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Everlost (Mer Tales, Book 3)

Page 23

by Brenda Pandos

At another whiff, she guessed Xirene had used fish innards to make the skin of the rounded appendage. Something from the shark? She tried not to guess further.

  “Tatiana?” Prince Azor said before he appeared in the doorway.

  She bounced up, looking over his shoulder. “Where’s Jacob?”

  Azor’s eyebrows squished together. “What?”

  “You promised I could have Jacob as my bodyguard. Where is he?”

  Azor forced out a laugh. “Not before the celebration, Love. No, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.”

  She leveled her gaze, incensed. “You promised if I acted pregnant, you’d free Jacob.”

  He grabbed her arm, his voice lowering. “Do you take me for a fool? I have to ensure you’ll cooperate fully and only then will I return Jacob to you. Besides, he’s not ready to take up his old position yet.”

  “What—?” Tatiana sucked in a tortured breath. “Why?”

  “Don’t you remember? He’s still healing from the rebel attack, but I assure you, since you’ve been good…”—Azor took her hand and patted it—“he’s enjoying his stay like you have. Food and adequate sleep is all a merman needs to recover. After the coronation, he’ll be good as new.”


  “Oh… I have spoiled the surprise.” Azor pressed his lips into a smirk. “Wouldn’t it be something if my father gave me the crown for my eighteenth birthday?”

  “But, how? You don’t have a child yet.”

  He caressed her fake belly. “I will soon enough, and I think he’s finally seeing reason, considering his health. It’s sad his days are truly numbered, but no one wants Mother to lead the kingdom when I’m perfectly able.”


  “Coralade.” Azor snapped his fingers. “Come.”

  Coralade bounced into the room, her curly brunette hair fanned over her shoulders, and stopped abruptly. Her eyes widened when she took in Tatiana’s form.

  “Assure the Princess that Jacob is just fine and that in his stead Chauncey will make a perfectly fine guard.”

  “I’ll say,” Coralade purred.

  “What?” Tatiana backed up, bumping into the chair behind her, toppling it over.

  Azor clasped onto her arm before she went down, preventing her fall.

  “Can’t have my princess injuring herself.” He righted her, then leaned in, whispering. “Coralade knows nothing. See to it that it stays that way or the deal is off.”

  Tatiana brushed her hands down her dress, now keenly aware Azor had no intention of fulfilling their deal. She knew the King wasn’t on his deathbed as Azor had implied, and after the merling was born and he was crowned king, why would he need to keep her around? Xirene met all his needs, physically and otherwise. She was expendable and knew too much.

  Tatiana glowered, trapped. “And if Chauncey so much as looks at me inappropriately, I’ll out you to the kingdom, got it?”

  Azor yanked his head back, stiffening his stance. “Chauncey?”

  Chauncey appeared in the doorway, out of breath. “Yes, Captain.”

  “You haven’t been inappropriate to my mate, have you?”

  A surly smile lifted his lips. “Of course not, Captain. Never. Or should I say, my Lord.” He gave a curt bow to the Princess.

  Tatiana sneered at the both of them.

  Azor merely studied his reflection in a nearby mirror. “My Lord… that has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it.”

  “Yes, My Lord,” Chauncey said while winking at Coralade, who kept giggling.

  “Speaking of rings. I have something for you, Love.” Azor left the mirror and took something from his pocket.

  Tatiana’s skin crawled at the term of endearment and she almost jerked away when he clasped her hand.

  “A gift for our firstborn,” he said and slid the ring onto her finger.

  Tatiana studied the gem-encrusted ring covering her naked finger and cringed. Azor hadn’t forgotten anything in this sordid ordeal, and now with Xirene and her merling trapped in the sea anemone that was his heart, Tatiana wasn’t sure what she’d do. Run? Tell the truth?

  Azor ignored her hesitation and propped out his arm. “Come, my Queen. We have a kingdom to lead.”

  Reluctantly, she accepted, and as they walked down the hallway of her parents’ home with Coralade and Chauncey in tow, Tatiana looked for Xirene. She worried for her, so close to her delivery date. But she wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

  Through the current, Tatiana swam, lugged down by the dress and her wayward stomach. Without both hands holding the contraption firmly at her waist, it would have swiveled around and become a hump on her back.

