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Loving Sanctuary [Slick Rock 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  It was really hard to get his brain out of his pants when he’d been walking around with a constant boner since the moment he’d seen Sabrina walk into the diner. He was so horny he was thinking about taking himself in hand, and he hadn’t done that for quite a while.

  He’d thought that maybe his desires for women had flitted away like the leaves in an afternoon breeze since he hadn’t been interested in pursuing the opposite sex for nearly twelve months, but the moment he’d seen Sabrina, he’d known that wasn’t the case. As he sat in that diner and stared at her beautiful profile, he’d realized that he was sick of meaningless hookups. He watched the other ménage couples interacting from afar and felt a yearning so deep for what they had his chest had ached. Now that they had her in their lives, there was no chance in hell he was letting her escape.

  He wanted the whole nine yards with her and was going to do everything in his power to get her on board. He sighed with relief when Tristan turned the truck into the drive and headed toward the large ranch house in the distance, but when he saw his woman out on the verandah surrounded by the Heritage brothers and laughing, he saw red.

  The moment Tristan parked the truck he was out of it and striding toward them. He walked right up to her and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around until she was facing him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  She glared at him and tugged away from his hold. If he hadn’t been so damn mad and scared of hurting her, he wouldn’t have let her go.

  “Take it easy, Trent, it was innocent.”

  “Stay the fuck away from my woman.” Trent scowled at Hank.

  Sabrina walked up to him and poked him in the chest with her finger and kept right on poking. From the way her face turned red, he guessed she was just as angry as he felt. “You are a…a…supercilious, patronizing Neanderthal.”

  The haze of rage over his eyes dissipated, and he looked over at Hank, David, and Barry to see them smirking at him. He lifted his hand and gave them the finger behind her back, but Sabrina took that moment to step sideways and half turn and caught him red-handed.

  She slapped a hand onto his chest and shoved him, or tried to, but since she wasn’t as tall or as strong as he was, he didn’t budge. That just seemed to make her madder. She spun on her heels, making a growling sound in her throat, and stormed away. He couldn’t help but do what any red-blooded man would do as he watched her hips twitch and her delectable ass flex as she stomped off down the steps toward the corral.

  “You’re an idiot, Trent,” Barry said before he walked over to the truck to help Tristan unload it.

  “Green looks good on you, Wendall,” David said with a smirk before he, too, headed to the truck.

  “Looks like you have some groveling to do,” Hank said. “If I was you I’d stop thinking with my dick and start using the brain in your head.”

  Trent sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. He had been an asshole and let his dick and the green-eyed monster rule. He was going to have to eat humble pie and just hoped that Sabrina would accept his apology. With another sigh, he walked off the porch toward the corral. She was looking into the distance and didn’t acknowledge his approach.

  He stopped right next to her and leaned against the top rail of the corral. “I’m sorry, Sabrina. I don’t know what came over me.”

  She gave him a haughty look, raised an eyebrow at him as if to say, “Really. You expect me to believe that,” before turning to watch the horses in the paddock beyond the small arena.

  “Okay, so I was jealous. I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me? It won’t happen again.”

  “Do you think I flirt with every man I meet?”


  “Do you think I jump into bed with just anyone?”


  “That’s not what it seemed to me by your reaction.” She turned to look at him again, and when he saw the hurt in her eyes, he felt like a real bastard.

  He reached out clasped her shoulders and turned her toward him. “I’m so sorry for the way I acted and for how I made you feel. It wasn’t intentional. I missed you, darlin’. When Tristan and I were out shopping all I could think about was getting back to you as soon as possible. I guess I went off the deep end when I saw you laughing with the Heritage men.”

  Her eyes softened for a moment, but then they hardened again. “Don’t ever treat me like that again, Trent. You made me feel like a hooker.”

  “You’re no such thing, and it never even entered my mind.” He tugged her closer and sighed with contentment as her body pressed against his. “I would never do or say anything to intentionally hurt you, darlin’. I was an ass.”

  “Yes, you were,” she said, and even though she was agreeing with him, he thought he heard amusement in her voice.

  He drew back slightly and smiled when he saw that she was smirking. “Do you forgive me?”


  “Thank you, darlin’.” Trent cupped her cheeks in his hands and lowered his head. He rubbed his lips back and forth over hers, hoping she wouldn’t shove him away because she was still pissed at him. But she didn’t, and he was thankful. She sighed as she melted into him, and then she reached up and gripped his hair.

  That was the moment he lost control. He slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her hungrily, passionately, Changing the angle and the fit of their mouths as he pushed his tongue into hers. She tasted so good, so sweet, he wasn’t sure he would be able to stop. His hands roamed up and down her body, shaping her curves, learning her secrets, until they landed on her ass and he squeezed her cheeks. He pulled her in tighter against him and thrust his hips into her belly, making her aware of what she did to him. He swallowed her gasp and was about to lift her up when he heard Trick calling him.

  With a groan of frustration—but also gratitude because he’d forgotten where he was—he lifted his head to stare at his brother.

