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Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 3)

Page 20

by Allie Palomino

  “As I said,” she paused, her mouth full of food. “I have a large appetite and I am eating,” she said, licking her fingers. She looked up, with her index finger still in her mouth. She smiled, suddenly embarrassed that she was behaving this way. He leaned his head back and laughed.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” she said, stuffing another piece of cheese in her mouth. She washed down her five pounds of food with a bucket of water.

  He looked at her, and chuckled loudly.

  All of a sudden, she got a horrified look on her face. “What’s the matter?” he asked, worried.

  “Move the food!” she managed to say, covering her mouth with her palm. Cameron hurried while Abby rushed over to the chamber pot. Cameron grimaced while she retched up her meal. He walked over to her, patted her back, and gave her water.

  “What is going on with ye?” he asked, as he brought her into his arms. He felt her trembling.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know,” she said, her voice trembling and raw.

  “Why doona ye sleep a little?” he asked, and she nodded. He led her over to the bed and settled her in.

  “Stay with me?” she asked. Her eyes betrayed her insecurity.

  “Always,” he said, and settled next to her. She turned towards him and he enfolded his arms around her. He felt her relax and when her breathing grew even, he knew she was asleep.

  Was she ill?

  He was beyond frustrated. It seemed as if at every turn, there was something or someone always trying to do harm to her, some force always trying to take her away from him.

  He ground his teeth together. He would do whatever it took to keep her with him. He would rip the arms off the devil himself.

  And God help the man or thing who dares to harm her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Abby awoke gasping for air. Cameron stirred next to her. In the dim candlelight, he saw the tears on her cheeks. She sat up, opened her eyes, and looked at him. He sat up, also.

  His gaze went from her eyes to her cheeks to her lips, worriedly trying to assess if she was in good health.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, his voice husky.

  She brought a cupped palm to her lips and looked at him. Her hand was shaking.

  “What is it?” he asked, growing more alarmed by the minute.

  “My appetite,” she began. “It’s been enormous lately,” she said, looking intently at him.


  “But I retch after I eat, as well as in the mornings when I wake.”

  He reached out to cup her cheek. “Aye, ye do.”

  “All I wish to do is sleep, because I’m so very tired always.”

  “I’ve told ye, Abby. Ye need yer rest,” he said, his gray eyes flashing.

  “But I sleep a great deal, Cameron. And my breasts! They are sore,” she said, smiling.

  “Aye. Ye wince when I touch them,” he said, staring at her oddly. He’d never seen anyone happy about having these symptoms.

  She bolted up onto her knees with a smile so wide, he thought he could count each tooth.

  “Do you know what this means, Cameron?”

  He rose to his knees also. Alarm came into his eyes. He cupped her face with both hands.

  “Nay, Abby. Doona think that,” he said angrily. She saw fear in his eyes.

  “But Cameron, don’t you see?” Her smile puzzled him.

  “Nay!” he said furiously. She saw the nerve in his jaw twitch. “How could ye be happy about this?”

  “But Cameron, ‘tis something wonderful! We are fortunate for a second time,” she said, her eyes shining brightly.

  He looked at her shaking his head.

  “This is not wonderful, Abby. Ye cannot want this.”

  “But I do. I thought we did!” she said, her smile faltering.

  “Nay, I doona want this. I never wanted this! Nothing that risks yer life.”

  She grew angry and her green eyes narrowed on him.

  “But I thought you wanted this,” she snapped. “I thought you grieved before and wanted to continue undertaking our…you know…our endeavors. Well, if you don’t, too damn bad, because there’s no undoing it!”

  She was furious and he was confused.

  He brought her in to his warmth, but she quickly moved back, shaking her head.

  “How could ye think I wanted this?”

  Looking into his eyes, she saw fear and anger. Looking into her eyes, he saw only anger.

  She quickly bounded off the bed and retrieved a satchel. She began packing clothes.

  “What are ye doing?” he asked, moving off the bed onto his bare feet.

