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Laid Bear 2: The Kodiak Clan

Page 8

by Marina Maddix

  He trailed off as she focused on her coffee instead of him. What had he said?

  When she glanced up at him from under her ridiculously long eyelashes, he held her gaze, not letting her look away, asking the question without words.

  Sighing, she said, “I’m sorry, I just want to take things slowly. There’s so much you…we don’t know about each other. Can we just focus on that part right now? Then if you…um, if things seem to be working out, we’ll move forward, okay?”

  She was so cautious, and with young children at home, he didn’t blame her one bit. He loved her even more for it, if that was even possible. Level-headed, prudent, realistic. She was the perfect contrast to his spontaneous nature. The yin to his yang. The perfect tempering influence. Still, disappointment wormed its way into his chest.

  Nodding, he agreed. “Absolutely. We’ll take as much time as you need, though I’m not going to lie and say it’ll be easy. It seems like I’ve been waiting so long already…”

  He reached across the table and took her hands in his. She had the softest skin he’d ever touched. What would it be like to touch the rest of her body, he wondered. He shook the arousing image from his head and tried to get their conversation rolling again.

  “So tell me something about yourself I don’t know.”

  This seemed like a safe way to go, figuring she’d pick something light and silly, like her favorite pop band or that her secret passion was skee-ball. But it was easy to see he’d stepped in it again when her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed red and her gaze darted away toward the window behind him.

  What on earth was she hiding? It must be big or a stupid question like that wouldn’t have startled her so badly. Though it was beyond tempting, digging any further would only make things worse, so he tried yet another tack.

  “Okay, I’ll start,” he said, plastering an almost painful grin on his face. The last thing he wanted was to have her feel uncomfortable, but his chest grew tight wondering what her secret was. “You know I’m a vegetarian, but one of my favorite smells in the world is frying bacon. I don’t eat it, but damn, it smells good.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and he could tell her grin was genuine. “That’s great news because the boys and I absolutely adore bacon.”

  “Sounds like a win-win. Now you.”

  “Um, okay,” she looked thoughtful — but not stressed, thank goodness — for a moment. “Oh, I know! I took tap dancing when I was a kid. I even won a trophy in my third grade dance recital.”

  Grinning, sat back and gave her a blatant once-over. “Really? I’ve always wanted to date a dancer.”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “That was a looong time ago, Jess. All my energy now is spent chasing after my crazy-hyper cubs.” She gasped and her hand shot up to her mouth.

  Seriously, what is up with her? She was acting like she’d said a curse word in front of her grandmother or something.

  “I can only imagine the stamina it takes to keep up with six-year-old twin boys, Ronnie. But I have to admit that I’m thrilled you took the time — and the chance — to finally meet. Honestly, I was a little surprised to get your email last night. I mean, I’ve been practically begging you to meet since I got here and you—”

  He almost said ‘blew me off’ but tried to find a more diplomatic approach. “You’ve been busy. Then I hadn’t heard from you for so long that I thought…well, I thought you’d decided not to bother.”

  Veronica got busy picking at her nails. “I’m sorry, Jess. I wasn’t sure about dating anyone, not just you.” Openness filled her features when she looked up at him. “I’m glad I came, too.”

  His heart swelled at her gentle smile and her words. After his divorce, he never thought he’d feel the thrill of new love again. But he’d never met a woman as honest and unassuming as Veronica before.

  “So how’s the job going?” she asked.

  They’d been getting to know each other for a few months when the opportunity to take this job with the Fish and Game Department presented itself. As a marine biologist, he was overqualified but not too many people were eager to take a fish counting job in the wilds of Alaska where they’d have limited contact with the outside world for several months. As soon as he confirmed he’d have internet, he jumped at the chance.

  Of course he’d taken the job so he could finally meet Veronica, but she’d put him off for the last two months. Now that there was only a short time left, he was determined to make good use of what he had to charm her into falling madly in love with him.

