Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 19

by Laura Edwards

  He shrugs his shoulders in a dismissive way.

  "Last I saw of him, he was with his annoying girlfriend screeching about how Brett had kidnapped their friend, which is ludicrous because Brett was here with me."

  This was a new turn of events. Something wasn't right. What the hell had been going on?

  "How long ago was he here?"

  "Oh erm… Brett left about twenty minutes ago, the annoying girlfriend was here by herself mouthing off, so I got him to escort her of the premises."

  "I didn't mean Brett, I meant Drew. When was he last here? And why was his girlfriend here by herself?"

  The old man in front of me sighs in exasperation.

  "What is this? Twenty questions?... All I know is that Drew and the girl came in here together, accusing Brett of all sorts, then they left with their pride dented when they realised Brett had been here with me and the girl they were looking for was at home. That was the last I saw of Drew, an hour or two ago. Then the girl came back half an hour ago shouting about how she needed Bretts address and how we needed to call the cops because he was going to kill Drew and her friend or some wild accusations like that, which again, was madness because Brett had been here with me."

  I walked behind the bar, helping myself to a brandy. I needed something to process this.

  "Wait, so Louise was in here, desperate for help …. And you had Brett escort her from the premises. Brett, the one she feared? Are you insane?"

  I gulped my drink down, waiting for him to explain himself.

  "No Cooper, they are the insane ones. They don't know how they are hurting people, shouting their mouths off about stuff they know nothing about."

  "Well actually Father, everything you thought you knew is about to come crashing down around you. Do you think I went away and forgot about Mom and Libs the last few years? Of course I didn't. I have been fighting for them. Waiting to get justice. And now, after hiring a private detective to follow Brett around, I have his confession caught on camera and the police have reopened the case. He is about to rot behind bars forever for what he did. "

  All the colour drains from his face as I tell him this news.

  "Wh- Wha- what? No. You are lying. If that was the case, then they would have arrested him by now."

  "Nope. The police have only re-opened the case, they have no concrete evidence yet. I flew back for Drew, he deserves the glory for this . Nobody believed him, you all had him down as nuts, but now… he can prove that he was right. Brett killed our Mom and sister. He killed your ex-wife and only daughter and you let him get away with it. And now, by the sounds of it, he is hurting other people."

  I watch as he slams his fist down on the bar, and for just a second, I think he is going to punch me. Instead he starts yelling for everyone to get out of the club. He shoos all the customers and dancers out in record speed. Then he turns to me, a grim look on his face.

  "Show me the evidence. Show me the- the confession. I have to see it with my own eyes."

  I nod.

  "But first, we have to find Drew. You said Louise came in shouting about needing Bretts address? We will try there first and if he isn’t there, then I will take you back to Drews and show you what I know."

  He agrees, his eyes completely devoid of emotion.

  "Let's go, my car is out the back."

  I follow him to the car in silence wondering what he must be thinking. I knew one thing for sure, he would forever feel guilty over this.

  As we near Bretts, I see Drew and a girl in the distance. The girl didn't look like Louise, I had been sent a picture of her by the detective and it wasn't her. The girl he was with must have been the one they had been in the club shouting about.

  What the hell was going on? I told Dad to stop the car where it was and we both got out, walking up to the house quietly. Drew and the girl hadn't seen us as they were waiting by a bush on the other side of the driveway. I could see Drew frantically tapping his phone and holding it to his ear. He kept saying stuff to the girl with him, and he was growing more agitated by the second.

  I was just about to walk over to them when I heard a bang. I was on the opposite side of the house to Drew he heard it as well. It was a car door. I motioned at Dad to get back so I could look up the driveway.

  My suspicions were confirmed when I saw Brett dragging Louise out of the car roughly. It was definitely her, I had her face memorized as the girl that had saved my brother. I could see from here Bretts arm digging into hers, forcing her to walk to the house. He had already hurt too many people, I wouldn't let him hurt another.

