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Volatile Obsessions

Page 24

by Dee Garcia

  “Do you wanna do the honors this time?” I waggled my eyebrows, leading her up the pathway.

  “Your arm is longer,” she pointed out.

  “Or, we can have someone else take it.”

  Lux seemed to like my suggestion, glancing around us in search of a possible photographer.

  “Excuse me?” She released me and approached a young woman with a small lot of children off to the side.”Would you mind taking a quick photo of us in the gazebo?”

  The woman nodded pleasantly and took Lux’s phone, instructing her children to stay put as she got into position. On her cue, Lux slipped her arms around my neck and I snaked my own around her waist, dropping my lips to her cheek.

  “Got it!” The woman called out, rushing back over to us. “So cute!”

  “Thank you!” Lux waved her off, giddily showing me the newest image.

  Another silver-screen worthy image.

  “That is a good photo,” I agreed, once again living for that genuine megawatt smile of hers. “Send it to me.”

  “Then send me the Ferris wheel one,” she concurred, swiping through several screens on her phone as I did the same on mine.

  But then suddenly she froze, jutting her neck out on high alert. “Do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” I didn’t hear anything.

  “Shhh, listen.”

  Still I didn’t hear anything, straining my ears. Until I did. Faint at first, it sounded like…

  “Is that a cat?”

  “It sounds like a kitten,” Lux squealed, dropping down on her haunches near a cluster of bushes. “Rome, ohmigod, look!”

  Curled up beneath the closest bushel was the teeniest kitten I’d ever seen in my life; midnight black coat with bright green irises.

  “Are there anymore?” I queried, squinting to see further into the bushes.

  “I don’t know—I can’t see. Flash your light.”

  Enabling the light on my phone, I shined it over the area in question. “Looks like she’s the only one. Grab her, baby.”

  “I’m trying! C’mere, girl,” Lux cooed, reaching out with a cajoling hand while making adorable and unbelievably realistic little mewling sounds.

  And then she wondered why I called her kitty kat...

  Took several minutes and a whole lot of patience, but the kitten finally approached her, climbing right into her grasp. Rising to full height beside me, Lux lifted the little feline and nuzzled the top of her head.

  “No collar—she’s probably wild,” I pointed out.

  Lux nodded, completely taken with the teeny animal.

  “I’d ask if you’re superstitious but…”

  “Yeah, I’m not,” she laughed. “And even if I was…look at her little face. She’s co cute!”

  “We should keep her,” I suggested.

  My proposition snapped her gaze on me in record timing.

  “We?” she stressed.

  Nodding, I reached out to pet the little thing. “I quite like felines, and she is rather cute.”

  “Cuter than me?” Lux quipped.

  “Just about,” I joked. “What should we name her?”

  Lux lifted her in the air and observed her closely, tilting her head from side to side. “She looks like a Wednesday.”

  Christina Ricci was the first thing that came to mind. “As in Addams?”

  “Don’t you think so?” she asked, turning back toward me.

  The more I examined the feline, the more I could see it, but even if I hadn’t, it was Lux’s choice. She was elated to have come across this little creature, and all I cared about was her happiness. She could have wanted to name her Beans and I’d have agreed.

  Chuckling, I pet her again. “You’re right, she does.”

  “Wednesday it is then,” she conceded. “Wednesday Mercier-King.”

  I kinda liked that sound of that…

  ♫ Partners in Crime - Set It Off feat. Ash Costello ♫

  In the weeks leading up to the new year, Lux and I spent a lot of time talking about what the future could look like for us; business goals, wanderlust, moving in together. It might’ve seemed like a quick affair to some—some being Lux’s friends—but everything with us had been a whirlwind from the start.

  Could they really expect anything else moving forward?

  Personally, I didn’t give a flying fuck what anyone thought, especially those bitter, close-minded folk who weren’t thrilled with the announcement that a new silent partner—aka yours truly—would be taking over reign of territories and all things related to distribution. We used a factious name for the sole purpose of keeping my identity, and our budding relationship, hidden.

  Lux wasn’t pleased with their resistance, but I urged her to brush it off. The way I saw it was, she didn’t owe them an explanation. If they valued their jobs, they’d shut their mouth and get to work. Otherwise, the door was there and they were free to walk.

  Besides, my Queen had bigger fish to fry, namely focusing on her cosmetic line.

  With Black Widow doing so well on Sephora’s shelves, it was paramount now more than ever that she expand into other retailers. That was the main goal here, where her focus needed to be, and where it needed to stay.

  But during the transition from drug lord to solely entrepreneur, there was an important meeting she couldn’t sit out due to what all it entailed. It’d been planned for quite some time now, regarding large quantities of high quality bud from Cali. The shipment couldn’t be shipped, and with Lux not an easily trusting individual, she was not okay with just anyone driving across the country to secure it and deliver it.

  Roscoe, evidently, knew someone willing to drive to and from for the right price, though, which is who she was interviewing when I stealthily arrived at Black Widow late one evening.

  Slipping inside her office, I shut the door behind myself quietly and took a seat off to side to avoid a disruption. The man took notice of my presence immediately, blanching when I tipped my head in silent greeting.

