Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 13

by Laura Edwards

  Her beautiful eyes look up at him, the hurt in them causing a pain to shoot through his heart.

  Before he could react, she has climbed over him, looking round the room for her clothes. Why did she always do shit like this? Didn't she know how much he was trying here?

  He watches, disappointment flooding through him. He hates the fact she always wanted to run. He thought he was making progress.

  "You won't find it."

  He speaks calmly, trying to ignore his thudding heart. He felt panic at the thought of her leaving. He couldn't let her go, not when he was this close to breaking down some of those walls she had built up around herself.

  She stares at him, anger written all over her beautiful face.

  "You've taken my dress?" She sounds horrified.

  He nods, feeling a little guilty. He hated seeing her upset, but he hated her running even more.

  When she asks him to give them back, he tells her no. He walks over to where she is standing. She looks gorgeous in nothing but her underwear, her hair all tousled from sleep. But the look of anguish on her face was awful.

  "You have to stop running from me baby. There is nothing to run from. OK , so I have been a complete and utter jerk, but you have changed me. All I can think about is you. I have never cared about anyone before. It's not all about your feelings. I am confused too. It's all new to me and I am trying my best to handle it. If you run from me, you won't get to see what you have done to me. And I will be left crushed."

  He meant it, but he also wanted to kick himself for revealing too much. He couldn't seem to stop the words from spilling. It scared him, the fact that she could open him up without even trying. But it seemed like his words had worked as she reached for him, her brown eyes looking deep into his soul.

  "I won't run." Her voice is barely a whisper.

  This time, she kisses him. As soon as their lips touch, he feels elation.

  Her kiss deepens, making him dizzy. For a girl who didn't have much experience when it came to stuff like this, she sure knew how to drive a man wild. Her touch was like a sweet torture across his body, and she hadn't even done anything yet.

  He leads her upstairs to his bedroom. He had worried it would be the wrong thing to do, and he wanted to make sure she knew that he didn't expect her to do anything. He would have been quite content to watch her do nothing forever.

  He sits on the bed feeling anxiety building up inside at the thought of pushing her too hard, making her run again. He desperately wanted to touch her as she sat down beside him, instead he asked her if she wanted to read a book. She laughed, then pushed him back to the centre of the bed, climbing on top of him with a sexy as hell look in her eyes.

  She kisses him hungrily, she seemed to want this as much as he did. But he couldn't bring himself to touch her. He had a flashback of the first night they met, when he had his hands all over her body and told her that he wanted her, she clammed up . Then she ran. It was killing him not to touch her, but he had to show restraint. She had been through so much. Besides, he was enjoying her making the moves on him for a change. He could get used to this.

  She drives him wild as her soft lips scatters him in kisses.

  "You can touch me you know."

  Her voice is a whisper again, she looks nervous, but she sits up straight, undoing her bra and letting it fall to the bed while never breaking eye contact with him.

  She had no idea of how beautiful she was. His eyes lingered on her breasts for just a few seconds, he could have stared at them all day but she had started driving him insane again as she kissed, licked and nibbled every bit of his body.

  He couldn’t take much more.

  "Lou…. We don't … Uh…. Have to do this"

  He moans with pleasure as she takes no notice, she just kisses him more urgently this time. In one swift move he turns her so she is underneath him. He needs to make up for not touching her before. His cock throbs as he kisses her soft skin, she smells of something sweet. It was her unmistakable fruity smell.

  As much as he wanted her, he didn't think he would ever get tired of this, seeing Louise underneath him, moaning with pleasure at his kisses and his touch, seeing her breathless as he slowly works his way down her delicious body.

  He moves down towards her breasts, savouring every moment of something he thought would never happen. He knew he had talked the talk about how he would someday get her into bed, but after her constant rejections, he had started to accept it would never happen. And now here they were. And he was falling for her deeper as every kiss, touch and second went by.

  Her breathing speeds up as he explores every inch of her soft skin with his mouth, his hands roaming over her body .

  "Drew.” She calls out his name, breathless.

  He looks down at her, worried they have went too far, scared that if she wanted him to stop this right now, it would break him. He tries to tell her it's OK, that they can stop this if she wants.

  "We can stop. We don't have to…."

  In answer she tugs my boxers off roughly, eager to finish what they had started. She groaned with frustration as she tries to take her panties off, she was getting impatient. She wanted this as much as he did.

  "I need this."

  Her words startle him; she sounds how I feel.

  He had to make sure before they got to the point of no return.

  "I don't want to pressure you. You can back out.”

  The thought of her backing out now literally hurt him, but he had to give her the option. He couldn't risk her regretting this, not when they had come this far.

  "I am ready. I want this." Her mesmerising eyes stare up at him, she looks close to tears, but happy tears. She meant it.

  He pins her down beneath him. He would keep her safe throughout all of this. He felt like he was forever hers now. He was ready to explode as he gently pushes into her, he wished this moment could last forever.

  She had other ideas as she tried to slide down onto him, making him glad he had pinned her down so she didn't hurt herself. He knew this was her first time and he couldn't screw it up.

