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Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

Page 22

by Michelle Day

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “I’m guessing it won’t be long before you get fed up of driving back and forth and decide to stay down there.”

  “Not going to happen. We can do this, you and I. You just need to trust me.”

  “I do trust you,” he reached for her “Doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it” his lips met hers as she flattened her body to his.

  Chapter 14

  “Bored,” Kiera stretched, cat like on Novak’s lap, his hands coming up from behind to cup her breasts, she promptly slapped them away.

  “Spoil sport,” he tickled her, making her squirm.

  “Let’s go and do something.”

  “Such as?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I could make a few suggestions,” he said.

  “That don’t involve sex?” she asked.

  “I got nothing,” he answered. “I know, it’s a big house, we should explore.”

  “Won’t Gavin mind?”

  “Nah, he won’t be bothered, it’s not like I’m a stranger,” with his hands on her waist, he stood up, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house.

  “I take it you haven’t stayed here before?” Kiera asked.

  “No, this place has only just been finished. I saw it from the outside when Mr. J first bought it, it was a total mess. It’s pretty damn impressive now though,” he led her into the music room.

  “We’ve been in here already.”

  “Yeah I know, but I spotted a door in one of the panels, it has to lead somewhere,” he replied, locating the door and pushing on the panel. “Would you look at that?” he breathed on discovering a white tiled spa complete with massage tables and a small nail and hair salon. “I think we may have stumbled on Mrs. J’s inner sanctum.”

  “Wow. Look at this place, it’s got everything you need.” Kiera wandered over to a counter and picked up a hairdryer, flicking the switch and jumping as it roared to life.

  “Silly bitch,” Novak was behind her. “It’s plugged in, of course it’s going to work,” he reached around her, picking up some hair clippers, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “Cut my hair.”

  “I like your hair,” she protested refusing to take the clippers from him as he sat in the nearby chair.

  “It’s time for a change, summers coming and I get so hot with my hair being long. Cut it,” he told her.

  “Don’t blame me if it looks crap,” she warned.

  “It’ll grow again,” he shrugged, his eyes focusing on the reflection in the mirror, watching her as she lowered the clippers to his hair. She looked adorable, biting on her lip, concentrating on removing his long blond hair. He deliberately closed his legs when she came around the front of him, making her put her legs either side of his, stretching the material of her bikini bottoms to the max, his fingers began to stroke her thighs, inside and out.

  “Stop it,” she warned as she removed the last of his hair, leaving him with a tight crew cut. She rubbed her hands over his head feeling the soft bristles as she looked down at him. Without his hair he looked younger, those big brown eyes larger. Not again, she thought to herself, her body warming to his touch, she brushed the hair from his shoulders as the fingers of one hand snaked their way into her bikini knickers, his other hand freeing himself from his swimming shorts before grasping her thigh, pulling her knickers to one side and lowering her onto him and once they had established a rhythm, he guided her breasts from her bikini bra, heightening her pleasure and his by occupying his mouth and hands as she rode him.

  “Kiera and Novak appear to be getting on well,” Angel commented to Gavin’s back as he changed the DVD.

  “Won’t last,” he said under his breath.

  “I heard that,” she said. “Now you have to tell me what you mean.”

  Gavin sat beside her and grasped her hand. “He has a girlfriend and even though I warned him not to hurt Kiera, it would appear that’s exactly what he’s going to do.”

  “Is he going to tell her about this girlfriend?”

  “I don’t know, he said it’s pretty much over and that he’s going to finish it when he goes home, I do believe him about that, he hasn’t called her since he’s been here.”

  “That’s because all he does is eat, drink and fuck.”

  “True,” Gavin had to agree. “I don’t know, I don’t want to see Kiera get hurt, but he’s my friend, I’m trying not to get involved.”

  “Too late.” Angel warned. “Just the fact that you know he has a girlfriend involves you. You need to do something about this.”

  “There’s nothing I can do,” he answered, raking his fingers through his hair.

  “Talk to him.” Angel insisted.

  “Even if I do, he’ll do exactly what he wants to anyway, there’s no point.”

  “Then I guess I should tell Kiera before she gets completely hooked.”

  “Don’t say anything to her, I’ll talk to Novak,” he relented. “He does like Kiera you know.”

  “As he’s having sex with her at every available moment, I’d hope he does.”

  “Yeah, liking someone and having sex with them doesn’t always go hand in hand for him.” Gavin admitted, a smile twitching his lips.

  “That’s not funny,” Angel warned. “Poor Kiera, first you use her and now Novak is doing the same”

  “I didn’t use her,” he protested.

  “You only wanted her for one thing.” Angel pointed out.

  “The same thing she wanted me for.” Gavin stated.

  “I can see why you and Novak get on so well, you are both first class bastards.”

  “That’s a little harsh,” he frowned, he released her hand and stroked the inside of her arm. “Have we just had our first argument?”

  “I think we have.”

  “Do you want me to make it up to you?” edging closer to her, he whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t know,” she mused. “Is make up sex as good as it’s reported to be?”


