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The Highlander's Vow (Loch Moigh #4)

Page 28

by Barbara Longley

  “You’re the bravest, most audacious woman I have ever known, my love.” He drew her closer.

  “I’m glad you see me thus.” She chuckled. “My place is by your side, Struan.”

  “Good, because I want forever with you.” His entire being relaxed and settled. He rolled to his side to face her. “Tell me everything that happened between the battle with the Erskines and now.”

  She turned to him. He hadn’t planned well, and lay on his wounded shoulder. It hurt, but he didn’t move. He didn’t dare break the spell he must be under, because he feared she might disappear. Tangling his fingers in her glorious hair, he leaned close and kissed her briefly. “The McGladreys said you took care of me at Moigh Hall. Then what?”

  “We all kent . . . knew that your best chance for recovery lay in the future,” she whispered. “Robley, Connor and I loaded you on a wagon, intending to visit . . . two of the Xs on Connor’s map along the way, hoping one might provide us with the means to . . . you know.”

  “Aye, and did you find an open door?” He kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose. He put his good arm around her waist. “You’ve lost weight, love.”

  “Aye. I’ve been under quite a bit of strain for the past fortnight.” She nodded, her heart in her eyes. “That first day we traveled, you took a fever, and we never stopped at either spot. I insisted we travel with all haste straight to DúnConnell and my brother’s keep. Katherine had medicines I hoped would heal you.”

  “Did her medicine help?”

  “Nay. Katherine said you needed intravenous antibiotics, but we gave you what she had anyway. We hoped ’twould at least slow the infection.” She sighed and snuggled closer. “Madame Giselle, Áine, happened to be at home in her cottage on my brother’s land, and I begged for her help.”

  “Happened to be?” He smirked.

  “Aye. She swore she had naught to do with anything that befell us.” Sky placed her palm against his cheek. “She confirmed what Connor had guessed, that there are long-forgotten portals left open by the fae dotting the landscape on both sides of the Atlantic. She agreed to lend her aid, since she owed a debt to my mother. Áine gave us a crystal to open the way home for us. We talked about it, and decided the best thing to do was to return to the day we went back to the past.” She brushed her lips against his before continuing.

  “It worked. The rental car was still parked where we’d left it. We brought you straight to the hospital, gave them a story about a drunken brawl during an SCA reenactment event and told them you’d struck your head on a rock as you fell.”

  “Ah.” He nodded. “Makes sense.” He drew her closer. “Let’s get something out of the way before the doctor or the McGladreys show up.”

  She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling. “Och, mo rún. You’re far too weak for bed sport now.”

  He laughed, and happiness flooded through him. He’d believed he couldn’t cheat death a second time, and he had—because of Sky. He’d also believed she’d reject him once she found out he was the bastard son of the earl of Sutherland, and he’d been wrong. The love of his life had returned to the future—to be with him. He grinned. “I wasn’t going to suggest bed sport, princess.”

  “What then?” Her brow creased.

  He found her hand, pressed his palm against hers and twined their fingers together. “Will you marry me, Sky Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the earl of Fife?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Will you be mine to have and to hold for as long as we both shall live?”

  She sniffed, made a choking sound and pressed herself closer. “Aye, Struan, son of the fourth earl of Sutherland. I will marry you, and I dinna wish to wait. Let us begin our future together as soon as may be arranged.”

  “All right. You’ll get no argument from me, but I want you to know whatever you decide to do with your life, or whatever you want to make of yourself, I will support you.”

  She smiled through her tears. “There’s something I need to tell you. My mother and sisters packed a good deal of gold and jewels along with the healing herbs and some of my personal belongings. I come to you with a good portion of my dowry.”

  “That’s nice.” He yawned. Money wasn’t a concern. Perhaps they’d invest her dowry for their retirement and set aside some of the funds for their children’s college education.

  “Aye. I wrote my family a very long letter, which I gave to Robley to deliver. My cousin pointed out that we were all able to return to the past, and we found a way home. He suggested we visit from time to time. Might we?”

  “After everything you’ve given up for me, how could I refuse you? Where you go, I will follow—now and forever.”

  Nodding through her tears, Sky rested her cheek on his chest. Profound peace and contentment settled over him like a soft blanket. With a smile on his face, Struan held the woman he loved in his arms. “I’m tired. All this emotional stuff has worn me out.”

  Sky laughed and sat up. “Take a nap. The McGladreys will be here soon. They’re talking with Dr. Hamilton to arrange for your release so we can go home.”

  He tugged her back down. “Don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t, mo anam. Not ever. Sleep now—I’ll be here when you wake.”

  “Mo céile, my wife,” he mumbled, drifting. “I am the luckiest bastard on earth.”


