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Sons Of Australia: The Mackays: Australian Boss: Diamond Ring/Surprise: Outback Proposal/Tempted by Her Tycoon Boss

Page 28

by Jennie Adams

  A bit late to feel like that, wasn’t it? She’d told him she didn’t want him.

  His brother’s face stilled. Tension mounted in the back of Brent’s neck and his head twitched to the side once, hard.

  Alex froze in place. As if that would somehow help Brent to control the movements that sometimes got the better of him with his autism.

  As if they mattered, anyway.

  Brent sucked in a breath. ‘What’s not working out about this?’

  ‘She doesn’t want me.’ Jayne didn’t want to commit. Her family life had been fractured. Maybe she wasn’t able to let herself trust in a meaningful relationship.

  And you can, Alex? Since when did that change?

  Yet for Jayne he would take that leap of faith.

  ‘If you feel that way about her, maybe you need to try to figure out how to keep her in your life.’

  ‘I need to see her. She’s waiting on the response from her father today, as well, as to whether he’ll give her this partnership or not.’ Alex’s thoughts were already speeding ahead.

  Didn’t he owe it to himself, and to Jayne, not to just give up? There had to be some way to keep Jayne more in his life, to buy time to see her and maybe her feelings for him could grow.

  ‘Was she happy seeing you?’ Brent asked quietly.

  ‘Yeah.’ Alex thought about the way Jayne’s face had glowed when they were together, and about how happy she’d made him, too. ‘She was happy with me.’

  Alex and Brent stepped into the shower area. Linc was already in a shower cubicle further down, as evidenced by him singing off-key at the top of his lungs.

  ‘Tell the king of singing that I couldn’t hang around.’ Alex headed for his shower. ‘If I’m doing this, I’ll clean up as fast as I can and then go. Considering Linc’s only just getting wound up with that singing, I’m guessing I’ll be gone before he’s finished making his hair smell pretty.’

  Brent burst out laughing, as Alex had intended.

  And Alex got under the shower so he could finish here and go to see Jayne.

  There had to be some way…


  ‘ALEX, hi. I wasn’t expecting you,’ Jayne said as she opened her apartment door.

  ‘I’m sorry I didn’t buzz first. I walked into the building when some guy walked out.’ Alex searched Jayne’s face. He wasn’t sure if she was pleased to see him or not. She looked tense, troubled. ‘I figured it would be quicker. Have you heard from your father?’

  Jayne shook her head. ‘Not yet. I wanted to go out, actually, and kill some time that way, but the other side of me insists I stay here by the phone, even though I know my mobile is working perfectly well and he could call me on that.’

  At least she was talking. That had to be a good sign, didn’t it?

  Jayne stepped back. ‘Would…would you like to come in?’

  Yes. And I never want to leave you.

  ‘Yeah. Thanks.’ He stepped over the threshold and into her living room.

  Jayne wrung her hands together before she hastily dropped them to her sides. She was nervous. Worried about her job future.

  Well, she didn’t have to go through the rest of the wait by herself. Alex could at least give her that. Company. Support. She’d said she didn’t want any of her men friends. Alex wanted to draw hope from that, too.

  ‘Can you divert your home phone to your mobile?’ Alex drew a deep breath. ‘There’s a park less than a block away. We could go there, get you out of here for a while.’

  ‘All…all right.’ Jayne went into her office and diverted the phone, made sure she had her mobile in the pocket of her tan linen trousers and the key to her apartment in her hand, and gestured towards the door.

  Jayne and Alex walked along a pedestrian track in the park. There were other people about, but Jayne didn’t take much notice. She only noticed Alex.

  ‘Why did you come, Alex?’ She asked the question straight from her heart.

  Was she weak, for taking this?

  But this is business, Jayne. His contract could be in jeopardy.

