Edge of the Night (Night #3)

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Edge of the Night (Night #3) Page 11

by Crystal Jordan

  Her orgasm was so powerful, spots swam before her eyes. Her inner muscles clenched in waves, but he didn’t let her relax. His face moved away from her, but his fingers kept shoving deep within her.

  She heard the scrape of glass on stone and turned her head to see him pulling a bottle of extra virgin olive oil across the counter. She licked her lips. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “What?” His chuckle was a truly wicked sound. “You can use it as body oil—why not as lube?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer, just drizzled the oil between her buttocks. She shivered at the feeling, and then moaned when his fingers moved up from her pussy to her ass and worked the lubricant into her anus. He added a third and then fourth digit, stretching her past bearing. It was too much and not enough at the same time. She sobbed against the countertop, her breath fogging the marble. Desperate need built within her again, and she rocked her body into his touch.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard, Erin.” The words were raw, guttural. Nothing like his usual smooth tones.


  His cock probed at her anus, then he slid into her one slow inch at a time. The sensation was pleasure and pain as she struggled to take all of him. He reached around her with his right hand, his fingertips toying with her clit. Her moans mingled with his low groans as he hilted his dick inside of her. He stayed there for long moments to let her adjust to the penetration, grinding his hips against her slightly. The small movements sent heat sparking through her system.

  “More. Please, more.”

  He withdrew until he almost pulled free of her, then slid back in. He did it again, harder, and her eyes flared wide, her breath choking off. Fuck, it felt good. His hand still played with her clit, his cock stretched her ass, and little mewling cries fell from her mouth every time he filled her. His belly slapped against her ass, the sound echoing obscenely in the kitchen. Her heart pounded, sweat slipping down her skin. Her pussy began clenching every time he plunged into her. She was going to come. Soon, very soon. Climax shivered within her, building and building. The edge of that blissful abyss was so close she could almost touch it.

  His tongue flicked against her shoulder, his long fangs scraping her flesh as he kissed her. A shiver coursed down her skin as she waited for him sink his teeth into her. He didn’t. Her brow furrowed. It wasn’t the first time this evening she’d thought he’d sink his fangs into her and he hadn’t. “You’re not going to bite me?”

  His chuckle was sardonic, his breath rushing over her sweat dampened skin as he panted for breath. “No, not tonight. After the day I’ve had…not tonight.”

  “Okay.” He hadn’t bitten her every time. Less when they’d first started, but after he’d found she liked it, he did it more often. “But I’m really, really close. If you’re not going to bite me, could you—”

  “Do this?” He pinched her clit as his thrusts picked up speed and force, ramming her hips into the edge of the kitchen island. She’d be bruised in the morning, but it would be worth it.

  She imploded, her body arching to shove her ass back into his penetration, taking him as deep as she could. Her inner muscles fisted tight around him, waves of orgasm crashing over her. Tingles exploded down her limbs, fire and ice that made her sob from the intensity. He rode her through it all, his cock pistoning in and out of her anus while another climax dragged her under.

  “Luca! Luca!”

  A deep vampiric hiss sounded over her, behind her and then his hot come jetted into her ass. Three of his fingers shoved into her pussy, his thumb working her clit as he pumped his cock into her until she came again.

  It was too much, far too much. Her eyes rolled back, her knees buckled and dark edged around the corners of her vision.

  “Shh, I have you.” His arms cradled her close to his broad chest.

  Unconsciousness took her, and she knew no more.

  Chapter Six

  Something was holding her down. Gasping, she jerked awake only to find Balthasar curled up on her chest. His heavy weight made it difficult to breathe, so she nudged him. He gave a little prrp noise and opened one eye, as if he couldn’t believe she would dare disturb him.

  “Move or I’m dumping you on the floor, cat.”

  Lumbering to his feet, he stepped on her stomach and bladder while arcing in a sinuous stretch that seemed to defy gravity. Then he curled up beside her hip, his head resting on her thigh.

