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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

Page 24

by Wilson, A. C.

  Nora's house was only a couple of miles down the road from her parents. It was a small white cottage with blue shutters and a blue door. The yard was outlined with a white picket fence and towering pine trees in the rear. The little white house nestled against the dark green backdrop and Andy felt a pang of jealousy.

  "Well here we are. Home sweet home." Nora parked the truck in front and unbuckled her seat belt. Andy peeked over the seat to find Harper asleep again. She sighed. She could use a nap too. It had been an early morning and she didn't sleep as well with her ribs hurting like they did.

  "It's beautiful, Nora. You are so lucky to have a home of your own. I don't know that I would like to live so close to your parents." Andy grinned in a cheeky manner and Nora laughed, nodding her head.

  "I know, trust me. They respect my privacy for the most part." Nora grinned and lowered her voice conspiratorially, "But it's not like they don't know who is coming and going from here."

  The ladies laughed at that and moved to get out of the truck. Andy felt stiff. She stretched gingerly as Nora got Harper out of the car. Harper shrieked in protest and continued until Andy took her.

  "I only have two bedrooms, but I made up the sunroom for you. There is a daybed and a crib set up in there. You can just pull the curtains and close the door when you want some privacy." Nora winked at Andy and Andy couldn't help but blush. There was no missing what Matt's sister implied. A giddiness built in her stomach at the thought of some alone time with Matt. She wanted so badly to put their relationship to rights and continue on as if nothing had happened, but the truth remained. Something had happened.

  "Thank you for letting us stay here. I hope my coming here hasn't caused any rift in your family." Andy looked apologetically at Nora, but true to nature, Nora shrugged her shoulders.

  "Mom will have to let Matt grow up at some point. I don't think she had truly considered Matt's feelings in all of this. She doesn't know you yet either." Nora grinned, setting the suitcase down in the sunroom. Andy couldn't help but give an answering grin.

  She looked around the length of the sunroom. It was longer than it was wide; encased with windows. The sunshine warmed the room up nicely. Painted in a light shade of green and decorated with beautiful photos of landscapes, horses and cowboys, Andy felt at home. The daybed looked so inviting with its cream duvet and fluffy white pillows. The coffee table had been pushed to the wall and now became a place to put diapers, wipes, and other baby stuff. Harper gurgled, taking in the atmosphere and approving.

  "It isn't a big home, but I'm glad you are here. Drew should be home soon. He stayed last night at a friend's house. It gave Randy and me a rare night alone." Nora giggled like a schoolgirl. Andy smiled.

  "I can't wait to meet him. He sounds like quite a catch if he has waited this long for you." Andy stood in place, swaying from side to side. Harper leaned her head against her mother's chest.

  "He is a unique man. Randy has taken a bunch of crap from me over the years and still he wants to marry me. I almost can't quite believe it." Nora smiled, her eyes troubled. The clouds that crossed her features were from another time, but she was haunted by the secrets she had never shared. Andy knew how tiring and secluding keeping secrets could be. She wondered if she should suggest that Nora share hers with Randy.

  "I think we are led to find our significant others. Call it angels or divine intervention, but someone is watching out for us." Andy smiled softly, running her hand over Harper's back. She meant what she said. As hard as it was to admit, Terrell Harper came into her life and gave her a precious gift. She had honored him and his presence by keeping their daughter, even though it had cost her so much.

  "I've heard of guardian angels, but I never thought much of them. I suppose you might be right. Randy has always been there. Lord knows, I tried to chase him off several times and he came back." Nora shook her head, rubbing her upper arm in agitation. Andy nodded. Harper slumped against Andy's chest. Looking at the crib all made up, Andy placed her daughter in it. Covering Harper with a soft baby blanket, Andy followed Nora out of the room and into the small living room and kitchen.

  "You know, Nora, I think I might need some help." Andy looked up to find Nora looking intently at her. "Matt didn't come right out and say it, but I think making my peace with your family is part of my test for our relationship." Furrowing her brow in thought, Andy took a seat on the couch. Nora sat in the recliner and leaned back against the plush cushion.

