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Cherished by Two

Page 1

by Morticia Knight

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  Cherished by Two

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-562-9

  ©Copyright Morticia Knight 2017

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2017

  Edited by Sue Meadows

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2017 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Pride Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  Soul Match


  Morticia Knight

  Book two in the Soul Match series

  Destiny rewards those who embrace it.

  Chris and his alien soul matches, Lasar and Nary, are ready to deepen their new bond as mates. It’s also time for Chris to begin his training as a Nasha, or sub, and for Nary to embrace his new role as Ahna, or Dom, to Chris. As three in the soul match, they are unique. Not only have Alasharians never matched with a human, they’ve never matched as three.

  What makes them special also puts them in danger. The Supreme Soul Healer warned Chris that many changes were ahead, ones even more startling than the original invasion. They must keep their bond a secret until they know who they can trust.

  As Ahna to both Nary and Chris, Lasar carries the responsibility of protecting his mates. A proud Alasharian warrior and commander, he’ll stop at nothing to keep them safe and to help Chris find his missing mother and sisters. To make sure that Chris’ cousin Morgan isn’t sent back to the slave cages, he’s also arranged for a fellow commander to take Morgan into his care when he returns from battle.

  Lasar and Nary are invited to a pleasure party by the Alasharian’s leader, the Nall, and are forced to bring Chris and Morgan. But a terrifying turn of events sets in motion what might be the beginning of the end for them all, unless they can resist the void.


  A huge thanks to everyone who has embraced Chris and Morgan’s journey and who wanted more. You all rock!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Robert Southey

  Gummy Bears: Haribo GmbH & Co.

  Conan: Paradox Entertainment Inc.

  Purina: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company

  Friday the Thirteenth: Paramount Pictures

  Chapter One

  Chris dropped his head in his hands, his heart still trip-hammering from the unexpected meeting with Sha Sha Ar, the Alasharian’s Soul Healer. He remained on the hotel suite’s couch, too overcome with worry, self-doubt and terror to move. Lasar and Nary, his soul-matched alien lovers, held him quietly, undoubtedly allowing him a moment to absorb the deeper implications of the Healer’s revelations before he’d left.

  This can’t be real. Chris clutched at his hair, grimacing. The Healer has to be wrong. I’m just some unremarkable human, no one special.

  The Soul Healer’s cryptic pronouncements about Chris’ integral role in the new combined world of Alasharians and humans played over and over in his mind. According to Sha Sha Ar, Chris was somehow meant to be part of a greater scheme. Thankfully, the love surrounding him from the two Alasharians who were his soul matches was more real to him than ever. Otherwise, he thought he might’ve gone mad.

  A broken sob burst out of Chris and Nary scooped him into his arms, Chris embracing him in gratitude. Lasar, their Ahna—or Master—followed them both as Nary entered the main room where the large bed was located. It was where they’d bonded for the first time the night before. Nary gently laid him down on the jumbled bedding and Chris panicked the moment he sensed Nary was about to release him.

  “No!” Chris clung tightly to Nary’s neck. “I’ll freak the fuck out.”

  Nary didn’t let go, but gazed at Lasar with a puzzled expression. Nary was a formidable being, over a foot taller than Chris, but the equally muscular Lasar was even a couple of inches more in height than Nary. They were magnificent males who had already been matched before the alien Earth invasion. Chris counted himself fortunate in one sense. As long as he’d been captured as a sex slave anyway, it had turned out well for him that he was meant to be mated to the loving aliens. However, other elements of his new life with the Alasharians weren’t so awesome. Discovering that he was supposedly central to some destiny that involved the aliens and humans, and that it portended certain danger with possible death, didn’t exactly have him doing the happy dance.

  Lasar considered Chris. “We don’t understand what you just said, Chris. We can feel your fear within us, but your words didn’t explain why.”

  Seriously? Doesn’t anything ever scare these warrior dudes? Chris hated how afraid he’d been for the past month, how out-of-control his life had become. That’s what it is. This constant sense of impending doom that I’m powerless to stop.

  Nary allowed Chris to pull him down onto the bed, but rolled to the side so that he wouldn’t crush him. He did, however, tug Chris flush to his body. “No, pet. There are many things you can control, even within the chaos.”

  Chris frowned at him. “Are you sure you can’t read my mind?”

  Lasar chuckled as he joined them both, lying on the tangle of covers next to Chris and opposite Nary. “I can’t speak for Nary, but even though my connection with you both is much stronger than I’m accustomed to since we added you as our third, I can’t literally see the words in my head.” Lasar placed a soft kiss on Chris’ neck and the barely perceptible hum of the soul match blossomed beneath his skin. “It’s more that I was thrust into a state of helplessness that I believed I had no control over. It was there in a flash, then gone, but it was very real.”