  Having Balthasar in bed with her wasn’t that abnormal, but the fact that she wasn’t in her own bed qualified as unusual. The mattress was firmer and the pillowcase didn’t smell like her laundry detergent. Maybe she should have been more concerned about not knowing exactly where she was, but she was too relaxed to care. Stretching her arms over her head, she yawned and blinked in the soft darkness. She was naked and wrapped in a sheet, but there was no one else around except the familiar. Glancing to the empty space beside her, she saw the pillow was dented as if someone had slept there. Vague memories surfaced of what had happened the night before. Someone following her, Balthasar’s protection spell, crazy wild sex with Luca.

  This was his bedroom, she realized. Without being aware of it, she’d had her first sleepover at his house.

  Light limned the curtains, so it had to be morning, but she couldn’t begin to guess what time it was. She also had no idea where Luca might be. If he’d gone out on a job, he would have left a note on the nightstand, so he had to be in the house.

  As if on cue, the bedroom door opened and he padded in on bare feet, wearing nothing but his pajama pants. She swallowed the drool that gathered in her mouth. Dear God, the man was built.

  “Good morning.” His voice was still a little rough from sleep, so she had to assume he hadn’t been up long. He held two steaming mugs in his hands, which made her enjoy the view even more.

  “Morning.” She tilted her head. “Why’d you put your pants back on?”

  His lips quirked. “I went outside to get the mail I haven’t bothered to pick up in three days. I figured the neighbors didn’t want a peep show this early in the morning.”

  Arching an eyebrow, she looked his very fine body up and down. “That depends on whether or not the neighbors are female. Or gay.”

  He laughed as he crossed the room toward her. “Thank you, I think.”

  “Just being honest, hot stuff.”

  He sat down on the side of the bed, offering her one of the cups. “I believe I promised you some of this last night.”

  The rich scent of coffee curled into her nostrils and she hummed in pleasure. Taking one mug, she sat up. She sipped at the strong brew. “Nice.”

  “Yes, it is.” His free hand curved over her naked breast, his thumb moving over the nipple in lazy circles. Languid heat spread through her, and her body stirred to life with a craving that was never far from the surface whenever he was near. The need hadn’t sharpened to a desperate edge yet, but it would.

  “Keep doing that and I’m going to do bad, bad things to you.”

  “Oh, really?” He rolled her nipple between his fingers, making her quiver.

  “Yes. Just as soon as I’m done with my coffee.”

  A chuckle rumbled out of him. “I’m glad to see you have your priorities straight.”

  He hissed when her hand covered his cock through his pajamas. The soft fabric did very little to impede her movements. “I’m glad you approve of my priorities.”

  Watching his big body shudder while his dick hardened under her palm was a turn on. His chest expanded in a deep breath, and he held his coffee cup suspended halfway to his mouth, but made no effort to drink it. She suspected he’d forgotten he was holding it. Oh, yeah. Having this man focused totally on her was a definite aphrodisiac.

  To hell with priorities. She took a swig of the liquid caffeine and set it on the nightstand. Then she swiped his and put it beside hers. “Come here.”

  “Thank gods.” He groaned, ripped the sheet away, pressed her flat to the bed and rolled on top of

  Balthasar leaped away with an offended hiss, shooting out of the bedroom.

  They both ignored the familiar. Luca’s mouth covered hers, his tongue shoving between her lips to mate with hers. He rocked his hips into hers until she parted her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. Clutching his back, she arched into him. The seam on his pants added extra friction on her clit as he began to grind his pelvis against her in slow circles. She tucked her heels under his ass and tried to force him deeper. It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough. More. She needed more.

  She tried to tear her mouth from his, but he wouldn’t let her. He framed her face with his hands and continued to kiss her, continued his unhurried assault on her senses. Oh, God, the man was trying to kill her.

