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Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 3)

Page 15

by Allie Palomino

  “There, sweetness. Breathe slowly, but deeply. There ye go, slowly.”

  Abby took several shuddering breaths.

  “Are ye better?”

  She gave him a small smile and nodded. “Aye.” Even though she reassured him, fresh tears came to her eyes.

  “I will request a bath.”

  “Nay, Cameron, I-”

  He kissed her mouth, and left before she could protest again. Cameron returned accompanied, and watched on as the servants placed a tub and filled it with steamy water.

  “Thank you,” Abby said hoarsely.

  One of the servants, Garid, smiled at her. “It is a pleasure, milady,” he responded and then left the room.

  “Come here, my love,” he said, beginning to take her clothes off. He picked her up and laid her gently in the tub.

  He began to rub her skin, and told her to lean back so that he could wash her hair.

  “Are ye feeling better?” he asked, gently.

  “Y-yes,” she said. She moaned. “That feels good,” she said, laughing a little. He was massaging her scalp.

  He rinsed her hair out and began bathing her. Her eyes began closing slowly.

  “Go to sleep, Abby, I’ll take care of ye,” he said, passing the soap over her skin.

  Fresh tears sprang into her eyes. “I never want to sleep again,” she said in an anguished whisper.

  “Shh, I’m here. I willna let anything happen to ye,” he said gently.

  Cameron gently helped her stand. She held on to him because she was trembling violently. He dried her with such care and tenderness, that she began crying again.

  Her constant tears worried him.

  “Come here,” he said, wrapping her in his plaid and lifting her into his arms. She buried her face into his neck and wept softly. He sat with his back leaning on the wall and held her in his arms. She curled up towards him. Her weeping broke his heart.

  “All is well, my love. Tell me what ye dreamt about, hmmm,” he said softly, pushing a lock of wet hair back from her forehead.


  She sounded devastated. He felt her trembling.

  “Take all the time ye need, sweetness.”

  She took a deep breath.

  “In my dream, the year had expired and you refused to send me to my father. The marriage was annulled. You ignored missives and were preparing for battle,” she said and took in a quaky breath.

  He closed his eyes. He hoped their marriage wouldn’t result in that. Abby continued with the events of her dream while Cameron held her and listened.

  “It was just a dream, sweeting,” he said, passing his hand over her head when she finished telling it.

  “It felt true, Cameron.”

  He exhaled a long breath. She pressed her face into his neck, gathering more strength from him. Truth be told it shook him, too.

  “I’m here, sweetness, I’m here. I will never allow such events to occur, never.”

  “But what if I do not conceive? I would rather die than leave you, or have you fight for me, or be forced to marry another.”

  “It will all resolve, sweetness. Sleep now. I will wake ye if ye have another night terror.”

  “Promise? You will not leave me, will you?”

  He thought she sounded so small, so fragile.

  “I promise. And I’ll never leave ye, my love. I’ll stay here with ye,” he said gently, running his fingers through her damp tresses.


  His last word was so soft, he didn’t believe she heard it, but the vow was absolute. She was his and no one would take her away from him.

  Cameron thought about her dream as she fell asleep in his arms. He held her close, cherishing the feel of her within his arms.

  What would he do without her? He had never felt this way about any woman. He loved Abby and it was a love that would last beyond this life.

  Cameron looked down at her angelic face. She had already experienced violence at a young age. First with her father and then with the man her father forced her to marry. He would protect her no matter the circumstance or what he had to lose to do it. He would never allow this marriage to be annulled.

  Not while there was breath still left in his body.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She awoke and stretched like a cat. He watched her all the while until her beautiful eyes focused on him.

  “How long have you been awake?” Her voice was husky from sleep. Her lips stretched as she waited for him to answer.

  He caressed her cheek. “Seems as if ‘twas only a moment, as time stills whenever I look at ye.”

  He stared intently into her eyes and dipped his head down for a kiss. She returned it with fervor. He pulled back slowly. Her eyes were downcast, and her cheeks were a pretty pink.

  Cameron smiled.

  “What has ye so bashful, my beauty?”

