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Edge of the Night (Night #3)

Page 6

by Crystal Jordan

  All he wanted was to forget his problems, not to take on more than he already had. He’d made that clear. So it was time for some distraction…for both of them.

  “I’ll replace the phone for you,” he offered.

  “That’s okay. I’ll take it out in trade.” After wrapping her fingers around his tie, she pulled him down until his dark chocolate brown eyes were level with hers. She’d always loved dark chocolate. The taste was addicting. Sweet, smooth, with a hint of bitterness to make it interesting. Just like Luca. Brushing her lips over his in soft sweeps, she steeped herself in the flavor of him. Heat began to simmer within her, pooling between her thighs. Pressing her palms to his chest, she felt the warmth of his skin beneath his shirt, and she let her hands glide up until she cupped the back of his neck, holding him close for her kiss. She licked her way into his mouth to twine her tongue with his. He made a low sound that vibrated his chest, his hands closed over her hips and he pulled her into swift contact with his long, hard body.

  The fit was amazing, every inch of her pressed to him. His thick cock prodded the lower curve of her belly, and she stood on tiptoe to get him where he could do the most good. Groaning, he cupped one hand over her ass, pulling her tighter against him. His other hand drove into her hair, forcing her head back to expose her throat. Would he bite her now? Excitement twisted like a wild thing within her. He held her there, her body bent in supplication as he kissed his way down her jaw. The softness of his lips was a sharp contrast to his vise-like grip.

  “Twice, you said.” His fangs grazed her neck, and a shudder rippled through her. It took her a moment to remember their earlier conversation, where she’d demanded two orgasms before she’d feed him. Of course, the hungry look on his face said he was having her as an appetizer. Sounded good to her.

  “Twice,” she agreed. She squeaked as he took a quick bite, his fangs piercing just above the collar of her shirt, and her sex throbbed in carnal response. Almost an orgasm, but he’d left her yearning for him even more urgently.

  “Let’s make this more interesting.” His palm slid up to cup her breast, his thumb stroking her nipple for just a moment before he let his hand rest over her heart. His gaze locked with hers, and she felt her lungs seize as his eyes glowed red. His fingertips tapped against her chest, and her heart skipped a beat, syncing her pulse with his. Closing her eyes, she let her breath filter out as his blood magic filled her. It felt like champagne bubbles fizzed in her veins. She was effervescent, weightless. And so hot she might scream. Her blood heated and her pulse sped as her lust spiked.

  He hissed in a breath and she opened her eyes, seeing his fully extended fangs. “Gods, your sexual energy is so fucking amazing.” His nostrils flared. “I can smell it, taste it, drink it in. Sweeter than wine.”

  “Well, don’t let all that energy go to waste.” She could barely get her tongue around the words. Her body was on fire, his power flooding her, but she wanted more than that.

  “Never.” His mouth kicked up at the corners, and he dipped down to sink his fangs into her throat. Another shallow bite, but the piercing made her sex fist in helpless want.

  Wetness coated her pussy, and every beat of her heart just made need slice through her. He flicked his tongue over the mark, and she shuddered, the touch on her sensitized flesh an exquisite torment. She arched her body against him, the craving beyond anything she could control. Not that she wanted to. She spent most of her time in charge of a restaurant. The last thing she wanted during sex was to be in control.

  She preferred utter abandon.

  Grasping the lapels of his jacket, she then shoved the garment off his broad shoulders. She needed him naked. It took her far too long to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt, but she loved seeing every inch of his tall, whipcord lean body. He toed off his shoes and she worked his pants open. Slipping her fingers inside, she cupped his cock, the thick shaft hot against her hand.

  A growl rumbled in his chest. His hands moved with stunning speed, stripping her out of her clothing. In the blink of an eye, they were both nude. His fingers shaped her breasts, lifted them for his mouth. She moaned when he sucked her nipple and batted it with his tongue, bit down and made her jolt. Goose bumps erupted down her limbs, and that effervescent tingle within her intensified.

  “More,” she gasped.