  “Get over here and help unload the truck.”

  Trent nodded and eased Sabrina away from him, making sure she was steady on her feet before releasing her. He was glad that Trick had called because he wasn’t sure he would have stopped until he’d stripped her naked and was buried inside her pussy. He’d lost total control and hadn’t thought about where they were or that there were other people around who may have been watching. That just reiterated to him how special Sabrina was, and he was going to have to be careful about governing his actions with her when others were around. There was no way he wanted anyone but him or his brothers seeing that delectable body naked.

  “Why don’t you come into the house, darlin’?” He held his hand out to her and waited for her to take it. “Tristan and I bought you some clothes with the help of Damon’s wife. He must have seen us coming because she was waiting for us. She picked out everything, as well as selected hair dye and some colored contacts.”

  She took his hand and let him guide her over to the truck. He removed several bags from the backseat and handed them over to her. “Why don’t you go and start sorting through those things and we’ll bring in the rest.”

  “They aren’t heavy. I can carry more.”

  “No, darlin’. Go on. We’ll bring the rest.” Trent didn’t want to load her down with a lot of bags. She was obviously used to doing everything for herself, but she didn’t need to anymore. She had him and her brothers to look after her. He didn’t care if that sounded chauvinistic, because it wasn’t what he meant. He just hoped she would learn to share her problems and let them help her when she needed it. No one could be an island all the time, including him. He had his brothers at his back, but he suspected that Sabrina had had no one. It didn’t make her weak to have someone at her side or someone to lean on now and then. Trent just hoped he and his brothers could convince her of that and that they were reliable to have on hand.

  But most of all he wanted her love, because he had a feeling he was already well and truly on his way to being in love with her.

  * * * *

  Sabrina put all t
he things away after thanking her men for buying her the clothes, and she decided she would make herself useful and cook dinner. She hurried toward the kitchen and saw that Hank, David, and Barry were already busy preparing food.

  “Do you want some help?”

  “No thanks, honey, we have everything under control. Why don’t you just relax?” Hank winked at her and then glanced over at Trent. He was sitting on a stool on the other side of the counter sipping on a beer. Tristan was sitting on the stool beside him. He held out a hand to her, and she walked over to him. He placed his beer bottle on the counter, scooted the seat back, and then lifted her up by the waist before placing her in his lap.

  “Do you want something to drink, baby?” Tristan asked as he slipped from the stool. She nodded her head.

  “What will you have?”

  “There’s wine, beer, juice and soda, as well as tea and coffee,” David said.

  Sabrina picked up Trent’s beer and took a sip. She tried to hide her grimace, but when all the men burst out laughing she knew she hadn’t been successful. “Do have white wine?”

  “Yep,” Barry said and reached up to the cupboard above his head for a wineglass.

  “Thank you,” she said when Tristan placed the wine in front of her.

  He smiled, winked, and then leaned over and kissed her on the head. Each time Tristan, Trent, or Trick touched her, hugged her, or kissed her, she fell for them a little more, and although she wanted to accept having a relationship with them, she was scared to. What if she agreed and then those assholes got to them and/or her? It would break her heart if anything happened to them. And even though she’d only just met the Heritage men, she didn’t like thinking about them getting hurt either.

  She picked up her wineglass and took a sip, savoring the fruity taste of the cool wine as it coated her dry mouth and slid down her throat.

  David’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  “It would be better if you stayed out of sight as much as possible, Sabrina. At least until you’ve had the time to change your appearance. For all any of us know the bastards after you could already be in Slick Rock.”

  Her heart flipped in her chest, and she drew in a ragged breath.

  “We’re not trying to scare you, honey, but we all need to be cautious,” Hank said before meeting Trick’s gaze when he entered the kitchen. “Have you heard anything from Luke or Damon?”

  “No.” Trick threaded his fingers through his hair. “It will take time for the feds to make their move. They have to do everything by the book or that asshole will be back out on the street before any of us can blink.”

  “You’re right,” Tristan said. “I wouldn’t put anything past that prick. He has so much money he could probably buy his way out of prison.”

  “Do you think that will really happen?” Sabrina asked.

  “No, darlin’.” Trent hugged and adjusted her on his lap. “I don’t think Noble will find it easy to get out of this country. He’ll have the FBI, CIA, and all the other agencies practically glued to his ass.”

  “But if he were determined enough he could escape. Right?”

  It wouldn’t take much for Harvey Noble to change his appearance, and since he was loaded he would no doubt have cash on hand and put it to use. If he managed to leave the US and got into a country that didn’t have extradition laws, the asshole would be home free.

  She caught Barry nodding from the corner of her eye and turned look at him.

  “Yeah. He probably already has a fake identity set up. He would have to know that if anyone found out what he was doing that he’d be in deep shit.”

  Sabrina gulped down her wine and sighed when languid warmth traveled through her veins as some of the tension eased.