  She stole a quick glance up and then looked away.

  “How do ye know that I am?”

  “Because, refreshingly, ye lack coyness, my sweet. Yer face is as pure as yer soul.”

  Her smile made his heart catch.

  “You say the loveliest words, Cameron.”

  His cheeks dimpled. “So, then, answer me. What has ye blushing?”

  “Well, I forgot part of my dream last night,” she said, a smile peeking through her lips.

  “Ye have my attention.” His tone was light and teasing.

  “When we made love-”

  “Which time?”

  “Huh?” she looked up at him puzzled. She looked so endearing.

  “Ye said we made love three times in the dream, and I’m wondering which time ye’re referring to now,” he asked, laughing as the pink in her cheeks deepened.

  “The first time,” she mumbled. She looked up suddenly. “You’re attempting to embarrass me further, are you nay?” she asked smiling.

  “The rose color of your cheeks compliments ye,” he said teasingly. “So tell me more about this portion of the dream.”

  “Well, I grabbed your hair like this and tugged back. Then I pushed your shoulders back and that had come to mean, between us, that I wanted you on your back.”

  “Mmm, interesting,” he said, grinning down at her.

  They practiced the maneuver. Now he was on his back and she loomed over him.

  “Instead of describing what I did, let me do it,” she said, grinning sexily at him.

  “I’m all yers, sweetness,” he said tightly, getting hard at the thought of her experiment.

  Abby kissed his neck and moved lower to bite his nipple. He inhaled sharply. She kissed his flat, taught stomach and his stomach muscles tightened.

  I could wash my dresses on his stomach.

  Much to his shock and satisfaction, she still went lower. Her glorious hair spread out on his abdomen.

  His surprise at her action matched the intensity of the feeling as she took him into her mouth and suckled him. His hips involuntarily moved upward.

  He let out a loud, purely male guttural groan. His hands fisted in barely controlled restraint.


  She licked him and sucked him. He looked down at her and saw her looking up at him. It was so sensual, he almost spilled his seed in her mouth. He was lost in sensation. Mindless with need, he took her and sat her on his stomach.

  “Relax, sweetness. Trust me,” he said when he saw her doubtful look.

  He lifted her and plunged himself inside her. Her back arched and she threw her head backward. The pleasure rocked her to the core. Her hair floated about her as she looked down at him. She clawed at his chest.


  “Move yer hips, love. That’s it. Yes.”

  She kept moving her hips, grinding on him. His hands reached up and squeezed her breasts. Her moan of pleasure was loud.

  “Cameron, I need it.”

  “Ride harder, Abby. Yes! That’s it,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She clawed more at his che
st and he squeezed her breasts. She ground her hips hard on him, speeding up her pace.

  “Cameron!” She bounced faster. She was panting, trying to catch up to the lights behind her eyes.

  The lovers exploded in a mind shattering orgasm. He let out a roar and she a strangled cry. She kept moving her hips until her convulsions stopped, then leaned down to place her head on his chest.

  “That was incredible.” She was panting.

  “Aye,” he said, breathing harshly. “That it was.” He had difficulty speaking after having experienced that ecstasy.

  Abby lay down on his chest and he held her, passing his hand down the sexy slope of her back.

  “I love ye.”.

  “Mmm, Cameron, I love you,” she said, kissing his cheek and then resting her head on his chest again.

  And they fell asleep.

  Meanwhile, the family downstairs knew better than to wait for the laird and his lady to come down and eat.

  A lustful roar had just resounded throughout the castle.

  Aye, they knew better than to wait for them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two weeks passed, and Gillyanne was quite docile. She couldn’t remember what had happened to her or who did it to her. She didn’t make any rude remarks and there was no malice. Abby took this as a sign for the better. An understanding had formed between them.

  “Bess! May I have a moment?”

  Abby ran to the woman and pulled her aside. Bess’ gaze stayed on Gillyanne where she sat before the fire next to Abby’s vacated chair.

  “I have a question but I’m needing it to be kept a secret.”

