Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) Page 23

by Wilson, A. C.

  "Be there soon. Thanks." Matt mentally cursed long and hard. This could be a royal mess! He closed his phone and sat it in the cup holder. He could feel Andy's eyes on him and he did his best to push all of the family drama aside. Smiling, he met her eyes. She pursed her lips.

  "Are you okay with me staying at Nora's? She said it could be like a girls' slumber party... with the kids, of course." Her cheeks blossomed, adding a youthful glow. I want to kiss her!

  "It's fine. I'm just going to miss sneaking you out to the barn." He waggled his eye brows and she laughed. Matt chuckled despite his misgivings. He couldn't let his mother undermine the choices that were for him and Andy to make. They drove the rest of the way in companionable silence, but Matt's brain was trying to present an argument for any of his mother's fanciful notions. Better said than done.

  Nora was waiting on the porch when Matt and Andy pulled into the looped driveway in front of the Crossing Pines Ranch. Matt pulled his Chevy into his usual place next to the fence and killed the engine. Taking a deep breath, he swung open his door and set his Justin boots on the dusty ground. Home. He drew in another deep breath, but this time it was to savor the moment. He loved this land. He loved the freedom and ease of being on the ranch. It was a welcome change to the bustle of Rapid City.

  "Hey, Son! I am so glad you are home." His father called from the barn as he headed across the yard. "Your mother is about to drive me crazy! I need backup." The older version of Garrett caught Matt with a firm hand shake and then pulled him into a big hug. Matt chuckled at the familiar gesture.

  "Good to see you too, Dad." Matt grinned at his father. He heard the screen door slam on the house. "We might both be in trouble. I could use some reinforcements myself." Matt almost whispered to his father.

  "I've got your back if you have mine, Son." They both chuckled and moved towards the house.

  "It's about time you made an appearance. It seems like forever since I last saw you." Matt's mother held her arms out to her youngest son and accepted a kiss on the cheek.

  "It has been a month. That's not very long." Matt was being smart and a raised brow from his mother said she didn't like it. He stepped back to introduce Andy. He hadn't forgotten she was there. He was trying to let her acclimate for a minute before being thrown into the shark tank. He turned to see Andy standing next to Nora, who was holding a fidgeting Harper.

  "Mom, Dad, this is Andy Martin and her beautiful little girl, Harper." Matt sidled next to Andy and wrapped his arm firmly around her waist. He ignored the stiffening of her spine. "Andy, these are my parents; Travis and Lacey Johnson." Breathe. Breathe. He wasn't sure if he was trying to remind himself or Andy. They both seemed to wait on a precipice.

  "You didn't say she was so lovely, Matt. You might find a fight on your hands from every cowboy in these parts." Travis Johnson stepped forward to take her hand and kiss her cheek. Matt's father was warm and inviting; on more than one occasion he was also an accomplished flirt. Andy was sucked in. Matt watched his mother weigh and measure the girl he brought home. Far be it from him to remind his mother that Andy was the first girl he had ever brought home. He wanted to think she would be the last, but even he knew it was a treacherous landslide.

  "Good morning, Andy. I am so glad that you could come visit. You do have a cute little girl." Lacey Johnson seemed to bypass Andy and attach firmly to Harper. Cooing and tickling Harper, his mother scooped up the baby to lead them all inside. She had put together a breakfast for everyone. Matt kept ahold of Andy's waist and he shared speaking glances with Nora and his father. He hoped he wasn't wrong about bringing Andy and Harper with him.


  If Matt didn't have her waist pulled snuggly against his side, Andy wasn't sure she could have walked up the stairs and into that house. Oh, it was beautiful! It wasn't the house that caused such unrest in her body, but the woman who ruled there. Lacey Johnson. Matt's mother was petite with long dark hair pulled into an elegant twist. She wore jeans, boots, and a long sleeved button up shirt. Normal attire for a rancher's wife, but it was the way she carried herself that scared Andy. This was Lacey's domain. This was her family. Andy was sleeping with her son. It all felt terribly taboo now that she stood in the middle of a gorgeous hardwood and stainless steel kitchen. Andy swallowed hard.

