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Her Fearless Love_Seeing Ranch Mail Order Bride

Page 1

by Florence Linnington

  Her Fearless Love

  Seeing Ranch series

  Florence Linnington

  Easy Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organisations, places, events and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2018 Florence Linnington

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Easy Publishing

  United States of America


  Nicole d’Entremont :: Novel Treasure Publishing

  Book cover design by:

  Sanja Gombar ::


  Also by Florence Linnington

  About the Author

  Newsletter for new book release


  Tale 1

  Chapter 1

  1. Bonnie

  Chapter one

  Chapter 2

  2. Steve

  Chapter two

  Chapter 3

  3. Bonnie

  Chapter three

  Chapter 4

  4. Bonnie

  Chapter four

  Chapter 5

  5. Steve

  Chapter five

  Chapter 6

  6. Bonnie

  Chapter six

  Chapter 7

  7. Bonnie

  Chapter seven

  Chapter 8

  8. Steve

  Chapter eight

  Chapter 9

  9. Bonnie

  Chapter nine

  Chapter 10

  10. Steve

  Chapter ten

  Chapter 11

  11. Bonnie

  Chapter eleven

  Chapter 12

  12. Steve

  Chapter twelve

  Chapter 13

  13. Steve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter 14

  14. Bonnie

  Chapter fourteen

  Chapter 15

  15. Steve

  Chapter fifteen

  Chapter 16

  16. Bonnie

  Chapter sixteen

  Chapter 17

  17. Bonnie

  Chapter seventeen

  Chapter 18

  18. Steve

  Chapter eighteen

  Chapter 19

  19. Bonnie

  Chapter nineteen

  Chapter 20

  20. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty

  Chapter 21

  21. Steve

  Chapter twenty-one

  Chapter 22

  22. Steve

  Chapter twenty-two

  Chapter 23

  23. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-three

  Chapter 24

  24. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-four

  Chapter 25

  25. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-five

  Chapter 26

  26. Steve

  Chapter twenty-six

  Chapter 27

  27. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-seven

  Chapter 28

  28. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-eight

  Chapter 29

  29. Bonnie

  Chapter twenty-nine

  Chapter 30

  30. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty

  Chapter 31

  31. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-one

  Chapter 32

  32. Steve

  Chapter thirty-two

  Chapter 33

  33. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-three

  Chapter 34

  34. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-four

  Chapter 35

  35. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-five

  Chapter 36

  36. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-six

  Chapter 37

  37. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-seven

  Chapter 38

  38. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-eight

  Chapter 39

  39. Bonnie

  Chapter thirty-nine

  Chapter 40

  40. Bonnie

  Chapter forty

  Chapter 41

  41. Bonnie

  Chapter forty-one

  Chapter 42

  42. Bonnie

  Chapter forty-two

  Chapter 43

  43. Steve

  Chapter forty-three


  Epilogue. Bonnie


  Tale 2

  Chapter 1

  1. August

  Chapter one

  Chapter 2

  2. Margaret

  Chapter two

  Chapter 3

  3. Margaret

  Chapter three

  Chapter 4

  4. August

  Chapter four

  Chapter 5

  5. Margaret

  Chapter five

  Chapter 6

  6. Margaret

  Chapter six

  Chapter 7

  7. August

  Chapter seven

  Chapter 8

  8. Margaret

  Chapter eight

  Chapter 9

  9. Margaret

  Chapter nine

  Chapter 10

  10. August

  Chapter ten

  Chapter 11

  11. Margaret

  Chapter eleven

  Chapter 12

  12. Margaret

  Chapter twelve

  Chapter 13

  13. August

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter 14

  14. Margaret

  Chapter fourteen

  Chapter 15

  15. August

  Chapter fifteen

  Chapter 16

  16. Margaret

  Chapter sixteen

  Chapter 17

  17. Margaret

  Chapter seventeen


  Epilogue. August


  The story goes on…

  Newsletter for new book release

  Also by Florence Linnington

  Seeing Ranch series: Mail Order Brides


  Click the link below

  Amazon Author Bio

  Book 1 - Her Winding Path

  Book 2 - Her Western Heart

  Book 3 - Her Wild Journey

  Book 4 - Her Rocky Trail

  Book 5 - Her Unexpected Destiny

  Book 6 - Her Silent Burden

  Book 7 - Her Fearless Love


  This book is dedicated to Michelle and Chayce

  About the Author

  Hello to all my Readers, I hope you will enjoy reading my books. I truly derive joy and peace from my creative writings, and I hope my books can make my Readers happy.

  Feel free to get in touch with me and share with me your thoughts on my writings. I would love to hear from you!

  Newsletter for new book release

  Be notified instantly when Florence releases a new book!

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  I would like to express my gratitude to Joy Christi and her team for all the valuable advice.

  Tale 1


  1. Bonnie

  Chapter one

  Wyoming Territory, 1884

  The wagon rocked underneath Bonnie, and she gripped the edge of the rough bench. The afternoon of riding, which came after days of train travel, had left her sore. Despite that, her heart was light. Nervous, yes, but still light.

  For she had left behind Baltimore, the only home she had ever known to start something new. Perhaps most women would have shed tears over such a departure, but Bonnie had already done her fair share of that in her short life. When her father died two years earlier, she had cried till she thought she could not possibly cry anymore—and yet the tears had come for months.

