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Cherished by Two

Page 9

by Morticia Knight

  “Where are they?” He croaked it out, his throat clogged from crying. “Are you sure they’re safe? When can I see them?” He inhaled a shaky breath. “Can I at least talk to my mom on one of those communicator things?”

  Lasar’s pained expression told Chris that he wasn’t going to like the response to his queries.

  “I will explain every detail, Chris. But the main thing you must understand, as difficult as I know it will be, is that it isn’t safe for you to see them right now. It’s not safe for them or for you. We must keep up the pretense that you are a sex toy and nothing more. The same goes for your mother. She must be seen as a house slave and of no other significance to any of us.”

  “House slave? Holy shit. She was found in the sweeps, then.” Chris gasped. “The girls? Oh my God, are the girls still with her? She’ll flip out if they’re not.”

  “Be calm, Nasha. They are all together, living in comfort in one of the Nall’s advisors’ homes. He’s a good being, and they are well-cared for.”

  Chris jaw went slack as he searched for what to say. “So…let me get this straight. This advisor—wouldn’t he be someone we should be worried about since he’s so close to the Nall? Why should he give a shit about the wellbeing of non-sex slave humans?” Chris frowned. “And that’s pretty fucked up right there, dude. You never said anything about people being used as servants. Not that being forced to be a sex slave isn’t bad enough, but…” Chris huffed. “The whole thing isn’t making me feel any more charitable toward Alasharians. Just sayin’.” The vision Chris had been shown earlier of Earth’s destruction came back to him. Dammit. “Well. At least in regards to the slave thing, anyway.”

  Lasar sighed as Nary stroked Chris’ back. “I understand your frustration and anger, boy. But I’m your Ahna, one of your dominant males as well as protector. I will only do what’s best for you. As such, I am not a ‘dude’ and you will watch your tone when you speak to me.”

  Chris snapped his mouth closed. Uh-oh. Lasar was right. “I’m sorry, Master. I totally am. Your news surprised me, but I shouldn’t speak to you like that. I appreciate that you went to so much trouble to find them for me.”

  Lasar smiled down at him. “Apology accepted. As I said, I will explain everything in complete detail. Not only regarding your family, but what else I’ve learned about the Nall and the troubling changes in some of our fellow Alasharians.” Lasar placed a quick kiss on Chris’ lips. “Advisor Hallosh, the Alasharian who took your mother and sisters, did so out of fear for them. He doesn’t agree with the idea of taking humans as servants, either, but one of the other advisors who’d brought Hallosh to a holding center was expressing interest in your older sister as a sex slave. When your mother became aggressive, he was afraid his fellow advisor would kill her if he didn’t step in.”

  “What?” Chris fought against his mates’ hold as fury surged through him. He pushed against Lasar’s body, struggling to free himself from their grip. “I’ll fucking kill him. Of course, my mom would try to stop him! She’s a kid! What kind of sickos are you guys?”

  Nary grabbed Chris’ shoulders as Lasar grasped his thighs. He was prevented from moving too much, but his body wasn’t being squeezed, so he could still yell as loudly and struggle as much as he liked. Once he’d screamed until his throat was raw and his muscles exhausted, he let his body go slack. In his heart, he realized that it wasn’t fair to compare Lasar and Nary to pervy advisor guy, but his anger was so huge, he didn’t know what to do with it. He fucking hated what was going on, hated that he was supposedly a part of improving things, but instead, it only seemed much worse with each passing moment.

  “Better?” Lasar fixed his gaze on him, but it was one of compassion, not reprimand.

  Chris’ chest still rapidly rose and fell from his outburst. “Yeah. Sorry… Well, not too sorry. Just sorry that I yelled at you both. I know you’re not the same as that disgusting advisor.” Chris pressed his lips together. “But for real, the advisor who did take them, he’s okay?”

  “Yes, Chris. He’s an ally, I promise. The stars showed me, as they showed him, that we can trust each other. Others were revealed to us as well. We’re no longer in this alone.”

  Chris let out a huge sigh. “All right. That’s good. Really good.”