  "It makes sense. He isn't going to force you to be where you don't want to be. Our family is very close and I think it would tear him apart if he couldn't share that with you." Nora met Andy's eyes and smiled encouragingly. Andy nodded, understanding how close she used to be with her parents. It was a bond she wished she could get back, but it didn't seem likely.

  "I feel like we need to get to know each other as we are. This whole time there have been so many barriers that kept throwing us together and then tearing us apart. I want to know Matt as a person and I'd like for him to get to know me." Andy took a breath and marveled at the weight that was starting to shift. Sharing her thoughts and feelings with Nora made them seem less daunting. Perhaps it was a mountain she could climb after all.

  "I think you might be on to something there. I'm not saying there won't be less pressure here, but it will certainly be different. Things are simpler here. Time moves a bit more slowly and Matt loves it here. I think he would have stayed had Garrett not convinced him to move to Rapid City with him. This land speaks to people. It makes you ache for roots; a place to ground yourself. Maybe you could find that peace here too?" Nora looked through the windows and into the South Dakota landscape beyond. It was peaceful. Large pine trees, sweeping prairie grasses, and sparkling blue skies as far as the eye could see. Breathtakingly beautiful. Andy swallowed hard and tried to be honest with herself. Could she see living here with Matt forever? Did she want Matt forever? Her gut twisted in yearning and trepidation. It wasn't something she could say out loud just yet.

  "If you don't mind, Nora, I think I will lay down with Harper. Maybe a nap will refresh my outlook on all of this." Andy stood as Nora nodded in agreement. It was definitely a gift to have a friend like Nora. She didn't judge and she understood Andy's need for quiet. Andy was certain she and Nora were more alike than either of them knew.


  Matt's hands felt stiff from the repeated jarring of the ax handle against his skin. His shoulders ached as he straightened his back. Surveying the progress of his chopping rampage, Matt gritted his teeth. Two cords of wood hadn't been enough to dampen the angry fires. He still seethed underneath the surface. He hadn't expected his mother to be so judging and domineering towards the woman he brought home. He wanted to think that it was just Andy and had he brought anyone else home, his mom might be her sweet tempered self. He didn't know.

  Matt was at a loss as to how to fix this problem. Andy was already on alert for anything to go wrong and his mom was all the reason she would need to leave. He couldn't let Andy leave. He needed her in every way and just remembering how he had mentioned his family being their test for success, well, it gave him cause to worry. If Andy wanted to walk away from him, he would let her go, but he didn't know if he could survive it.

  "Penny for your thoughts, Son." His father chuckled when Matt jumped at the sound of his voice. Matt shook his head and sunk the head of the ax into a heavy log.

  "Shit, Dad! Don't sneak up on a guy like that." Matt rubbed his palms on his jeans, glaring moodily at his father. Blue eyes sparkled with mischief as his father watched his son.

  "Matt, a brass band could have snuck up on you and that is while they were playing!" Travis chuckled again at Matt's shocked look with eyes wide. "Care to tell me what has your attention so completely?" Travis looked about him for a seat and selected a large tree stump. Sitting down on it, he looked expectantly at his youngest child. Matt pursed his lips and then sighed, taking a seat on an adjoining stump.

  "I don't even know where to st
art, Dad. I am so confused." Matt put his elbows on his thighs and rubbed his palms over his face. He took a deep breath and looked at his father.

  "Love does that to a guy. Heck, I think it does it to everyone." Travis grinned proudly at his son. Matt huffed and tipped his head up towards the bright blue sky. The afternoon sunshine was slightly warmer than normal.

  "Wonder if I should be scared that you have guessed so near to the truth?" Matt looked at his father, feeling the older man's understanding and amusement.

  "Shoot, I knew the moment you stepped out of your truck. The way you hold her close to you, even when you aren't touching her." Travis narrowed his blue eyes at Matt. "Have you told her?"

  "Yes, I told her after we had an argument. I'm not sure it was the best time to blurt out that I love her, but she knows." Matt remembered holding Andy to him as he prayed she would forgive him for making such a mess of finding out who Lance Harper was. He had been so afraid of losing her then and in all honesty, he was more in danger of losing her now. He swallowed hard.

