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Douluo Dalu - Volume 07 - Great Spirit Battle

Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  As the Shrek Seven Devils observed the opponents, the opponents naturally also observed them. Unfortunately, among the Shrek Seven Devils apart from Fatty’s distinctive figure, the others all had very ordinary builds, and with their faces all hidden behind Shrek masks it was very difficult to discern anything.

  The team Spirit Fighting Stage was much larger than for one versus one and two versus two, its diameter reaching forty meters. The surrounding audience was also twice as large, and by now the stands were already packed. On the Spirit Fighting Stage were some bloodstains, clearly left behind from the previous team spirit fight.

  The Mad Battle Team’s appearance at once ignited the audience’s craze, strong cheers resounded from everywhere.

  “Tear them to shreds……, Kill them……”

  Similar calls not only increased the pressure, but also made people's blood boil.

  The announcer on the stage was unexpectedly that manager Ao who helped the Shrek Seven Devils out before, standing in the center of the ring,

  “The fourth bout, team battles. The two sides ready to fight are: Mad Battle Team and Shrek Seven Devils. Regarding the Mad Battle Team, I think there is already no need for a lengthy introduction, they have already obtained a brilliant record of seven successive victories, if they can keep it up and in the future win a few more bouts, then, they will very possibly set the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena’s record for fastest reaching copper spirit fights. Next, let us have a look at the mysterious assembly on the other side. This team completed registration just today, this is also their first team spirit fight. How unfortunate that they must face Mad Battle Team. These masked Spirit Masters are called Shrek Seven Devils.”

  Whether it was because the Mad Battle Team had too many supporters or the Shrek Seven Devils’ masks gave the spectators a bad feeling, as manager Ao announced their name, the surrounding audience immediately booed.

  The area of the round forty meter diameter Spirit Fighting Stage was already exceptionally large, more than a thousand square meters[ 1256.64 m2 to be more precise], therefore even though both sides lined up had more than fourteen people, it still didn’t seem crowded.

  Following manager Ao’s proclamations, the Shrek Seven Devils and Mad Battle team each assumed their formations.

  On the Mad Battle Team’s side, furthest in front was the team captain Mad Xi, and close behind his back were those two gloomy middle aged men, the three people adopting a triangular formation.

  The flirtatious woman was in the centre of the seven, still wearing a charming smile. The two slightly built youths were on the two flanks, and that appearing very ordinary older middle aged man was last. The whole formation resembled a pointed awl.

  The Shrek Seven Devils’ side similarly got into their formation. Different from the opponents’ 3-3-1 formation, the Shrek Seven Devils assumed a 3-1-1-2 formation, the seven people split into four rows.

  Furthest in front was Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, second was Tang San, third was Ma Hongjun, and last was Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

  Oscar stuck close to where Ning Rongrong stood. At present he didn’t have any assignment, the three sausages Tang San requested for everyone he had already handed out. Even if they had to be replenished, he could accomplish it quickly.

  “What are you doing this close to me?”

  Ning Rongrong said in a low voice.

  Oscar said:

  “In case someone attacks you, I can shield you with my body.”

  If she had heard Oscar’s words in an ordinary situation, Ning Rongrong would certainly have thought he was trying something. But right now Oscar’s words didn’t sound a bit joking, his gaze all along fixed on the opponents not far away, his voice also clearly became thick.

  Having two auxiliary system Spirit Masters was admittedly good, but it also meant the Shrek Seven Devils’ fighting strength was five people. Facing a team of thirty fifth ranked or higher members the pressure was obvious, and Ning Rongrong with the Seven Treasured Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit would clearly be the opponents’ main target. One must know that with her there they could increase their strength by thirty percent.

  The announcer separately asked both sides if they were ready. As team captains, Dai Mubai and the other side’s Mad Xi simultaneously indicated their preparations were complete.

  “Starting countdown from five. Five, four, three, two, one. Team spirit battles, fourth bout. Begin!”