  Yet, in her heart, Jayne didn’t believe Alex had come to her for only that reason. He’d told Eric and her father that he wouldn’t work with them if Dad denied her the partnership. That wasn’t only about work, either. But Jayne needed to address it. ‘Alex, you made a sacrifice for me. If Dad refuses to give me the partnership—’

  ‘I know I could still deal with him, Jayne, but when we first met and I told you I could do with the new work of supplying the gifts for your company’s tours, I didn’t mean because of money or business. I needed a new challenge and something to distract my mind from personal frustrations.’ He seemed to hesitate. ‘My company is always expanding and profits are rising. The work for Cutter’s would have been a boon, but not desperately necessary to me. Not…at the price of your happiness.’

  When she would have argued, he held up a hand. ‘That’s something that can be sorted out once you hear from your father.’

  ‘Yes, I guess you’re right.’ A soft breeze kissed through her hair, ruffling the tendrils. ‘Hopefully, that’ll be soon. I’ve looked into a couple of jobs, but only research. I need to hear from Dad first before I know what my next step will be.’

  ‘You could work with me, Jayne.’ The words came in a low stream. ‘Be in partnership with me. I know you’d be valuable.’

  ‘That’s…’ Was he being kind? ‘How could you benefit by giving me a partnership in your company?’

  They’d walked far into the park and now they stopped in the dappled shade of a tree. ‘It’s a growing company. Until now, I’ve wanted to have complete control of it myself. I consult my brothers here and there about certain things but…’ He trailed off and then said honestly, ‘I know you’re someone who’d be an asset. You’re skilled and have years of valuable experience. I’ve already worked with you. I trust your integrity. If we became business partners, my company would reap the benefits of your innovative outlook, determination, commitment and drive.’

  ‘It’s a very generous offer.’ Jayne appreciated that, but could she work with him, loving him the way she did, and not go crazy? Could she say no to working with him when it would mean she’d get to at least see him? But would seeing him that way, and not being able to express love to him, destroy her?

  He leaned his hand against the trunk of the tree. ‘And it’s an offer that you can’t make a decision about just now,’ he said very gently. ‘I do understand that, Jayne. First up, you need to hear from your father.’

  ‘That’s right.’ Jayne found a grassy patch of ground. ‘You don’t mind if we sit? I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.’

  ‘I didn’t, either.’ He sat beside her and plucked at a blade of grass with his fingers.

  Even with her inner awkwardness in his presence right now, Jayne couldn’t get enough of looking at him, was so conscious of his nearness. Her emotions catapulted around inside her, as they’d done the night they’d made love.

  Confidence and uncertainty wrestled inside Jayne. Her job was on the line. That was stressful. Her need for Alex, to express her feelings to him, was also highly emotive. Jayne couldn’t express those feelings because Alex didn’t return them.

  The ring of her mobile phone made her jump.

  ‘Answer it, Jayne. It’s what you’ve been waiting for.’ Alex’s calm words helped her to pull herself together, though his expression seemed as tense as Jayne felt inside.

  ‘Hello?’ Jayne got the one word out, looked into Alex’s eyes.

  ‘It’s Dad.’ The words came over in a stern tone.

  ‘Hello, Dad. What’s your decision?’ Jayne chose not to waffle. She could hardly breathe from anxiety and uncertainty, but that was just all the more reason to at least deal with this cause for her unease. At least there would be an outcome here and she’d know the answer to this question. She glanced at Alex.

  ‘Your ideas all have merit,’ her father said cautiously.

oo cautiously?

  Jayne’s fingers tightened around the phone. She braced herself, even as she spoke. ‘It’s an excellent proposal. I’m certain you can see that.’

  ‘I’m willing to take the ideas on board, but I’m not prepared to look at a partnership for you just yet. It’s really more of a man’s area, anyway, and you do already have a good position in the company, Jayne.’

  ‘A man’s position for someone like Eric?’ The words burst from Jayne before she could stop them. Couldn’t her father see that he was being manipulated by the man? See Jayne’s value? ‘You promised me that partnership, Dad. I’d already earned it. I’ve given my world to Cutter’s—to you. I put faith in you, in being part of the family company and working towards that goal. You can’t go back on your word.’

  Dad blustered on. He had lots of reasons and excuses. But, in the end, he wouldn’t budge.

  Jayne could see disaster ahead for Cutter’s because she truly didn’t believe that promoting Eric through the ranks would be good for the company, yet it was clear that was what Dad intended to do, and he certainly wasn’t going to listen to any advice from Jayne about it.