  "Just be yourself." Nora whispered into Andy's ear and Andy offered a small uncertain smile. She couldn't seem to make herself move any further than the doorway. Her eyes took in the shining row of cabinets, gleaming white crockery and plates displayed by the glass doors. The granite countertops reflected the drop-lights. It was a kitchen made for a large family. Andy loved it.

  "Well don't just stand there in the doorway. Come on in." Travis, Matt's father, waved them over to the oval oak table that seated six. Matt pulled out a chair for Andy and Travis pulled one out for Nora. Lacey was bouncing Harper on her hip. Feminine blue eyes watched them all carefully, but Andy could have sworn Lacey watched her the closest.

  "When is Garrett coming down? I tried calling him this morning, but he didn't answer." Lacey said as she bounced Harper, her eyes meeting Matt's. Matt kicked back, crossing a booted foot over a knee.

  "I imagine he will be here tonight. There was some drama going on with Hannah. He wouldn't tell me what it was." Matt shook his head, grinning at his dad.

  "Hannah is a lovely girl, but I don't think it will last with Garrett. He's restless." Lacey said as she circled the table to hand Harper over to Andy. Reaching up tentatively, Andy gripped her daughter and winced slightly at the weight pulling the skin over her ribs. The bruising was still tender. She shook her head when Matt moved to take Harper from her. She couldn't explain it, but she didn't want to let her daughter go from her arms. It would be similar to being set adrift without a flotation device.

  "Garrett just hasn't found what he wants, Mom. I wish he were that lucky." Matt said to his mother; his hand sliding along Andy's arm and their fingers twining together. Lacey looked from her son to Andy and back again to Matt. His mother didn't miss that blatant claim or what he meant by it. Andy felt decidedly uncomfortable as two sets of blue eyes locked and held a conversation all their own. Travis shifted in his seat, reaching out for his abandoned cup of coffee. Nora pursed her lips and then took pity on Andy.

  "Would you like to see the horses, Andy? Dad always keeps some in the barn." Nora stood, sliding back her chair and jerking her head towards the door. Andy swallowed and nodded. It was a challenge reclaiming her hand from Matt's death grip, juggling Harper and standing all at the same time. Thankfully no one said anything else before she left with Nora.

  Coarse gravel crunched underfoot as they walked across the yard to the large, red barn that loomed broadly in the morning sun. Andy shivered and decided to grab her sweatshirt from the truck. It was a cool fall morning in South Dakota, but oh, was it beautiful! The leaves were turning their various shades of gold, green and red. A few cottonwood trees were intermeshed with the plentiful pine trees. Shrugging into her sweatshirt and then putting a cotton coat on Harper, Andy dared look at Nora. Matt's sister met the gaze with frankness. It was honestly something Andy treasured in her new friend.

  "Your relationship with Matt isn't going to be an easy sell. He is her baby and no girl will ever be good enough for him." Nora tilted her head and shrugged her shoulders. Andy felt the pit in her stomach return as they set off towards the barn again. Andy couldn't fault Lacey for being defensive. A mother only wanted what was best for her children. Am I good enough for him?

  "She's doing what she thinks is best. I might not be right for him. I don't think I know the answer for sure." Andy confided without stopping. Harper pulled on her hair, stuffing the end in her mouth. Nora helped pull the long hinged door open and they slipped through without letting the warm air out. Instantly Andy was hit by strong hay and deep horse smells. The avenue stretched between the two sides of stalls. A tack room was on the left. It was filled with saddles, bridles, lead ropes, and other necessities. A couple of ru
bber buckets sat outside the door with various brushes and another with grain. Matt's dad must have been doing some chores before they arrived.

  "Here is Quinter Pete. Don't ask me where his name came from since he is nearly as old as I am." Nora patted the big red nose fondly. Andy and Harper hung back. Quinter Pete snuffled and nudged Nora's shoulder. "Sorry, bud, no treats right now. I haven't raided the sugar bowl yet."

  Andy watched the relationship between animal and friend. It was mesmerizing how that big horse was so gentle and loving. The camaraderie made her feel less agitated and more hopeful.

  "He is beautiful and BIG!" Andy chuckled when Quinter Pete huffed. Nora patted his nose again.

  "You should see his lady friend. Come over here." Nora led them across the avenue towards another stall. Before they reached it, a tan muzzle nudged forward and then a very sleek head cleared the door way to watch them approach. Andy fell in love. Horsey love. Large brown eyes blinked as the horse waited for them to come over. "Hello there, Miss Sioux."