  "Has she told you how she feels? I'd bet she's just as in love with you as you are with her." Travis wiped the silly grin from his face and looked at his son's creased brow.

  "It isn't whether we love each other, or not, Dad." Matt shook his head, trying to clear away the clutter before he made a mess of this conversation too. Travis looked at him thoughtfully.

  "What is it then?" His father's voice was hushed, prompting without prying. Matt pursed his lips.

  "It's just that we don't know each other. We've been trying to fight off one obstacle after another and I don't know if she can be with me here." Matt's words came out in a rush and he sighed. In an effort to create some clarity, it all sounded so juvenile. You never were much for talking. Matt groaned and leaned his face into his hands. His father chuckled in his been there, done that way.

  "You're worried that she isn't going to stay." Travis watched his son closely, noting the mired mess this girl had made of his careful thinking boy.

  "What if I'm not enough? Dad, I've fallen so hard for her. There are times I look at her and I couldn't tell you my name. She starts this fire in me that overwhelms all common sense." Matt shook his head, looking into the distance of the yard. His body already reacting to the simmering in his blood. He needed Andy like nothing else. Unvoiced thoughts scared him. What if I'm never me again? What if she walks away and that was my one shot at love? It scared him shitless. His father nodded as if hearing his thoughts. Matt's stomach turned over in protest.

  "You don't let go, Son. You do what you must to keep her. Love like this is a rare thing." Travis tilted his head and raised a brow. Matt shook his head.

  "But what if I can't?" It was the question that rolled over and over in his mind. It tormented him since the day of her accident when he thought he might lose her for good. A piece of bark thumped him in the head. He pulled back in surprise. His father was looking at him in a stern manner.

  "Good God, you are not that kind of man! You aren't going to give up, Matt. Trust me. Now is the time to sort it all out and make this little girl yours." Travis hardened his gaze and projected his no nonsense attitude. Matt breathed in and nodded, bracing himself against the constant worries.

  "You're right. I'll start tonight." Matt got up from his seat and gritted his teeth as another zinger got him. A hot shower would be helpful, he hoped. It wouldn't be very romantic if he were stove up.

  "Here. I brought these out for you." Travis held out a pair of leather gloves. Matt raised a questioning brow. His father chuckled, slapping the gloves into his son's hand.

  "Why do I need these? I'm done cutting wood." Matt asked, looking at the gloves.

  "For starters, that little girl might not like being scratched up by your paws and I have some bales to move." Travis grinned and Matt groaned. The guys started off across the yard towards his father's trusty Ford truck. Guess that shower is gonna have to wait.


  It took three changes of clothes before Andy could decide what she was going to wear to dinner. With the added pressure of getting along with his mother, Andy wanted to look just right for Matt. Settling on a pair of dark jeans and a black one shoulder shirt, paired with black leather boots and a cropped black leather jacket. Nora grinned when Andy finally emerged from the curtained sunroom. Matt's sister had even given her a pair of diamond studs to wear. They sparkled in the light and Andy was pleased with the way they looked against her long hair.

  Taking a deep breath, Andy followed Nora into the Johnson's ranch house. In the dark it looked warm and inviting, but still her stomach clenched in dismay and worry. There was so much riding on her acceptance into Matt's family and she didn't want it to go awry. She wasn't ready to say goodbye should it all fall apart. Steeling her resolve to be a model girlfriend, Andy followed Nora into the house.

  "You made it just in time. I thought Mom was going to grill me over not being here this morning." Garrett whispered to Nora as he held the door open for them. Andy's lips twitched, but she wouldn't let her grin appear. Garrett had no idea that Matt had taken the spotlight off of his older brother. Nora, however, was not so troubled by laughing. She did and Garrett narrowed his eyes at his sister.

  "She only knew you were gone for a second. You're the golden boy again. Good luck." Nora's saucy reply got her a glare from her brother, but it didn't dampen her glee.

  "What's gotten into Mom then? She's been snapping at me since I walked in the door. I figured it was something I had done." Garrett rubbed his neck, his face reddening. Andy shook her head.

