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Blood Burdens (The Shadow World)

Page 13

by Brandy Nacole

  “Why don’t we just leave this afternoon?” Why wait? I ask, ready for some action. The sooner we get there, the more prep time we will have anyway.

  Lucas clears his throat in an ‘Attention please!’ manner. “You clearly aren’t considering that the Elders have things they must attend to before they can leave. Plus, the jets have to be forewarned for preparation. And of course since you brought Natahala, we also need to talk with her about her plans, and if her little group will be joining us. And once we have a confirmed number of those accompanying us, we will need to contact the Mykonos Coven to see about accommodations.” Lucas turns to me with a smug smile. “Those things, my dear Racquel, take time. We can’t just jump on flying whims as they pass by.”

  I’m going to hit him. I can visualize it perfectly. I want to see his haughty butt sprawled across the floor as he looks up at me in disbelief. Danika must somehow pick up on how I’m feeling, and steps between me and him.

  “I think we all need to take a break,” she says, giving me a warning look to cool it. I don’t need to lose it again in front of them. It would only amplify their doubt in me. With a clenched jaw, I take a deep breath and nod.

  Meira stretches with a yawn. “I think that’s a good idea. We’ve been at this since early this morning. Danika, if you happen to see Natahala will you please inform her to meet us back here after dinner?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Danika says as she grabs my hand and starts toward the door.

  Lucas blocks our path as we’re about to step outside. “Danika, I don’t know what was wrong with the Lycan but be careful.” Danika nods and tries walking around him but he doesn’t let her pass. He places his hand on her shoulder, and leaning in, he whispers in her ear, “Keep your emotions in check, Danika. You know what will happen if you don’t.”

  Danika shakes off Lucas’s hand and continues to the door. Wow, Lucas has some nerve, he basically threatened her. I want to grab him by his hair and pull him to his knees so he can apologize to Danika. He acts likes he’s already father Elder. That cannot be a good sign for the future.

  Danika’s grip on my arm is tight as she searches the grounds. She’s fuming. I manage to pull my arm free from her grasp as she sweeps her head from side-to-side. Danika walks off toward the tree line on the left side of the Elders’ House, all but stomping her feet. “I cannot believe he did that.” I wonder what he she’s referring to, Lucas or Ethan? I start to ask but think twice about it. I’m just going to let her stew for now.

  We round the corner of the last house set up beside the Elders’ House and see Ethan sitting on a log, with his back resting on the tree behind him. As he sees us approach, his face falls. I guess he was hoping we wouldn’t find him.

  Danika storms right up to him. “What the hell was that?”

  Ethan recovers from his temporary fall. “What was what?” He crosses his arms over his chest while crossing his ankles too. He’s trying to push some male egotistic mojo crap, and we’re not buying.

  “That!” Danika yells, pointing back to the Elders’ House. “Growling at Lucas in front of the Elders, the Elders, Ethan. Why would you do that?”

  Ethan shrugs, “I don’t like him.”

  Danika looks at him, dumbfounded. “You don’t even know him.”

  Ethan stares back at her with a dangerous glow in his eyes. “I bet you could tell me a few things about him.”

  Danika cuts Ethan a glare as her fists tighten at her sides.

  I think that’s my cue to leave. This is getting too personal. I turn to leave but Danika stops me.

  “No need to run off Racquel, I was fixing to go myself.”

  Her tone sends a chill over my skin. Silent venom runs behind her words. I wonder what would happen if she let go.

  “Would you mind helping me find the others?”

  I nod and swallow hard as she turns her too-calm eyes back to Ethan. “Try to keep your Omega wolf contained, would you?” Oh slap. I have to bite back a laugh. She does have a nerve. Lycan’s find it very insulting to be called Omegas. She might as well have called him an immature pup.

  Ethan doesn’t take the insult well. He stands up, growling, and advances on her. Was Ethan really going to attack Danika? I take a step toward them, preparing myself just in case he did. Lycans tend to have an anger problem, even toward those they don’t mean or want to hurt. They just lose their temper and forget what they’re doing. Hmm, sounds familiar.