  “Yes.” He lifted her off her feet with no effort and spun until her back was pressed to the door. She squeaked in surprise, grabbing his shoulders for balance. His strength always managed to catch her off-guard. The door was icy cold metal, but better that than the exposed brick wall, which would rub her skin raw. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and his hands guided her to align their sexes. The head of his cock nudged at her opening. She relaxed and let gravity impale her on his dick.

  The stretch was beyond fantastic.

  He rolled his hips, pushing his cock even deeper inside her. “I’m going to make you scream. And beg.”

  She tightened her legs around him, stimulating her clit against the coarse hair at his groin. “If you can.”

  It was a challenge she knew he wouldn’t refuse, and he barked out a laugh. He slapped the flesh of her thigh, and she started at the shock of pain. Her muscles clenched, including those that sent shafts of pleasure rocketing through her. His palms curved over her ass, lifting her and then letting her drop so that she took all of him. She was so full, so hot, her heart pounding in time with his, the magic of his kind making her blood flow like lava in her veins. There was no way to move fast enough to quench that fire. But she had to try. The need drove her relentlessly.

  Arching her body into his, she plunged down on his cock, meeting his upward thrust. Their skin slapped together, their gasps and groans echoing in her apartment—a carnal symphony. He hitched her higher against the door and his fingers edged inward, teasing her anus. She shivered as he pressed the tip of one digit into her rear entrance. “Luca!”

  His chuckle was a dark, rich sound. Then he pierced her ass with two thick fingers. She gasped. It was pleasure and pain all wrapped into one tumultuous sensation. He bent to kiss her shoulder, and worked a third finger into her anus, widening her passage. His mouth opened on her skin and she knew what was coming. Her sex fisted tight, and she knew she’d climax for him. When he sank his fangs deep, it was still a shock. She screamed, her torso bowing against the door as orgasm dragged her under. Her sex flexed on his cock, her body tingling with magic and the knife-edge of sweet release.

  “That’s one.” He was just a little too pleased with himself, but before she could retort, he shoved his still-hard dick into her pussy. He hadn’t come with her.

  His fingers thrust in her ass, and the double penetration was more than she could take. Too much, too full. She came again, stars bursting behind her eyes. The thrust and recoil of his big body drove her against the door, and each time he entered her, another wave of climax rolled over her. Her pussy clenched around his plunging shaft, and her nails dug into his arms. Oh, God. This was madness. He fucked her harder, faster than any human man could, and the friction drove her wild. “Please, Luca! I can’t…I need… Please!”

  His fangs sank into her shoulder once more, and a low keening spilled from her throat. Orgasm ripped through her, shredding any remaining restraint until she sobbed from the sensations that swamped her. Her heart pounded, her blood racing, reminding her with every heartbeat that his magic spurred them both on. He shoved his cock into her sex, grinding against her clit, and she screamed again. Shudders wracked him, and he jetted his come into her pussy while her inner walls closed around him, clenching in rhythmic pulses.

  When it was over, there was nothing to break the silence except the harsh sound of their heaving lungs. Her head fell back on the door with a thunk that brought her back to reality. That was…indescribable. A year later, and she still hadn’t found a limit to the heights they could reach together. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  “And that’s two. Or twelve, depending on how you count it.” H
e flicked his tongue over the bite and an aftershock of orgasm shivered through her. His fingers twisted in her ass, and she cried out. He smiled against her skin as he withdrew his hand. “I’m going to fuck you here. Tonight.”

  Her eyes slid closed. She wasn’t sure she’d survive it, but she damn well wanted to find out. She loved anal sex and he knew it. Not that she tried to hide it. Pretending she didn’t like something she did was counterproductive in bed. Luca was always willing to try anything she wanted. The man had probably done it all with women far more experienced than her. For all she knew, he still was on the nights he didn’t see her. For reasons she refused to acknowledge, that idea depressed her.

  She pushed against his shoulders until he let her down. Brushing her hands through her tangled hair, she gathered her scattered composure. So what if he was sexing it up with other women? They weren’t exclusive. And he was a vampire. There was no disease that could touch him, so there was nothing he could give her, even if he slutted his way across Seattle. And she was on the Pill. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if a vampire could accidentally knock a woman up. Her family was full of wolves, who weren’t exactly inclined to chat about vampiric reproduction.