  But he could sense she was a cautious person and he didn’t want to scare her off — not when he just got her here. So he’d play it cool…or as cool as he could.

  “The job’s been fine, but all I can think about is you.” Man, you really have a knack for this ‘playing it cool’ thing.

  The blush of pleasure on her cheeks warmed him. Trying to reign himself in, he added, “But yeah, it’s been good.”

  “How’s this year’s salmon run?” She was trying to pretend he hadn’t said what he said. But he wasn’t sorry for saying it.

  “Really strong. It’s been in mild decline for a few years, but this year is back up to pre-decline numbers. That bodes well for the fishery…and the species.”

  She nodded, thoughtful. “How do you like living out there in the woods alone?”

  A smile quirked his lips. “It’d be a lot nicer if I had you for company, but Fred keeps me from getting too lonely.”

  She brightened at the mention of the dog’s name. “Fred! I’m so glad you brought him with you! Does he love the wilderness or what?”

  “Does he,” Jess laughed. “He’s nuts for it. You should see him chase after those dumb deer. He doesn’t have a shot in hell of catching one but he always goes after them like he’s an alpha wolf or something.”

  “He sounds like such a sweet pooch.”

  “He is, and he’d love to meet you.”

  She ignored his hint. “Has he been feasting on fish this summer?”

  “Mostly just the leftovers from the bears.”

  “Bears? Have you seen a lot?”

  “Usually just the evidence of them — fish carcasses, scat, trampled grass — but there’ve been a few nearby when I do my daily counts.”

  “You’re careful right? I mean, bears generally ignore humans but they’ll protect themselves and their cubs if they have to.”

  He was touched by the concern that caused the crinkle between her eyebrows. “I’m very careful, and I always have a thirty-ought-six when I leave the cabin, just in case.”

  The crease grew deeper and she glanced away from him, lips pursed tight. “Well, just be careful and you won’t need to use the rifle.”

  “I’m very safe, Veronica. I’ve only had one incident and it could barely be called that. Don’t worry.”

  Eyes narrowed, she asked what he meant by ‘incident’.

  “It was nothing. Last night we heard a rustle in the trees. I never saw a thing, but it really seemed to spook Fred. There was nothing out there this morning either, but he wouldn’t leave the cabin and whined like a puppy when I left.”

  He shrugged and stirred another packet of sugar into the thick, acidic coffee. His heart nearly stopped when her hand wrapped around the one holding the mug. Electricity shot through his body like he’d been hit by lightning. Every nerve vibrated at her mere touch.

  He wanted nothing more than to sweep this nasty sludge-in-a-mug off the table and pull Veronica into a deep kiss, but he was pretty sure Madge the waitress would pull her own rifle out from under the counter and put them out of her misery.

  A quick glance at Veronica’s flushed cheeks confirmed she felt the connection as well. “Just be…careful…” she breathed with effort. The pink of her tongue edged between her lips, pulling her plump lower lip between her teeth, as if she was exerting some tremendous effort.

  Without a word, Jess stood, threw some money on the table and tugged her along with him out the diner’s door
and down the alley that ran between it and the next building. The alley wasn’t particularly romantic, but it had one perfect quality: It was dark. Pushing her up against the wall, Jess held Veronica’s hands on either side of her head, entwining her fingers in his. Her breathing was shallow and her gaze never left his.

  “I’ve waited far too long for this,” he said, bending down to graze his lips against hers. Her luscious body pressed into his and her lips parted slightly, inviting him in for more. And he was going to accept that invitation.

  He traced his tongue across that oh-so-tempting lower lip then dipped his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. It was sweet and spicy at the same time, reminding him of pumpkin pie and hot cider. His hunger for her was insatiable, but he had to control himself.

  Shivers rippled through her body as his hands skated down her arms and up until his fingers were buried in her auburn waves. He had complete control of her head and he turned it slightly to expose her neck. Gently, his lips skimmed their way up to her ear, drawing a guttural groan from her when his hot breath struck home. He felt small fists clutching at his shoulders for support.