  Ethan grabs Danika, pulling her to him. I disappear from their world. They completely forget I’m there. Ethan’s anger is gone and in its place is a sly, cocky smirk. He licks his lips and leans down to whisper in her ear. “I don’t remember you calling me that in London.” Ethan pulls back from her, giving her another cocky smile and a wink before walking away.

  He walks by me, and gives a smug victory grin, then disappears around the corner. I turn back to a stiff Danika. Her back’s to me but I can see her hand over her heart. I can hear it, beating rapidly, and also hear her breathing. Slowing, like she’s trying to reign herself in. Man, he really ruffled her feathers.

  We walk back toward the main grounds in silence as we keep our eyes open for the others. I really don’t know what to say to Danika. It’s not like I’m doing so well in the love department myself. I’m stuck between two brothers I care for but didn’t know how they really feel. Coy said he wanted to work things out but is it real? And who knows how Micah really feels. He may be tooting the horn on the Cerelia train as he prepares to run me over. That would be about right. I shouldn’t keep wrapping my thoughts around him. It’s just going to lead to disaster, not only for me, but Coy too.

  “So have you figured anything out about the dream thing going on between me and Micah?” I ask. It doesn’t hurt to know how he’s contacting me though.

  Danika shakes her head. “Sorry, as you can guess, I’ve been preoccupied. I’ll look into later, I promise. Have you tried reaching out to him?”

  Is that even possible? “I don’t know how,” I admit.

  “It’s the same idea as the dream walking. As you’re falling asleep think of that person and picture yourself talking with them.”

  “I thought the person in charge of the dream walk has to be awake?”

  “Normally, but this is an unusual case. It’s worth a try, right?”

  “I’ll try.” At this point I’m ready to give anything a shot.

  Danika stops in the center of the common grounds and does a full circle. “Where do you think they are?”

  I take a glance around. “I’m not sure. Do you think they could be in the dorms?”

  Danika agrees and we set off toward the dorm house. Just before we enter, I see Addie coming around from the back of the building carrying firewood. She’s not alone, either. Reed’s walking beside her with another load of firewood. He’s laughing at something she says, her laugh matches his.

  I smile to myself and walk through the door without saying anything to her. I’m still a little peeved at her, but she needs to hear what’s going on but she also needs some down time. I’ll just have to fill her in later. “Are they still having the bonfires?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it’s important that we keep everyone calm and focused on other things right now.” Danika verifies.

  We’re almost to the kitchen when Coy steps out into the hall. He looks at me and grins. “There you are.” He embraces me in an awkward hug. I feel like a passing acquaintance is hugging me.

  He seems so happy. Another truckload of guilt lands on me. “Yep, here I am.” I fidget with the hem of my shirt. “So where have you been?”

  “Getting something to eat. When the Greece Coven called and told the Elders that they had felt Cerelia’s power, we decided to take a break.” Coy is rubbing small soothing circles of comfort with his hand on the small of my back, like he always does.

  “Did you guys hear about the Tellurian?” I ask.

  “The what?” Coy’s not up on his Greek history, it seems.

  I glance
up to find Danika gone. I gesture for Coy to follow me back to the kitchen. “Come on, I’m sure Danika’s filling the others in.” When we arrive, everyone’s already there, except for Addie. Even Ethan has made an appearance.

  Danika gives Natahala and the others a quick breakdown of what happened after they left. Of course she leaves out the part about Ethan going crazy when Lucas touched her. While Danika and Natahala talk, I grab a bite to eat. From past experience, when things start going crazy you never know when your next meal will be.

  I’m standing in the corner eating a turkey sandwich when Coy walks over. My stomach knots so tight I lose my appetite.

  “Hey, how you holding up?” He asks.


  “I was looking for you earlier, after Witten and Meira came down on you.” He leans on the counter, leaning in closer to me. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. My anger got the best of me but I cooled down. I’m fine, now.” I shoulder bump him to try and act normal. “How about you?”