  She searched the horizon, looking for any signs of mer-life, of Jacob. Only guards dressed in green hooded cloaks dotted the sand dunes.

  Jacob, she called out telepathically. Please fight and don’t lose hope. She bit her lip, embarrassed over their last interaction. At the time, she’d been confused, and now, the more her soul distanced itself from Azor’s bond, the more her feelings for Jacob surfaced. She did care for him, deeper than her lust over his sexy chest, rippling abs and piercing blue-grey eyes. And her fear that Azor really was depriving him of water, somehow made her chest tighten. Her glare found Azor’s smug smile as he stared at the palace. He was finally getting everything he’d ever wanted. But if he hurt Jacob in anyway, she didn’t care what she needed to do. There’d be some serious hell to pay.

  Upon approaching the palace, Tatiana stiffened. Could she do this? Pull off the biggest deception ever?

  “Are you ready?” Azor asked, gauging her response.

  “Of course.” She forced a smile. If only she had her butter knife now.

  They all swam through the northern porthole. The weight of the dress, along with her task, bore down on her shoulders, stealing her very breath. On the other side of the seaweed privacy curtain, she heard Queen Desiree’s voice.

  She closed her eyes, her limbs shaking. She wanted Jacob. She needed him by her side. His words came to mind.

  You can do this, Tatiana. For Jacob. For the kingdom.

  Tatiana wrung out the bottom of her skirt and squished her stomach, before standing. With a smile, she exited the curtain.

  “Princess,” Queen Desiree said sweetly, arms opened. “When Azor told me, I didn’t believe him. And to look at you now… You’re so beautiful.” She crossed the space and enveloped Tatiana lithely, careful not to get wet, and whispered in her ear. “And you’d kept it a secret. You sneaky girl. I knew you had it in you.”

  Tatiana shrugged, speechless she’d met the Queen’s approval.

  Azor’s hand met the small of her back, causing her to tremble in revulsion. “I asked her to keep it a surprise, Mother.”

  He caressed her waistline, rubbing right over the spot where the knot held the stomach in place. Tatiana tried to smile, her lips still frozen in fear they’d discover the truth.

  “That it is,” the Queen agreed.

  “Tatiana?” Girraween’s voice bounced off the walls before her energetic body appeared at the archway. “Oh. My. Poseidon. I came as soon as I heard. They told me you’re pregnant.” She blinked, disbelieving for a beat. “You are pregnant!”

  “Yes,” the Queen said, snagging her daughter’s hand and pulling her under her arm like a mommy bird. “She’s kept it a secret.”

  “How did she—?”

  “Girraween, please.” The Queen squeezed her daughter’s arm. “I’m sure Princess Tatiana is exhausted, this being her final days. We should get her to her room.”

  “Oh, yes. We must.” Girraween walked forward to take Tatiana’s hand, but rushed her for a hug instead, squishing into her wet clothing and stomach. Unannounced, she kneaded her hand against the mass and hummed. “I can’t wait to see your stomach,” she whispered. “Does it hurt?”

  Azor pulled his sister away and pressed against Tatiana’s back at the same time, propelling her forward. “Enough with the questions, Girra. We need to get Tatiana off her feet.”
br />   He directed Tatiana into the hall, and he ignored his sister’s protruding tongue. The entourage of mers filed on as well. Though Tatiana didn’t mind Girraween’s curiosity for the most part, things couldn’t be left to chance this time.

  Together, the bevy of mers filled the hall. Only Girraween’s questions about gestation periods and if she could watch the birth were heard from the group. Her mother cut her off, curt in her responses. Water trailed down her legs and pooled onto the floor with each step. She tried to gain Azor’s attention, but he ignored her, pressing her on.

  When they rounded the corner of the hall, the King’s bedroom door called to her like a beacon and a lump formed in Tatiana’s throat. His blue eyes, hot and fiery, singed her memory, making her quiver. She gulped down her discomfort, hoping they’d all just pass by. Surely they weren’t going to visit, not today.

  And against her greatest wish, the group collectively stopped before his door. Tatiana’s pulse pounded, anticipating what the King would do this time, what he’d say. However, instead of knocking to go inside, they merely bowed. Tatiana lowered her head with them.