  I started running up the gravelled driveway as fast as I could. I sped up as I realised Drew was also running from the other side. If I could get there first and take out Brett, then Drew would have more chance of getting Louise away safely.

  Isn’t it funny how you can see things so clear even as you are running? Maybe I knew those were my last moments so I saw everything crystal clear. I saw a frog jump into a bush beside me, even though I was running at lightning speed. I saw an aeroplane in the night sky even though I wasn't even looking at the sky. And I saw Brett take the gun from his pocket.

  Then I saw the bullet.

  As if it were slow motion.

  I saw it perfectly.

  It was heading straight for my chest. I didn't feel scared. I suppose most people would say, how can you feel scared… a bullet travels so fast that you wouldn't have even had time to blink, let alone be scared. But I did have time to be thankful the bullet wasn’t heading towards Drew.

  When it hit me, it wasn't too bad. Sounds crazy right? But the pain didn't register. Maybe it was because the bullet pierced my heart. Maybe it was so instant that it didn’t hurt.

  I collapsed to the ground clutching my chest.

  I heard hysterical screaming around me, I heard Drew shout no. As my head hit the gravel, I saw my Dad jump Brett from behind. He snatched the gun and pointed it at his head.

  Then, knowing my little brother was safe, I took my last breath.

  Chapter Twenty - Louise

  It had been five days since I spoke to Drew. Not through lack of trying. I had called him so many times that I was probably at risk of the police coming over and handing me a restraining order.

  I shudder as I think back to that night. Everything happened so quick.

  As soon as the gun had been fired, John Evans managed to tackle Brett. Samantha, who had been watching the horror from the end of the driveway called the cops from Drews phone that he had chucked on the ground as soon as he saw me being dragged to the house.

  All I remember in chaos was watching Drew. I watched him as he ran for me, I didn't see Brett get the gun out, but I shouted at Drew to get away. Then a shot rang out. For a moment, I was certain Drew had been the target. He stopped dead when he heard the shot… and he actually clutched his chest. I screamed. I started running for him, but as soon as I reached him, he had gone, running over to the man who had been shot. In my state of panic, I was confused. Who the hell was the guy on the ground? I went from thinking Drew had been shot to bewildered. I ran over to Drew and the guy, covering my mouth in shock.

  He was dead. Anyone could tell. But he looked strangely at peace. How could that be? He had a bullet through his chest, the dark red blood was still oozing out over his shirt as I watched him, and yet he looked truly content. My eyes filled with tears for this man, the one who had saved Drew. He was very handsome. And so young. My heart twisted in pain as it all pieced together. It was only when you looked real close at the man, that you knew. The slight curl to his dark hair, the huge eyelashes, the clear skin.

  Then I heard Drew whimpering as he held the man in his arms.

  "Cooper, wake up. Please, wake up. We will get you help. You are going to be fine."

  I could feel my stomach churning now I knew for certain. The man who had just been killed was Cooper. Cooper Evans, Drews beloved big brother. Drew had spoken briefly about him during our weekend together. I didn’t know the ful
l story, but I knew for a fact that Cooper was Drews idol. I had always intended to ask more about him, but with everything that had happened since the weekend, it hadn’t been the right time.

  I knelt on the gravel next to Drew. I put my hand on his knee as he held his brother. With my other hand, I covered Coopers bullet wound. I couldn't bear to see the blood seeping from him anymore. I kissed Cooper on the cheek, tears falling freely. The man that had died for his brother. The man that I felt I owed everything to. How could it have come to this?

  "I'm so sorry."

  My voice is a whisper as I talk to Cooper. He still felt warm. I desperately wanted to feel his heart beating underneath my hand, but I knew it would never beat again.

  Drew was a broken man beside me.

  "He’s gone Drew. I’m so sorry. He’s gone."

  He shakes his head, never taking his eyes away from his brother. He held him tighter, tears flowing down his face.

  "No. He…he just needs…..they can help him. They can help you Cooper. No. It’s going to be OK."