  “I’m dealing.”

  I can’t help but notice the sadness on his face. Turning to him, I place my hands on his forearms. “Spill it.”

  Coy sighs, “Being around Natahala and her guards is hard. I know she claims to be all goodie Vampire but that doesn’t change how I feel. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable around them.”

  Funny considering just yesterday you let some freelance vamp have dinner on your neck.

  I snort. Whatever. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

  “How did you do it?”

  Well, there’s a vague question. “Do what?”

  Coy’s eyes bore into mine. “How did you forgive the Shadows?”

  A hysterical laugh/snort escapes my lips. “You know you’re the second person to ask me that in less than twenty four hours.”

  “And what did you say to the other person?” Coy asks.

  I thought back to when Ethan asked me that question. He himself was one of so many Shadows so hurtful to me, for so long. And even though I forgave Ethan on some level, it wasn’t hard to remember the answer for the rest of the Shadows. “I haven’t.” The expression on my face must scare Coy. He reaches out, pulling me into a hug. I continue, “How can I forgive? It’s so hard to be working with them at times, especially when they criticize me like the way they did today.”

  Coy’s chest rumbles against my ear as he talks to me. “Then why are you doing this?”

  I pull back from his embrace and look into his eyes. “Because I’m scared I can’t do it alone and I have to do this. I have to find her.” I let out a small laugh as I think about what Witten said today. “And apparently so does my grandmother and Hecate. I’m just going to have to deal with the Shadows until this is over.” Coy stoops his head to give me a kiss on the forehead.

  Silence falls between us for a few minutes. I let Coy hold me while we think and then pull back, totally breaking all contact. “Coy, why did that Vampire let you go?”

  Looking down in shame, he answers. “She probably wouldn’t have let me go if it wasn’t for you.”

  In astonishment I squeak out, “Because of me?”

  He looks up at me with a delighted expression. “She tasted you or something. It deterred her.”

  I don’t know what to say. Does that mean I have some claim on him I didn’t know I had? This was something I was definitely going to have to research. Yet another question for Danika. There was a plus side to it though. If it kept the vamps at bay, then Coy was safer in the world.

  Danika and Natahala decide we all need to head back over to the Elders’ House to talk all this out. Coy walks beside me, deep in thought with his head down. His face becomes set with an odd determination as he reaches down for my hand. For some reason I panic and casually walk ahead of him out of reach to talk to Natahala’s guards.

  Stepping between the two of them I make small talk. “Well it seems like we’re going to be around each other for a while and I don’t even know your names. You already know who I am.”

  Normally Vampires are thin with little muscle definition. These two vamps are on the bulky side. The one on my left looks at me with friendliness.

  “It would seem so. I’m Thad. It’s nice to meet you, Racquel.” He doesn’t shake my hand or anything but offers a kind smile.

  The one on my right doesn’t seem so friendly. He’s scoping the area diligently. Twirling my hand, I give him a little encouragement. “And your name is?”

  “Brynn.” Brynn states his name but offers no other greeting like Thad had. He’s intently watching everything around Natahala. His sandy blonde hair reaches his shoulders, and isn’t tied back like all the other male Vampires I’ve seen.

  I turn back to Thad. “So what’s with the long hair?” Thad’s hair is long too. His is more of a platinum blonde, compared to Brynn’s toned-down, tawny color.

  Thad reaches up to tuck a few loose strands of hair behind his ear. “It’s kind of symbolic, I guess. It’s the only part of us that still seems alive. We don’t know why or how but it continues to grow even though our bodies are essentially lifeless.”

  Well that’s interesting.

  The next few hours are spent with the Elders. Natahala, Witten, and Dagna are doing most of the talking. The rest of us listen as they discuss possible locations for the spearhead, but still with no real certainty. Natahala has called a few vamps in her Coven. They don’t know anything about the staff but they will start some digging of their own. Wherever Apollo hid the crystal spearhead, he hid it well.

