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Laid Bear 2: The Kodiak Clan

Page 16

by Marina Maddix

  His life was forfeit now. It wouldn’t matter that he’d been trying to protect Max and her. He’d shot a member of the Kodiak clan, and he’d suffer if she didn’t get him out right away.

  She stopped a few feet away from him, not wanting to push the boundary he’d set up between them yesterday. What she really wanted to do was throw her arms around him to show him how happy she was he was still alive and in one piece, but there wasn’t time.

  “Veronica—” he started, his gaze searching hers for something, understanding perhaps.

  “Don’t say anything, Jess. I know why you did it. You thought you were protecting me, saving Max. I get it.”

  A little crease dug a furrow on his brow. “But—”

  “The trouble is, now you’re marked. One of Yoren’s guys is lying over there watching, though I don’t think he’ll be running back to the council anytime soon, judging by the difficulty he’s having shifting back to human form. But he will report this and the clan will hunt you down and exact their form of vengeance on you for this. To them, a human shooting a werebear is murder. You need to pack your bags and collect Fred, if you can drag him out from under the bed. I’ll figure out some way to get you off the island, but we’ve got to hurry.”

  She started past him but he grabbed her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. "Stop!"

  His touch sizzled against her skin and her heart started thumping faster, urging her to close the small gap between them. Concern and frustration fought for domination in his pale brown eyes. She wanted to dive into them, hide from the trouble she'd caused by giving her heart to this amazing human.

  "I didn't shoot that guy." It took a moment for his words to filter through her love-addled brain.


  "It's true," croaked Dumber, who'd finally managed to shift and was now standing, with the aid of the porch railing. He was covered in blood and dirt, and would be sporting a colorful shiner for a couple days, but was otherwise in decent shape.

  "He ran out with the gun, so I’m sure the filthy human would have shot Yoren if he'd had the chance, but he shot into the air. The shot that got Yoren came from over there. I saw the muzzle flash.”

  They all craned their necks in the direction he was pointing, but they saw nothing through the dense foliage. Her keen hearing could barely pick out the sound of an animal crashing through the forest, which meant whoever it was had a hell of a head start on them. Max and Dumber no doubt heard it too but Max was more concerned about finding Bethany and Dumber was in no shape for a foot chase with a gun-toting sniper.

  As for her, Jess was safe and his hands on her body swept away any thought of trying to track down Yoren's killer. Not to mention she had two small cubs to care for at home. She'd leave the investigation to the council.

  "Shit! It must have been Ted." Jess dropped his hands and turned to the woods. "Ted!" he shouted to the forest.

  Veronica eased up beside Jess, her shoulder brushing against his. She was pushing that boundary but she needed to feel him against her again, before he left her forever.

  "Who's Ted?"

  He glanced down at her and did a double take, like he was seeing her for the first time. Keeping her eyes locked on his, knowing he’d be powerless to break the spell, she reached for his hand, her fingers touching the tips of his, asking to be held. His gaze softened and his fingers clasped her tightly.

  "Yeah, who's Ted?" growled Dumber suspiciously, edging closer to Veronica and Jess.

  "I dunno. Some guy from my work who dropped by the cabin earlier. I kind of forgot about him when you guys stormed in there ready to kill me."

  Tearing his gaze from Veronica’s with what must have been superhuman strength, he threw Dumber a black look.

  "Take another step closer, buddy, I dare you. I'm not afraid to die on this hill."

  The ice in his words stopped Dumber in his tracks. On a good day, he could easily take Jess, but he'd just been beaten within an inch of his life and wasn't up to the task. He lowered his head in defeat and turned his attention to his fallen comrade, Dumb.

  He futilely slapped his friend’s face to rouse him, but Dumb showed no signs of waking any time soon. Keeping one wary eye on Jess, Dumber limped into the woods in the direction the shot came from.

  A thrill ran down Veronica's spine at Jess' words. He was a kind and gentle man, but he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself — and her — against incredible odds. That strength reminded her of Keith and her heart swelled.

