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Faery Surprising

Page 12

by Mia Watts

  He brushed the hair off her neck and leaned in to place a row of kisses from ear to shoulder. A couple of the other passengers glanced back. One smiled knowingly and Flora pushed her elbow into his gut.

  His quiet snicker tickled her ear. The warm flick of his tongue drawing her lobe into his mouth set off a riot of sensations, all of which settled between her legs. He flexed his hips. Flora barely stifled a groan of longing. When his hand flattened on her stomach and confidently drifted to cup her breast, Flora covertly swatted him.

  She noticed that the others minded their business, but she heard the occasional chuckle when her slaps met flesh.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered for only her to hear.

  Her mouth went dry and her body felt achy with need. Ian detoured from the latest slap, diving low to rub her pussy through her skirt. She grabbed his wrist, meaning to stop him, but finding her will unequal to the task.

  She could hardly believe their luck when the last person got off on the third floor. With a relieved sigh, her head dropped back on his shoulder. His free arm circled around her waist and she clung to that arm, too, for balance. The ground shifted beneath her feet. Dappled light from the fading sun danced through tall, swaying branches.

  “Where are we?” she asked. For once the faery gift had taken her somewhere she didn’t mind being.

  “This is,” he began, in awe. His hand stroked over the bark of a nearby tree, fingers trembling and reverent as they caressed a lover’s carving. “This is the place where my dad proposed to my mom.”

  She turned, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “You know this place?”

  “Very well,” he said nodding. Surprise had rounded his eyes. “We used to camp here every summer before they died. This is incredible. I believed you could transport because there was no other explanation for what I have seen. I never thought I’d experience it firsthand.”

  “Only the things touching me, like people or clothing, come with me in a transport. That’s why I ended up in my office naked but for your jersey.”

  He chuckled, hugged her close. “That had to have been awkward.”

  “About as awkward as transporting nude into the football locker room with a vibrator between my legs.”

  “That was hot.”

  “That was embarrassing and potentially career wrecking.” She looked around. “What’s strange is, I’ve never been here. I only transport to places I either know or am associated to through those I know. I wouldn’t have known about this place.”

  “It’s private property,” he said, his voice growing husky. “No one around for miles.”

  “You brought me here. Just like you called me to your bedroom last night. No one else could do that. Not even my twin sister.”

  “After this, nothing surprises me. You walked into my life—correction—popped into my life and changed me. I’m glad we’re here and I can show this to you. I had just been thinking about how much I like touching you and how I wanted to have the right to touch you for the rest of my life. It makes sense that this would be where I’d want to go.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “You were thinking that?” she breathed.

  “Among other things,” he murmured.

  Ian kissed her, firmly possessing her mouth. He cupped her ass and tilted her into his pelvis. A draft touched the back of her thighs.

  “Another quarterback sneak?” she teased.

  He palmed her cheek. “Not a good one if you figured it out.”

  “Oh, it’s good,” she assured him. “It’s very, very good.”

  Fingernails scraped her ass lightly, wringing an answering clench from deep in her pussy. His lips and teeth closed on her neck, wetly mimicking his hands. He was going to make her feel stuff again, she thought happily. Holding himself in check while he saw to her needs seemed to be a gift of his.

  A wonderful, fabulous, gift. She should return it in the best of ways. She should make him lose control.

  Armed with a goal, Flora undid his belt and jeans.

  “Nuh uh. I’m not done with you yet,” he said. She felt as much as heard his words murmured against her neck. He caught her hands behind her back.

  “I want you in my mouth.”

  His pupils dilated, lips parted on a harsh exhale. Catching her hands with one of his, he lightly touched her jaw with the other. Then tracing her lips with the tips of his fingers, he seemed to contemplate the offer.

  “Let me.”

  Ian’s thumb eased between her lips. She sucked it, swirling her tongue around the tip and holding it in her teeth. His attention held at her mouth as though fascinated with the way her lips moved when he pulled it slowly out. He slicked her mouth with the moisture.

  Her pussy ached in earnest and she tried to free her hands. Ian shook his head, seeming to come out of a daze.

  “No, baby. I want that more than anything, but I can’t let you do that on the same day I found out Wilks tried to make you do it to him. I don’t want you to have that memory.”

  “I want to. Cover the bad with the good, Ian. Let me end a bad memory and begin another one with the man I love.”

  He didn’t try too hard to stop her when she tugged to free her hands a second time. Flora lifted his shirt. It took a few seconds before he helped her get it off of him.

  “Turn around,” she said.

  Curiosity pinched his brows together, but he turned and faced the tree where his parents had carved their initials inside a heart. Flora ran her hands over his back, his shoulders, down his arms and returned to track his sides, feeling her fingers bump over his ribs and each beautifully delineated muscle.

  Flora fumbled with her shirt buttons, then her bra hooks as she stripped the clothes off her upper body. Moving into him, she pressed her breasts on his back. Ian’s heated flesh puckered already sensitive nipples further, and when he groaned, she groaned with him. Moisture seeped from her pussy.

