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Page 5

by Amanda McLaren

  Sanquility unlocked the room and guided me inside. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “I don’t know…maybe five shots and a mug of mead.”

  “You don’t know?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not drunk…yet.”

  I was heading there though. I’d have made it if they’d just left me alone.

  She looked me up and down. “Are you even old enough to drink, Xia?”

  “Fuck off, wolf woman. I’m old enough to do as I please.”

  She turned around, crossing her arms. For a moment, she remained that way. Then the Azhi turned back to me, her jaw tight. “Never mind. Let’s just get you into a bath, alright?”

  What’s the big deal? I just wanted to relax a little.

  “Aren’t the public baths closed?”

  “Yes, but I figured you’d want to get clean and relax yourself, so I had them bring a bath to our room.” The wolf Azhi led me to a small metal tub. There was hot water poured into the basin.

  Out of nowhere, Sanquility began to undress me. Desire charged through me fast and hot. Memories flashed through my mind like a hurricane, making my heart thud in terror and my entire body tense. It took all my willpower not to jerk away or shove her off. Every bone in my body urged me to stop her.

  Sanquility peered up at me unsurely. “I don’t have to do it you know. I’m sure you can undress yourself.”

  A shiver ran through my body. “…I won’t stop you.” My voice shook, to my disgust.

  Gods don’t let it happen again.

  Sanquility examined me with indecipherable eyes before backing up and leaving me to undress (thankfully) on my own. Though I stumbled and tripped, it was a relief she wasn’t interested enough to do it. Instead she kept her eyes to herself.

  I’m probably not pretty enough anyway.

  When I managed to get in the tub, she handed me the soap awkwardly before making me a place in the bed, locking the door and windows. She placed protective seals on them both after throwing out all alcohol in the room (bitch). As a final touch, she laid out clean Templar clothing.

  What’s she doing?

  “Making sure the room is safe and comfortable. What does it look like?”

  Oh gods. I have to learn to stop thinking stupid questions. That isn’t gonna be easy.

  Between the liquor and the hot water, my mind was getting fuzzy. I wasn’t drunk, but I wasn’t far from it either.


  Why isn’t she touching me?

  The woman threw up her hands in exasperation. “It’s weird for your guardian to guard you?”

  I shook my head. “I guess not…”

  Sanquility studied me a moment; her eyes paused on my breasts.

  Why does she have to stare?

  Sanquility cleared her throat and looked down at the floor. “I-it’s the bond.”

  How could it be anything else? I’m not good enough for her to want otherwise.

  “That’s not true at all; you’re a striking woman and an outstanding woman, Xia. Who wouldn’t want you?”

  “Stop listening to my thoughts. They’re private.” I complained uneasily.

  Finished with scrubbing, I tried to get out of the tub – and slipped, heading right for the floor with a shout of shock. Strong arms caught me and pulled me close. That unwanted heat surged right back through me. Her heavy breathing in my ear made it even harder to think clearly. Her lips pressed to mine – once, softly. So softly.

  There was no force behind it. I starred at her complete and utter shock. My body began to quiver.

  What’s going on?

  She spoke very, very gently “When you fell, I caught you and kissed you.”

  I waited for her to make another move, quivering with confused anticipation. Sanquility dried me off and began to dress me. Seeing her on her knees, being so submissive, ignited something strange within me – something I’d never felt before. Without thought, I’d grabbed her by her hair and jerked her to me for a hard, demanding kiss.

  Giving a muted sound of astonished hunger, Sanquility pulled me closer to deepen the kiss as her nails traveled down my back. Instead of fear, it sent a twisted, odd sensation of mixed desire through me. I shoved aside all the negative emotions, thrusting the memories into a deep corner of my mind.

  Sanquility began to rub and gently pinch my tit as her other hand slid to smack my ass, forcing from my lips a squeak of pleasure. All my guards collapsed, flooding me with the Azhi’s emotions, energy and presence. Her lust doubled my own; we fell over one another, landing by chance on the bed.

  My hands blundered as I hastily stripped her with fumbling fingers.