  He laid his head on Lasar’s chest again as his Ahna released his hold on Chris’ shoulders. Nary dropped his hands to Chris’ thighs and they all took a moment to absorb everything that had been said. At last, Chris spoke. “I’m ready to hear everything that happened, and I’ll trust you about not being able to see my family right now. You know better than me as far as that goes.” Chris chewed his bottom lip. “And I have something to tell you too. Something I saw during my second attempt at channeling my spirit to the stars.”

  Lasar’s body tensed. “It was awful, Nasha, I can sense it from you.”

  Chris didn’t want to think about it, but Lasar needed to know that Chris was no longer angry about the invasion at all. “Yeah. Beyond awful.”

  Lasar hugged him tight. “Then tell me. I will share all I’ve learned too.” Lasar kissed first Nary then Chris on the temple. “We’re in this together as one. After we’ve revealed everything to each other, we’ll take final meal and have our first balancing session as three.”

  The fear Chris had held earlier at the thought of getting Dommed by his new mates no longer worried him. He needed it. Somehow, deep inside, he understood that it would help and he couldn’t wait to start.

  “Okay, thank you, Master. I think the balancing session will be good for me.”

  Lasar arched his eyebrows. “Oh? You’re not frightened anymore?”

  “Well…maybe a little nervous. But that doesn’t have anything to do with you or Nary. I think I’m understanding more of what it’s all about. I mean, yeah, there’s the sex part which is pretty much all I’ve been able to focus on, because you know, sex, but I’m getting that there’s more to it than that.”

  Lasar gave him a light squeeze. “Good. This is all a part of the process as we seal our new bond.” Lasar kissed his temple again. “Is there anything else that concerns you before we discuss all that’s happened today?”

  Chris glanced at Nary then back to Lasar. “Actually, yeah. Do you think it’d be all right if I ate some of that basha meat?”

  * * * *

  Lasar watched as his two mates went through the ritual of cleaning the food preparation area after they’d completed their final meal. He smiled to himself as he thought of Chris’ reaction to his very first bite of basha meat. His eyes had widened, then rolled back as if he was in the throes of a powerful orgasm. It had turned out well that basha was one of the food items Hallosh had put on the list of safe consumables for humans.

  As he observed Nary and Chris together, he noted how comfortable Chris had become with him. They shared playful gestures, Chris teasing Nary by stealing the towel for drying the dishes and refusing to give it back, then Nary gently reminding him that Chris should remember that his spanking would begin soon. Instead of cowering in fear, Chris simply returned the cloth to Nary while tipping his head back for a kiss.

  Affection for both of his Nashas warmed Lasar deep inside. They were working out their dynamic between each other, Chris learning his place in the soul match while Nary readjusted to his own. Lasar considered his first Nasha.

  Nary seems even more grounded now.

  Self-confidence as a fighter, strength and power were attributes that Nary had always possessed. He had a warrior’s heart, and their matching had been unusual since they both served in Alasharian battles. The tender, loving side of Nary’s personality was what had originally drawn him to his mate, and Lasar had been delighted when he’d discovered that Nary was his match. But Lasar had also dealt with Nary’s occasional moments of self-doubt when he’d worried that the other warriors and Rahnas would look down on him because he was a Nasha. It wasn’t unheard of, but unusual enough that on occasion, Nary would allow smaller-minded Alasharian
s sometimes upset him.

  Now he has Chris to care for.

  In his heart, Lasar knew that Nary would always require the balance of submitting to him, even as Chris would submit to them both. As Lasar continued to enjoy the happy interaction between his mates, the hum of the soul match flickered in his center. There were times when the balancing sessions were needed to bring them back to a calm place with each other, then at other times, they would be the prelude or the accompaniment to a night of unrestrained pleasure.

  Their evening session would most certainly be the latter.

  Lasar rose, his mates immediately snapping their heads in his direction. The hum’s vibration increased slightly. “When you finish your tasks, you will disrobe then meet me in the balancing room.” He made sure to catch each of their gazes. “And be quick about it.”