  It was close to midnight before Gavin and Angel surfaced again. Having noticed that Novak’s door was open, Gavin peered inside to see Kiera sleeping but no Novak. Following Angel down the stairs, they discovered Novak watching horror films.

  “Holy shit, what happened to you?” Gavin sat opposite his friend, he hadn’t seen Novak with short hair since they were kids.

  “Fancied a change,” Novak ran his hand over his head.

  “It suits you.” Angel commented. “You look younger,” she continued as Novak rose to get himself a drink. “And somehow taller.”

  Novak smiled on returning to his seat. “I owe you an apology,” he looked at Angel “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You pissed me off, but I’m over it now.”

  “I won’t do it again,” he assured.

  “Actually, you already have.” Gavin spoke.

  “What have I done now?”

  “You didn’t tell Kiera you have a girlfriend.” Angel finished.

  Novak glared at Gavin, “Why’d you tell her?”

  “It just slipped out.” Gavin admitted.

  “Look, Angel, I didn’t tell her because there’s nothing to tell. The relationship is pretty much over, my girlfriend of only three months kinda put the kybosh on the whole thing when she asked me to move in with her, I reacted badly which hurt her and then I jumped in my car, grabbed James and we came down here, I haven’t spoken to her since I left Gloucester and I’m going home to get on with my life and end it with her.”

  “Where does Kiera factor in any of this?” Angel asked, a little taken aback by his honesty.

  “I like Kiera, but I need to get my life sorted out before I can say to her, well ok, I live there and you live here but I’ll be a good boy and see you at weekends if you want to give it a go and to be honest, right now if I told her I wanted to be with her but had to go home, there’s no way she would believe I’d be going home alone every night.”

  “I don�
�t believe it.” Angel admitted.

  “If she didn’t have to finish college, I’d suggest that she came back home with me for a while just to see if we do get on when it’s just us, but that’s not going to happen. I don’t want to hurt her, believe it or not I do have a heart, it’s going to be hard to leave her and she is so totally my type that a few more weeks with her will have me hooked. I think that’s why I’m so determined to go home, I’m not ready for a committed relationship, I like screwing around, maybe in a few years. I will let her down gently.”

  “Wow, you can actually be nice.” Angel said.

  “Yes I can, I don’t go all out to hurt people and I will do my best to explain it to Kiera.” Novak replied.

  “Thank you.”

  Gavin heaved a sigh of relief, this conversation could so easily have gone a different way if Novak had been even slightly irritated to start off with and he wasn’t relishing getting caught between his best friend and his girlfriend.

  “So we’re good?” he asked for confirmation “We’re all friends?”

  “You and I will always be friends,” Novak grinned at Gavin. “No matter what.”

  The sun was coming up by the time the three of them finally went to bed, having cleared the air; Novak proceeded to tell Angel of the dubious exploits he had shared with Gavin including the fact that Gavin had been expelled from his previous two schools.

  “You got expelled twice?” Angel questioned.

  “Yeah, but only once from each school,” he answered as he removed his clothes and climbed into bed.

  “What for?”

  “The first time was for fighting, the second time,” he paused. “I’m not sure I should tell you this.”

  “It can’t be any worse than your hotel room capers,” she answered now fully versed of exactly what he and Novak had got up to together.

  “Ok, the second time I was expelled for almost having sex in the biology section of the library with the principles daughter,” he cringed at the memory.

  “The biology section? That’s really unimaginative.”

  “I thought it was a genius idea,” he laughed a little, she felt the rumble of it in his chest under her ear. “I told the principle we were studying for a test on the human reproductive system, I got marched off the school grounds so quickly that my feet didn’t touch the floor. Mum was livid, Dad thought it was funny, I was grounded for months.”

  “It’s surprising you actually got accepted into another school”

  “There are provisos I have to comply with in order to stay at the college. I’m not allowed to hit anyone and there’s to be no nudity except in the showers so they will be watching you and I very closely once they cotton on to us being an item.”

  “It won’t be a problem. I have absolutely no intention of getting naked with you on school grounds.”

  Kiera stirred as Novak slid into the bed beside her and pressed his body to her back, letting his body relax, he was asleep within moments.

  Novak jumped in his sleep and turned onto his back which woke Kiera from an already restless sleep. She looked across at the sleeping male form and fully understood why he was nicknamed the blond God, even with his hair stupidly short he was an exceptionally good looking man, she loved his confidence and just the sheer size of him and then her mind hit upon what had caused her to toss and turn in her sleep. She reached over and shook Novak, in fact she shook him several times before finally slapping his chest.

  “Kiera, what the fuck?” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

  “You came in me,” she accused.

  “What?” he was rubbing his eyes, frowning, still laying on his back.

  “When I cut your hair, we had sex, and you didn’t use anything,”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining then and you could have stopped me,” he grouched and closed his eyes. “Go back to sleep.”

  “You seem to be missing the point,” she jabbed him in the ribs, his hand swiftly grabbing her wrist and removing her hand from his side.

  “Don’t do that again,” he warned, releasing her hand.

  “You came in me,” she repeated.