  Her fingers found a way inside me, making me whimper from the rush of pleasure. I repaid the favor as I sucked on a tit, scratching at her boob with my free hand. Her moan only encouraged me to let the need build with the pleasure. I pressed deeper; harder.

  “Y-yes! Oh, Kariken” She whimpered, moving with me. Suddenly she threw me down onto my back, and was on top of me.

  I shoved the fear down before she could notice and exploit it. “No,” I growled aloud, and then flipped her beneath me. Her eyes blazed with a fierce lust. “I’m on top.”

  “You’re so hot, Kari.” She breathed into the soft flesh of my neck.

  Sanquility bit at my neck before sucking hard. I shoved her off my neck, enjoying the way her teeth tugged at my flesh. Pinning her hands, I began to assault her neck with my teeth, sliding down to her boobs for quick, hard and tugging bites. She pressed my head down to them, moaning in delight. When they were sufficiently hard, I flipped around so my pussy was in front of her mouth. Without hesitation, her tongue was inside.

  “FUCK!” I cried. “More! Please! Please, more!”

  Her hands toyed with my clit. I mimicked her, listening to her whimpers and moans as they joined mine. The pleasure built until I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. I bit at her clit; suddenly her body clenched in an orgasm.

  It was her pure bliss swimming through me that sent me over the edge. I could feel my body gyrating harder and harder on her face until I was spent and collapsed, rolling off her. After a moment of shivering in cold from our fluids and sweat, I slipped under the covers, discreetly wiping myself clean. San just stared at the ceiling, panting.

  Suddenly I realized the entire time I’d taken control.

  Oh gods. Is she going to hit me?

  The woman looked over at me in bewilderment. “What? Hit you?”

  I swallowed hard. “You liked it…?”

  “That was amazing, Kari.” Her gaze was completely somber as she continued, meeting my eyes. “I’d never hit you. In fact, I’d kind of be afraid to; you’d kick my ass again.”

  I blinked in surprise at her comment, turned over and let my mind take me, hoping the nightmares wouldn’t come.

  The moment we were outside the temple, Lyrea smacked my ass. “It’s late to go to the palace and go through getting a job there. Have a place we can…get a little closer?”

  “No.” I replied in frustration. “My job’s done, wolf, so stay out of my face.”

  “Look, I may have repented, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have teeth and a sword. Show me where you’re chilling.”

  “Screw off. I’m not interested, so go find somebody else or I’ll kick your ass all over again.” I marched off. To my utter frustration and disbelief, the white wolf Azhi followed behind.

  I already hunted you down, nearly killed you to get you to repent and watched you repent. Can’t you just leave me alone?

  I had no right to tell her not to go to the same inn with me, so didn’t say a word. She wasn’t really walking with me as much as she was in the same direction. A young man in very fancy clothing approached me as I came to the inn. My heart plummeted when instead of giving me a hug he glowered at me.

  “What took so long?”

  “She watched me repent. I’m Lyrea. What’s your name, handsome?” Lyrea walked right passed me as if I didn
’t exist.

  “Quinn, Xia’s better half.”

  Better half my ass. You’re the worst decision I’ve ever made. Maybe if I was half as strong as I needed to be, I’d be able to take care of them and get rid of both of you.

  “Mind if I join you two?”

  “Not at all. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the company. She’s a little whore.”

  “Watch your mouth, Quinn. I don’t belong to you. If you want to fuck this bitch, leave me out of it.” I snapped angrily. I marched inside without waiting for an answer, choosing a seat away from where he usually sat. I scoffed and rolled my eyes in exasperation when the two sat down at my table.

  “Stop being a bitch.” Quinn snarled menacingly.

  “You first, ass-wipe.” I retorted. “Sit somewhere else while you’re at it.”

  The inn’s owner marched over.

  “Get Xia something nice and strong.” He told the owner.

  “Quinn, I –”

  Lyrea spoke up. “Can’t handle your whisky, Xia?”

  “Of course I can.” I protested angrily. “I told Fay I’d slow down.”