  “What does it look like? This is the only solution, Cameron. I thought you wanted this,” she said angrily. She began muttering as she stuffed the bag. She held up her hand when he went to move closer to her. “We’ll have to leave then.”

  “Ye will not leave! Where the hell are ye going, damn it?” he asked, now furious.

  “Somewhere where you will not have to tolerate us,” she said through clenched teeth, angrily stuffing more dresses into the satchel.

  “Did ye actually think I would be happy about this? About what ye think is happening?”

  “What I think is happening? Nay, I do not think, I know!” she said, furiously. “You refuse to believe it is true when I know it is! And yes, I expected you to be happy! It’s what we’ve both wanted.”

  “Know? Ye know with certainty what is wrong? Nay, ye couldna know! How can I be happy about this, Abby? Have ye lost yer mind? I love ye, how could I be happy?”

  “If you love me then you must love us,” she barked. “We’re leaving, Cameron. I do not know where we’re going, but you will not have to worry about us,” she said, turning her back on him as she eased into her shoes.

  He turned her around, bracing his hand on her delicate shoulder.

  “Who is this we, this us?” he asked, darkly. “Are ye leaving with another?” he growled. “I swear, whoever it is, I’ll rip every appendage off of his body.”

  She looked at him, confused. Then it dawned on her.

  “Cameron, what do you think I’m speaking of?”

  He looked to the ceiling for patience.

  “Abby, I tire of this conversation. Ye are not dying! And ye will not run off with anyone, do ye hear me?” he growled angrily.

  She began laughing, so hard in fact, she held onto Cameron for support. “What is so amusing? I do not find this droll,” he said, tightly.

  She looked up at him with tears of laughter still in her eyes. Her eyes lit up with excitement, happiness, and joy.

  “I am not dying, Cameron!” she said, laughing hard.

  Her smile was so wide and her laughter so musical, that he knew she was the most beautiful woman ever to have been born.

  “What then? Why this us and we talk?”

  “There is no other man, at least I don’t know yet, it may be another woman,” she said and his jaw dropped. She doubled over, laughing in merriment.

  “Abby?” he asked, confused.

  She shook her head and stepped away from him for a moment. She looked at him, and gone was the laughter, replaced by an intense seriousness that stole his breath away. The tears made her eyes luminous globes.

  “Cameron, I’m with child! I’m carrying our bairn!” she said, shakily.

  He stopped breathing, and only stared at her. He turned his head to the side as if he hadn’t heard her. He squinted, all the while looking at her from the side of his vision.

  “What?” he asked, breathless.

  “I’m with child!” she whispered. “I’m carrying our miracle,” she said in exhilaration, jumping.

  Another miracle baby.

  This baby would never take the place of the child they’d already lost, but it would help them mend their broken hearts. Her being with child also meant that she would never be torn away from Cameron. Although the baby news was exciting enough, the look on his face was nearly the best part of it.
br />   “Ye’re jesting,” he whispered in awe and looked to her belly. “But I thought ye’d gotten yer monthly.”

  Abby shook her head. “It was very light. Then I recalled Bess telling me that light blood in the beginning is not unusual.”

  He looked like a man who had been deprived of water and food, who was just asked to join the evening meal.

  “Yes, Cameron,” she said, her heart soaring. “I am carrying our bairn. A baby conceived from our love.”

  He stepped towards her and dropped to his knees. He looked up at her face and then to her abdomen. He raised a trembling hand to her belly. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against her tummy. She placed her hands on his head and closed her eyes.

  Pure joy filled him. Relief and happiness surged within him. He rose to his feet, lifted her, and swung her around as she laughed and squealed out her merriment.

  He stopped all of a sudden and stood her delicately next to the bed.

  “Did I harm ye?” he asked. Fear like she’d never seen, appeared in his eyes. His gaze dropped to her belly and he covered it with his hand in a protective gesture.

  “Nay, I’m fine,” she said and gasped as their door swung open.

  Keith and Aidan barged in, their swords posed for action. Amy and Alice were right behind them, peeking in from the door.