  “Try not to worry too much, baby.” Trent’s hand caressed her upper thigh through her jeans, sending her body into a havoc of need. Her nipples peaked and began aching, and her pussy clenched as moisture dribbled out of her channel to coat her folds. She shifted on Trent’s lap, trying to find a more comfortable position, but she stopped moving when she felt the hard ridge of his cock against her ass cheek and hip.

  His hand moved higher on her thigh, and she held her breath for a moment with anticipation and trepidation. He was so close to her pussy, and although she wanted to feel his hand cupping and rubbing her, she didn’t want him to move any further. There were other men present, and she didn’t want them to see how turned on she was or Trent touching her intimately. She must have tensed, because Trent’s hand stopped near the crease of her thigh and hip. She exhaled with relief when he didn’t go any higher or over toward her cunt.

  She felt his lips on her ear and shivered as his breath caressed her sensitive flesh when he whispered. “No one is going to see me touching you, baby. That’s for Trick’s, Tristan’s, and my eyes only.”

  When she looked up, it was to see Trick watching her with heated, hungry eyes, but then he blinked and glanced away. She knew she hadn’t imagined the passion in his orbs when he met her gaze but was glad he had broken their locked eyes. She didn’t want the other men seeing how much she desired the Wendall men. That was private and no one’s concern but theirs.

  Sabrina was glad when dinner was ready, and Trent lowered her to her feet before guiding her over to the big table. The men talked about the ranch as they ate, and she listened intently, interested in hearing about their horses and beef cattle.

  After dinner she tried to help clean up but was again told to rest. She appreciated it for now since she was just getting over the flu, but by tomorrow she hoped to be back to her old self again. There was no way she was going to be idle for the duration of her stay here, even if all she was allowed to do was cook and clean. She needed to feel like she was pulling her weight.

  Sabrina had never been idle in her life and wasn’t about to start being so now. Everyone adjourned to the large living room, and the men cheered and booed as they watched a rugby game on the TV. Although she stared at the screen, all she could think about was going to bed.

  But sleep was the furthest thing from her mind.

  Chapter Seven

  Sabrina stepped into the bedroom she would be staying in and closed the door. She was tired yet restless and couldn’t seem to settle on anything. The men were watching the last minutes of the game, but she wanted to take a shower. Hopefully having the hot water sluicing over her body would help her relax enough to sleep. It wasn’t because of the danger she was in that she was feeling restive. It was because her body was one big, massive, needy ache.

  She headed to the adjoining bathroom, stripped off her clothes, and turned the shower on. After checking the temperature she stepped in and stood with her eyes closed as the hot water ran over her body. The heat seeped into her muscles and she felt them loosening, and after a couple of minutes, she washed her hair and body before shaving her legs.

  After drying off, she wrapped herself up in the thick terry robe Tristan and Trent had bought for her and then brushed out her hair before blowing it dry. Tomorrow she would go from a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman to having brunette hair and green eyes.

  Sabrina hoped that she could get used to having contact lenses and that they didn’t irritate her, but she would wear them even if they did. Her life might depend on it.

  Just as she came out of the bathroom, someone knocked on her door. She was about to ask who it was, but she didn’t really need to. She could practically feel them all standing on the other side of the bedroom door.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled nervously before going to the door and opening it. She’d been right. Trick, Tristan, and Trent stood crowded in the hallway.

  “Can we come in?” Trick asked, his eyes giving her the once-over before meeting her gaze again.

  She gulped nervously and then stood back to let them pass. Trent stopped next to her, removed her clenched hand from the door handle, and closed the door behind him.

  “Come and sit down, honey,” Tristan said as he patted the spac
e next to where he was sitting on the end of the bed.

  She felt Trent’s hand on her lower back as he guided her over, and then he sat down on her other side. Trick moved closer, and then he went down to his knees and placed the palms of his hands on her lower thighs right above her knees.

  “Do you have any family, Sabrina?” Trick asked.

  She shook her head and looked down at his tanned hands. They looked so dark against the white fluffy robe, and she wondered if they would look like that against her skin.

  “What happened to your folks, honey?” Tristan asked as he reached for a strand of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers as if he were feeling the texture before bringing it to his nose to sniff it.

  “I never had any.”

  “Shit! That must have been hard on you, baby.” Trent took her hand in his and laced their fingers together.

  “Yeah, it was. Growing up in an orphanage was no picnic.”

  “No brothers or sisters, sweetheart?” Trick asked.

  “Not that I know of no.”

  “What about other family?” Trent asked.

  “None that I’m aware of,” she answered quietly.

  “We can be your family,” Tristan said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. Emotion caused her throat to constrict, making it difficult to swallow. She wanted that more than she ever wanted anything in her life, but she couldn’t see how having three men could work.

  Trick must have seen something in her eyes or face, because he started telling her about ménage relationships. “The men involved in a polyandrous relationship always put their woman first. Her needs and wants are catered to by her men. I’ve watched all the people in this town involved in those families, and I have to say I have never seen such happy, loving men and women.”


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