  “Oh, Jess,” she whispered.

  Before another sound could escape her lips, his mouth covered them. Their tongues darted and danced, tentatively tasting each other at first, but quickly their passion for each other grew to a point where they were absolutely devouring each other. His hands roamed her body, exploring each curve and plane, as if making sure she was really here in his arms. In fact, it hardly seemed real to him.

  When Veronica wrapped a leg around him and pressed her heat into him, instinct took over. Grabbing her sweet ass in each hand, he hoisted her up and back against the wall, pressing his need against her. With both her legs now strapped around his hips, it took every ounce of self-control to not tear those tight jeans right off her and take her against the grimy diner.

  But as much as he longed to be inside of her, he didn’t want their first time to be like this, all frantic and dirty. As appealing as spontaneous sex against a restaurant wall was, Veronica deserved better. Hell, he deserved better. He wanted to take his time with her the first time they made love. Exploring, learning, loving — that’s what he wanted.

  With tremendous effort and a groan that came from the depths of his soul, Jess pulled away and eased her feet to the ground. Panting and eyes glazed, she leaned back against the wall. He could swear he heard a low growl coming from her as she leveled her hot gaze on him. Her lips were kiss-swollen and the tips of her breasts were screaming out for him to take them in his mouth. In a word, she was irresistible and he couldn’t wait any longer to make her his own. Filthy alley or not, the time was now.

  Leaning in to claim her lips again, Jess heard her sharp intake of breath in anticipation of what they both knew was about to happen. But instead of meeting his mouth with her own, she froze in his arms. He searched her wide, fearful eyes for some clue but he was completely confused. One second she was ready to jump him, the next she was a statue.

  “What is it?” he murmured, nuzzling her ear. “I have protection, if that’s what you’re worried about. I wasn’t assuming, but a guy can hope, right?”

  She ducked her face into the nook of his shoulder, but it was almost as if she was hiding rather than making out. He tried to pull back to look at her face but she held him tight to her.

  Damn, she’s strong. The thought didn’t help cool his jets at all. If anything, it only turned him on more. Strong emotionally and physically? This was his dream girl!

  They stood there in the bowels of the alley, just holding each other. He thought maybe she just needed reassurance, and he was more than happy to comply, as long as it meant he could have her in his arms. Stroking her hair to soothe her, he shushed her anxiety, or at least tried to. But eventually she pulled back and peeked over his shoulder to the alley’s entrance.

  “I’m sorry, Jess,” she started.

  Cold pierced his heart. “No, don’t say it Veronica, please.”

  Keeping half her attention on the alley’s entrance, she gave him a small smile and stroked his cheek, her face relaxing just a bit. Then, almost as fast as she’d gone cold and stiff in his arms, her mouth was on his again. Jess was as bewildered as he’d ever been but her lips were blowing the cobwebs of confusion from his addled brain.

  With a deep sigh, Veronica pulled back, her tongue flicking his upper lip along the way. His head was spinning and his need for her stronger than ever, which was evident by the panting he couldn’t control, not to mention the bulge pressing into her.

  “Ronnie…” he whispered.

  She put a finger to his lips to shush him. “We need to get out of here. Fast. I’ll meet you at your place in an hour, okay?”

  Jess could only nod as Veronica disentangled herself from him and hurried down the alley. His heart simultaneously ached at their separation and swelled with emotion at the thought of finally becoming one with the love of his life.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  “Tell me everything!” Bethany was giddy, practically jumping up and down in the passenger seat when Veronica climbed in the 4Runner.

  All Veronica could manage was a tight smile while her eyes darted around, every muscle in her body tense with worry and lust. “I scented a were. I don’t think we were spotted but if I could smell him — and it was definitely a him — he could smell me.”

  “Oh…oh my,” breathed Bethany.

  “Yeah. That would have been…bad. I looked around on my way to the truck but didn’t see anyone, and the scent had faded so I think we got very, very lucky.”