  One versus one and two versus two bouts didn’t have this countdown. For the sake of letting both sides’ Spirit Masters have time to release their spirits, like this, in the fight, it could prevent effects of someone releasing their spirit slowly. Of course, to the Great Spirit Arena, it was in order to let the spirit fight become more dramatic and attract the audience.

  “Brothers, release spirits.”

  Dai Mubai shouted loudly. His imposing manner suddenly increased, the muscles all over his body expanding in a flash, both arms stretching out to either side, releasing his Spirit White Tiger Body Enhancement.

  At the same time, both sides simultaneously released their spirits. In a moment, Beast Spirit Masters’ bodies changed, Tool Spirit Masters summoned their spirits, the whole Spirit Fighting Stage immediately becoming incomparably dazzling. Tang San finally understood why the audience liked watching team spirit fights. This starting moment alone already couldn’t be compared to the two other kinds of spirit fights. Imagine, fourteen Spirit Masters simultaneously releasing their spirits, dazzlingly beautiful spirit rings shining simultaneously, such a grand scene.

  On the Shrek Seven Devils’ side, the colors of the Spirit Elders’ spirit rings were the same, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and Xiao Wu, all had two yellow and one purple, in other words two hundred year and one thousand year, altogether three spirit rings. The other three also each had two hundred year spirit rings.

  Compared to the Shrek Seven Devils, the opposing Mad Battle Team clearly had somewhat unevenly matched spirit rings. Mad Xi had one white, one yellow, one purple. A standard ten year, hundred year and thousand year assembly. The two gloomy middle aged men at his side each had one white and two yellow. Clearly a lot weaker spirit rings. The only one with a first rate spirit ring configuration was unexpectedly that flirtatious woman, the same as the four Spirit Elders on the Shrek Seven Devils’ side, she also possessed the aid of two yellow and one purple spirit ring.

  Of the other three, although they were also thirtieth ranked Spirit Masters, a thousand year spirit ring only appeared over that last very ordinary looking older middle aged man, his spirit rings were the same as Mad Xi, and the other two had one white and two yellow.

  The Shrek Seven Devils’ side’s neat colors immediately formed a clear contrast with the other side’s uneven matchup. Although Mad Xi who had previously already sounded out Dai Mubai’s strength had a certain preparedness, as he saw the Shrek Seven Devils unexpectedly had four Spirit Elders with first rate spirit ring arrangements, he was still alarmed. Fortunately, they still had three Spirit Grandmasters, otherwise, perhaps he would have immediately thought of surrender.

  From the contrast of spirit rings before them it could be seen just how rare higher level spirit rings were, for common Spirit Masters obtaining a good spirit ring was exceedingly difficult. After all, spirit beasts that produced excellent spirit rings were all much more powerful than Spirit Masters, they could only be obtained safely with powerful assistance.

  The originally noisy crowd now became silent, the impact of seeing four purple spirit rings was absolutely not small. To say nothing of the Shrek Seven Devils’ side not having even one white spirit ring, this was sufficient testimony of their backgrounds.

  Manager Ao was equally startled by the Shrek Seven Devils’ spirit rings, but he still recovered to normal very quickly, and along with declaring the start retreated swiftly, his speed incredibly high, clearly he was a Spirit Master with not inconsiderable strength.

  The first to act wasn’t the Battle Spirit Masters both sides
had in front, but the auxiliary system Spirit Masters in the back. Light shone in the palm of that older middle aged man, in his hand was already a silver disk. The white and yellow spirit rings over his body simultaneously flared.

  “Wishful Disk[ (如意之盘) “Disk that acts as desired”], let defensive light blossom[ (防御之光绽放) ], Wishful Disk, let offensive halo blossom[ (攻击光环绽放)].”

  Two halos the same color as the two spirit rings released in a flash, giving each of the six comrades in front of him a layer of yellow and white light.

  Chapter 046: Control System Spirit Master’s Power

  Part 1

  On the Shrek Seven Devils side, dazzlingly beautiful light already shone in Ning Rongrong’s hand. In her right palm was a more than one chi[ 1尺 = ⅓ m] tall seven colored pagoda.