  "Miss Sioux? As in the Sioux Indians?" Andy asked as she shuffled a bit closer to the horse.

  "Yep. Miss Sioux is a decade younger than Quinter Pete there, but she's every bit as gentle. She is Matt's pride." Nora smiled, brushing the blonde hair out of Miss Sioux's face.

  "May I touch her?" Andy asked, her nerves flickering in and out of whether to be afraid or not. The big brown eyes told her not to be. Nora smiled.

  "Of course. Now hold out your hand and let her smell you. Horses can learn a great deal by smell." Nora took Harper from her. Andy held out her hand as shown and smiled broadly when Miss Sioux snuffled warmly against her skin. The velvet of her nose tickled and soothed at the same time. Instantly there was this connection with an amazingly understanding animal and Andy's irritations quieted.

  "She's amazing. I've never been around horses before. I always thought they looked rather intimidating." Andy graduated to running her fingertips up along the ridge of Miss Sioux's nose. The mare's ears twitched and shifted as she listened to them talk.

  "Some can be. The horses my brothers will be riding in the Buffalo Roundup tomorrow morning will be rowdy and touchy. Young stock is more suited to the hell fire run across the prairie." Nora supplied and Miss Sioux huffed testily. Andy chuckled.

  "I don't think she likes that idea." Andy marveled at the feel of horse hair and the soft velveteen of lips and nose. The quietness slipped into other veins of her mind and body. Horse therapy. Now she could see the value in it. She would have to slip out to the barn as often as she could to see Miss Sioux while she was here in Hot Springs.


  Matt bit the inside of his cheek as Andy got up with Harper and left to see the barn with Nora. For a moment he applauded Andy's bravado even though he knew it hurt her to do it all alone. Once the door swung shut, Matt turned his attention back to his mother. She was going to make things more difficult than they needed to be. Andy and he had to find their rhythm. If you still have one. He didn't like the reminder. His dad got up to get a fresh cup of coffee. His mother just watched Matt, trying to read something into nothing, he supposed.

  "I didn't bring her down here to feel inferior, Mom." Matt's voice was soft, but his blue eyes scalded. Lacey held his gaze for a moment longer before shrugging. "You didn't even give her a chance! Already you have tried and convicted her of something you know nothing about." Matt's voice rose as his anger did. His dad ambled back to the table and set down a mug of coffee in front of Matt. Wisely, Travis knew not to get into the middle of it unless strictly necessary.

  "I have done nothing of the sort. Andy seems like a nice girl, but she has a child with another man." Lacey gestured emphatically as if talking to a small boy. Sometimes she just didn't see him as an adult.

  "Yes, she has a daughter who is amazing! We all do things we cannot take back, but I am glad she has Harper. Andy is a great mother." Matt defended, rubbing his palms on his jeans. The friction took his mind off hitting something. Lacey narrowed her eyes.

  "A good mother would want a father for her child. You are a good boy, Son. You have a business with your brother. You do well for yourself. Someday a third of this ranch will be yours too. It's nothing to sneeze at!" Lacey tried to ignore Matt's disgusted grimace. Matt was horrified that his mom would go to such lengths without knowing Andy as a person. Is she ever going to be able to win?

  "Damn it, Mother! Listen to yourself! I find one shred of happiness and you want me to throw it away. Well I won't do it." Matt got up from his chair, sliding it back with his legs. Travis took a sip of his coffee as if there were nothing more going on in the room than a normal conversation. Matt felt some irritation at his father for not standing up for him or Andy.

  "I'm only trying to protect you. You have such a good heart and I'm afraid you won't see this coming. She's lost her job. She's moved in with you and Garrett at the house. You got her a car." His mother ticked the points off on her fingers and was startled when Matt grabbed her hand. His blue eyes were a furnace about to explode. Matt held himself in check, barely. His heart hammered in his chest.

  "Stop. Just stop. You know nothing about any of it!" He took his hand away from his mom, taking a deep breath as he put some distance between them. He walked a few feet and leaned his back up against the counter. Lacey's eyes never left him. He wasn't sure he wanted to explain all of this, but clearly his mother wasn't going to give Andy a chance if he didn't.