  Chris winced. “Sorry. That sucks.”

  Nary ran a hand underneath the loose garment Chris had thrown on when the Healer had unexpectedly shown up at the door. They’d all been naked and wrapped in each other’s arms, enveloped in an exhausted sleep as a result of their enthusiastic bonding. Nary caressed Chris’ stomach then let his hand drift farther down to skim Chris’ hardening length with his fingertips. Nary cupped Chris’ balls and he closed his eyes, biting his lip, moaning from Nary’s firm touch.

  “What sucks, pet?” Nary rolled the sensitive orbs in Chris’ sac. “Do you need us to suck you?”

  Chris groaned, the only respon
se he could push out as Nary’s exploration continued with more fervor and Lasar captured his mouth in a bruising kiss. The soul match hum burst to life, growing, surrounding him and his lovers as if they were a single being. Nary slid down Chris’ body, shoving the robe higher until his heated breath wafted over Chris’ cock.

  Chris whimpered as Nary flicked his tongue over the head of Chris’ dick. He arched his back as Nary encased his hardened length in the wet heat of his mouth.

  Lasar latched onto one of Chris’ pebbled nipples and sucked while caressing and kneading Chris’ body. Within moments, his nuts tightened, and he was ready to shoot. He yelped as Nary tugged harshly on his sac and lifted his head off Chris’ cock. Lasar stopped torturing his nipples at the same time. Chris groaned in frustration as his erection slapped against his belly and from the loss of both of his mates’ mouths on him.

  “No, pet.” Nary appeared in his field of vision again, but his large hand remained firmly in control of Chris’ balls. “I want you to understand what it’s like to be denied.”

  Chris frowned. “It doesn’t sound all that great, but you’re my Ahna, so…” Then he remembered what Lasar had done to Nary with the sounds. Oh shit. Not that. His breathing picked up a rapid pace. “But we’re going to go slow, right? Nothing too extreme? Please?”

  Lasar cradled his shoulders and brought their mouths together. He kissed him slowly and deeply before passing him over to Nary, who also took his time exploring Chris with his tongue. At last, Chris’ heart had calmed and his breathing had evened out.

  “No panic.” Lasar smiled down at him. “You have nothing to fear in our care, boy. What I did with Nary was a result of many, many parcels of time spent together, training his body to accept what I choose to give. Within the soul match connection, I’ll know—as will Nary—when an act is too much for you to handle. Let us guide you to the utmost in decadent pleasure.”

  Nary stroked his face with his free hand. “Yes, pet. Being the dominant male is also a new role for me.” He brushed their lips together before speaking again. “We’ll learn together. I must go slow, as well.”

  Chris exhaled on a long sigh. “Okay. Thank you. I wasn’t trying to say that either one of you doesn’t know what you’re doing, but, uh…” He swallowed. “Humans, especially this human, are much smaller than you guys.”

  Lasar arched his eyebrows. “Ah, I understand. Be assured that I’d already taken that into consideration. I’m also responsible for teaching Nary to master you. But I should have communicated and made that clear. Forgive me, boy.”

  “That’s okay.” Chris glanced between them both, smiling so they could see that he wasn’t upset. “I still can’t believe I’ve finally had sex, let alone any of this other stuff.”

  Both Lasar and Nary laughed lightly, then went back to nibbling and fondling him. Not helping. He writhed beneath their attentions, whipping his head back and forth as he attempted to kiss skin where he could or touch flesh where he was able to reach. On occasion, his fingers would drift over the hardened patches of skin on their shoulders or at their elbows. He wasn’t able to stretch any lower than that.

  Lasar grabbed his balls in a firm grip right as Nary rose from the bed. Even though Chris was still cradled in Lasar’s arms, he immediately missed Nary’s presence.

  Nary regarded him with affection. “I only need to retrieve a couple of items from the balancing room then I will return.”

  Chris nodded, amazed at the power of their bond even as new as it was. Lasar nuzzled Chris’ neck and he reciprocated, his desire to remain physically close to his mate spurring him on. The mattress dipped as Nary rejoined them. Lasar released his sac and Nary grabbed it again.

  Nary gazed down at him. “Raise your hands and hold on to the slats of the wooden board at the top of the bed.”

  Chris immediately did as he was told. He’d enjoyed having his wrists tied the night before. The bondage aspects of being with Lasar and Nary didn’t concern him as much as the infliction of erotic pain or having various orifices penetrated with foreign objects. Not because he wasn’t interested in such things, but for the very reasons he’d stated to Lasar. He had zero experience and was tiny compared to the size of his mates.

  But I trust them. I know they’ll take care of me no matter what.

  Nary directed his words to Lasar. “I need your help, Ahna. I’m not sure how to use this harness for his cock and balls, but I believe it’s the only one that can be adjusted to fit his smaller size.”