  Gem-like light twinkling, exuding a noble air, Ning Rongrong had a smile on her face, her entire body floating in the air like an immortal. Auxiliary system Spirit Master spirit incantations rose from her lips.

  “Seven Treasure Words, first: Strength.”

  “Seven Treasure Words, second: Speed.”

  The two spirit rings circling around Ning Rongrong spiraled up simultaneously, enveloping the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, fourteen lines of light were released simultaneously, separately reaching out to her and her six companions.

  Relaxation and warmth, these two kinds of feelings simultaneously spread through the bodies of the Shrek Seven Devils, physical strength and speed in a moment receiving a thirty percent boost.

  This Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda was actually too familiar to many people, seeing their opponents unexpectedly had a Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit Master, the expressions of the Mad Battle Team’s members immediately became unsightly. Let alone the Seven Glazed Tile Pagoda’s effect on teammates being first among auxiliary system Spirit Masters, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School background alone was already enough to give them pause.


  The arrow was on the bow string, there was no choice but to let it fly. Right now Mad Xi already didn’t have the time to think too much, although in his heart he regretted the previous provocation to Dai Mubai, at this moment he could only finish the battle before him before talking about it again. Plotting this time’s victory, they absolutely couldn’t like before injure the opponent. They mustn’t offend the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

  Mad Xi’s spirit was indeed Rhinoceros[ (犀牛)], after releasing his spirit, not only did his body grow one size, his skin growing a layer of horn[ Stratum corneum, or “horny layer”] that was just like armor, what changed the most was his head, growing a more than half a chi[ ½ 尺 = ⅙ m] long horn that twinkled with light brown light. Along with his loud shout, light rushed out from his ten year spirit ring. With an imposing manner he charged towards Dai Mubai.

  The two Spirit Masters by Mad Xi’s side were also classified in the power system, both were Beast Spirit Masters, using identical spirits, heads growing two horns, skin a layer of white fur, they were grand Sheep[ (羊) Alternatively “goat”] Spirits. In concert with Mad Xi, they charged simultaneously.

  As a team, coordination was extremely important. The Mad Battle Team’s auxiliary system Spirit Master gave them a five percent defense boost and ten percent offense boost. Compared to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda’s amplification, the difference was really too far. Otherwise, how would the Seven Glazed Tile Pagoda be called the premier Support Spirit.

  Behind Mad Xi’s trio, the two agility attack system Spirit Masters also moved swiftly, their spirits were Monkey[ (猴)], their bodies covered by yellow fur, with incomparable speed they detoured around either side of Dai Mubai’s trio, directly aiming for Ning Rongrong.

  At the same time, that flirtatious young woman with the first rate spirit rings acted. She was also a Beast Spirit Master, able to hold the central position of the team, besides strength, it was her Spirit Master cultivation direction, the same as Tang San, she was also a control system Spirit Master. What amazed Tang San was that this flirtatious young woman’s Beast Spirit was unexpectedly Spider[ (蜘蛛)]. In the instant of her Spirit Body Enhancement, Tang San finally took note of her. As the flirtatious young woman’s spirit released, her whole body was covered by a layer of pink light, wavy long hair rising into eight locks, unexpectedly taking the shape of eight spider legs to the sides of her head. On her forehead was a spider web mark, her two eyes also became pink.

  Along with the first spirit ring flaring, raising both hands, a line of spider silk shot out from her palm, aimed into the air where it began to weave together.

  Seeing the opponent’s control system Spirit Master was a Spider, even Dai Mubai couldn’t help but smile. The Man Faced Demon Spider had a name among arachnid spirit beasts: that was Spider King. He didn’t even need to think about it, he already knew the other side’s spirit was restrained by their side.

  Tang San coolly observed the situation. He shouted loudly,

  “Fatty, midair, Phoenix Fire Wire, launch.”

  Ma Hongjun was already prepared from long ago, purple red flames sprayed out, going straight for the spider web in the air.

  It was also at just this moment that Tang San also acted. Several tens of Blue Silver Grass abruptly spread out from below him, not at all forward, but rather to the sides, the Binding ability activating doubly, directly blocking those two Monkey Spirit agility attack system young Spirit Masters.