  “Long live the King,” Queen Desiree said, low.

  Everyone repeated the chant, then straightened.

  Inside, she could hear a muffled voice, but they ignored it and marched past. Finally, they rounded the last hall and stopped at her door. Upon first glance inside the room, everything appeared the same, except a small cradle sat in the corner. But once she entered, Tatiana had to bite back her tears. Folded neatly on the bed, along with other items of clothing, was the wisp of fabric she’d worn the first day to the palace, the day Nicole had rescued her with her skirt. She grabbed her mouth and turned away to hide her grief.

  “The Princess is moved by your generosity, Mother,” Azor said. “Thank you.”

  “But of course,” she said sweetly.

  Tatiana straightened and wiped her tears, applying a smile to her lips. Azor moved past her and started barking orders.

  “Coralade, your quarters. Chauncey, mind the door. The Princess will not leave her room, unless she’s chaperoned by me. She’s to eat in here and rest until her time of birthing, understood?”

  A cacophony of yes, sire’s resounded from the mixed group of royals and servants. Tatiana’s eye caught Pearleza’s. Her blood froze. What was she doing here?

  “I’ve assigned Pearleza to the birth, Azor,” the Queen said, motioning for her servant to move forward. In her hands was a black bag. “She’s here for Tatiana’s exam.”

  Tatiana gulped, looking to Azor for help.

  “Fine,” Azor said with a sigh. “Everyone outside.”

  The group quietly shuffled out and Azor gave Pearleza a stern nod before shutting the door.

  “Quick.” Pearleza rushed to open her bag. But instead of doctor’s tools, she pulled out a rounded pillow and white undergarment. “Put this on.”


  “I said put this on,” she whispered between her teeth, harsher.

  Tatiana grabbed the items and moved to the changing screen.

  “No.” She grabbed Tatiana’s hand. “We don’t have time. Come here.”

  She lifted Tatiana’s soaking gown up and over her head, dropping the wet garment onto the carpet with a thud. Tatiana let out a relieved breath, happy to be free of the weighted dress, then clutched her fake belly, embarrassed. Pearleza ignored her, and pulled the bow, freeing the stomach from her waist.

  “Starfish, that was so heavy.”

  “I’m sure it was.” She handed Tatiana the undergarment, and secured a new pillow around her stomach. “Crawl into bed quickly, and whatever you do, never take that off, you hear?”

  Tatiana frowned, watching her stuff the old stomach into her bag and zip it up. Then she took the dress and hung it on a rack. After a moment, the drips splashed onto the floor.

  “We need to get a bucket or something—”

  “Will you get into bed already?” She pushed into Tatiana’s side, shoving her toward the bed. “I’ll take care of the dress.”

  Tatiana ran to the bed and ripped back the sheets.

  “And act pregnant, for Poseidon’s sake,” she said with gritted teeth.

  “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?” Tatiana asked.

  Pearleza marched over and slammed her hands on the bed, putting her face inches from Tatiana’s nose. “Because, if Xirene doesn’t give birth by Friday, Azor is to use my son as a decoy. And if I don’t cooperate, he’s as good as dead.” Tears filled her angered eyes. “That’s why.”

  Tatiana’s body shivered, her eyes watering. A son? She had a son? But how? Her gaze fell to her clenched fists. “Okay.”

  Pearleza lifted her hands and smoothed the blankets over Tatiana’s stomach, then inhaled deeply and smiled. “You can come in,” she called sweetly.

  The door opened and the group reconvened.

  “Mom and merling are doing nicely. I’m pleased,” Pearleza announced, clutching her black bag filled with evidence.

  “Good,” the Queen said, nodding to her.

  The whirlwind after, of people and the new royal merling’s layette, rushed past her in snippets. All she could think about was Jacob, and how, if she happened to survive, would she escape this nightmare with him undetected? From servant to royal, lies were all the kingdom was built upon, and if she didn’t watch it, her body would be smashed between the bricks and mortar as Azor built the next level.

  She kept breathing, in and out, holding a perpetual smile. Such deception, such control. Azor had blackmailed everyone to take the throne. She couldn’t let him. And, though, Xirene loved him, she had to stop him. She had to do the right thing.

