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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

Page 15

by Wilson, A. C.

  Slipping into the car seat, Andy stuck the key in the ignition and turned it on. Cool air came from the vents. Setting her purse in the other seat, she turned the envelope over in her hands. Her name was written in tiny print on the front. Opening the flap, she pulled out the white computer paper and two plastic cards dropped out. The first was a gift card to Rapid City Mall. She grinned and flipped it over. Her face fell. Her stomach clenched. Five hundred dollars! Swallowing hard, she turned her attention to the other card. It was a debit card to a joint account at Black Hills Credit Union. Her head ached with overload. She unfolded the papers included with the cards in the envelope.

  Andy- I'm certain that you are about ready to climb the walls. I can only imagine your surprise at the car, but I wonder if you are going to throttle me when you see the gift card amount and the debit card. I went a little crazy on the mall card so I thought I had better tone down the account. I have transferred another five hundred dollars to our joint account. Use it for gas, groceries, and stuff for you and Harper. I will transfer as needed. Please don't reject these gifts out of hand. Have fun today. Do girlie stuff! Hair, nails, clothes, lingerie ;), whatever you want. Margaret will keep Harper until I get home. Today is for you. Enjoy!

  P.S. Sign the papers included for the account and drop them off with Wendy! See you tonight!


  Andy felt like her insides were shook up. This was alot! Too much really! Her mind waged war with her practical self and her Christmas child that suggested she do exactly as he suggested. She sat in the car for many minutes, debating a dilemma she was certain any woman would love to have.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out. Matt. This time he was calling. Perfect.

  "Hi, Matt." Andy's tried to make her voice light and unaffected. Good luck!

  "Hey baby, are you on the road yet?"

  She smiled at his happy humor. She knew he was grinning from ear to ear on the other side of the receiver. She shook her head in exasperation.

  "Well, no, not exactly." Andy toyed with the leather key chain on the Escape's keys. Only now did she realize her name was tooled into the leather.

  "Put your seatbelt on, take the car out of park and hit the road! I wanted to do this for you. There are no strings attached. Besides I don't like leaving you without a vehicle. There is one more thing." Matt paused, his tone changing. Andy's senses immediately went on alert.

  "What's that?" Andy pulled her seatbelt over her shoulder and clicked it into the lock.

  "My lawyer called today and they granted the protection order. Monica won't be able to come near the house or my vehicles, the Escape is included."

  Andy blew out a breath.

  "That's good, right?" She wondered why he wasn't shouting this from the rooftops! She would be.

  "Well, it is, yes, but they haven't been able to serve her with the papers. They can't find her."

  Shit! Not good! Her heart tripped before she reminded herself that the officers and Rapid City Police Department had been great at their jobs. They would find her soon.

  "All right. Well let me know if you find any more out." Andy placed the papers in the front seat. She would go to Black Hills Credit Union first and drop the signed pages off for Wendy. She was determined to have a good day.

  "Of course. Now go and have some fun. If you need me, call me. Don't worry about Harper. I've got her covered."

  "That might be asking too much of me not to worry about my daughter, but I will go. See you tonight. Just remember this is all your fault!" She grinned when Matt chuckled. That deep throaty laugh made her think about the last few nights they had slept in the same bed. Maybe she would take him up on the lingerie idea! Boy wouldn't he be surprised! Again the wash of giddiness came over her and she couldn't wait to go!

  "Bye, baby." Matt hung up the phone and Andy put it back in her purse. Time to go! She put the Escape in drive and pulled out of the circular drive. She was intent on making the most of this day!


  Andy felt completely redone. Somehow she had tucked her insecurities far enough away from the surface that she did enjoy the shopping spree Matt had sent her on. Making the quick stop at Black Hills Credit Union, she dropped off the papers. Wendy was tall, thin, and beautiful; besides being incredibly well versed in her job. She also suggested to Andy, after finding out about the makeover, that she go to the salon called, "Untangled". Seeing Andy's hesitation, Wendy invited her into the office and swiftly picked up the phone to call the salon manager, Jenny. From there it was a complete snowball effect! Andy's cheeks warmed at the thought of Wendy's description of the rag doll, single mother in need of a major revamp. Wendy assured both Jenny and Andy that it would be well worth the effort.