  “Erin?” He hunkered down to look in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Dragging in a breath, she shoved the unpleasant and unsettling thoughts away. She brushed her lips over his jaw. “I’m okay, though I need to check on the food.”

  “It smells good.” He sniffed appreciatively, his dark eyes twinkling. “It would be a shame to burn any of your fine work.”

  “Thanks. I think so too.” She tossed her hair back, heading for the kitchen. “This is the last dish for next week’s specials. I think I got the recipe right this time, but we have to test it.”

  He looped his arm around her waist, walking with her. His voice turned light and teasing. “I’m your willing slave in the taste testing department. Use me, please.”

  “Oh, now there’s a nice little fantasy.” She tried to picture him waiting on anyone hand and foot, but the image didn’t quite gel. He wasn’t the servile type. If she went for him tied up in bed, or on his knees using his mouth on her in very creative ways, that was something she could imagine easily. “I’ve never had a slave before. Will you peel grapes for me and fan me with palm fronds?”

  One dark eyebrow arched. “How does that involve taste testing your food?”

  “A girl can dream, right?” She blew a raspberry at him, then flipped the light on in the oven and bent to check the almond lavender cake. It looked good. She just hoped the texture was right. The taste had been okay on the last one, but the texture when baked was just a bit too grainy. It could have worked, but she wanted perfection from her food. “Maybe fifteen minutes left.”

  “Sounds good.” He washed his hands in the sink, then leaned back against her counter, his long legs crossed at the ankle, a pensive expression on his face. His gaze sharpened on her as if something had occurred to him.

  “What?” She went to the sink to start the dishes. Clean-up was her least favorite part, so she liked to stay on top of it while she was cooking and not leave a huge mess for herself when she was done.

  “You’re a Normal woman.”

  “You noticed that, huh?” she drawled. “It only took you a year.”

  He waved that away. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  There was a first. Personal wasn’t something they did. Except the sex, but that was a different thing entirely. “Sure. As long as you understand I reserve the right not to answer.”

  “Of course.” His shoulder rolled in an easy shrug. “So…would you marry a vampire who refused to turn you?”

  Wariness shafted through, her heart skipping a beat. Was he talking about them? What the hell? She turned off the faucet and faced him. “How theoretical is this question?”

  “Settle down.” He made an exasperated sound. “I’m not trying to renegotiate our…arrangement.”

  But the look on his face was one of wounded masculine pride. Shit. What did that mean? Was he annoyed that she hadn’t been immediately thrilled by the idea, or annoyed that she’d assumed he might be talking about them? She wasn’t sure.

  She folded her arms, suddenly acutely aware of her nudity. “So, why ask the question?”

  “There’s a case I’m working on where some of the parties involved are in such a relationship. I’m wondering at the wife’s motivation.” He spread his hands. “Since I’m neither female nor human, and you are…”

  “I have perspective you’re looking for. Okay.” She blew out a breath, ignoring the tangle of relief and disappointment that collided inside her. Asher had wanted to turn her, to marry her, to be with her forever and ever and ever. She hadn’t returned the intensity of his feelings, and in the end, had just wanted to escape his demands. That wasn’t a situation she wanted to be in again. Returning to the dishes, she gave Luca’s statement some thought. “It’s him who doesn’t want to turn her, not her who doesn’t want to be turned? You’re sure about that part?”

  “So I’ve been told.” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “But the person who told me thinks that every Normal would want to be a Magickal. I know that’s not true.” He didn’t meet her gaze. “Jack is a good example of that. You too, I assume.”

  She got the feeling that he had examples other than her cousin and her. Had he offered to turn Tess? Had she rejected him? She didn’t know enough about their relationship to be sure, and she’d never felt comfortable asking. His lover asking about the woman he loved? Awkward.