  So this was it. Jayne drew a shaky breath. ‘I’m sorry, Dad, but if that’s your final stance on the subject I have to give you my resignation. I won’t be back into work again.’

  At her side Alex stiffened. His hand half rose from his side as though he wanted to touch her but he stopped himself before he got there.

  Breathe, Jayne. Just breathe.

  ‘That’s foolish, Jayne.’ Dad’s voice was gruff, surprised. Totally uncomprehending, even now, despite everything. ‘What will you do? You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face. And the pillow gifts idea was a good one.’

  An idea that Dad would lose because of this parting of the ways.

  ‘I already have two alternative job offers, Dad. What I’ll do is start somewhere new and fresh where I’ll feel new and fresh.’ And, hopefully, truly appreciated.

  That thought hurt a little and Jayne quickly said her goodbyes before Dad could get angry, or she might break down. She ended the call and turned to Alex.

  It took all she had, but Jayne managed to push back her emotion and speak calmly. ‘I guess there’s no need to explain, and I appreciate your offer of work.’

  ‘But you won’t accept it?’ Alex got to his feet and helped her up, too.

  ‘I don’t want to reject your offer but my instincts… I’m not sure if I can…it’s hard…’

  ‘Take some time.’ He started them back towards the park’s exit. And his thoughts seemed to turn inwards. ‘Maybe I need some time, too, to think and…consider my strategy. Don’t do anything rash, Jayne. Please? Give it a few days for things to settle a bit. It’s been a hectic time for you.’

  For him, too.

  ‘The pillow gifts—’

  ‘Were part of the whole deal.’ His implacable expression warned her not to bother trying to negotiate the issue.

  Jayne didn’t know what he meant about his strategy, but he walked her back to her apartment building and she said goodbye in a bit of a daze. She’d just ended decades of work at Cutter’s. Where would this put her relationship with her father? Had she done the right thing?

  For all reasons?

  Jayne was determined not to be scared and, really, she only had the wibbles on the inside a little.


  But Alex let her go, and Jayne went, and she just wouldn’t think about when or if she might see him again. He’d lost a lucrative sales opportunity right along with her ending her working life at Cutter’s. Could Jayne do anything about that? There must be a way…


  ALEX had waited a week, left Jayne to her own devices for a week. In that time, Jayne had written to let him know that the Lis had negotiated to put her in charge of their tourist operations here in Australia. When she’d let them know she was leaving Cutter’s they’d snapped her up.

  So Jayne’s future was secure. She’d be managing a tourist incentive. Alex was happy for her, but he wasn’t happy. Not down inside himself where he…missed Jayne. She’d wanted to talk to him about her work for the Lis. Alex didn’t know why, but maybe that desire of Jayne’s would give him an advantage with his…strategy.

  Alex picked up the phone and dialled Jayne’s number. He had no idea whether what he had planned would work but he had to take a leap of faith and try.

  Answer the phone, Jayne.

  ‘Hello? Jayne speaking.’

  Just the sound of her voice was enough to squeeze his heart. Alex drew a breath. ‘Hi. It’s Alex. I need you to do something with me, Jayne.’

  ‘What is it? What can I do to help you?’

  ‘I need you to come outback with me again. Just one piece of unfinished business out there that could be to both our advantages.’ He paused. ‘You said you wanted to speak to me about the Lis. That can be done out there as well, if you like.’

  ‘I’ll help you with whatever business you need to conduct. Is it delicate? Do you need a woman’s presence? Or a translator for a tourist or visitor?’ Did Jayne sound somehow disappointed?

  ‘It’s a proposition, yes.’ Not for business, but he would use whatever advantages he had to get her there. ‘I really do need you for this, Jayne. No one else will do.’

  ‘I’ll help you. You helped me, Alex. You dropped everything to go on tour with me.’

  ‘I had my reasons, too.’ But he just went on, ‘And now I’m asking you to fly to Alice Springs and meet me there. If I make bookings for you, can you be there tomorrow morning? The second flight out of Sydney? Can you spare the time before you take up your new job?’