  Feeling a bit less confident in the idea, Andy drove to Untangled and met with Jenny. At first sight, Jenny was middle-aged with purple hair. She was suddenly even less certain this was a good idea. Ushered to the barber chair, Jenny asked her about her habits, whether she liked her hair up or down, long or short, and if she liked the color it was now. Twenty minutes after that, Andy was gripping the shampoo chair with white fingers. Wax! After several unforgiving yanks, she had shapely eyebrows. The turnout was starting to grow on her. Andy wondered what was next. She was in Jenny's hands without a brake to pull.

  She was afraid to look in the mirror. Her heart had been like a restrained rocket in her chest, but the moment that Jenny spun her around, Andy knew that this was the change she had been waiting for. A tentative hand rose in surprise and appreciation. Lovely lengthy layers framed her face and her brown hair was now fashionably streaked in bronze highlights. The green in her eyes now shimmered with gold flecks. It was amazing! Andy felt her spine straighten and her chin raise as she walked out the door of Untangled. A vast and needed transformation at Jenny's capable hands!

  Next it had been the Rushmore Mall and the various clothing, perfume, and shoe stores. She really felt grateful for the physical transformation, but the outer wrapping was something else entirely. Feeling that lingerie might be one way of thanking Matt, Victoria's Secret with its many hangers and shelves of lacy, silky, and provocative underwear. An hour later, she had been successfully measured and fitted for bras. Several pairs of sexy and some conservative panties were selected along with two lace and silk nighties. Her cheeks warmed at the thought of those. It was completely out of her comfort zone, but when she thought about Matt's view and well, it was worth it. The bill on the other hand was enough to stop her heart. Megan, the sales girl, had convinced her to wear a matching bra and panty set home. It was impressive what the underwire did to lift her breasts.

  The front seat of the Escape was filled with various bags. She had purchased a couple of skirts, fun summer tops, and a pair of flats and heels. Ending her shopping spree at the mall, Andy quickly thought about dinner. Wouldn't it be fun to make dinner and surprise the guys? Mexican lasagna was always easy and fun. So she made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up the ingredients. Four hours after she had left home, Andy was exhilarated and exhausted. It was a full-filling exhaustion though. She knew she looked fantastic and couldn't wait to show her new features off. Well...same fixtures but new presentation. One she was very, very happy with!

  Margaret's car was still there! Reprieve! Andy hurried getting her stuff inside the house and passed a cheeky smile from Margaret holding Harper. Andy put her new clothes next to her bed and then finished hauling the grocery bags into the kitchen. It was all a blur. Margaret offered to stay and keep Harper out of her hair. Andy could hardly say no! She checked the clock on the stove for the time. Matt would be home in about forty-five minutes. Perfect! Her heart raced. Browning the hamburger, adding the taco seasoning, and assembling the Mexican lasagna, it was in the oven in twenty minutes. Setting the timer for the oven, Andy flew up the stairs to change into one of her skirt and top outfits. Bouncing between the heels and the flats, she finally settled on the flats. Heels in the carpet sounded dangerous.

sp; Mascara, concealer and foundation, Andy felt presentable. Jenny's style hadn't been disturbed in her mad haste to be ready on time. A quick spritz of Love Spell by Victoria's Secret, she admired herself in the full length mirror. Sweet lord! She felt feminine. She felt confident. Smoothing her small print floral skirt to just above her knee, Andy nodded in approval. Now for the big reveal! She contained the squeal of anticipation and headed downstairs. Just as she rounded the corner from the stairs, Matt opened the front door. Her heart stopped. Her body stopped too. Paused right there in the hallway. Her green eyes widened as she met Matt's even wider blue ones. She couldn't contain the nervous giggle that escaped as the heat in his eyes grew. Mission accomplished!

  "Do you like it?" Andy's voice was soft as he approached her, rounding her as she stood still. Absently she noted Margaret hadn't surfaced with Harper. She was thankful for that little bit of privacy. A shiver skated up her spine as she felt his breath on her neck and heard him sniff. Another giggle. Oh dear! She couldn't seem to help that nervous tick. Matt stepped closer still and pulled her back against his body. Her femininity quickly registered the hard length of his arousal cutting into her bottom.