  When she tells him that she trusts him, he knows that it’s them against the world.

  He didn't realise it until only recently, but they were the words he had been waiting to hear from Louise forever. Without even knowing it, he had been waiting for her.

  They take it slow at first, until their bodies can't take much more. They are in sync as they cry out together, both of them gasping for breath as they come down from the dizzy heights of passion.

  He had never experienced anything like that. It was incredible. She had definitely cast her spell over him and there was no way of breaking it.

  "Are you OK? Did I hurt you?"

  "It was perfect. You were perfect."

  This feeling of happiness was completely new, but he was determined to hold on to it.

  They chat and joke for a bit before they are ready to get lost into each other again.

  He looks at her in wonder as she runs her hands through his curls. He was too shy to tell her this, but he loved it when she touched his hair like that. It felt intimate. Like they were connected.

  He had something to tell her. If he didn't say it now, he never would.

  "I just wanted you to know that I am hopelessly in love with you."

  She is silent as she looks up at him, awestruck.

  He starts rambling so hard he can’t catch his breath. He tries to explain why he loves her but no words are enough.

  After a while, she pulls him to her, bringing him in for another kiss. He is so relieved that she hasn’t tried to run again that he tries to forget about the fact she didn’t say it back. Besides, who could blame her? He had been a jerk to her. He had no idea she was going through hell, it had taken weeks to get her to even like him, let alone love him.

  After an hour or two of the best sex he had ever had, he falls asleep in her arms, exhausted from all that had happened. This was new to him, he had shagged plenty
of girls, but he had never slept with them.

  He wakes to the doorbell frantically ringing. It is Lous mouthy friend from singing club, Samantha. She had tracked the house by going to Lacy Lolas , my Dads club where Louise had been cleaning for the last few weeks. He had been annoyed at first because of the interruption, but as he listens to her explain how she would be taking on three of the club shifts that Lou usually does every week and giving the money she earned straight to her, his annoyance disappears. This girl is a true friend. And he was touched that she had done something so amazing . Everybody needed a friend like Samantha, no matter how mouthy she was.

  He finds himself inviting her and her girlfriend over to the house tomorrow night so they could all hang out together. Surprisingly, she agrees and even more surprisingly, he finds himself looking forward to it.

  After Samantha leaves, they spend some more time getting to know each other. They stick a movie on and sit on the sofa. Everything had been perfect. Until Louise brings up Brett. Why does she have to mention his name? The last thing he wanted was to talk about him. He couldn’t even think about him. Whenever he thought of Brett, his brain felt like it had been poisoned with a toxic fog.

  They bickered at each other for a while, he certainly wasn't about to tell her everything that had happened regarding Brett. She got frustrated, which frustrated him. Their perfect weekend was over. He couldn’t help but let her know how hurt he was that she didn’t love him like he loved her. She called him needy in retaliation. It stung, he had opened up so much of his soul to her It was a low blow to be called needy. He was Drew Evans. He didn't do love and emotions. She knew she had ruined their time together. She went upstairs to grab her belongings. All he could do was sit there and let it happen. He felt like he been punched in the gut.

  He would let her go. It was clear she wanted to because the going had got tough. She already thought he was needy and desperate, he wasn't going to prove her right.

  But when he hears her walk out the door, his heart can't take it. He can’t let her go. He runs to the door, hoping against hope she would listen, hoping she would come back. He didn't care about the argument anymore. He couldn’t let Brett destroy their new found happiness.

  She had only reached the bottom of his pathway. It wasn’t the end of them.

  "You said you wouldn't run.”

  His croaky voice alarms him. It didn’t feel like his. He didn’t even really know who he was anymore. To his relief, she runs back to him, flinging herself into his arms. He soothes her as she cries.

  "I- , I- think… well, I am pretty sure… I love you."

  He knew he hadn’t heard her right.

  He tucks her hair behind her ear so he can see her beautiful face better.

  He tells her it doesn’t matter. That he would never force her to love him. That he isn’t lovable. But to his surprise, she tells him she loves him again. If only he could make her see that she was his everything. He never believed that anyone could fall in love this quickly, but it was happening to him. The only thing he could do now was prove to her he deserved her love.

  "I will never hurt you."

  She smiles at his words.

  "In that case, I will never stop loving you."

  He felt like the luckiest man alive as the weekend went on. He and Louise had spoke for hours, getting to know every little part of each other. He never wanted their bubble to burst. Samantha and Becks came over like they said they would. The four of them laughed for hours. They were great fun, it turned out Samantha especially was infectious to be around. He could see why Louise was such great friends with her. Lou had told him that the heartbreak of losing her parents, had made her push all of her friends away until she had no-one left in her life. It made him ache listening to her pain. He couldn’t ever let her feel like she was alone again.

  Monday morning rolled around way too quick. He walked Louise back to her grotty room at six in the morning so she could get her stuff together for the day ahead at NYSSA. He felt better knowing Samantha was now keeping an eye on her.