  Already, Lasar was hardening, and the hum had barely started. The worries of the day, the stress from the upheaval in all of their lives became subdued as his need to couple with both his lovers took over.

  Lasar entered the room that had been set aside for their sessions. He glanced around, unsatisfied. The table that he used to restrain and whip Nary had been specifically constructed with him in mind. It was completely wrong for a being of Chris’ size. In addition, the available implements and other toys were limited until they’d be able to retrieve everything from the ships.

  When we get a permanent home.

  The majority of the warriors and military commanders were still in transitional housing until the invasion was deemed a complete success. The underlying message to that imperative was clear enough—it would be considered successful when all the humans had been accounted for and properly corralled or awarded. He wondered if such a scenario would be possible anytime soon. With all that had been, and had yet to be revealed, Lasar was afraid that anything could happen. Making plans would have to wait.

  He shoved the uncomfortable thoughts aside to return his attention to what the session they were about to engage in would entail. The match pulled at them, compelled them to mate, but it was more than that. The act of sharing their bodies with one another would strengthen their bond, and the power exchange would solidify their respective places within their union. Uncertainty, fear and doubt would be banished with only their love remaining to keep them strong. Until the next challenge disrupts the balance again. It was his role as Ahna to watch out for his mates, and he cherished his place in the match.

  Lasar reentered the main area just in time to catch Nary and Chris in a heated clinch, kissing with abandon. Lasar grinned, his heart filled with fondness for both of his mates, the hum building a fraction more. As he watched them revel in each other, no jealousy existed, only joy that they all had one another to love.

  “I see you got as far as removing your clothes. What stopped you from obeying the rest of my orders?”

  Chris and Nary had jumped apart so abruptly that Chris had almost lost his footing. Nary grabbed his arm to steady him.

  The soul match pull immediately died back down, but Lasar was sure it wouldn’t take much to revive it. Especially with what he had planned for them.

  “Sorry, Master.” Chris’ eyes were wide and Lasar didn’t care for the worry he saw in them.

  “Come here, boy.” Lasar gestured for him with one arm extended.

  Chris’ hesitation before he slowly moved toward him clutched at Lasar’s heart. He didn’t want to begin their first balancing session with Chris upset. When Chris finally reached him, he enfolded him in his arms and stroked his back.

  “I love you.” Lasar leaned down to nuzzle his neck, to whisper close to his ear. “I’m not familiar with what the Masters are like here on Earth, the ones you wished to see at that club before the invasion, but you need not fear me. I will demand your obedience and respect, and consider it an honor when you give it to me. I will push your limits as you learn to accept the harsh touch of my implements that will give you the erotic release you desire. All three of us will find our balance within this triad, and you will know peace in your spirit and the ultimate in physical pleasures.”

  Chris hugged him back. “Well, when you put it that way…”

  Lasar chuckled as he motioned for Nary to join them. Once they’d had a moment to connect as three, Lasar led them to the balancing room. A tingle of excitement flared in him as he pictured what it would be like when they had a spacious and fully-stocked balancing room in their own home someday.

  “Yes, Ahna. That was a beautiful picture.”

  Nary smiled at him, but Chris’ features held worry again.

  “What is it, boy?”

  “That was a lot of stuff in that room. A lot of…” Chris gulped. “Big stuff.”

  Lasar pulled Chris to his side. “What I envisioned is what I know. The images are ones of items that I’m already familiar with. Nary and I will need to customize new ones for you.”

  Chris exhaled loudly. “Right. Of course. Sorry, I keep forgetting about that.”

  Lasar gave him a light squeeze. “Don’t apologize. You may question us at any time about things you aren’t sure of or don’t understand. Remember, our goal is to take you to unimagined heights, not to frighten you.”

  Chris gazed up at him, his expression free of fear. “Thank you for being so good to me.” He glanced over at Nary who walked in tandem with them. “And you, too. I really am lucky.” Chris leaned his head against Lasar as they reached the threshold of their play area. “It’s just all so much, so fast, you know?”