  “My driving record, seriously?” he turned back to ask Lux, determined to sound confident.

  She was not amused by him. At all.

  Holding his stare, she leaned back into her seat and crossed one leg over the other, the tip of her pen bouncing impatiently on the glass surface of her desk.

  “Yes, Mr. Fernandez, I’m serious, and if you need the cash as badly as you claim, you’ll shut your trap and provide the paperwork needed without further exclamation. This isn’t some easy as shit free-ride job. You’ve gotta drive the best you’ve ever driven in your entire life or highway patrol will be all over your ass. I don’t particularly think you’re wanting prison time, am I correct?”

  Fuck me.

  Instant hard-on.

  I loved watching my Queen lay down the law on these fools. It was sexy as fuck.

  The bloke had nothing to say except shake his head by way of response. Glancing nervously between her and I, he swallowed deeply. “Okay, fine, I’ll have it to you by tomorrow afternoon. I have one more question, though.”

  Lux sighed frustratedly and motioned for him to continue.

  “Why do I have to drive both ways?”

  Could he be more stupid?

  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought so. The unimpressed look on Lux’s face said it all. I had to stifle a laugh as she glared a hole through his head, probably cursing Roscoe to hell and back for his so-called recommendation.

  “You see that man over there?” she went on to question him, a black polished finger pointing to where I sat.

  At his nod, she went on.

  “Our product is what you’re picking up. It’s a mass amount that cannot be shipped. That is why you have to drive both ways.”

  You’d think the motherfucker would’ve take the hint and quit while he was ahead.

  But he didn’t.

  Wait for it…

  “Is this a joke?” He laughed nervously. “Everyone on the streets knows you two are sworn enemies

  “Not that it’s any of your business, street rat, and it’s something that stays between us, but Mr. King and I recently decided to align forces. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  “I don’t know, Miss Mercier, should it be?” he snapped.

  I wasn’t laughing anymore.

  The fact he had the balls to even dare speaking to her in such a manner, when she providing him with quite the opportunity, was where I drew the line.

  “You’re out,” I chimed in, rubbing my jaw between two fingers as I observed him.

  His head snapped back over to where I sat, expression perplexed. “What?”

  “You’re. Out,” I enunciated slowly.

  “Why? I need this cash, man!”

  “Should’ve thought about that before you decided to disrespect the Queen, mate. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

  “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay?” he bellowed, shifting anxiously in his seat. “I’m just nervous! I’ve never done anything like this be—”

  “Yet another reason why you’re out. This isn’t a rookie position. We need someone skilled and reserved by nature,” I explained evenly.

  “I can do that, I sw—”

  I held a hand up to spare him. “Have a nice evening.”

  Fernandez tried piping up again, pivoting back towards Lux in hopes she’d hear him out, but she shook her head and held a hand up as well, ending his feat before a single word could make it out of his mouth.

  After he stormed out, I rose from my seat and made my way over to Lux, who had quite the satisfied look on her face.

  “That was hot,” she said, swiveling her throne around to meet me.

  Grinning, I flashed her a wink and dipped my head to her level. “We’ll find someone else.”

  “I’m not even worried about it. I know we will”—kiss—“How was your day?”

  “Long, tiring.” I set my hands on the armrest, wedging my way between her legs. “I’m ready to go home, take a long shower, and lose myself in you for a couple hours.”

  Coy, blue eyes regarded me beneath playful lashes. “That can be arranged. You should spend the night.”

  “Oh, I was planning on it. I loathe the solidarity of my bed these days.”

  “Right there with you, baby.” She kissed me again. “Wednesday misses you, too.”

  “And I her. When do you wanna head out?” I was eager to get out of there, and it showed in zealous waves.

  Lux smirked knowingly, checking the time on her computer screen. “Twenty minutes, maybe? I just need to add a few things to Ellie’s calendar and respond to some emails.”

  “Or you can leave all that for tomorrow morning and I can get our evening started early,” I suggested, peppering featherlight kisses along her neck.

  “Oooh, I’m intrigued. Do tell.” She hitched her legs around me.

  “In detail or no detail?”

  A tug to my tie put her lips at my ear. “I want every, single filthy detail running through your mind.”

  She asked for it…

  “You, on that desk. Pencil skirt bunched high above your hips. These silky, creamy legs of yours spread wide open for me while I eat this pussy from your throne.”

  “And then what?” she breathed, nipping the lobe.

  “You tell me. Tell me what you want, baby. You want the King to fuck you right here, to own that tight little cunt all over your workspace? Make it drip down on the glass?” Snaking a hand between her legs, I caressed her softly over the lace of her panties with the pad of my thumb, eliciting a little mewl with every rotation.

  “Did you lock the door?” Her query came panted.

  “No, why?”

  “Hit extension two.”

  I did as instructed, reaching over her desk for the phone. A simple tap of the button and it beeped only twice before her PA’s voice filled the space.

  “What’s up, L?”

  “I’m wrapping up here in a few. You can go early,” Lux said to her, voice schooled to perfection.

  “You sure? I don’t mind staying until 6.”

  The hell you will.