  “Your sister isn’t in charge of you, Xia. Drink.” Quinn growled.

  I glared at him. “You’re not my boss either, ass wipe.”

  Quinn’s eyes narrowed. “We’re trying to have fun, Xia.”

  Before I could make another comment, a sudden spark of electricity coursed through my entire body, making me ground my jaw in an attempt to not yelp.

  Damn it. He’s going to start if I don’t let him have his way.

  The inn keeper gave me a shot. I took it obediently, noting that the next three orders weren’t touched at all by my companions.

  “It’s late, Quinn.” I tried.

  “The Abyss is your problem?” Quinn snapped. “Can’t you just let me have fun?”

  “S-sorry…another round?” I suggested hastily.

  “Wonderful idea.”

  Lyrea ordered even stronger drinks.

  I puked the contents of my stomach. Pain etched through my face as Quinn slugged me and forced me up.

  “Come on.” He growled. “We’re trying to treat you, and you’re just wasting the whole night.”

  I feel sick. Can’t they leave me alone?

  I staggered as they helped me into the room, relieved that we were going to bed until Quinn beat me black and blue. To my utter disbelieve, Lyrea shoved him out of the room and made me a bath.

  “Thank you…” I began.

  “If you’re really thankful, you’ll shut up and let me do what I came here to do.”


  “You’re a weak, stupid little human, aren’t you? Look, if you don’t get in bed with me I’m gonna call the fagot back in here and help him teach you a lesson.”

  I let her put me in the bed silently. Out of nowhere her mind was in mine; I shattered my guards to allow her magic to encase all but my Soul Name.

  Anywhere she touched was agonizingly amazing. I couldn’t stop begging for more.

  Her name was vile on my lips every time it rolled off my tongue.

  The sound of my own scream woke me in a cold sweat. Sanquility shot out of bed, her enchanted blades gleamed in her hands and poised to kill as I tried to calm my heart and drive the too-fresh memory from my mind. I’d just barely succeeded when the weapon vanished and her uncertain gaze fell on me.

  Instead of prying, the Azhi simply watched me with thoughtful interest.

  Gods, I hate this. Is she going to hit me now, to make up for last night?

  “You remember last night?” Sanquility asked quietly in surprise.

  “I told you I wasn’t drunk.” I snapped instantly.

  I can deal with anger. Anger is easier than this.

  She sighed, pressing her lips into a tight line. “Fine. Do you have a mark today?”

  “I haven’t a clue. I’m kind of…on call. I’m surprised I made it this long without getting summoned.”

  Sanquility stretched luxuriously. My eyes strayed to watch her body curve and bend. Catching myself, I peeled my eyes off her. Too late; the wolf woman had seen me.

  “What makes you think I mind you looking if we fucked last night, Xia? I mean, damn, we’re kind of bonded. It’s not like we can run away from these feelings.” She asked as if my behavior was amusing her.

  “I don’t want them! I certainly didn’t intend for last night to happen!” I nearly shouted as I tried my hardest to force the images from my head.

  “Well it doesn’t work that way! Our souls are merged, and by the Fallen, we won’t escape the side-effects! You can’t hide from your desires, Xia!”

  Trying to calm the swarming, conflicting emotions, I swung out of bed to start dressing. The mindless task of retrieving the scattered clothing gave me time to recompose. It took me a moment to locate the goggles, which I simply slipped over my head to rest against my neck. While busy dressing I used the link to pry her empathy to the surface emotions; that cold anger she seemed to want to feel.

  Sanquility gasped. “How’d you do that?!”

  “What?” I asked as I tied my blouse. It felt odd to not wear the chainmail.

  “You directed the link. I mean, you control guards, but-”

  “So? Humans can use magic.” I slipped into my leggings, stockings and black pants.

  “But using the link gives you headaches.”

  “That's why I don’t use it.”

  The migraine that resulted from such an arduous task instantly irritated me further. Shaking it off, I fastened my cape and tightened my belt. Then I handed my new partner my sword, the remaining dagger and six silver. “Will you make sure Fay gets these? She’ll give them to the captain of the guard.”