  “Cameron! What is amiss?” Keith asked, as he looked around. He looked over his shoulder. “Damn it, Amy, I told ye and Mother to stay in the room.”

  Keith turned back around as Abby and Cameron began to laugh.

  “They’ve lost their minds,” Aidan said, which made Abby and Cameron laugh harder.

  “What is going on?” Amy asked. Both her and Alice entered the room.

  “Owen is going to have someone to play with,” Abby said, smiling.

  The women caught on, but Aidan and Keith didn’t.

  “For crying out loud, Cameron, this is what we were woken up for? Ye can play with my son tomorrow,” Keith said and both he and Aidan turned around to face Amy and Alice. They looked at one another when they saw the women smiling.

  “Nay, ye dumb oaf, Abby is with child. She’s carrying my bairn,” Cameron said, and smiled as his brothers turned around with surprise on their faces.

  “Ye sly fox, Cameron!” Keith said, whacking Cameron on the back. Aidan moved forward, whacking him as well. Aidan then lifted Abby up and swung her around.

  “Aidan! Put her down,” Cameron barked harshly.

  Only the women laughed. Aidan looked sheepish, while Keith and Cameron looked worried.

  “Oh, Abby, ye’re in for a long nine months, love,” Alice said laughing.

  “Well, I think perhaps it’s less than that.”

  Alice embraced Abby and then Amy took a turn.

  “Oh, how wonderful!” Alice said, clasping her hands together. “Another grand-bairn! Oh, Robert, how I wish ye were hear to see them!” She was looking up and then looked at her family. “But he surrounds us, he does,” she said, nodding with a wide smile.

  “Aye. Mother, he does,” Cameron said, rubbing Abby’s tummy gently.

  “I’ve a feeling that the storms have all passed. No more dreadful days ahead, but instead, only lovely ones,” Abby said, placing her hand over Cameron’s, which rested on her flat belly.

  And that prediction would prove to be true.

  At least for the remainder of the pregnancy.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Cameron, let go! I am not going to break!” Abby snapped in annoyance.

  In true form, the family sat back, looking at the Laird and his Lady bicker again. Despite her annoyance and demands, Cameron carried her down the staircase.

  “Ye will not be exerting yerself, Abby. Ye’re soon to give birth and need to preserve yer strength.”

  She sighed and crossed her arms awkwardly over her gigantic belly.

  “It’s your fault that the bairn made me grow to the size of a large cottage!”

  He laughed and she threw him a disgruntled look. He couldn’t help his reaction to her- her irritation made her so endearingly cute. He was worried about her, if he was being truthful. His bairn was indeed very large. Male pride abounded within him, but it still left room for worry and doubt even though the last several months had been tranquil for her. She exuded light from within.

  Abby had relished eating everything and anything her heart desired, and he had enjoyed seeing to her needs. She had grown plump quickly, and her face and belly filled out fully. He hadn’t thought it possible, but aye, she had grown more beautiful carrying his bairn, and he loved her more deeply than ever.

  Her skin radiated luminosity and life. Her eyes fairly sparkled every moment of every day. She laughed dozens of times a day- he knew because he’d heard her. The clan stopped what they were doing every time, and he emphasized every time, they’d heard her sultry, bubbly laughter. Cameron saw them smile along with her.

  She was absolutely delightful.

  The clan was high-spirited as well, with the anticipation of their laird’s heir. Many brought Abby gifts and she sat with each of them, talking and learning about them and their families. When Abby first arrived, the clan had been amiable, but now, they adored her. Even Old Man Kressyl brought her cooked vegetables. She had moaned at their delectable taste and he brought her some every week since.

  Cameron had instantly informed Alexander that the terms of the marriage arrangement had been satisfied- specifically that his wife was expecting his heir. Alexander responded in a subsequent message, that Henry said Haynsworth had heart pains at the news and had fairly thrown tantrums.