  "Shit, baby, you have to ask?" Matt's voice was so deep it was a rumble in his chest. Immediately she was ready for him. It was hard to explain, even to herself, but she wanted him that second at that very minute. She inwardly groaned, but remained still. He shocked her further as his fingers met bare leg and continued a languid drag up her thigh under her skirt.

  "Matt." She closed her eyes. She had meant his name to be a warning, but it sounded more as a plea. We can't! Not here in the middle of the hallway! Her head knew this, but her burning body cursed at her realism. His lips pressed against the side of her neck where her pulse was leaping. Her new bra was incredibly restrictive, but she was happy she wore it. The heat in her core seemed almost volcanic as his fingers traced the curve of her backside and hitched in her lacy panties.

  "Fuck me." Her heart was banging even harder and she just knew he could hear it. He had growled the words and she wanted to repeat them. This is madness! His hand was just about to come around to the front of her skirt and they heard a throat clear before they saw anyone. Margaret.

  "I realize I am interrupting, but I took the casserole out of the oven. I should be going home too." Margaret came towards them from the kitchen door, unruffled and smiling. Andy couldn't say the same for herself. She felt a bead of sweat trickled down her back.

  "Thanks for watching Harper, Margaret. I really appreciate it." Andy tried to summon some courage to meet the woman's eyes, but she failed miserably. She reached out to take her daughter. Matt chuckled like a boy who had been caught in the cookie jar. Well he had, hadn't he?

  "Good night, Margaret. Thank you." His voice was sunny and unaffected. How does he do that? Margaret raised a brow and then smiled. She gathered her purse and headed for the door.

  "Have a good night, you two." The door clicked shut and Matt laughed out loud. Harper sniffed with annoyance at being passed off. Andy felt heat immediately infuse her cheeks and she bustled into the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner.


  He felt knocked off his center. She was standing in the hallway in his house dressed in a flowing skirt, cute summer top, and her beautiful brown hair now streaked as if the setting sun had bestowed a halo. Who knew an angel could inspire an instant arousal?! He couldn't stop his hands from touching her, from making sure that she was real and all his. His. Matt's heart swelled and twisted with the thought. She was without a doubt the easiest girl to love and the hardest one to convince that they were the real thing!

  Matt took a deep breath as he looked into the bathroom mirror. Margaret's timing had been impeccable. He chuckled to himself. His secretary's eyes had laughed hysterically at him, but only a smile had touched her lips. She was a sly one! He did have to admit that her interruption had probably been for the best. Remembering the molten desire coursing through his veins, Matt was almost positive that he would have taken Andy right there against the wall. Still proud, his arousal hardened further. This isn't good. He rolled his eyes. Running upstairs to take a shower hadn't lessened the intense need to sink his body deep within hers. Seeing her so dressed up and fragrant, he had decided the dusty construction look just wasn't going to cut it tonight.

  One last look in the mirror, he headed for the stairs to take him to the main level of the house. Matt knew he looked good. Comfortable blue jeans, a short sleeve button down shirt, and his hair still wet from the shower. He wanted to make a similar impression on Andy as she had on him. Her quick escape from him after Margaret left already had him grinning deviously. She was as on fire for him as he was on fire for her. He would just have to continue to stoke the fire until there was no other alternative but to give herself up to him completely. Matt tried not to focus too much of his attention on the niggle of doubt that loomed like a shadow in the corner of a brilliantly lit room. He didn't want her to think that he was only in this relationship for sex. It was great, amazing, and phenomenal even, but he wanted every little hope, doubt, secret, and wish.

  "It's about time you get your butt down here, little brother. She has been making me wait to eat since I got home!" Garrett's complaint made him roll his eyes and Andy laughed as he stepped into the kitchen. Matt's eyes immediately fell on Andy and the lovely blush that lit up her cheeks.