  "Andy lost her job, because of my ex-girlfriend, Monica. She started stalking me and ruining my chances with any girl I talked to. So she started stalking Andy and Harper." Matt blew out an aggravated breath, took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. "So I moved them into my house because it wasn't safe to leave them alone. Andy wasn't comfortable with it, but I couldn't let her go at that point. It snowballed from there. Monica is the reason Andy was in the hospital." Matt looked up from the floor to see his parents' collective focus on him. His dad's face was drawn and watchful. His mother's eyes widened, but she gave nothing more away. He continued.

  "Andy was hit by a car and Monica was driving. Harper and Nora were there too, but they weren't hurt. Luckily, Andy wasn't majorly injured. Only a concussion and a few bruised ribs." Matt felt the anger slip out of his grasp and fall away as he said the last words. His mother's face blanked and his father shook his head. The kitchen was quiet and tension stretched out for a good many minutes before his mom spoke. This time she was hesitant and anxious.

  "I didn't know that part. I'm sorry, Matt. I still don't think she's the right girl for you." Lacey shook her head, pressing her lips in a line. Her son looked at her in astonishment. His face reddened.

  "Really, Mom?" Matt refrained from saying any more. He jerked his hat back on and headed out the door. He made sure to slam the screen door in his wake. Saying more at this point would have been hard to take back. He just needed to work off his frustration and so he headed for the wood pile. Splitting a cord or two of wood with an ax would sweat out his anger. He could think of another way to sweat out his emotions and his groin tightened in response. Well hell!

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Whack. Slap. Whack. Slap. The sounding repetition made Andy pause as they walked out of the barn. She looked around the ranch yard, wondering where and what that sound was. Nora sighed and shook her head. Andy raised a brow, her heart clamoring in her chest. The frayed nerves Miss Sioux had soothed were now jumping again. Damn it.

  "Matt is chopping wood." Nora jiggled Harper and the baby gurgled in her happy way. Andy kept looking around to see if she might catch a glimpse of him. Suddenly her simmering nerves were boiling in desire. She wondered if he were chopping wood without his shirt. She wondered what his muscles looked like all bunched and poised to swing the ax. She could remember the way his Wranglers hugged his hips and long legs. Oh shit! Andy nearly groaned aloud. Her body craved his in the most carnal way.

  "Should we see if he needs any help?" Andy mumbled as she halted in the clearing. Sh
e missed Nora's amused smile and the knowing look Nora shared with the baby. Harper cooed.

  "He only chops wood like that when he is angry. It's best if we leave him to it. Besides you and your bruised ribs are supposed to be taking it easy." Nora chuckled. Andy narrowed her eyes. Nurse Nora returns! Andy contemplated seeking Matt out, but Nora was right. There wasn't much she could do with her ribs still healing.

  "What should we do then, if I cannot help here?" Andy wanted to add finding something to do away from their mother, but she didn't want to hurt Nora's feelings. Nora surprised her though.

  "Let's take Matt's truck and we can get you settled at my house." Smiling, Matt's sister started in the direction of the red Chevy truck. Andy furrowed her brows, but followed behind. Nora lifted the door handle to put Harper in her baby seat.

  "Doesn't anyone lock their car doors here?" Andy asked the first question that popped into her head. She opened her door to find the keys dangling in the ignition. Nora chuckled from the back seat.

  "Nope. Someone might need it." Nora climbed into the driver's seat and turned the key. The truck roared to life. Andy was floored by the revelation that someone would willing leave their vehicle for someone else to borrow. Grand theft auto!

  "Well what if Matt needs his truck and we have it?" Andy pulled her seatbelt into place and clicked it into the lock. Nora shook her head. Her blue eyes were patient with Andy's questions.

  "He won't. Besides we have to come back for dinner tonight. You can meet Randy and hopefully Garrett will be back to take some steam off of Matt's neck with Mom." Shifting the truck into gear, Nora pulled onto the road and gave it some gas. Andy sat back and wondered how much of a fight Matt actually had with his mom. She knew it was about her and their relationship. Whatever that is, exactly. No definitions came to mind at the moment. She did promise herself to try to get along. This was all a test and if she wanted Matt in her life, she would have to pass it. Suddenly it seemed like a bigger hill than she had originally thought to climb.


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