  He remembered when they’d felt the bairn kick for the first time. Abby had gasped loudly and placed his hand over her belly. They’d shared that unique, precious, and private moment. Their eyes had locked while they smiled intimately at each other. It had been amazing and glorious.

  All was well within their world. Cameron had been strutting on air. His family was safe, he had his adoring wife, and he eagerly anticipated the birth of their bairn.

  Now standing in front of the large table, Cameron placed her gingerly on the floor. She gave him a disgruntled look while adjusting her dress. She wobbled over to the table, where the family sat looking at her.

  “Would you please stop staring at us? Instead, tell him,” she said, indicating Cameron with a nod of her head, “to stop treating me like a delicate flower.” She sat down at the table to eat.

  The family looked back at Cameron, who was still standing biting into a piece of fruit. He smiled back at them. The family looked at Abby again and grimaced.

  She was doing it again.

  The women were wise not to say anything, and Cameron and Keith had already properly learned. Aidan and Patrick, however, hadn’t had one of life’s most important lessons- never fiddle with or comment upon an expecting woman’s food.

  Abby paused for a moment and looked up at them. “What?” she asked, stuffing her mouth with the food. “Doona look at me that way. How am I to deny the bairn what he or she,” she said, looking at Cameron as she stressed the words, “wants?”

  They looked to Cameron who was finishing the fruit. Abby kept stuffing her face.

  “Love, must ye put that on everything?” Aidan asked, grimacing.

  The women groaned. Keith and Cameron smiled. Patrick and Aidan still had a mask of disgust on their faces.

  “If the bairn craves honey on everything I eat, I am no one to deny him or her,” she snapped, bring a piece of honey-coated mutton to her mouth. “When you have wives and they crave something because the bairn so desires it, then you shall, too, understand,” she responded, but her voice began deteriorating towards the end. Tears began to slip down her face. She placed her hands on her lap and began to cry softly.

  “I’m sorry, Abby. Really. I havena had that particular…uh…combination of delicious foods and that is perhaps why I said what I did. I wouldna have said what I…uh…said…unless perhaps I would have tasted what ye�
�re eating…” Aidan’s voice trailed off. He stopped and scratched his head, hoping that explanation meant something to her, because he hadn’t the slightest idea what he’d muttered. He and Patrick looked to Keith and Cameron, who were knowingly grinning at them. Aidan made a face and looked to his mother and Amy, who were glowering at him.

  “Thank you, Aidan, for your apology. I honestly cannot help it. It is quite normal you know, and delicious,” she said as she dipped a piece of carrot in honey and ate it. Patrick and Aidan shuddered.

  “Here, taste this.”

  She handed over honey-covered mutton, and he looked around to find some eyes filled with horror, others filled with glee, and Cameron’s filled with humor. Aidan hesitantly placed the meat in his mouth. He noticed his family leaning forward, watching him carefully. Abby didn’t take her eyes off him, so he was careful to school his reaction.

  “Mmmm,” he said, and flashed a smiled that looked more like a grimace. He chewed slowly.

  “Ye have to swallow, brother,” Keith said, smiling.

  Aidan’s swallow was audible, and Abby smiled.

  “Good, no?”

  Aidan thought about it for a moment, and nodded his head. “Actually, Abby, I think ye have the right of it. It’s quite tasty.” He grabbed a piece of meat and covered it in honey. He nearly laughed at the look of horror that crossed the faces of his family. He laughed as he chewed.

  Abby spent the next several days eating, snapping at those who annoyed her, and sleeping. On the fourth day, Abby awoke and didn’t want to go downstairs. Cameron thought that was odd. She loved to walk with him and hated to be within the walls for too long a time.

  “My back hurts,” she said grumpily, punching the support behind her.

  He sat next to her not saying a word. For the last couple of days, she’d managed to snap at him for the slightest comment, even concerning the climate.

  She looked up at him and studied him. “Are you nay going to say anything?”

  His lips thinned out and he shook his head. He was damned if he would take that bait. She looked at him a moment longer and couldn’t help but erupt in a fit of laughter.


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