  He wasn't concentrating as he walked back to the house. The grin on his face was insane as he thought about everything they had shared the last couple of days. He had only been away from her for ten minutes and he already missed her desperately.

  As he rounded the corner to his house, he bumped into someone who had been standing there.

  "Sorry." He apologises instantly.

  He wouldn’t have apologised if he had known it was Brett he bumped into. His blood runs cold at the sight of his malicious step brother standing outside his house.

  "You should watch where you are going little bro."

  He scowls, pushing past him to get to the house.

  "Don't fucking call me that. We are not brothers. What are you doing here Brett?"

  Brett strolls up beside him, smiling at his anger.

  "I came to see you of course. We need to talk."

  He turns the key in the lock, wanting to be rid of this asshole.

  "I have nothing to say to you."

  "I have plenty to say to you. But why don't we start with Louise?"

  The fact he even speaks her name makes him want to punch his lights out.

  He holds the door open, indicating that they should finish this inside.

  "Make this quick. What about Louise?" He shuts the door, trying not to shudder at the fact Brett was now standing in his house.

  He smirks, satisfaction written all over his face. He knew he had his attention now.

  "I have seen you walking her to and from the club every night. And I saw you two leave here this morning, looking like loves young dream. You've got it bad little bro."

  "Call me bro again, and I will knock you out. What the fuck is your point?"

  Bretts smirk just gets bigger.

  "You need to end it with her."

  Drew shakes his head as if trying to clear what he just heard.

  "Excuse me?"

  Brett walks closer to him. His eyes full of anger, they probably mirrored each others expressions.

  "You heard me. End it with her."

  "Why? What's it to you?"

  Brett laughs, but the laughter doesn't meet his eyes. A cold chill runs down Drews spine as he listens to the calculated laugh.

  "Because you are the biggest piece of shit I have ever come across in my life. And you don't deserve one bit of happiness. You are scum Drew Evans. I will never forget what you have done to me. And you are going to pay. I have been waiting for the day you finally cared about something. Or someone. Took you long enough, you self centered piece of crap."

  Drew rolls his eyes. It wasn’t the first time Brett had given this speech. The only thing that made it different this time was Louise. But he was not going to be intimidated by Brett anymore. He had done nothing wrong.

  "You are scum Brett. And one day, I will make sure you burn in hell for what you did."

  Brett steps back, reaching for the door. Drew breathes a sigh of relief, he had obviously got the message that he wasn't going to take his bullshit anymore.

  Brett opens the door, throwing him a look of poison.

  "I mean it. Break up with her."

  " And if I don't?"

  That cold smirk spreads across his face once more.

  "If you don't, I will kill her. And as you and I both know, I have a talent for getting away with murder."

  Drew stares at the door in horror as Brett walks out, slamming it behind him. He knew he meant every word. Because Brett had killed his mother and sister. And if he didn't end it with Louise, he would kill her too.

  Chapter Fourteen - Louise

  I couldn't stop the grin on my face as I walked into the big entrance hall at NYSSA. After the heavenly weekend I just spent with Drew, I was ready for anything even the monster dance teacher Amber.

  The morning passed by so slowly I wanted to scream. Amber was as usual picking on me in dance class. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I was meeting Drew for lunch. I h
ad only been away from him for a few hours and my heart literally hurt.

  It was like, after walking around on a cold dark night that had lasted for over three months, the morning had come and the sun had risen. Drew was my sunrise.

  Who could have predicted this? I smile as I think back to when we first met and how cocky he was. Amber starts shouting at me for smiling and makes me do a five minute demonstration in front of the class of a tricky ballet move as punishment.

  As the bell sounds signalling lunch, I grab my bag, running to the food hall with excitement. I pick some lunch and sit at the table where we had agreed to meet. Fifteen minutes later, there is no sign of him. I decide to start eating, I’m sure he’s not going to mind. After forty minutes have passed, I start worrying.

  "Hey dwarf! How was Amber the witch today? I know you’ve been dreading it."

  I groan as Samantha sits beside me.

  "Her usual happy self. Not. She was awful as always. Listen, Drew is in your acting class right? Did he say anything to you this morning? We were supposed to have lunch together only he hasn't shown up… clearly."

  She takes a huge bite of her apple and thinks about it.

  "He wasn't in class this morning. I assumed he bunked off. Probably at home sleeping after your marathon sex weekend."

  I blush to my roots. I may have just had the sexiest weekend any girl could ever wish for, but I still wasn’t comfortable in talking about it out loud.

  "Samantha! People will hear you. Anyway, it's not like him to take a day off. He lives for this pace and strutting his ego around these corridors. I only saw him a few hours ago, he would have told me if he wanted to stay at home surely?"

  She shrugs.

  "Why don’t you ring him shorty?"

  I shake my head quickly.

  "No. We have only spent one weekend together. I don't want to come across as clingy."

  Samantha rolls her eyes while digging her phone out of her pocket. It had so many cracks on you could barely see the screen.

  "Luckily I stored Curlys number after you decided to disappear to his house and not inform me. I will ring him for you."


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