  He turned back to her, drinking in her upturned face. Pulling her into his body, he wrapped her in the safety of his arms. Her face rested in the nook of his neck and a sob of relief almost choked her. She didn't dare hope he changed his mind…did she?

  His palms left a trail of fire up her back, her entire body shivering at his touch. Tears threatened to spill as he tilted her face up toward his. One finger traced the line of her jaw to her full lips, the hungry look in his eyes telegraphing his intent. He was going to kiss her!

  "I'm so happy you're safe," he whispered. “I’ll never be so stupid to let you go again.” And then he was leaning in, inching ever closer to her waiting mouth. Her lips parted in anticipation.

  They both jumped apart when Dumber bumbled out of the brush. "I found it!" he shouted triumphantly.

  Veronica cast a guilty glance at Max. His expression was tender but there was also a deep pain there. How could she be so selfish? Bethany was still missing and here she was canoodling with Jess. Jerk! she chided herself.

  "Found what?" asked Max, holding his hand out for whatever Dumber was holding like a trophy.

  Max went pale the instant Dumber dropped the small object into his upturned palm. All color drained from his face and his mouth went slack. Veronica could smell the confusion and shock coming off him in waves.

  "What is it?" She left the security of Jess' arms and moved closer to Max.

  Without a word, he held out his hand. The sun glinted off the metal and blinded her for a moment, but one step closer and she could make out its form. She felt herself parroting Max — her jaw dropped and her breath hitched in her chest.

  Their dazed eyes met as her hand covered his and they understood completely.

  "What? What's going on?" Jess's confusion and concern were evident in his tone. He thought the bad guy had been taken care of. Honestly, so had she. But that was before. That was a moment ago, a lifetime ago.

  Jess eased between them, sensing the tension. His fingers gently pried Veronica's hand from atop Max's to see what he was holding. He picked up the small silver tube, looking at it in the light, tilting it this way and that.

  "Is this…silver?"

  Max's gaze never wavered from hers as he confirmed Jess' suspicion.

  "The slug the clan healer is going to remove from Yoren's body will be silver, too."

  Veronica nodded her understanding. A mix between horror and excitement filled her, tearing her in two. She did not want to relive that time in her life, but she had to know.

  "You too?" she finally asked Max.

  "Both my parents."

  Veronica gasped in surprise. "Oh, Max. I'm so sorry." She pulled him into a fierce hug, comforting her new friend.

  "And your husband?" he mumbled into her neck. She didn't have to nod for him to know.

  "Could someone please explain what's going on?" Jess demanded.

  The worry etched on his face wasn't only about the bullet. He was eying Max like a potential rival. Under different circumstances, this would have pleased her no end.

  Max took the lead. "It's not rare for werebears to be shot by humans who mistake them for real bears. Most happen during hunting season, but not always. My parents were shot and killed when I was a teenager, but their shooting was different. The killer didn't take their bodies, as a hunter would do. Our clan investigated but could never figure out what happened exactly. The only evidence they found were the shells. They were pure silver."

  His glance encouraged Veronica t
o tell her tale.

  "Same here. Keith was out fishing one late summer day when he was shot. He was found in bear form on the bank of the river with a silver bullet in his heart. The same shell was found nearby but no other clue as to why he'd been shot."

  "And you think…"

  "That's exactly what I think. I mean, who hunts with silver bullets? Only someone who knows he's not hunting a regular bear. Someone who stupidly thinks silver bullets are the only things that can kill their prey. Someone who wants to down a were."

  "But Ted Scantling…he works for Fish and Wildlife…" Jess trailed off, thinking. "No, now that I think about it, he never said that. He said he works with us as an outside contractor. But why would he be hunting werebears?"

  Max's face went tight. "What was his name again?"

  Jess shot Veronica a questioning look. She shrugged in response.

  "Ted Scantling. Said he was some kind of bear expert."