  Control system restrained agility attack system, this was something any Spirit Master knew. Seeing the Blue Silver Grass mill out, the two surprisingly fast Monkey Spirit Masters immediately came to a halt.

  Tang San’s hand also rose, without even looking to either side, the round green light in his palm was already thrown with the Arrow Hand Throw technique, targeting Mad Xi furthest in front of the opponents.

  Mad Xi naturally saw the green light released by Tang San, he also understood this person on the other side was a control system Spirit Master, and without thinking launched his second spirit ring. Along with his enormous body rushing forward, he simultaneously swung his fists, a dazzling black light shone from the fists, the two unexpectedly collided in midair, becoming an enormous black light wave, rushing straight for the yellow green light Tang San sent out.

  It had to be said that Mad Xi’s actual combat experience was unusually rich, the target of his black light wave wasn’t just the green light Tang San launched, once it smashed the green light, then, its next target was Dai Mubai.

  But, could he truly stop that green light?

  Mad Xi in the end still overlooked one thing: when Tang San released the green light, it was his third spirit ring that shone, just that purple thousand year spirit ring.

  The green light wasn’t destroyed by the black light, it also didn’t clash with the black light. The black light’s attack swept down, but at this moment, a Blue Silver Grass quietly stretched out from a tricky angle, just enough to nudge behind the green light, at the soft touch, originally about to meet with the black light the green light floated up into the air and again back down.

  “Mad Xi, careful!”

  The flirtatious young woman’s face changed, hurriedly shouting a loud warning. Right now, in midair that not fully formed spider web was already completely changed before Ma Hongjun’s Evil Fire, without reaching half its original effect. With Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda amplification, the originally not inconsiderable spirit power difference had been substantially pulled closer. This artillery-like attack of Ma Hongjun’s could display the full might of his Evil Fire.

  Mad Xi of course knew he had to be careful, but speed was after all not his area of expertise. The black light his fists threw out was now already impacting the second spirit ability White Tiger Light Wave Dai Mubai unleashed, the white and black colors colliding immediately caused an enormous boom. This time, Mad Xi didn’t have any advantage, at the same time as Dai Mubai came to a stop, he swayed once

  The green light finally revealed its true nature, in a flash spreading out into a large net dropping from the sky, completely enveloping Mad Xi’s body within. The spider web abruptly tightened, closely twisting Mad Xi’s body together.

  With Spider Web Restraint having double the toughness of Blue Silver Grass, Mad Xi wanting to break free from within the large net became practically an impossible matter.

  A burst of smoke simultaneously appeared under the spider web, the spider web’s additional corrosive and paralysing types of poison unleashed simultaneously, starting to erode the horn layer on Mad Xi’s skin.

  “Little San, well done.”

  Dai Mubai seeing mad Xi successfully contained by Tang San, immediately roused his spirit, stomping down forcefully, he shot forward like an arrow, his target the leftmost Sheep Spirit Master. Confronting the opponent’s charge, he basically lazily side stepped. Just what is called ‘a lamb in a tiger’s den’, with their spirits’ innate contrast, the atmosphere around Dai Mubai already had a not inconsiderable effect on the opponent.

  Xiao Wu’s figure flashed, meeting the other Sheep Spirit Master, and Zhu Zhuqing accelerated with all her strength, flanking from the side, regardless of that control system Spirit Master, directly targeting the rearmost Wishful Disk Support Spirit Master.

  The fight was now already in full swing, in the first exchange, it was clearly the Mad Battle Team that had suffered greatly, their principal fighting strength Mad Xi was twisted up in Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint, making their frontline situation immediately disadvantageous.

  At this moment, the Mad Battle Team revealed the strength of their seven successive victories. Among any one Spirit Master team, regardless of the number of people, the control system Spirit Master was the soul of the team.

  The flirtatious young woman seeing Mad Xi trapped didn’t reveal any impatience, instead swiftly advancing, pouncing towards Mad Xi, at the same time shouting in a loud voice:


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