  ‘I’ll…be there.’

  ‘Oh, Alex. This is a place Morgan showed you?’ Jayne asked the question in a hushed tone the next day. ‘While you were out here with your brothers?’

  Jayne had thought Alex wanted to take her back to Uluru or maybe to an artists’ settlement or something. She’d been prepared to help him any way she could. He’d earned her support and, as Jayne had come to grips with leaving Cutter’s, with her father’s limited support and his choice to groom a man for partner over all Jayne’s hard efforts, it was important to her to do the right thing by Alex, whether seeing him made her heart ache or not.

  She didn’t want to think of this as saying goodbye. If Alex agreed to her suggestion, it wouldn’t have to be that.

  And now, instead of meeting anyone, he’d brought her to this beautiful deep, natural pool in this isolated spot in the outback.

  Alex took her hand and led her to the edge of the water and they sat side by side in the quiet stillness in the shade of a tree.

  ‘Is your missing piece in place now, Alex?’ she asked in a whisper. ‘Are you reconciled to all that you’ve learned about yourself?’

  ‘I was restless. I felt incomplete. That feeling is easing now.’ But his serious expression remained. ‘I felt guilty for feeling lost at all when I already had Linc and Brent. It’s something that I pushed down and didn’t want to know about, having a pocket of emptiness even when I had them.’

  Oh, Jayne understood about people pushing down their deepest feelings, for wasn’t it what she’d done about her father holding back from her at work for far too long?

  And about other things, Jayne.

  Well, now she’d stopped working there. Jayne swallowed hard. It was for the best in the end. And she didn’t want to think about the rest. ‘I don’t think your brothers would mind—’

  ‘They don’t.’ Alex gave that wry smile that Jayne had…fallen in love with before she’d even known she’d done it. And then he sobered and looked almost…nervous. ‘I’m missing something else now. Someone else.’

  ‘It’s not me.’ Jayne’s words came straight out of all her uncertainties. Alex couldn’t be missing her. Not to any degree.

  ‘But it is you, Jayne.’

  ‘Do you mean you still really want to work with me?’ He might truly want that. �
��Because I talked to the Lis and they really want to take on the pillow gifts plan we had and use it for their tours. We’ll have to change some of the items to suit their tours, but…Dad can’t use the plan we put to him.

  ‘He forfeited that right, and I know you didn’t want to work with him in those circumstances, but I didn’t want you to lose the work for your company.’

  ‘So you found a way to fix it for me.’ He shook his head. ‘You’re incredible. Do you know that? I’ll accept the deal with the gifts. And I would have loved to work with you within my own company, Jayne, but you’ve got a great opportunity with the Lis.’

  Jayne nodded. ‘I have. I was upset about leaving Cutter’s and I’ve had a couple of unpleasant phone discussions with my father since, but my mind is made up. I’ve told Dad that’s about work, and I don’t want to lose our personal relationship.’ She drew a breath. ‘It may not be perfect, and Dad’s going to have to put some work in to regain any of my trust now, but I don’t want to lose what I do have with him. And I’m starting to feel excited about moving on to the Lis.’

  Jayne had come to a crossroads in her working life. She’d made her choice and another path had unfolded for her. She’d also made a choice about meaningless involvements and she admitted that quietly. ‘I want to spend more time with my sister, too. I love her and my niece, Cora. I want the relationships that I have to be meaningful so…I’ve also let my men friends know that I won’t be socialising with them any more. Because they weren’t meaningful.’

  ‘I’m happy to hear that, Jayne.’ He searched her face. ‘I think you’ll only find joy in spending more time with your sister and niece, too.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She drew a breath.

  ‘There’s a special reason why I brought you here, to the middle of the outback, to this place, Jayne.’ Alex’s expression had sobered and he spoke the words in a deep tone edged with determination and…

  Jayne wasn’t sure what else. ‘What is it?’

  Alex’s lashes lowered before he met her gaze again. ‘This place has special meaning to Morgan’s…to my heritage. When Morgan brought me here, he said the pool would help me know what I needed in my life.’


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