  Max remembered with a snap of his fingers. "Ted, Theodore. Dr. Theodore Scantling. Bethany dug up something on him before we came up here…what was it? Yes! He was trying to prove the existence of weres but his colleagues thought he was nuts. Guess they were right, but for the wrong reasons."

  Veronica suddenly felt like throwing up. "You mean he's been trying to kill us for…evidence?!"

  Max caught her gaze. "Only thing that makes sense."

  "Evidence of what, exactly? Both of your parents and my husband were shot as bears. What does that prove?"

  Max lapsed into silence, his eyes shifting down to Yoren.

  "Maybe he's trying to kill one of us mid-shift." They all looked up at Dumber, surprised by his suggestion but immediately knowing it was correct. Maybe he wasn't so dumb after all.

  "Yes. That's gotta be it," Max nodded. "But we shift so fast that from the time he pulls the trigger to the time the bullet finds its target, it's too late."

  A chill shuddered through Veronica. "If what you're saying is true, he’s been trying this for what? Fourteen years? Maybe even longer. Which means there must be other bears who were murdered by this maniac since then. Oh, God!"

  She turned her face into Jess' chest, clutching at him, trying to drive the thought from her mind. His arms enveloped her, but she was too devastated to feel anything other than horror.

  Max helped Dumber — whose real name turned out to be Rodney, and who happened to be the were he encountered on his jog his first day in town — load Yoren's lifeless body into the Caddy, as well as his still-unconscious Brotherhood buddies. He elicited a solemn vow from the were that the Brotherhood didn't have Bethany, that their priority had been trying to figure out which female in their clan was hooking up with the human.

  As he drove off to deliver Yoren to the council for a proper send-off, Max turned to Veronica and Jess. They probably had a lot to discuss, but their love for each other was true. Once they figured out the details, he had no doubt their relationship would be unbreakable, just like his and Bethany's.

  The dull ache he'd been carrying in his belly for the last 24 hours turned sharp in his throat. He'd never felt so defeated in his life. If the council didn't have her, and the Brotherhood didn't take her, where the hell was she?

  “Don’t be an idiot again,” he told Jess as he climbed into his old truck. “If you don’t know a good thing when you have it, you don’t deserve it.”

  Though Veronica had argued with him, insisting he needed help, he left the newly reunited couple at the cabin. There was no sense in all three of them searching for Bethany since no one in the Kodiak clan would talk to Jess, and they probably wouldn't help Veronica either.

  News of her tryst with a human would spread like wildfire, and many in Kodiak were loyal to the Brotherhood, or at the very least sympathetic. He didn't tell her that harsh truth, of course. Best to let them work out their own shit first, then deal with the rest of it.

  No, Max would handle it. Maybe he could talk a few locals into helping, but regardless, if he had to he'd go from house to house looking for Bethany until he died. He wouldn't just accept her disappearance and go home with his tail between his legs. He'd find whoever kidnapped her, and they would pay.

  But first, he needed to stop by the hotel. He was filthy and bloodied from the fight, and he hoped a shower would give him enough energy to start his search. Besides, people might be more willing to talk to him if he wasn’t covered in blood and dirt.

  House number one on his list would be Elder Watkins'. The old goat had to know more than he was letting on.

  He barely had the energy to push his way through the massive lobby doors. Every nerve ending was on fire and every muscle ached. His bones felt like they were turning to jelly. A quick nap would help him think more clearly, but he knew he wouldn't be able sleep until he found Bethany.

  In his exhaustion, he didn't notice the man approaching from behind until his hand was on Max's shoulder. Acting on instinct, Max snatched the hand, spun around and twisted the arm it was attached to up the back of its owner.

  "Mr. Pearce! It's me, James! The front desk clerk!" The poor kid's arm was shoved so far up his back, he could almost give himself rabbit ears.

  Max let loose and dusted off the clerk's shirt, as if that would make it all better. "Oh, man, I'm really sorry, Jimmy. You just took me by surprise. Are you okay?"