  All she could do was whimper as he used every inch of his body to stimulate hers. His chest hair rubbed over her nipples, his pelvis ground down on her clit, and more moisture gushed from her core. Soon his pants weren’t adding to her pleasure, but were in the way of the surcease she craved. He trailed one hand down her side, and she giggled into his mouth at the ticklish sensation. As he lifted his hips from her, she moaned a protest, trying to tighten her legs to keep him in place. But his hand slipped between their bodies, his knuckles brushing her clit as he pushed his pajamas down.

  Oh. She loosened her hold on him just long enough for him to get his pants around his thighs, then she did what she could to force him back down to her. Not that she could overpower a vampire, but she made it very clear what she wanted, digging her nails into his back, her hips tilting up in blatant invitation. He chuckled against her lips, his tongue still toying with hers. It was slow torture.

  He entered her at just as measured a pace as he kissed her, setting a pace designed to drive her wild with want, mad with frustration. The feel of him inside her, hot and long and thick enough to make the stretch exquisite, was fucking perfect if only he would move his ass. Instead, he barely nudged himself in and out of her, the friction enough to make her explode with unrequited need. Every little mewl that spilled from her lips did nothing to hurry him along and she was ready to murder him. Sliding her hands down to grip his backside, she tried to work herself on him faster by undulating her hips under him.

  Letting his weight down in her, he put a stop to that. She swatted his ass. Hard. He jolted a bit, which gave her one swift plunge of his cock into her pussy before he resumed his leisurely pace. She growled against his mouth, and she felt his chest quake in a silent laugh. The bastard. She was dying here.

  But two could play at the torment game. She bit his tongue lightly, sucking on it, making him groan. At the same time, one hand slipped inward until she could press two fingers into his ass. He froze, shuddering while she worked her digits deeper inside of him. The ring of muscle tightened, but he couldn’t lock her out. Not without giving up his position pinning her down. It was her turn to chuckle against his lips.

  When she curled her fingertips into just the right spot, he released her mouth with a rough shout. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. “Oh. Fuck. Me.”

  “That’s kind of the idea.” She smiled evilly. “And if you hurry up about it, I’ll keep doing this.”

  As she twisted her wrist to change the angle, he choked on a breath. His body bucked, and he slammed home deep inside her. His thrusts grew rougher, each one sending tingles skipping over her skin, but he didn’t pick up speed.

  “You didn’t think I’d go too fast, did you? Then you’d stop doing that.”

  She laughed and used her free hand to smack his shoulder. “Jerk.”

  “Mmm.” He nuzzled the underside of her jaw, moving down to her ear.

  She let her head fall back, exposing her throat to him, all but inviting him to sink his fangs in. God, that would send her right over the edge. He just brushed his lips over her skin, sucking and nipping his way down to her collarbone. She blinked. “No biting this morning either, huh?”

  “I had my elixir.” His little goatee tickled her neck as he spoke. “I don’t need to feed from you.”

  She frowned, turning her head to try to catch his eyes. Something in his tone didn’t sit right with her. “A little sex biting is different than a full feeding—I wasn’t offering to let you feed from me. I assume that takes a lot more blood than you’ve ever sucked out of me.”

  “Usually, yes.”

  They’d both stopped moving. His cock was buried in her sex, her fingers were sunk deep in his ass, but they’d frozen in place.

  “Okay, then.” She finally caught his chin with her free hand, nudging until he gave in and looked at her. “What’s going on? What’s changed in the few days we were apart? What brought up the sudden issues with bloodsucking? Did something happen with one of your cases?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “That case I told you about, with the vampire husband who didn’t turn his wife. I think he keeps her as food. We call Normals like that sheep. It’s illegal, but…I think he keeps her as food.”

  She swallowed, struggling not to show her revulsion at the concept. “Why does she stay?”

  Tugging his chin free of her grip, he shifted his weight on top of her. “Why does anyone stay in an abusive relationship?”