  I hear sirens in the distance. I feel hopeless. I didn't know what to say. He knew, he had to know that Cooper was dead.

  The next few hours were a blur. It was heart breaking watching Drew cling to his brother as they took him away to the hospital morgue. He had to be held back by the cops, he was making such a scene. I tried to calm him down but he wasn't seeing me. I couldn't be sure if he even realised I was there.

  We were quizzed by the investigators relentlessly. Brett was arrested and John went to Drews house to collect the evidence Cooper had gathered.

  Once the police were done with us, John took Samantha home. He had tried to apologise to Drew for not believing him but he wouldn't talk to him. You could hardly blame him really. But John knew the truth now and I could tell he was a haunted man.

  After Samantha and John left the police station, I took Drews hand in mine.

  "Do you want me to come back with you?"

  He stared at me un-blinking.

  "I'm going to the hospital."

  I frown. I had to be as gentle as I could. I had only dealt with my own grief before, I didn’t know how to comfort him.

  "Drew, I think you could home. Cooper…Cooper is at peace now, you being at the hospital won’t make a difference. You need to rest,"

  He was frustrated with me. I hadn’t said the right thing. I was struggling for words.

  "I can't make it any clearer Louise. I'm going to the hospital."

  He lets go of my hand and starts walking away to the direction of the hospital. I catch him up, I didn’t want him to go alone.

  "I’ll come with you. I’m not going anywhere."

  They were the words he said to me only last week. It felt like a lifetime had passed since then.

  When we arrived at the hospital, Drew explained why he was there. The nurses were very sympathetic, but they wouldn’t let him stay. He kicked up a fuss, and it was only when a harassed nurse threatened to call the police that he angrily stormed out. He didn't say anything at all until we got to his house. As I closed the door behind us, he turned to me, his beautiful eyes full of tears.

  "I… I just needed to be with him, you know?"

  All I could do was nod. I held my arms out to him and he fell into me, he gripped on so tight I could hardly breathe. We both collapsed against the door as I held him. I didn't know what to say, nothing could put what had happened right or make him feel better, so I stayed silent. An hour later, he stood up, his legs trembling as he did. I stood up with him.

  "I'm going to bed. You can uh, you can see yourself out. I would walk you home but the dangers gone now. The monster has finally been caught. Goodnight Louise. "

  He walked away, climbing the stairs slowly.

  "Wait." I’m not sure why I called out to him. I knew nothing I said could take away his pain.

  He stopped on the fourth stair. His arm tensed as he gripped the rail, but he didn't turn to look at me.

  "Should I stay with you? I don't want you to be alone."

  He laughed. The sound of laughter made me jump. It was so out of place with the night we had just had.

  "Isn't it a bit late for that Louise?"

  What did he mean? I couldn't leave him, not like this. He had been through so much.

  "Please let me stay. I….I can’t leave you like this.”

  He walked back down the few stairs he had climbed, and without even glancing at me, he opened the front door wide.

  I tried to shut it but he was too strong for me.

  "I'm not leaving."

  "Don't make me physically carry you out of my house. I don't want to do that."

  His voice cracked on the last word.

  I put my hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me.

  "Please don’t push me away. I’m here for you."

  His eyes showed no emotion as he said the next words.

  "You killed Cooper. I don't want to see you ever again. Get your hands off me and leave."

  I jump back as if I had been scolded. I swallow, my mouth is too dry. I need water.

  "You… you're a-a-angry. You have been through a lot. But I didn't do this. Please, don't be like this."

  He takes a deep breath.

  "Get out."

  His steely gaze made me wince as I timidly stepped outside the house. I jumped as he slammed the door with a huge bang.

  I sat on his step for an hour, hoping he would come out. He didn't. It was nearly three in the morning before I decided to head home.

  And here I was, five days later, constantly calling him. I had been to his house numerous times. He wouldn't see me, he wouldn't talk to me. My heart was in pieces.

  I throw my phone against the wall angrily. A minute later, Samantha comes barging in without so much as knocking.