  “Don’t you need them?” Sanquility was aghast. “…and why are you paying the captain of the guard?”

  “The weapons are palace property, so I have to pay for the dagger you fried to a crisp. I’ll be given the next weapons they find appropriate for my next task. Anyway…I’ll need to be at the armory by noon.”

  “You have an appointment?”

  “My whip needs repaired.”

  “What about the ceremony the temple holds for the Seven today? Are you attending?”

  I stared blankly at her. Sanquility face-palmed her forehead as she shook her head. “It’s the anniversary of the city’s founding, Kariken.”


  “Whatever. Are you attending?”

  Rolling my eyes, I answered shortly. “I’m expected to be there. I’ll need you to stop by the herbal shop while I’m there, though, so you can’t attend.” I cast her a quick look to see she was in basic traveling clothing again. “Put the Temple clothes on so everything’s free. Tell her Seeking herbs for two. I’ll be too busy to get Seishin reshod too. The stone would have damaged his horseshoes.”

  “What?! No way! I was looking forward to that ceremony, and I don’t need the stupid clothing. I hate chainmail; it’s heavy and restrictive.”

  I met her amber eyes. “Don’t make me force you. I don’t enjoy it, Sanquility. I feel your pain when you resist.”

  A steady, uneasy silence lapsed between us. Slowly, Sanquility turned and swapped clothing. Cheeks bright red, I found a reason to adjust my whip and straighten out my clothing. Sanquility let out a frustrated breath with a shake of her head. I tried to keep myself preoccupied, to keep my face blank.

  She will not feel my pain. I don’t need two Lyrea’s – especially not one with my soul in her hands.

  Once she was dressed, we headed out. It was going to be a long day.

  Chapter Three

  Blood and Lust

  Anshumali paused just inside the temple, shifting her feet awkwardly as she searched for Fay. Thankfully, the priestess spotted her instead and rushed over with worry in her beautiful green eyes.

  “Where’s Xia? Is she hurt?”

  “No.” Anshumali handed over the weapons and coin. “I was told to run errands. You’re supposed to give th
ese to the guards?”

  Fay instantly relaxed. She gave a closed smile as she took the items, nearly dropping the sword. Anshumali hastily saved the weapon long enough for her to grab it with both hands. “Do you know your way around the city to get everything?”

  “I don’t know it very well anymore, but I’ve got a basic lay-out…”

  “Are you sure? The town is bigger than it was fifty or so years ago.”

  The Azhi moved a piece of hair out of her face with a shy smile. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve not been here for about a hundred.”

  The girl shook her head. “I’ll show you around.”

  Anshumali recalled Kariken’s reaction to the Azhi even looking at her sister and flinched. “I don’t think your sister would be all too pleased to learn I was strutting around the city with you.”

  Fay frowned. “Does she have a reason to distrust you?”

  “Of course not! She’s just – very protective of you.”

  Her smile returned instantly.

  This girl gives me the creeps.

  “Good. Now that that’s settled, let’s be on our way. You’ll count as an escort.”


  She waved her hand in a way that reminded Anshumali of Xia’s dismissal, causing the gold to drop to the ground. The black wolf unconsciously picked it up and handed it back to her. “My sister insists that I’m always accompanied by an escort; usually it’s a palace guard or Templar, but I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

  “I technically count as a Templar through Xia, don’t I?”

  She gave a wary smile. “Problem solved, then. Hurry along; neither of us have all day, now do we?”

  They’re sisters alright.

  Anshumali shadowed Fay outside and into the streets. They’d not gone but a few paces when a boy raced by in an attempt to pick her pocket. The wolf Azhi grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and shove him aside.

  “So you need healing herbs, correct?” Fay went on as if didn’t happen, almost confusing Anshumali.

  By the Fallen, she’s a priestess and sister to a high-ranking Templar. Why would it bother her? It probably happens all the time. No wonder she needs an escort.

  “Yeah. Oh, I was told to take Seishin to be reshod.”


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