  “Not necessary,” Lux blurted, obviously thinking the same. “Have a good night, babe.”

  “If you say so—I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night!”

  The line clicked, and Ellie was gone, leaving us alone once more.

  Lux promptly returned her full attention my way, seemingly more appeased at the fact no one would be strolling in unannounced.

  “Where were we?” she questioned.

  “I was about to turn you out on your desk,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, yeah—that’s right.” She grinned salaciously.

  As she threw her arms around my neck, I gripped her at the backs of her thighs and lifted her off her seat, all but throwing her into the desk.

  She squealed excitedly.

  I pinned her down.

  Lips crashed instantly, tearing into each other with rabid nips of our teeth.



  Roused by our setting.

  My hands trailed down her body, reverently, bunching the hem of her skirt. Yanking it upwards and over her hips, she was left on display for me.

  Sheathed only by black lace.

  Calling for my tongue.

  I could practically taste her, slipping my middle finger around the thin fabric between her lips.

  “So wet,” I cooed, increasing the pace.

  But the reaction I received was far from what I was expecting.

  “Stop. Stop! Rome, stop!” Lux pushed me off, eyes wild.

  She even clamped her legs shut, throwing up all kinds of red flags.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked tensely, holding my hands up.

  “I-I can’t do this here…” she stammered, and for the briefest moment I thought she was referring to the door again…

  “Ellie left, baby. No one is going to—”

  But she wasn’t.

  It was so much worse.

  What came out of her mouth so much worse than I ever could’ve imagine…

  “Vic raped me…”

  ♫ Madness - Ruelle ♫

  “What. The. Fuck. Did you just say?” Rome gritted out, his eyes darkening in that demonic way that could clear out a room.

  “He violated me,” my voice cracked, tears welling unbidden in my eyes as the nauseating memory rushed me. “He fucking violated me right here.” I motioned to my desk.

  “When did this happen?” he pressed sharply.

  “Months ago, when you and I first met.”

  “What happened exactly? Tell me everything so I know how to gauge where he sits on the scale.”

  I wiped the wetness clinging to my cheeks. “What scale?”

  “The scale of death, ‘cause I’m going to fucking rip him apart,” he growled vehemently.

  “Rome, please, just—”

  “Just tell me what happened, Lux!” The boom of his voice bounced off the walls, shooting my shoulders up to my ears.

  Thank God I’d sent Ellie home early.

  “I was here late one night. Got wrapped up in a phone call with Isabella, my now head of marketing, and when we hung up, Vic was standing at the doorway. Said he’d forgotten his charger,” I explained hastily, hoping that if I started talking, he’d calm down a bit.

  An abrupt flash of skepticism rained over his enraged features. “His charger?”

  I nodded, wringing my hands together.

  “And you believed that?” he spat.

  “He’d never given me a reason not to believe him, so yes, I did. We had a quick chat, I dismissed him under the notion I’d be leaving soon, and before I knew it, he was on me.”

  Rome inhaled a deep breath, shutting his eyes and all, gathering himself. “Did he actually…”

  “Yes,” I admitted, “held me down through the entire thing. He even covered my mouth at one point to shield my cries.” More tears broke free, leaking down my face in white-hot t
rails of despair.

  And Rome’s silence only made them worse, bursting the dam of hell wide open.

  “Shhh, just relax,” he tried cajoling me, holding me steady with a firm arm around my waist as his hand effortlessly yanked up my fitted pencil skirt. “You know you miss me. I’m sure your cunt misses me, too.”

  “I said no, Vic. Stop.”

  The more I resisted, the more he held me down.

  The more a smile tore across his face.

  I could barely look at him, barely recognized him. The fire in his green eyes was truly alarming. I couldn’t believe the direction this was going in, especially when he knew everything about me.

  Why was he doing this?

  Full-blown panic seized me. My pulse was sky high as every hair on my body stood at attention. “Don’t do this, please,” I begged him shamelessly, which only seemed to please him more.

  He smiled brighter, clamping a hand down on my mouth while the other slipped beneath my panty line and found my sex. I mewled when his middle finger slid between my lips, but it was far from pleasured.

  “Goddamn, look how wet you are,” he growled, working his finger inside me. “You did miss me.”

  I shook my head and tried feebly to shove him off, but once again, I was no match for his muscle or his dexterity. In seconds, he had my arms behind my back, my weight keeping them secured beneath me, before he was pinning me down with that palm on my mouth again. I was completely immobilized and at his mercy, laid out on my desk for him to do as he pleased.

  And that included ripping my knickers off my body.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him!” Rome roared savagely, recapturing me back into the present with a jolt.

  It was only then I realized I’d been sobbing, trembling, and judging by the way Rome shook too, I knew I’d probably mumbled some of it aloud along the way.

  He’d relived that with me, and now, it was likely Vic was about to find himself six feet under.

  Reigning myself in, I wiped the tears off my face and slipped off my desk. “Listen to me—he’s not worth it.”

  “How can you say that?” Offense shined through his demeanor. “He abused you, Lux! Took advantage of you when he knew all about you! Ripping him apart is damn well worth whatever karma throws at me!”


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