  "Have you not seen this beautiful girl clearly? I couldn't come to dinner all dirt and stink!" Matt feigned a loud sigh and a hand thrown across his forehead in dramatic fashion. He busted up laughing when Garrett punched him in the arm and Andy shook her head. Rubbing his shoulder against the sting from the punch, Matt moved forward to take the casserole off the counter and into the dining room. Harper was all wide-eyed with wonder from her mother's arms. Together mother and daughter were an arresting sight to be sure.

  "I guess I needn't ask how your afternoon went, huh? I half expected to come home and still see you sitting in the Escape in the driveway!" Matt teased as they took their seats. Andy fussed with the napkins and utensils. She wouldn't look at him, but her green eyes were bright and shining.

  "I wondered whose vehicle that was. I don't think I would have chosen black, however." Garrett mused as he filled his bowl with salad.

  "Your Dodge truck is black, Garrett. I thought it was a good choice." Matt answered, filling his own plate. His brother chewed the bite he had taken.

  "I know what color my truck is, brat! It just gets hot and if I had known what I know now, I don't think I would have bought a black vehicle." Garret gestured with his fork for emphasis. Matt cast a glare at his brother and he barely heard the next words spoken.

  "I like it." Andy's voice was something close to a whisper, but she looked from Garrett to him. He smiled and Garrett paused before nodding. Just like that, she had stopped an argument. His appreciation for her grew. Motherhood was charming and Matt could see this beautiful girl breaking up all sorts of fights between their children. Their. Children. His gut twisted again. The silent wish had come out of left field, but it was there just the same. He shared a soft look when he caught her staring at him.

  "Today was fun. Wendy was very nice and she gave me the name of her hair stylist, Jenny at Un-tangled. After what I was sure was a HUGE mistake and a waste of time, Jenny introduced me to highlights." She touched her hair softly and looked directly at him again. "Did she go overboard?"

  Matt grinned broadly.

  "Absolutely not. You look amazing!" He wrapped his fingers about hers on the table and squeezed. Garrett kept quiet on the other side of the table, but looked like he was trying not to gag on their sugary sweetness. As far as Matt was concerned, his brother could make himself scarce tonight.

  "Hey Matt, I got a phone call from Nora today." Garrett managed to wedge between the meaningful looks from him to Andy. Matt turned back to his plate. He wasn't really hungry for food at the moment.

  "Oh yeah? How is she? How's Mom and
Dad?" Matt put a fork full of the Mexican lasagna into his mouth and had to admit maybe he was hungry for food after all. Garrett took a drink of his beer.

  "The parents are fine. I guess Mom is driving Nora crazy about this wedding and she wants to know if she can come up this weekend." Garrett took another drink and Matt raised a brow.

  "Mom or Nora wants to come up this weekend?" Lord, help us if it's Mom! Matt silently prayed it wasn't his mother, because saying no to her wouldn't work.

  "Nora. I told her I had to get back to her on that." Garrett glanced at Andy. Garrett had played dumb, because his brother wasn't sure if the whole live in girlfriend thing was acceptable.

  "Of course she can. Nora knows about Andy and Harper." Matt smiled, putting his own beer to his lips. He saw Andy sit a little straighter in her chair. Nora was the only one who knew about Andy. She had been a great help in advising him on how to earn Andy's trust.

  "Drew is going to stay at the ranch." Garrett added as he finished his meal and prepared to take his dishes to the sink. Matt nodded. It made sense. Nora was coming to feel Andy out and Drew, being five years old, would just be in the way. Family introduction was about to begin considering that Friday was the day after tomorrow.

  Harper fell asleep a couple of hours later after she had her warm bath and a bottle. Matt didn't think he had ever been so happy for the baby to go to sleep! Andy had been teasing his senses all night, whether she knew she was doing so or not. He would bet not. She wasn't the type to sway a man with female guile. He couldn't help noticing how the lacy skirt fell over her curvy hips and brushed her bare legs. His hands itched to touch every bit of skin and his lips ached to brand every delicate inch as his own. Andy was sexy as hell and she didn't even know it! Matt loved the modesty and realism that made up her armor. It protected her from all the self-aware and fake women of the world. A rare gem!


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