  “So…what now?”

  Veronica’s thoughts turned to her make-out session in the alley and her heart started beating fast again. She hadn’t expected to make out with him, but truth be told, she’d been ready to go so much further when she’d caught the scent. If they’d been caught by a member of her clan, there’s no telling how their little rendezvous would have turned out.

  She glanced down the alley as she started the engine and roared out of her parking space. She could see Jess’ silhouette in the shadows leaning against the wall, and couldn’t wait to get to his cabin.

  Bethany started giggling. “You’re blushing, girl. Spill!”

  Veronica threw her a sideways smirk and winked. “Mind if I drop you off a bit early?”

  Bethany hooted and clapped in response.

  The rusty gray Bronco that was following them went unnoticed.

  Jess raced home to make sure he hadn’t thrown any dirty underwear on the floor, which of course he hadn’t. He uncorked a bottle of Napa Valley merlot, worried that maybe she preferred pinot grigio and quickly cut up some fancy cheeses he’d bought for the occasion. He plopped a piece of smoked salmon on the plate as a final touch. Fred could sense his excitement and ran around the cottage like a maniac.

  “Down, boy,” he laughed at the dog’s antics. “Now be good when she gets here. I want to make a good impression.”

  He was just setting a plate of crackers on the table when he heard her rig pull up. Fred started barking like crazy. He wasn’t used to visitors.

  Wiping his damp hands down his khakis, Jess took a deep breath and opened the cabin’s door. Veronica was a vision climbing down from her 4Runner. She looked exactly the same as when she’d left him in the alley but he lost his breath just the same.

  He was about to walk out the door when Fred bolted past him toward Veronica, barking menacingly. She spotted the dog and hopped back in the cab, slamming the door just as he rounded the truck. He threw himself against the door, barking and growling.

  “Fred! What the hell?!” Jess rushed out and tried to reign him in, tugging on his collar to little effect. “Down, Fred! Heel!”

  He couldn’t figure out what had gotten into his normally cheerful and happy dog. He finally managed to pull him back from the truck and held him with both arms. He looked up to plead with Veronica to not leave because his dog went all Cujo on her, but she was smiling, if a
bit nervously.

  She cracked the window and said, “Sometimes dogs need a bit of time to get to know me.”

  Fred bared his teeth at her voice and Jess hugged him tighter.

  “Shh,” he shushed at the dog. “I’m sorry, Ronnie. He’s never acted this way before. I have no clue what happened.”

  “Can you hold him tight enough that he won’t break free?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got him now.”

  “Okay, I’m going to slowly get out of the truck and sit down in front of him. Don’t let him go until I tell you, got it?”

  Jess nodded, wondering if she was some kind of dog whisperer or just plain crazy.

  Slowly, Veronica slid from the cab — Fred growling and straining against Jess’ arms — and sat cross-legged in front of them. She lowered her head and her gaze, looking up at the dog from beneath her eyelashes. She made some grunty-whiny noises and then laid her torso on the ground, head sideways on her folded arms, gazing up at Fred with adoration.

  Jess felt the dog’s body relax little by little. He seemed to really be responding to the sounds she was making. It wasn’t long before he was tugging against Jess’ hold but his tail was wagging and he was panting.

  “I think it’s okay now,” Veronica finally said, so he let loose of the collar.

  Fred approached her cautiously, sniffing and keeping an eye on her. She stayed perfectly motionless, whining and panting a little. Fred sniffed along her entire body, jerking away if he heard a noise but always coming back to continue his investigation. Jess was embarrassed at his dog’s rude behavior but also impressed by Veronica’s patience and skill at calming him.

  Fred skittered away when she rolled onto her back and twisted around to look at him. He approached her again, snuffling along her belly up to her face. He gave her a tentative lick and then the pooch he knew and loved was back. One friendly bark and he was tearing around the property, leaping and doing somersaults. Crazy dog, he thought.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said as he reached a hand out to help her up. “Are you okay?”


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