  Sky opened the front door wide, taking in the brilliant crimsons and golds surrounding their valley, punctuated by the deep green of the pines and spruce. October had always been her favorite month, and not just because it was her birth month. She loved the transformation from summer to autumn, and here in Gordon Hollow, the colors were most spectacular. “Here they come, Struan,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Good. I’m hungry.” He came to stand by the door with her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  She covered his hands with hers as they watched their family approach. Her heart wrenched. This would be her first birthday separated from her parents, siblings and relatives. She sighed.

  “Are you all right, Sky? I know you’re missing your family.” He kissed her temple.

  “I am.” She leaned back into him. “’Tis . . . it’s no’ really so different though. Had I remained in the fifteenth century, married and moved to my husband’s keep, I’d be feeling the same. I love the Gordons, Struan, and all of you are also my family.”

  The delicious smells emanating from their kitchen made her mouth water. With Lindsay’s help, Struan had put together a feast in honor of her twenty-first birthday. Speaking of the Gordons, they were almost to the door now. Lindsay carried the birthday cake she’d baked for the occasion. Was that Brian by her side? Sure enough. She smiled, thinking about possible double dates in their future.

  Sky waved at their approaching guests, and her engagement ring, forged by Struan’s own hand, sparkled. He’d used a deep blue oval sapphire from her dowry. Two oval diamonds that he’d purchased for her were set on either side to frame the sapphire. He’d teased that since royalty always used sapphires or rubies for their wedding rings, he’d been honor bound to make her a ring worthy of a princess. She loved the ring, and the man.

  “Come on in,” Struan said. Michael, Lindsay, Gene and Marjorie entered.

  Marjorie kissed his cheek and then Sky’s. “Ethan and Carol will be late,” she said. “They said not to wait. Little Gene is teething, and he’s been fussy. They finally got him down for a nap, and don’t want to wake him until absolutely necessary. Courtney and her husband should be here any minute.”

  “That will work. We’re not going to eat for a while, anyway.” Struan shot Brian a pointed look. “Nice of you to join us.”

  “I know, right?” Grinning, Brian took the container holding the cake from Lindsay’s hands. “Where do you want me to put this?”

  “Anywhere in the kitchen is fine,” Sky said. “Make yourselves comfortable. What can I get everyone to drink?”

  “Sky, you sit.” Lindsay wagged her finger at her. “It’s yo
ur birthday. We’ll take care of everything.”

  “Oh,” Marjorie gasped, staring at the wall where Struan had made room for her gift to him. “Your tapestry! It’s absolutely stunning.”

  Struan took Sky’s hand, and they joined his mother where she stood admiring Sky’s handiwork.

  “Did you make the frame, Struan?” Gene asked, coming up beside them.

  “I did,” he answered.

  “You can almost see the water reflecting the sunlight,” Marjorie said, reaching out to trace a golden thread gilding the waves of the lake. “Why, it’s our lake, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” Sky nodded, pride infusing her tone.

  “Hmm.” Lindsay studied the work of art. “Why that particular scene?”

  Struan glanced sideways at her and squeezed her hand. Surely he was remembering the day by the lake where they’d made love for the first time. Her face heated, and she picked at a thread hanging from the bottom of her blouse.

  “Umm,” Lindsay murmured. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

  “What?” Marjorie looked from him to Sky and then at Lindsay. “What am I missing?”

  Gene put his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “Young love, sweetheart.”

  Marjorie looked confused for a moment, and then her eyes widened. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh.” Lindsay laughed.

  “So, Sky,” Michael said from his chair. “Have you decided what you want to do for the rest of your life? I mean, besides marrying my brother.”

  Sky glanced at Struan, and the look of pride shining in his eyes warmed her heart. He gave her a slight nod of encouragement.

  “I have, but let’s sit before I share my plans with you.”

  “Wait. I’ll get beverages. Beer, Gene, Brian?” Struan busied himself with being a good host, and Gene helped. Once everyone was taken care of, Struan took his place on the couch beside her.

  “Do we have to wait until everyone is here?” Marjorie asked, looking around the room.

  “No, we can fill them in later.” Struan put his arm around Sky’s shoulders. “Go ahead, sweetheart.”

  She nodded. “Katherine sent me Meghan’s high school and college diplomas, along with her transcripts.”

  “Why’d she do that?” Brian asked with a puzzled look.

  “Lindsay, you’re going to have to bring your boyfriend up to speed.” Struan raised his brow. “For now, just listen.”

  Brian’s brow creased, but he shut up.

  “I want to enroll in nursing school. I wish to become a midwife like Erin.”

  “Perfect,” Marjorie said, clapping her hands together.

  “Does it bother you, doing all this under someone else’s name?” Lindsay asked.

  “Hmm, it’s no’ like I stole Meghan’s identity. ’Twas given to me.” Sky gazed at Struan. “I do wish to be married in my own name though. Mayhap once in a kirk, using Meghan’s identity, and again using my true name.”