  The pimply-faced human nodded, his red hair flopping into his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sorry for scaring you, sir. Boy, I want you on my side in a knife fight!"

  He chuckled weakly at Max, who tried to muster a wisp of a smile.

  Jimmy thrust a small stack of paper at him. "I've been keeping an eye out for you, Mr. Pearce. These were stacked up behind the desk when I came on duty. Thought you'd want them as soon as possible."

  Max could barely focus on the papers enough to recognize them as phone messages. "What…who are they from, Jimmy?"

  As he flipped through the stack, words such as 'URGENT' and 'CALL NOW' jumped out at him. Any trace of exhaustion evaporated. This had to be about Bethany.

  “They're all from the hospital, Mr. Pearce," Jimmy stammered. "I think they're about your wife…"

  Max didn't hear the last part of Jimmy's message. He was already through the massive double doors, racing for the hospital.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Fearing for their safety at Jess' cabin, Veronica insisted they head to her house for the time being. She didn't trust that the Brotherhood wouldn't decide to mete out a little frontier justice on Jess, and they had no idea where that lunatic scientist had disappeared to. They couldn't hide out at her place forever but at least they wouldn't be isolated in the boonies.

  Fred slunk out from under the bed when Veronica entered the cabin and hadn't left her side since. Even on the ride to her place, he wedged himself between her and Jess in the front seat, his head on her lap the entire time.

  The house was empty when they arrived and the brief flash of panic vanished when she found Gretchen’s note.

  Boys wanted ice cream. Be back soon. G

  “Would you like some tea, Jess?"

  Veronica needed some chamomile tea to soothe her nerves. Forget the death battle she’d just engaged in, she wasn't sure how to act with Jess and it had her on edge.

  He said he’d never let her go again, but that was in the heat of the moment and she didn’t know if he really meant it. Yesterday he’d been repulsed by the very thought of being with one of her kind. Her stomach was in knots from wondering what might have changed but couldn't bring herself to ask. Better to have hope for a short while than to have those hopes dashed with a word.

  The plate of leftover steak she set on the floor for poor, traumatized Fred didn’t last long — he snarfed it down in about three bites and looked much more cheerful than before. He still stuck to her like glue, though.

  "I'll take some tea, but what I really want is to apologize to you, Veronica." He came up behind her at the counter and slowly turned her around, pinning her body with his.

  "You? Apologize
to me? What for?" She was stunned. He had nothing to be sorry for. She was the one who deceived him. She'd led the Brotherhood to his front door. Everything that had happened was her fault, not his.

  "For not fighting for you. For not fighting for us.”

  He dipped his head, his breath hot on her neck. Forming a coherent thought was impossible as he kissed his way up to her jaw.


  “Shhh,” he soothed.

  His hand skated up her side to nestle in her auburn tresses, holding her head captive — as if there was a chance in hell she’d move away. Hot breath ignited every nerve ending in her lips as he brushed his against them. She’d spent the last 24 hours believing she’d never see him again, and now here he was loving her. It was almost too good to be true.

  Jess pulled back, taking her face in both hands, gazing into her eyes. From the outside, it would have been the sappiest, most cliche move ever, but all she could do was sigh in bliss. What am I, fifteen?!

  When he grew serious, all she could think was, Uh oh, here it comes.

  “Ronnie, I can’t believe I treated you that way. Max was right, I don’t deserve you after what I did…what I said.” The words were getting caught in his throat and he was blinking back tears. “I don’t care about all that other stuff, all I care about is you. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Veronica didn’t bother trying to blink away her tears, she just let them flow freely. And of course speaking was out of the question. She managed a nod and a sob before Jess claimed her mouth. They kissed through their laughter and tears, reveling in their love and relief, only breaking apart when the front door crashed open.

  Two little bodies hurtled into the kitchen and leaped into her arms, oblivious to the human standing deliciously close to her.

  “Momma! Gamma got us ice cweam,” shouted Sam, plunging his sticky fingers into her hair and giving her a neck hug.


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