  : : :

  Restless, Tatiana rolled over with a moan and arched her sore back. A tummy sleeper, she couldn’t wear the stomach any longer and be comfortable. Giggles coming from Coralade’s servant quarters woke her up further.

  She sat up quickly and her stomach fell off the bed with a thud. A series of shushes followed.

  Tatiana held her breath, listening. Silence lingered.

  “Princess?” Coralade asked through the door.

  Tatiana scrambled to grab the stomach and slide it under her gown before Coralade’s head peeked out from the doorway.

  “I’m fine,” Tatiana said to her. “Just need to use the water closet.”

  “Oh.” Coralade yawned, but watched her with wide-eyes.

  Tatiana maneuvered herself off the bed, holding her belly and feigning great effort. She waddled to the bathroom and closed the door. A small chuckle escaped her lips. Her body apparently enjoyed the act and had taken on the roll of being pregnant all on it’s own, from her sore bones to her need to pee.

  Upon returning, Tatiana stared at Coralade’s door and stopped to listen. Was she alone in her room? Could she and Chauncey be—? She gasped; firmly aware her perfect opportunity to escape had presented itself. Her heart sprinted as she tiptoed to her door. Upon turning the knob, the handle seized.

  “The door’s locked,” a voice boomed from Coralade’s room. Chauncey.

  Angered at being caught, Tatiana immediately went to Coralade’s room and threw open the door. “What is this?”

  Coralade squeaked, hiding under the sheets.

  “What do you think?” Chauncey said, his voice smooth.

  “You need to get out!” Tatiana demanded, stabbing the air with her finger. “You’re place is outside my door!”

  “Or you’ll what?” He leaned back onto his elbows. “Tell me. What laws are we breaking?”

  Tatiana stuttered. “I—I’m the princess and this is my maid’s quarters and if Azor—”

  “Azor lets us do this all the time.” His lips curled into a grin and he coaxed Coralade out from under the sheets. “Who says we can’t have a little fun?”

  Revolted and wracked with fury, Tatiana balled her fists. How dare they? Next to her room of all places. Powerless, she peered into both of their smug faces. They weren’t
going to budge. Tatiana would have to listen to them all night.

  Then an idea hit. In an instant, she doubled over and held her fake stomach, groaning. “Ohhhh, I think it’s time. Get Azor.”

  Coralade gasped as Tatiana continued to wail. They waited a beat, unmoving, listening to her groan louder when Chauncey broke out into applause. Coralade quickly joined with a cheer.

  “Great acting,” he said with a laugh.

  Tatiana still held her stomach, horrified. Sure, Chauncey knew, but not Coralade—or at least that’s what Azor had said. “I’m not acting. I need Azor,” she said, breathless.

  Coralade snickered. “I think you need a lesson about where merlings come from, Tatiana. You have to do far more than just wear a strand of tulle and wiggle your tail.”

  Tatiana’s legs weakened. “How do you know about that?”

  “I know everything,” she cooed. “And you clearly aren’t aware of the peephole in the kitchen.”

  Tatiana’s stomach seized as if Coralade had punched her. Her hands fell to her sides.

  Coralade bounced up from the bed, holding a sheet against her body. Her hand darted out, squeezing Tatiana’s belly.

  “Don’t do that.” Tatiana moved away.

  “What?” Coralade snorted. “I know it’s fake.”

  Behind her, Chauncey’s hairy body laid strewn out on the bed. Only a mere pillow covered his groin.

  Tatiana looked upward and an embarrassed flush covered her cheeks. “I want you to return to your station outside the door, Chauncey.”

  “Why?” He laughed, standing up and parading past. “The door’s locked. Besides, I think I’d rather sleep out here on this comfy bed.” He moved to her bed and sat down, squeaking the springs. “What about you, Cor?”

  “I think I would, too. So much bigger than my tiny cot.”

  “No!” Tatiana said adamantly. “I’m serious. I want you out Chauncey. Both of you!”

  Chauncey ignored her and slid on the princess’s robe. He inhaled the fabric at the collar. “Smells like roses.”

  Coralade giggled nervously, almost fearful, and crawled under the covers next to him.

  “I mean it!” Tatiana stamped her foot.

  Chauncey threw the pillow he’d used to hide his groin and tossed a blanket a Tatiana’s feet.


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