  "It's Mom's way of being a tyrant. She's miffed Matt brought Andy home." Nora shrugged her shoulders when she caught Andy's eye. Andy kept her lips together. There was so much she wanted to say. None of it seemed helpful though.

  "Shit. You are the first girl he has brought home. I guess it's to be expected." Garrett said to Andy as he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. Andy's frustration softened a bit. Matt's brother was supportive and extremely easy going. She and Garrett had come to an understanding about her dating Matt. Garrett had a big heart, but a current of unrest flowed through his veins. It was a point of inspection for another time.

  "I take it you haven't talked to Matt." Nora said she set the diaper bag on the floor. Harper squirmed in her sleep in the car seat. Andy had opted to let her daughter sleep. There didn't seem to be much of that for either mother or daughter lately. Garrett looked at Harper, but shook his head.

  "He and Dad threw bales all afternoon. I just got here an hour ago." He looked around the kitchen to watch for his mother. "I saw the stack of wood in the back. I suppose Dad didn't cut all that."

  "You would suppose right." Nora murmured back and smiled softly at Andy. Andy didn't feel excluded from the conversation. She marveled at the siblings and how they interacted. She wished she had brothers and sisters. Maybe you could.

  "I may be crashing on your couch, Nor. If Matt and Mom don't get this worked out, it's going to be like living with a time bomb." Garrett was being overly dramatic, or so Andy hoped. Nora shook her head and leaned up against the counter. They made a half moon in the kitchen.

  "No can do. Andy and Harper are staying at my house. You'll just have to weather the storm or draw the fire." Nora chuckled at her wit and Andy noticed Garrett's lips twitch in response. These siblings did have an uncanny bond. It was entertaining to watch. Andy turned when she heard booted feet on the kitchen floor. Her heart leapt even before she saw who approached them.

  "Quit talking about me." Matt groaned as he walked up behind Andy and wrapped his arms around her waist. She instinctively closed her eyes and welcomed his body to hers. Oh, how I want him! There was no denying it. He smelled wonderful. His cologne drowning her senses in lust.

  "Garrett was wondering why Mom is fit to kill tonight. I was clearing his conscience. He thought it was because he had come home late." Nora gestured in between Garrett and Matt. The guys both shook their heads in commiseration. Andy smiled while h
er heart felt like it would beat out of her chest. All she could focus on was Matt's hands on her waist and not so very far from the part of her that wanted his whole hearted attention. Looking down at the floor, Andy could feel the heat bloom in her cheeks.

  "I'd rather not talk about it right now. I could use a drink tonight though." Matt said as his fingers played along the edge of her jeans and shirt. Andy leaned back against him. His arms tightened, his lips brushing against her neck. Her knees felt like rubber. "Missed me?" His words were little more than a warm breath near her ear and she fought back a pitiful groan.

  "You have no idea." Andy whispered back, tilting her head to the side to catch a glimpse of the heat in his blue eyes. It stoked her own desire to peel every last piece of clothing off of them. Her fingers itched to touch his bare skin.

  "Oh, Sweetheart, I do." Matt leaned into her and pressed his lips to hers. Closing her eyes, their connection made her feel like no one else existed. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as the feelings got stronger. His tongue fenced playfully with her own as he kept her back to his front. She squirmed as she felt the hard ridge of his erection pressing against her. Andy heard the guttural groan in his throat and felt his lips take her own more forcefully. She met him thrust for thrust. At her core she felt like molten lava. Her hands longed to do more than rest on his over her stomach.

  A female clearing her throat brought them both back to awareness. Slowly registering what they were doing, Andy met those passion glazed eyes and hoped her own communicated her need for more. The plunking of a pot lid had Matt groaning and Andy bit back a stream of curse words. Matt didn't release her completely, but he took half a step back. Andy felt his retreat like a punch to the gut. She looked towards the noise that had halted their appreciation for each other. Matt's mom was glaring at her and then at her son. Matt waited a second and then pressed his hands to her waist, indicating they should go through the doorway and into the living room. Garrett stood by the door.


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