  Bess moved her further away and nodded. “Aye, lass. I shall keep it so.”

  Abby nodded and gripped her hands tightly. It contradicted the excitement Bess saw in her eyes.

  “How does one know if,” Abby stopped and looked around, “she is with child?”

  Bess’ eyes widened and she looked down at Abby’s flat tummy. It was hard to miss the joy that began to blossom on Bess’ eyes.

  “What are ye feelin’, lass?”

  Abby’s smile threatened to bloom as she spoke. “Well, I feel ill in the morns. At times, I’ve been wanting to heave the contents of my stomach. I’m very tired, sleeping a bit too much but trying to mask so that no one suspects me ill. I feel a bit unstable as if I will swoon or fall. That has me concerned.” She blushed just then, and said in a hushed tone, “I have to relieve myself more often.”

  Bess smiled and Abby grabbed her hands. “Tell me, Bess. Could it be?”

  Bess slowly nodded. “Aye lass. When did ye last ‘ave yer monthly?”

  Abby thought on this for a moment. “I have definitely missed one.”

  Bess smiled and squeezed Abby’s hands. “I knew ye were a miracle when ye first came ‘ere.” Bess took a moment to compose herself, but Abby saw the tears in her eyes. “Aye. ‘Twill be a great time ‘ere with the laird’s bairn.”

  Abby gripped Bess’ hands and gave them a light shake. “You must not tell anyone yet. Let us wait to be certain. I won’t have the family’s hopes aroused, especially that of Cameron’s, and then be disappointed.”

  Bess nodded. “I willna tell a soul.”

  Abby’s smile was wide. “I am happy, Bess. So very, very joyous, I can barely contain it.” With one final squeeze of Bess’ hands, Abby left to return to her seat by the fire. Bess’ eyes narrowed on Gillyanne, as the other woman watched from afar.

  “I doona trust her, Bess,” Amy whispered as she came to stand next to her. They looked over to Gillyanne and Abby sitting by the fire, talking.

  “Aye, neither do I,” Bess said. “I doona believe that wench can change overnight. I said so to Abby, but she just shook ‘er head, saying that trauma changes a lass.”

  “Aye, she said that she understands Gillyanne. That her father was much the same with her mother and that she had been hit before by him, too.”

  “Our Lady is far too innocent an’ trusting, an’ Gillyanne takes advantage o’ that,” Bess said, shaking her head. “I’m keepin’ my eye on that one. She’ll nay be foolin’ me,” Bess said, and left the room.

  Margery came in with tea.

  “Oh Margery, ye’re so thoughtful, but Gillyanne had brought me tea earlier. It was quite good, too,” Abby said with a nod of her head.

  Margery curtsied and left, but was called over by Amy.

  “I’ll drink that, Margery, so it willna go to waste.”

  “I’m sorry, Amy, I should have brought ye some, but ‘tis a good thing ye can have this tea since Gillyanne made Abby hers,” Margery said apologetically, but her interest was caught by the two in front of the fire. Her doubt was echoed in her face.

  “Nay, no need to apologize. I know.” Amy paused and took a sip. “I doubt her as well,” Amy said, looking over to the pair. Margery looked at Amy stunned.

  “I’m beggin’ yer pardon, Amy, ‘tis just that-”

  “No need. Bess and I were thinking much the same. I doona trust her.”

  “Aye, neither do I,” Margery said on a sigh and left.

  Later that evening, Cameron, Keith, and Aidan were seated at the table discussing matters concerning the clan, when Amy and Alice approached. They sat down.

  “Cameron, ye must keep yer eye on Gillyanne,” Alice said sternly. He recognized the look in her eye.

  “Mother, I know. But Abby-”

  “Cameron, listen to me. She’s up to something. She’ll hurt Abby.”

  “I’ve warned Gillyanne, Mother. I told her that if she behaves as she did before towards my wife, she would be tossed out of here. I made it very clear to her.”

  “She’s pure evil, Cameron. Ye never saw because ye wanted to get underneath her skirts, but ‘tis the truth. Keep alert, she’s intent on something,” Alice said, and left the table with Amy.