  Chris huffed. “Really?” He muttered to himself. “It’s not that small. Sheesh.”

  They didn’t react to him, but instead remained focused on their task. Lasar took the clear, twisted strips that were attached to each other in a three-part configuration from Nary. “Of course, Nasha. Keep hold of his genitals and I’ll explain it to you.”

  They both set about working on his junk, which featured a running commentary between them as Lasar instructed Nary on the proper usage of the increasingly tight contraption that was squeezing the shit out of his sac. His throbbing cock strained as it jutted from the strict confines as well. The bindings that seemed to be similar to a tough vinyl, cut into his flesh in an uncomfortable, yet strangely thrilling way.

  Okay. Fine. They know what they’re doing.

  Lasar rubbed the sensitive patch of skin behind Chris’ swollen nuts until he reached his entrance. He teased him, placing the barest pressure of one fingertip against his rim. Chris’ lips parted on a sigh, and his eyelids drifted closed as the soul match hum revved up between them again.

  “That’s it, pet. Don’t open your eyes. I want you to enjoy every sensation without distraction. I love it when Lasar does this to me.”

  A soft cloth covered the upper part of his face and Nary tied it firmly behind his head. Puffs of heated breath wafted over his nipples, then a tongue flicked against the hardened nubs. Almost simultaneously, his wrists were bound to the headboard. Chris became lost in the thrill of being caressed by both of his mates as they used their hands to knead his flesh, sparking the soul match so that it surrounded them all as one. He cried out, the sensation of his skin being nibbled and licked so agonizingly wonderful. Nary had been correct that it was unbelievable to anticipate what the next touch, kiss, or exploration might be or where it would land.

  Chris started, his legs kicking out as his hole was slathered with moistener. The night before, Lasar had used a lubricant from a black, decorative jar, the lid adorned with a notched, alien cock. It reminded him what he could expect from the amply-endowed Alasharians.

  “Lift your legs for me, boy.”

  Chris obeyed Lasar and as he bent his knees, the pull on his sac got tighter. He let out a long moan as a thick finger breached him—he was certain it was Lasar’s—and his sac swelled even more against the confines of the vinyl ties, his cock straining for attention. The slightly spicy scent of arousal that he associated with his mates filled the room. With his cock and balls restrained, his own need took on a more pronounced edge than he was used to.

  “I… Sir, Master…please…”

  “Yes, pet,” Nary whispered against his ear. “You need relief, don’t you? But not for a while. Lasar and I will pleasure each other, will bring you close, make you beg. Then we’ll deny you your release until we decide you can have it. You’re ours to do with as we please.”

  Chris let out another more agonized moan. Being at the mercy of his mates only jacked up his need that much higher. Crazy. I was meant for submitting. He struggled against the ties that trapped his wrists as Lasar lazily finger-fucked him. His gland was never quite pegged, instead, there was the promise of what he ached for, only to have it denied at the last second. Chris struggled to fuck himself on Lasar’s probing digit, but Lasar wouldn’t let him. His Master kept all the control.

  Chris sucked in a sharp breath as something soft lightly brushed across his skin, almost tickling him, but not quite. “What…?”

  He yanked on his restraints, kicking his legs
frantically as he attempted to find an outlet for the puzzling, overwhelming sensation. He determined that it had to either be a feather or something similar. Lasar hadn’t stopped tormenting his hole, so Nary was the likely source of the erotic torture.

  “Do you like that, pet? Every one of your nerves exploding to life, your cock so hard and leaking, yet no one will touch it? No one will put you out of your misery?” Nary licked behind his ear then barely skimmed his lips over the shell as he continued to trail the mystery item across his sensitized flesh.

  “Join me, Nasha. He needs to be stretched, opened up so that I may fuck him later. I have yet to spill inside our mate.”

  Chris whimpered. “This is too much, too much…”

  “No, pet. Not nearly enough.” The touch of the item Nary had been teasing with him disappeared. “Yes, Ahna. I will help get him ready for your cock.”

  Nary inserted a slickened finger alongside Lasar’s, spreading him wide, the burn the only thing real to him in that moment. His mates thrust into him in tandem then alternated with one finger pressing deep as the other one pulled away almost to the point of exiting before punching back into his ass.

  They worked him over hard. His gland was no longer ignored, but instead was stimulated by both his mates. Chris wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

  “Please. Anything. I’ll do anything you want if you’ll just let me come.”

  “This.” Lasar banged into his prostate and Chris yelped. “This is what we want. Your body as our toy, our plaything. Our Nasha to please and to deny.”

  Lasar blew on the tip of Chris’ dick. Tears fell freely over his cheeks and he wasn’t sure if he’d succeed in staving off a monumental orgasm, no matter how much he tried not to.


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