  Her hands didn’t feel big enough to touch all of him like she wanted too, but she ran them up the front of his chest. She couldn’t help herself, she had to taste him. Rubbing her open lips on his back, she inhaled his scent, closed her mouth on a spot for a sucking kiss. She loved the smooth texture against her tongue, the slight salty taste. Repeating the kiss, she simultaneously twisted his nipples and was pleased to feel him shudder.

  “Take off your pants,” she ordered between kisses.

  When he didn’t shuck them fast enough, she helped, loving the way his firm ass pushed her belly when he bent slightly to free his ankles. Flora took full advantage. She dropped to her knees and nipped his ass cheek.

  “Turn around,” she ordered, next.

  He almost stumbled in his speed to obey. His cock nudged her jaw and she turned to take him into her mouth. Salty, musky, and all male, his length slid partly into her willing mouth. Ian fisted his hands in her hair and she thought she might come right then. He seemed to be having the same problem.

  Ian’s jaw tightened as he breathed through clenched teeth and stared down at her. His eyes were wild with passion. His control was slipping, and it made her smile around her mouthful.

  “You do this and I won’t be able to make love to you right away,” he panted.

  She came off his cock with a teasing lick to the tip. “We’ll see about that.” She hooked a finger around his scrotum and applied careful pressure to the base of his cock, squeezing its circumference to restrict the blood flow and prolong his pleasure. His head moved easily back into her mouth as she took it and the first two inches only.

  Smooth and steely, it slipped between her lips while she sucked and drew. Her tongue worked him, paying special attention to the underside when it elicited excited sounds from him.

  Ian tugged her hair, unconsciously trying to push deeper into her mouth.

  When his flavor increased, Flora applied more pressure to his base, prolonging his climb to orgasm as she enjoyed every bone rattling groan of pleasure he praised her with. Her clit throbbed, begging for at
tention. She reached between her legs, slid her fingers into her aching flesh. She moaned too. He swore, grabbed her shoulders and hauled her to her feet.

  Pushing her up against his parent’s tree, Ian yanked at her skirt and panties until they joined the small pile of his clothes on the ground. He didn’t bother to watch them fall, he stared deep into her eyes and nudged her at her folds. She didn’t know who was closer to losing control, but either way, they’d both end up winners.

  He lifted her and she fitted him inside, shivering as his length sank into her body, stretching it while she adjusted to his size and the position.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “Lock your legs,” he instructed huskily.

  She understood, locked her legs around his waist as Ian braced her back on the tree. His forearms provided a cushion from the rough bark.

  He flexed.

  She cried out, threw her head back.

  Ian’s body hunched rhythmically as drive overtook restraint. He’d taken her slowly before, insisting she feel every moment their bodies had joined with crystal clarity. He’d made love to her heart, soul, and mind by doing it with adoring eyes and worshiping lips. He’d changed her so that she’d never have sex with another man and not think of Ian.

  As Ian’s body flexed as his cock pumped inside her, she realized he’d done more than that. He’d made it so she’d never want to have sex with another man, period. He’d taken away her pain and replaced it with love.

  That’s when she knew she had truly lost the battle with him before it had started. She’d blamed his slow lovemaking, yet slow loving or fast fucking, Ian made her feel everything.

  He reached between their bodies to find her clit, effectively ripping her mind from cerebral pursuits and flinging it onto the deep red canvas of rapture. Her cries of sharp, sudden ecstasy intertwined with his throatier shouts.

  A family of birds took wing from the lofty branches to soar. Her sightless gaze locked on them until they were gone as though they were the living forms of her heightened passion. Breathing heavily, she curled into his chest.

  Ian cuddled her protectively until they slowly came back. “I can’t believe I almost lost you to my pride.”

  She couldn’t believe how fast she’d fallen in love with Ian Tate. There would be a lot of explaining to do back at the office. “I don’t think you could have lost me if you tried, Ian.” She kissed him, keeping her eyes open the way he’d taught her. No, she couldn’t imagine her life without him. “Will you marry me, Ian Tate?” she asked breathlessly, against his lips.

  His startled laugh brought a smile to her lips. She liked the way his eyes danced when she’d pleased him. It swelled her heart with joy.

  “Are you sure? Because I really messed things up for a while there.”

  “I love you,” she said. “The rest is water under the bridge.”

  He cupped the back of her head, drawing her down to touch their foreheads together. “As long as we’re crossing that bridge together, I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  “Even down the aisle?” she asked, playfully.

  “Especially then.”

  About the Author

  Mia makes her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she divides her time between a job and spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park, daisies, dancing in the snow …(Delete prior sentence, meant for personal ad)…

  Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be towed.

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  Mia Watts’ Faerily Imperfect Series

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  Fauna is the shy, second-born twin. She’s never really understood her place in the family, let alone the two worlds she’s supposed to be born of. With a mother who is wonderfully dim-witted, and all her siblings working through the trickery of the faery world, she has no interest in anyone magical entering her life.

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  Willow, the youngest of five, has always been particularly flexible. She’s even comfortable flitting in and out of both realms. Lately, her boy-toys from each realm have begun demanding more from her, but she’s not convinced they are ready to handle sharing. Still, she might have a better grip on the situation if conflict didn’t leave her as speechless as, say, a plank of wood…literally.

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