  To his horror, she starts to cry when he mentions her parents. Pain seared through him as her tears fall onto his chest. He had caused this fresh upset. It was his fault. He slid down into the blanket looking in her eyes, wishing that he could make her see that everything would be OK in the end. He wipes away a fresh tear from her beautiful face and tells her that when she is ready to talk, he will be there for her.

  He convinces her to get some sleep, she looks so worn out, like she hadn't slept for months. Which she probably hadn't. She hadn't had a single person to rely on lately. Now Samantha was back in her life; he would make sure to be there for her too. Her dark eyes started to droop, her thick eyelashes fluttering as she tried to fight off sleep a bit longer.

  He kisses her, holding him close to her.

  "I'm here" He whispers as she drifts off.

  He spends hours watching her sleep. He could probably have spent forever doing it, which was a good thing because boy, could she sleep. He was nearly at the point of giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation to see if she would wake. When she does eventually wake up, his heart sinks to see that she looks horrified and even a little scared. He thought she may act like this, which is why at about two this morning he found himself hiding her clothes. He knew it was pathetic but he couldn't let her run out on him without her seeing that they really did have a chance.

  "Louise, nothing happened between us if that is what you are worried about."

  He had to make her see she had nothing to fear. He couldn’t let her freak out on him. He just couldn’t. He pulled her close and tried to lighten the tone.

  "Although I must admit, it was nice having you try and shag my brains out for once."

  OK, so maybe joking about it was the wrong thing to do. She completely tenses up in his arms. It was time to reassure her again.

  "But I was the perfect gent and had to turn you down. I hope you appreciate how hard it was for me. In every sense."

  To his relief she starts laughing.

  "I'm sorry if I… I didn't mean to …. I am sorry."

  She stumbles on her words, choking to get them out. He kisses her, telling her she has nothing to be sorry for. Last night had been perfect, just having her close to him.


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