  “They really never liked Gillyanne. Must be a woman thing,” Cameron said.

  “Actually no, Cameron, it isna solely a woman thing. I never liked Gillyanne, either,” Keith said.

  “Neither did I,” Aidan said.

  Cameron looked at them in surprise. “Why?” He despised Gillyanne now as well, but why had his family not liked her?

  “She was after a title, Cameron. She didna care for ye, and there was word from some men that she had a large appetite and rutted with many.”

  Cameron narrowed his eyes at them and looked over to Gillyanne and Abby. Abby was sewing and Gillyanne was staring at his wife.

  “I would like more tea, Abby, would ye like some more?”

  “Actually, yes, it’s quite good. Thank you,” Abby said, smiling.

  “Gillyanne would never be subservient, Cameron, and well ye know that,” Keith said.

  Abby looked up and saw Cameron staring. She smiled at him and stood up, bringing her knitting project over.

  “Do you like it? I made it using our clan colors,” she said, kissing his brow.

  He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her chest. She combed back his hair with her fingers and leaned down to kiss his head. He sat back again and nodded.

  “Aye, Abby, it looks verra fine. Ye look radiant, love.”

  Abby studied him for a long moment, a smile playing on her lips. He had the feeling there was something to her stare, but then she spoke and broke the spell.

  “Thank you. Excuse me, husband.” She kissed him and returned to her chair. Gillyanne came back with the tea.

  An uncomfortable feeling settled over Cameron.

  He would keep an eye on Gillyanne.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Another fortnight had passed. Abby had began crying without ease one morning, and she called for Bess claiming head pain.

  “Abby, dear, what’s the matter?”

  Abby turned from the bed when Bess entered the room. Bess inhaled sharply.

  “What occurred? Did ye fall?” Bess rushed forward taking the blood-soaked dress from Abby.


  The whispe
r was soft and laced with so much pain, Bess’ eyes began to tear.

  Abby’s voice was hollow. “I woke up to the blood and pain. Cameron had already left, thankfully.”

  “Oh, dearie. I am so sorry.”

  Bess hugged Abby, but Abby only allowed it for a moment. She took herself out of the embrace and turned her back to Bess.

  “I don’t deserve your pity or sorrow. I deserve every bit of the pain I feel.”

  Her voice was so faint, Bess had to strain to hear it.

  “No pity, Abby. Sorrow, yes. Ye did nothin’ wrong, lass. ‘Tis unfortunate to lose a bairn like this, but not unusual.”

  Abby began to sob. It came from her very soul. Bess walked over and hugged her. Abby turned around and sobbed into the older woman’s ample bossom.

  “Shhh, dearie. ‘Twill be all well. Ye will be able to try again soon.” Bess held Abby as the she wept.

  “I lost our baby. Cameron’s baby. He didn’t even know.” Her voice rose in pitch. She looked up at Bess, and her green eyes were so light in color from the tears, Bess could see specks of yellow. “What have I done? He was not able to be happy even for a moment. I took that from him, and from them,” she nodded to the door.

  Bess brought her in closer. “Ye did well, sweet Abby. Ye wanted to spare them pain, an’ now ye’re experiencing what ye spared them, all by yerself.”

  Bess passed a hand through Abby’s hair.

  “‘Tis my fault. Mayhap I ate a disagreeable food, or didna rest enough.” She inhaled shakily. “‘Tis my fault!”

  Abby grabbed the dress and flung it into the hearth.

  “Now I cannot tell him. It would break his heart twice. I will not do that to him or them.”

  Bess walked over to her and grabbed her hands. “Ye must, love. Ye cannot shoulder this burden alone.”

  Abby shook her head as they heard a knock. The door opened suddenly and Amy walked in.

  “Abby? What has ye upset?”

  Abby’s sobs broke free and she threw herself on the bed.


  Bess shook her head, her eyes full of sorrow and tears. Abby turned around, and told Amy. She hugged her waist. The moment Amy heard, she moved over to Abby and hugged her. Amy looked over to Bess and nodded. The older woman left the room.


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