  Selling the house had caused the same. Saying goodbye to the halls in which she’d run as a child, and the big oak tree that had her initials etched into it had made Bonnie feel her heart was being ripped out. Still, it had to be done.

  Next to Bonnie, Esme, the older Hispanic woman who was also riding up to Whiteridge, grinned. “Excited?”

  Bonnie smiled back. “Nervous, mostly.”

  Esme patted Bonnie’s hand. “Do not be. It is a nice town, and you will not be the only mail-order bride there.”

  Bonnie nodded, not quite sure what to say. She had met Esme as they had climbed into the wagon driven by Jonathan Orloff, a quiet teenage boy from Whiteridge who was their driver for the day. Esme had been visiting her sister in Pathways for a couple days and now returned to Whiteridge, where she kept the house of the man who owned the town’s mine. Bonnie had learned all of this and much more as they rode from the valley into the mountains, with Esme filling her in on all the details of her life.

  “How many mail-order brides are there?” Bonnie asked.

  “Oh, there are two others now. Not to mention, a few other married young ladies. Do not worry. You will find company there.”

  Bonnie nodded her thanks and focused her attention on not becoming sick from the pitching wagon. In a way, doing so was good. It kept her attention focused on her body and the moment instead of what, or in this case who, waited for her.

  A man she had never met. A man who would soon be her husband. That is what Bonnie was headed for.

  What would her father think if he could see her now? Life as a mail-order bride in Wyoming was certainly not what he had envisioned for her, but she hoped he would understand. After his death, she had barely received half of what she had expected to for selling the house. Add that to the debt she had accrued while caring for him, and returning to her old life’s plan had not been an option.

  The road took a turn, and the ruts smoothed out. Several buildings, all still brand new, stood in front of them; Whiteridge.

  Bonnie clasped her hands in her lap. She had never seen a photograph of the infant town, but she felt as if she already knew it, for the man she had come to marry had described it well in his letters.

  Steven Huebner. Her soon-to-be husband.

  Bonnie searched the one street, looking for any sign of a man who might be him. He had described himself as six feet tall, with shaggy brown hair, tanned skin, and hazel eyes. There were no men in the street, though. Some children played outside of the small schoolhouse, and a cat stalked something in some tall grass. Other than that, the town was quiet.

  Jonathan Orloff stopped the wagon in front of the hotel, which, at two stories, was the tallest building in Whiteridge. Wordlessly, he helped the two ladies out of the wagon and handed them their bags. Bonnie took a moment to adjust her sunbonnet before pulling out her purse, meaning to tip him. When she turned back around, however, she found he’d already climbed into his wagon and was driving off.

  Esme patted Bonnie’s arm. “That’s just his way.”

  “Oh.” Bonnie frowned, hoping the boy’s ‘way’ was not the entire town’s ‘way.’ Were all the people here that unfriendly? Baltimore was a city with many different kinds of people, and Bonnie had hoped that in Whiteridge she would find primarily one kind; the friendly, small-town type.

  “Where is your husband’s cabin?” Esme asked. “I will walk you there.”

  “Um...” Bonnie bit her bottom lip. “I am not sure. He said that he would find me in town once I arrived.”

  “And here I am,” a deep and smooth male voice responded.

  Both women turned around as a man, who could only be Steven Huebner, descended the porch’s stairs. He fit every part of the description he had given Bonnie: he was tall, with wavy, thick brown hair and hazel eyes. What she was not prepared for, however, were his other features.

  Or, to be more specific, his assets.

  His shoulders were broad, his chest wide, and his arms toned. As he removed his hat and smiled, deep dimples and straight teeth took Bonnie’s breath away. He was, as Bonnie’s friend Loretta would have said, “enough to give me the faints right out.”

  Bonnie’s fingers closed tighter around her carpet bag. She was aware of the sweat slicking her palms and hoped the same couldn’t be said for her face.

  “You are Bonnie?” Mr. Huebner asked, taking a small step toward her. He winced. “Excuse me, I mean Miss Potter.”

  Bonnie laughed. “Bonnie is fine, for you are Mr. Huebner?”

  “Steve,” he quickly said, spreading his palm. “And I suppose we’re to be married.”

  “So I would think first names suffice,” Bonnie said with a grin.

  Steve chuckled, and the tension noticeably disappeared from his shoulders. “That sounds fine to me.”

  A slight sigh made Bonnie look to her right, and she found Esme watching the exchange intently.

  “Wonderful,” Esme said, appearing to be talking to herself. “Simply wonderful.”

  “How are you doing, Miss Ortega?” Steve asked her.

  “Aching like I was just put in a barrel and shipped downriver. The ride up here is not for the weak.”

  “I agree wholeheartedly,” Bonnie said.

  “Let’s get you home and settled,” Steve said, taking Bonnie’s carpetbag from her. “Then you can get some rest.”

  Bidding Esme farewell, Bonnie followed Steve across the street and down a smaller path that wound through the woods. It could hardly be called more than a foot trail, although Bonnie supposed a team and wagon could pass down it if the driver were very patient and not minding the branches constantly thwacking him in the face.

  “Is that it?” Bonnie asked, pointing at a cabin nestled under some shady trees.

  “No, that’s Neil Tracy’s cabin. He’s also a miner. There are six cabins down this trail, all of which have miners living in them.” Steve glanced at her, looking apologetic. “I know it’s not the best situation. I promise I’ll build you a better house on a bigger piece of land soon as I can.”


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