  "Hey dwarf, I know you are in some weepy movie where everything has gone wrong and you are playing the victim real good but please, could you just lay off the walls. I was painting my nails and you jogged me because of the bang."

  I scowl at her.

  "I know this is one big joke to you, but in case you hadn't noticed, it is actually hurting me quite a bit. So screw you."

  She rolls her eyes and closes my door, joining me to sit on the bed.

  "Come on Lou, you know I am taking it seriously. I was freaking kidnapped and nearly had my skull crushed in. It's gloomy. All I am saying is, you can't keep moping . If he doesn't want to see you, you have to accept it. Maybe one day he will come back into your life, but for now… no matter how much it sucks, you have to give him time. He has lost everyone, the only person he has left is a wanky Dad who didn't believe a word he said."

  As much as it hurt. she was right.

  "I just….. I love him Sammy. No, I don't just love him. I am so in love with him the pain is physically hurting me. The fact that he thinks I killed Cooper is just…"

  I put my head in my hands and try to hold back the tears. I had done more crying the last few months than what I knew was possible and I hated it.

  Samantha rubs my arm, dripping a bit of wet nail polish onto my skin. I’m too emotional to care.

  "Speaking of Cooper, I uh…. I hate to say this to you Lou but uh… I had a text from Drew. I was going to come over and tell you once I finished painting my nails."

  I sit up straight at this news.

  "What did he say?"

  She shifts uncomfortably, not knowing where to look.

  "Please don't get upset but…. Well…. It's just that erm….."

  "Oh for goodness sake Samantha, spit it out will you?"

  She meets my eyes.

  "Fine. I was trying to break it to you gently but as you are being such a bitch, he invited me to Coopers funeral tomorrow."



  It was all I could reply.

  "Listen, I won't go. You know I wouldn't hurt you like that, I just thought I should tell you."

  Somehow, I manage to smile at her.

>   "It's OK. You should go. It sounds like Drew wants you there and after all he's been through, you have to go. Make sure he is OK for me. It’s a much bigger picture than if I’m upset or not. Do it for Cooper. Do it for Drew. Look after him."

  She looks unsure.

  "I know he died a hero and everything but… I didn't know the guy. I will feel like I shouldn't be there."

  Now it is my turn to comfort her as I put an arm around her shoulder.

  "He was a good guy. That is all you needed to know about him. Do it for Drew. Like you said, he has been through a lot, he has lost everything. If he wants you at his brothers funeral, then do it. Don't worry about me. Being dumped is nothing in the grand scheme of things."

  She embraces me.

  "I know you are putting a brave face on things, but you and I both know it is more than getting 'dumped'. He loves you."

  I shrug.

  "Well, like you said, there is nothing I can do but give him space. It feels like we have spent more time apart than together, yet….I love him. I love him so much it hurts. If they wrote a book about this, people would call us doomed. We would be the Romeo and Juliet of the NYSSA world only less romantic and way more sexy. But the blood and gore would be on a par with Shakespeare’s masterpiece."

  She giggles, despite the gloomy mood.

  "OK , how about I go, make sure Drew is coping, or coping as well as he can do, and then when I get back we will have some wine and food. And once tomorrow is over, we won't talk about the whole sorry episode ever again. Deal?"

  She holds her hand out for me to shake.


  I didn't sleep well that night. My head was full of Drew and Cooper, and when I did eventually drift off, I had a nightmare that I was at Drews funeral and that he was the one who died. It was awful.

  I kept watching the clock throughout the day. Samantha told me at around three they would all be going back to Drews house after the funeral. I knew it would be safe to show up at the graveyard without being seen.

  I straightened my sombre black dress and entered the gates, walking along the muddy grass. It was hard not to feel spooked in a graveyard.

  I walked along the rows until I came to the 'new' plots. I hated graveyards, but then… I guessed everyone did. I tried not to think about my parents as I checked out the names on the fresh graves. There was already too much sadness today.


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