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Page 19

by Sierra Riley

  It was hard to put into words his guilt at everything he’d done—the way he’d treated those around him until the last second, when he saw everything careening out of control; his self-confidence growing into arrogance; and most of all, turning his back on the man he owed the most.

  Briar’s eyes were soft as they flickered across Gabriel’s expression, reading all the things he couldn’t say. “Especially now,” Briar murmured.

  Gabriel let out a long sigh and closed his eyes, trying to let the tension drain from his body. The words, usually so hard for him, slipped out easily. “Thank you.”

  Briar’s arms snaked around him. The scent of him, the warm, strong arms around his middle, the lips pressing gently against the back of his neck…

  Here in his boyfriend’s arms, Gabriel was safe at last.



  “I’ve worked with half a dozen photographers who told me I’m good enough for you guys.”

  Gabriel leaned back in the chair, crossing his ankle over his knee as he watched the young guy—Alastair, with a T—fidget with his hands. Alastair’s lip was curling as he touched his hair, but he was also watching Gabriel intently.

  “We can take pretty much any guy off the streets and make him good enough for us,” Gabriel answered calmly. “I have no doubt in your talent. What we’re looking for is someone who will improve our image.”

  “Which means?”

  “Exposed is looking for a cross-section of guys who show heart, who have a balanced lifestyle, who aren’t afraid to tread their own paths rather than following the leader.”

  Alastair’s hands went still and he raised his eyebrow. “So you’re saying I’m too vain?”

  “No. All of us are vain,” Gabriel laughed, and Alastair didn’t join in. “I’m saying, we need someone who understands the value of teamwork—corporate cliché though it is—and who will look me in the eye and tell me what’s going on. As the new faces agent, I see a lot of young guys who are self-absorbed. I was, too… everyone knows that.”

  Being infamous had its advantages: Gabriel didn’t sound completely unaware of his own faults when he talked to potential new models.

  “I want to hire guys who don’t feel like they’re too good to listen to anyone.”

  That was his main problem with Alastair—he wasn’t going to let anyone tell him what to do, no matter how gently they suggested things, even when they were right. No amount of talent would make up for that.

  Alastair played with his hair again, then rose to his feet. “You don’t think I’ll fit in here.”

  “Perhaps not.” Gabriel stood, too. “If you’d like, I can give you a list of more… traditional agencies I think would suit you.”

  “Fuck you. You’d be lucky to have me.”

  “Bye, Alastair.”

  Gabriel smiled to himself as he watched the guy walk out, visibly fuming from the perceived insults.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that, and it would be far from the last. He knew better than to take it personally, though. On this side of the desk, he was a lot less touchy, and not because he had power.

  He could gently guide the new faces in their agency with the weight of authority. Superstardom didn’t sit well on him, but guiding the up-and-coming stars suited him perfectly. Gabriel was both a warning story and a success story, and Briar constantly said how much he admired Gabriel’s knack for balancing both those stories within his career.

  Speaking of which… they were just about done for the day. In the office, at least.

  Gabriel poked his head into Briar’s office and smiled. “Ready to go, Bri’?”

  “Almost, babe.” Briar was fidgeting with his bowtie in the mirror.

  Gabriel smiled as he walked up behind Briar, tweaking his collar and the tie until they sat just right. Then, he turned Briar around and slid his arms around his waist, pecking his lips.

  “God, you two.” That was Vince from the doorway, rolling his eyes at them but smirking anyway.

  Briar didn’t look over at him, but he grinned as he watched Gabriel’s eyes. “Mm?”

  “The limo’s here. Don’t neck in front of me the whole way there, please.”

  Gabriel laughed and nodded, glancing at Vince and winking. “We’ll be there in a sec.”

  Vince wrinkled his nose but winked back, then strode towards the elevator.

  Gabriel turned back to Briar and pecked his lips. “Time to go rock the town?”

  “Ready. Let’s show them we mean business.”

  His hand slipped into Briar’s and they walked, side by side, to the elevator to join Vince and head for tonight’s party.

  Gabriel might not walk the runway much anymore, but that was fine by him. He’d rather walk a thousand red carpets on Briar’s arm and walk a thousand of his new faces into world-famous photo studios before he headlined another fashion week.

  Fuck being a superstar—this was the good life.

  ~ END ~

  Also by Sierra Riley


  “When you’re around, you’re all I can see”

  “Someday, my prince will come.”

  Danny is an artist, and he has the best job in the world. He gets to create beautiful things at the bakery his best friend owns. The only thing that would make life better is finding his own personal Prince Charming, but despite a life-long addiction to happily-ever-after, he doesn’t really hold out much hope for that. He’d rather be alone than compromise who he is for men who are only interested if he tones down his flamboyant personality.

  “Someday, I’ll find a better life."

  Mace learned to protect himself while growing up in a harsh foster care system. Serving an unjust prison sentence taught him even more valuable life lessons. Don’t let your feelings show. Trusting people only gets you hurt. It’s okay to want things, but don’t expect to hold onto them. Now that he’s out, Mace keeps to himself, quietly enjoying the work he’s found caring for beautiful things while he saves for a better life. Even if he has no idea what that will actually look like.

  “It’s you. My better life is you."

  When Danny bursts into Mace’s life, the beautiful man has him questioning everything life has taught him, from his sexuality to the wisdom of trusting someone with his heart. Danny makes him want things he’s not sure he believes in, and when a series of local robberies lead to his arrest, his faith in what’s possible is put to the test.

  Find more titles by Sierra Riley on Amazon

  About the Author

  Sierra Riley was born and raised in a small town where she spent all her time reading under trees before she moved to the Bay Area to pursue her own love story.

  She writes the kinds of books she loves to read: rollercoaster rides with happily-ever-afters. She's rarely at a loss for ideas, and credits her wonderfully supportive friends with helping her stories actually make it onto the page, as well as her husband and kids for giving her the chance to follow her dreams.

  When Sierra isn't busy writing, she enjoys knitting, traveling, listening to the Pet Shop Boys, or just curling up with her dogs and cats and devouring a good book.

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