  Lasar paused, letting his hand travel down Chris’ back until he got to his crease. He quested between his ass cheeks until he found the end of the plug. He tapped it a few times, Chris jerking in response.

  “I was pleased to discover that you had kept the plug in all day. Nary informed me while you were setting our places at the table.”

  Chris’ face turned a delightful shade of pink, and Lasar looked forward to seeing that same color on his ass when Nary spanked him.

  Lasar let Chris go once they were inside the room and pointed to the table he and Nary always used.

  “Nasha, bend over our spanking surface, but drape yourself the long way. I’d like Chris to have a better view so that he can see your expressions.” Lasar turned to Chris. “When I command you, reach beneath him to stroke his haro to completion. I’ll switch to one side so that I can continue his spanking while you give him relief.”

  Chris had hardened nicely, his cock pointing upward. The corners of Lasar’s mouth twitched as he observed Chris almost grab himself, but then stop at the last moment.

  “Nice control, boy.”

  Chris beamed at him. Lasar could see that praise would be an excellent way to encourage his mate.

  Once Lasar had Nary positioned the way he preferred—Nary’s wrists restrained by the straps at the end of the table, his head turned to the side so that Chris could see his expressions and legs spread so that his feet were in line with the width of the bench—he rubbed his palms over Nary’s body to bring his nerves alive. Chris stood close and Lasar noted how he kept licking his lips and clenching and unclenching his fists. The hum cycled through him, picking up intensity the more he touched Nary. It was undoubtedly affecting his mates the same way.

  “Kiss him, Chris. Connect us before I begin.”

  Lasar groaned from the sight of his two mates taking each other’s mouths repeatedly. His caresses increased in fervor until he’d bent all the way over, sliding his hands down Nary’s arms to grab his wrists and laying his body over his Nasha. He licked his away across Nary’s face until he joined in the kiss with Chris and Nary. They tasted each other, sharing their breaths as the soul match wrapped around them.

  Lasar ached to plunge into Chris’ ass, but he needed to warm Nary’s skin first and to lead his Nasha through his first session as an Ahna spanking his own Nasha. Lasar straightened, both of his mates sighing as Lasar ended their kiss.

  “Watch, boy. See how Nary craves my severe touch.” Lasar placed on
e hand at the base of Nary’s spine as he raised the other. “I’m beginning.”

  With the first thwack, both Nary and Chris jumped. Lasar kept his strikes even, not too hard, and alternated between each cheek as he continued Nary’s spanking. Lasar needed to remain focused on his task, but he took a quick glance at Chris’ reaction. His boy seemed more entranced than scared by the experience.

  Soon, Nary pushed into the smacks, his solid, muscled ass taking the hits with ease. Lasar increased his force and got what he wanted—the low, throaty moans that signaled to him the strength of Nary’s need. Lasar shifted to one side of the table, allowing Chris room on the other. He never stopped spanking Nary, but struck him at an angle instead.

  “Grab his haro, boy. Stroke him as fast as you can, squeeze the head.” Lasar’s breath rate had increased from his exertions, so he sucked in a gulp of air. “Make your Ahna come.”

  “Yes, Master.” Chris’ voice was breathy as well, and he scrambled to do Lasar’s bidding.

  Sweat beaded at Lasar’s brow as he picked up the pace of smacking Nary. His Nasha’s rear had deepened in color, his dark skin showing hints of scarlet. If Lasar hadn’t been so anxious to take Chris’ ass for the first time, he would’ve loved to feel the brand of heat from Nary’s flesh as he fucked him from behind.

  “Ahna! Permission, please!”

  The sweat that had built up on Lasar’s face, trailed down the sides, his own erection hard and throbbing. “Yes, Nasha, now!”

  Nary growled out his climax as Lasar eased up on the spanking. Chris stared at Nary in wonder, clearly enjoying the moment as he continued to milk Nary’s cock. Finally, Nary collapsed onto the table and Lasar stopped striking his ass, gently rubbing his skin instead. Chris seemed to instinctually seek out Nary’s mouth, as if soothing his mate with a loving kiss.


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