  “Okay, assuming that your source is correct—she’s willing to be turned, and he married her but didn’t want to turn her.” She scrubbed out a bowl she’d mixed the cake batter in, thinking. “No. I don’t think I’d go for it. I mean, Jack married an elf. She can’t make him a Magickal. And he doesn’t want to be one, because Aunt Angela would have Changed her only son into a wolf in a hot second, if he’d been willing. All things are pretty equal there because Jack got to make his own choices. The situation you’re talking about always keeps the wife at a disadvantage—her husband made the choice for her, and in doing so took away her status as an equal in the relationship. Both literally and figuratively, he left her powerless. Unless he’s got a very good reason for not turning her that she agreed with, then nope. That’s a relationship doomed to suck. I wouldn’t go for it.”

  He nodded slowly, a line forming between his brows. “I suspect he likes having her powerless.”

  “What was your impression of her?” She gestured at him with a mixing spoon before she washed that too. “Is she a total doormat?”

  “Meek, definitely. Cowed by him.”

  After flipping off the faucet, she dried her hands on a dishtowel. “Does he abuse her? What kind of case is this?” As far as she knew, domestic disputes were something that regular police handled; Magickal people were dealt with by Selina’s task force. “Is he a cult leader or something and you’re trying to get her to testify against him?”

  His smile was sour. “Yes and no. He—and his family—have a lot of influence in the Conclave, which has been compared to a cult before. I think he abuses her, but don’t have anything conclusive yet, and I’m not sure enough of how things went down to need her to testify against him. Yet.”

  “What do you think went down?” She didn’t think she wanted to know the answer. The stuff he worked on was rarely light and fun. She’d had enough conversations with Jack about working for the FBI to know it took a toll. Reaching out, she slid her fingers into Luca’s and squeezed.

  “We don’t normally discuss my work.” He lifted her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “It’s not pretty.”

  They were treading on dangerous ground. They’d been very careful to keep their affair separate from the rest of their lives. Rarely did they discuss anything personal or even work related, and even then, it tended to be superficial. Even though he’d brought up work, she should let the subject drop. “Tell me anyway.”
br />   Pain and anger mingled in his gaze, and his grip tightened on her fingers. “This vampire’s son was found dead. He tripped and fell down the stairs.”

  “You suspect he had help falling.” Not a difficult supposition to make or he wouldn’t be upset. The idea that a man would kill his own child was horrifying. Her stomach clenched. The poor baby, murdered by someone who should have taken care of him. The men in her family were protective to a fault and would lay down their lives to defend those they loved. She’d seen that clearly when she first had problems with Asher. Then again, the men would have to get in line behind the women in her family. Not one of them would stand aside and let anything happen to their people, especially their children. Wolves protected their cubs. She shuddered to think of how Jack’s wife would react to someone threatening their daughter. Selina was a detective who was deadly with a gun, even more dangerous with a magic spell, and one scary woman when crossed.

  His chin dipped in a nod. “But Conclave politics are working against my team doing their jobs.”

  “Ugh. Politics.” She leaned into him, and he wrapped his arms around her, his body warm against her skin. “My aunt and uncle deal with that in the pack. I’m guessing the BS is similar, even if it’s sacrilege to compare vamps to wolves.”

  “Right on all counts. The two races have more in common than they like to admit.” His jaw rested on the top of her head, his sigh ruffling her hair. “In this case, my father is involved with the suspect’s mother.”

  “Sticky situation.” She ran her palm down his side. “This could blow up in your face no matter what you do.”

  His chuckle was humorless. “I have a feeling it might. Don’t mind me if I come hide out at your house so the big, bad bloodsuckers don’t get me.”

  Her heart squeezed, and she absolutely refused to acknowledge that she might like the idea of having him around, getting to know more than just his sexual tastes. For so many reasons, she had to resist wanting that. What she’d never counted on when she’d jumped into bed with him was how hard it would be to keep her emotions out of the equation. She already liked him far more than she should—knowing more about him would only make it harder. The harsh reality was that this thing between them would eventually end. It had gone on far longer than she’d expected, but the sex had been too good and the affair too convenient to want to walk away.


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