  “So?” his voice becoming increasingly irritated.

  “I’m not on the pill or anything, don’t you get it?” she persisted.

  “Crap,” he was fully awake now. “You should have stopped me.”

  “Don’t make this all my fault. What are we going to do?”

  “How about you stop freaking out and wait until your period is late?” he snapped. “It’s done, we can’t take it back.”

  “You’re such a bastard.”

  “What do you want me to do? Suck it out of you?”

  “If you think it would work genius,” she hissed, tears forming.

  “Don’t cry,” his voice softened, he could deal with almost anything but a crying female. “We’ll find a chemist in the morning and get you the morning after pill ok?”

  “Ok,” she snivelled.

  “Good, now can we please go back to sleep?” he slumped back onto the pillows, the entire conversation vanishing from his mind.

  Kiera watched him for a while not believing that he was actually able to sleep after their conversation. She was far too worried and pissed off to be able to sleep now, she pulled on a t-shirt and some lose fitting jogging trousers and went downstairs.

  Novak was the last to surface the following day, entering the kitchen and greeting his friends, he wrapped his arms around Kiera and whispered in her ear, noticing that the others in the room had stopped to watch them. Subtlety was not his strong suit and he was giving himself away, stepped back, pinched Kiera’s bottom, got slapped in return and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  “Cosy,” Gavin commented when the big man sat beside him.

  “Shut up.” Novak replied reaching over to nab a piece of toast. “Dude, I need to find a chemist,” he spoke quietly to Gavin.

  “How come? We have enough condoms to last us through a holocaust.”

  “Kiera has a headache.”

  “You have explained the only sure fire cure for that I take it?” Gavin nudged his friend.

  “Yeah, unfortunately, the old Novak charm seems to be on the fritz so I need to get her pain killers,” he lied, Gavin promised to give him directions after breakfast.

  Chapter 15

  “Guys, I’m heading home later today,” James announced as they cleared away the breakfast things.

  “Why? We have a whole weekend ahead of us.” Novak asked.

  “I’ve got to give a presentation and I need time to prepare.” James answered. “It’s been great but I really do have to go.”

  “We’ll miss you bud.” Gavin said. “How are you getting home?”

  “Gabby is going to drive me home and spend a few days at my place.” James’ grey eyes twinkled. “So we’ll be leaving around lunchtime,” he finished.

  “Oh James.” Angel wrapped her arms around James. “You will come and see us again soon?”

  “Of course, or you could always come and see me,” he suggested.

  “Er, nah,” Gavin answered. “It’ll be a while before I go back up there.”

  “Don’t go without saying goodbye.” Novak shot as he and Kiera left the kitchen, directions to the nearest chemist in hand.

  With the departure of James and Gabby and with Gavin having to work on Sunday, the four remaining youngsters decided to head back to Kingston the following morning. On the way home, Angel had called her parents, finally catching up with her mother at the health club.

  “Oh, honey, you won’t be able to get in, we had the locks changed.” Linda explained that someone had used Angel’s keys which she had left in Quinn’s car to try to break into the house necessitating the changing of the locks.

  “Looks like I’m coming back to your house,” she told Gavin as she hung up. “I’m locked out, Mum and Dad have changed the locks,” she noticed his smile. “Why are you so happy?”

  “You coming back to my house,
means I get the chance to finish what I started this morning,” he said referring to their earlier bedroom liaison where Angel had turned him on so much he had been unable to hold back. “I’m still horny as hell,” he continued. “And I didn’t get the chance to go down on you.”

  She blushed. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing me.”

  “Why are you embarrassed?” he asked, his hand resting on her leg. “You can’t deny you enjoy it and I love the taste of you, it should be bottled.”

  “Gavin!” she gasped.

  “What?” he laughed. “I’d be down there for hours if you’d let me,” he admitted.

  “Doesn’t it bother you that I’m not as experienced as some of the other girls you’ve been with?”

  “Not at all! I love your innocence and the way you try to be demure even as you are grabbing me and pulling me into you,” he glanced at her reddening cheeks. “I love it when you bite me and scratch me as you lose control, I love the sounds you make and the way you respond to me when I teach you new things and I love the way you blush when I give you slightest hint that I want you.”

  “I hate you,” she squirmed. “You like making me blush.”

  “Guilty,” he smiled. “But I’m afraid you are going to have to get used to it because I want you Angel, every second of every day I want you, I can’t see that changing any time soon.”

  “How do you feel?” Novak asked having bought and got Kiera to take the morning after pill. From previous experience, he knew Kiera would be feeling nauseous.

  “I’m ok, I feel a bit sick but I’ll be ok,” she answered.

  “So no up chuck any time soon?” he asked.


  “Kiera, we need to talk,” he stammered.

  “Uh-oh,” she replied.

  “Just hear me out,” he paused, taking a deep breath. “This last week has been great, I’ve enjoyed your company immensely but we both know sooner or later it has to come to an end.”

  “When are you going home?” she asked sullenly.

  “I’m here until Thursday, we have a few more days if that’s what you want, but I am leaving Thursday.”


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