  “We might as well call it a night. The bonfire will be starting soon.” Witten rubs his hand over his face then addresses Natahala again. “Miss. Natahala, will you and yours be joining us in Greece?”

  Natahala nods her head. “Most certainly.”

  “How many will be accompanying you?” Witten motions for Lucas. His apprentice happily bounds across the room. “Please write this down, Lucas.”

  I have to keep myself contained from falling on the floor with laughter. Lucas has just been downgraded from Elder apprentice to peon secretary. Lucas tried to cover his disappointment but was failing miserably. Danika glances over at me as a small chuckle escapes past my lips. She scolds me with her eyes but her lips are betraying her as they fight the smile that wants to escape.

  Natahala answers Witten, ignoring me. “Brynn, Thad, and I.” Natahala’s posture is straight, her head held high. I can see the pride of her position and the responsibility she holds for her Vampires reflected in her eyes. “There will be others joining us once I request them.”

  Witten nods as he turns to Lucas. “Lucas, how many do we have?”

  Lucas counts the list of names on his paper. “Fifteen.”

  I do my own head count and come up a few short. “Who are the other three? I only counted twelve.”

  “We will be taking three of our strongest males. If we do find Cerelia, we are going to need power.” Witten says. “Lucas, we will need both planes, so make sure everything is set before our departure. Have Danika help you with this. She knows the pilots and airport staff.”

  “We can take our own plane. It’s on stand-by and ready at the airport.” Natahala is still sitting with a regal posture, while everyone else shifts around from stiffness.

  Witten shakes his head in protest. “You said yourself that Aldrick does not know of your disloyalty. We cannot take the risk of him seeing your plane. The less Cerelia and Aldrick know the better. There’s plenty of room on our planes for you to join us.” Natahala concurs with Witten.

  After all agreements have been made we all disperse for the night. Witten tells us to meet out front in the morning. We plan on leaving around five. If we leave the airport by seven, then we should be to Mykonos by seven Friday morning.

  Coy follows me out to the common grounds. Nightfall has fallen. The grounds are flooded with Witches preparing for the bonfire. Many of the younger girls watch the boys as they finish piling up
firewood or carry in tables to display snacks. They sit close, giggling as they point at this or that particular boy.

  I gasp as Coy grabs me from behind, wrapping his hands around me. He softly whispers in my ear. “Are we staying for the bonfire?”

  “No, I think I’m just going to turn in for the night. It’s been a long day.” I turn my head to the side and give him my best tired expression. As much as I enjoyed the bonfires, I really just wanted to be alone.

  Coy turns me in his arms, “Are you okay? Do you need-” He lets the sentence travel off with an open meaning. But I catch what he’s getting at.

  I take this opportunity to duck out of the bonfire ceremonies without him following me. “Are you kidding me?” I turn on the outrage. “It hasn’t even been a day and you’re trying to get a bite.”

  Coy holds his hands up, “Racquel that’s not what I meant. I was just-”

  I interrupt him, “Oh I know what you’re saying. I can’t believe this.” I throw my hands up in the air as I turn away from him. This is so shallow, oh so shallow. “Look, obviously you need some time to get over this. I’m going to go to my room. Alone. You should just stay out here and clear your mind.” I start walking away from Coy, making sure not to look at him, so I don’t see the shock or hurt in his eyes. I feel like crap for using this escape but I seal the deal anyway, with, “And if you can manage it, stay away from Natahala, Brynn, and Thad.” I clip the words off with disdain.

  I catch Addie’s eye before entering the dorm. She’s standing by Reed, with a very grumpy Lucas on the other side of her. Looks like she has her hands full. Addie starts to make her way toward me but I shake my head as I stick out my hand. No need to feed my guilt, which is exactly what would happen if I dragged Addie away right now. I didn’t want to talk about what happened earlier either.

  I enter my room and flop onto the bed. The Witches around the bonfire outside make prayers to their goddess. I rein in my hearing after the prayer is done. I hope the goddess hears their prayers and helps out over the next few days. We may need divine intervention before this is over.


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