  “That’s really sad.” An understatement if she’d ever uttered one. Dear God, letting yourself be eaten.

  He cleared his throat. “I agree.”

  Pulling in a breath, she pushed away the disturbing thought of this poor woman and focused on the man before her, who was clearly upset about this and had—for the first time in their relationship—allowed his work to affect their interactions. “That doesn’t…translate to us, you know.”

  “I know that, logically. But Tess said some stuff during the son’s autopsy, about how I used to feed on her during sex, and—” He cut himself off with a shake of his head.

  Tess. There was a name Erin would rather not hear while they were in bed together. Like, ever. Still, she knew bullshit when she heard it, and she huffed. “Did you really feed on her or was it orgasmic biting like you do with me?”

  A defensive mask slid over his features. “Just a bite to enhance sex. I never used her—or you—for a full feeding.”

  “She said it just to get to you, because she’s still mad at you.” A part of Erin stood back and shook her head at herself that she was encouraging their first conversation about the woman he loved while he was in bed with Erin. More than that, he was inside of her. Seriously, masochist didn’t even begin to describe her.

  “I know. She hates me. She’s said so often enough.” He rolled his eyes. “Only it’s not true, frankly. Her issues aren’t with me.”

  Erin didn’t know the other woman well enough to say if he was right or completely delusional. “Well, don’t make her issues your issues.”

  “You’re right.” He met her gaze squarely. “My problems with Normal women and how they react to my vampiric nature started long before Tess, and I confess it’s a sore subject for me. I’m afraid it might always be that way.” His lips twisted a bit. “Do we really need to talk about this now?”

  He rocked his hips forward, sending sparks of desire through her. She had no idea how the man could still be hard, but she wasn’t about to question good luck. Pulling in a breath, she held on to her concentration. “That depends on whether you’re going to continue to be weird about biting me. You’re not feeding from me, and it brings us mutual pleasure, right?”

  “Right.” He dipped forward to nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck, and she shivered with anticipation.

  “Are you going to—?”


  She felt his lips curve into a smile against her skin, and she grinned even though he wouldn’t be able to see it. “Good.”

  Wiggling the fingers she still had buried inside him, she reminded him that she wasn’t done teasing him. Each time he thrust into her, she thrust into him. She loved the feel of him moving over her, his weight pressing down on her, his rougher skin sliding over hers
. Beads of sweat sealed them together, and the masculine scent of him filled her nose. The mattress creaked beneath them, and as their rhythm grew faster and rougher, the headboard began to thump against the wall. Every sense was wrapped up in him and what he did to her.

  He ground his pelvis down, the rough hair at his groin stimulating her clit. Ripples of orgasm started to gather low in her belly, and she moaned each time he penetrated her. It only turned her on more that he groaned while she fucked his ass with her hand. She hooked her fingers within to rub over his prostate, hoping to shove him beyond his control.

  “Gods, Erin,” he whispered against her shoulder, a shudder passing through him.

  Lifting her hips into his thrusts, she tried to move faster, to take him deeper. Her body was primed and ready, so on the edge of orgasm she thought she’d lose her mind. “Make me come. Please, Luca. Make me come.”

  His fangs sank into her flesh, and she came, screaming. Her pussy milked the length of his cock, and every time his fangs dug deeper into her flesh, she climaxed again. He drank from her, and she sobbed as she reached one sexual peak after another, each coming so fast they blended into one long rush of completion.

  He bit her again, just above her breast. His fangs sank deep into her skin, and her back bowed in shock, ecstasy roaring through her. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as a tidal wave of sensation crashed over her. He threw his head back with a groan, his hips bucking forward to ram his dick into her sex. He rode her hard, forcing her to another orgasm. She shoved her fingers deeper into his anus than they’d been before, and he shouted, shuddered and came inside her, pumping his fluids into her pussy. An aftershock of climax quaked through her, almost too intense to bear. She turned her head to bite his neck as she shook apart in his arms.


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