  Brian’s eyes narrowed. “Are you in some kind of witness protection program or something?”

  “Nay.” Sky bit her lip. “I came here from the fifteenth century, and the McGladreys’ daughter, who was taken to the past, is wed to my brother. It seems we have traded places.”

  Brian shot up from his chair. “Yeah, right. If you don’t want to tell me, fine, but don’t insult me.”

  Struan raised his brow at Lindsay.

  “Come on, Brian,” Lindsay said. “Let’s go check on the horses.”

  Brian scowled Struan’s way and stomped off with Lindsay.

  “That ought to be an interesting conversation,” Michael said with a smirk.

  “Back to the weddings,” Marjorie said, waving at her youngest son to be quiet. “How will you manage to marry in your true name?”

  “Connor thinks he’s found a man—a priest, actually—whom he believes came from the past. He’s going to talk to him, see if he can’t get him to admit where and when he’s from. If things go well, Connor will ask him if he’d marry us. Mayhap it doesn’t matter, but I want to take my vows as . . . me.” She swallowed. “I want to marry Struan without having to deny my kin, my clan and my history.”

  She blinked several times, and Struan tightened his hold. “We know who you are and where you came from. I swear never to forget and to always honor your past.”

  Her eyes misting, she nodded.

  “I hope you’ll call me mother, Sky, because I already consider you my daughter,” Marjorie said, moving to sit by Sky on the couch. Gene managed a nod, his eyes glistening.

  “And as far as I’m concerned, you’re my newest sister,” Michael chimed in.

  “Thank you.” Sky swiped at her eyes. “I am most fortunate to have all of you in my life. I’m proud to be a part of clan Gordon.” Her vision blurred as she looked around the room. She’d been blessed. First to have been born into her large, loving family, and then with the Gordons. Most of all, she’d been blessed with Struan. No longer did she resent her fae gifts, or fear having bairns of her own. No longer did she see herself as standing at the periphery of life, avoiding being noticed, or letting others make her decisions for her. Struan had given her everything she never thought she’d have.

  A timer went off in the kitchen. Struan rose from his place beside her. “Time to set the table. How long do you think it’ll take Lindsay to convince Brian we’re not part of a witness protection program?” His family’s laughter reverberated through their home. “Michael, come help me.”

  “On my way.”

  The front door opened, and the rest of their family crowded into their living room. Greetings and hugs ensued. Finally, Lindsay led a stunned-looking Brian back inside.

  Brian frowned. “Does Andrew know?”

  “He does.” Struan nodded. “Let’s eat before my efforts in the kitchen are ruined.”

  She and Struan had lots of helping hands to get dinner on the table, and finally they sat down at the feast-laden table, surrounded by loved ones.

  She and Struan had it all: family, love and work they were passionate about. Sky sent up a prayer of thanks. Aye, she truly was a lucky woman, and she’d do everything in her power to hold on tight to the gifts she’d been given.


  The earldom of Mar has quite an intriguing history, as do all the politics of Scotland during the late medieval era. The fifteenth century was a brutal time, filled with treacherous, ruthless, power-grabbing and larger-than-life individuals. The history of the earldom is not in any way exceptional for that time.

  Isabel Douglas was sister to the second earl of Douglas, who was also the earl of Mar. He died in battle without any legitimate heirs. Isabel inherited most of his land and became countess of Mar. She married Malcolm Drummond, brother-in-law to King Robert III. In 1404 Isabel’s husband was murdered by Alexander Stewart, who then laid siege to Kildrummy Castle, the seat of the earldom of Mar. Alexander captured the castle, forced Isabel to marry him and to sign over all her land and titles. Isabel never had children, and she remained a captive in her own home until her death in 1408.

  Alexander Stewart relinquished the title and estates of Mar in 1426 in exchange for a different title granted by King James I, the son of King Robert III. The estates and title then reverted to the crown. In 1435 the title of earl of Mar was claimed by Robert, Lord Erskine. However, the land that went with the title remained a contentious matter for the courts. King James I continued to hold the land under specifications of the previous reversion by Alexander Stewart, while Lord Erskine occupied Kildrummy Castle, had stewardship of the land, and held the title.

  I write fiction. All the characters in the novels of Loch Moigh are products of my imagination. For the purposes of this story, I am glossing over the true history of the earldom of Mar and granting Robert, Lord Erskine, the title much earlier than when he made his claim. My antagonist, Oliver, Lord Erskine’s grandson, is a completely fictional character. The hero in this tale, Struan, the illegitimate son of Kenneth, the fourth ea
rl of Sutherland, is also entirely fictional.

  There will be historians who will cry foul and point out the inaccuracies, and they will be correct. The historical aspects surrounding the earldom of Mar in this novel contain elements of truth, namely the legal claims and disputes regarding the land, while being entirely fictional when it comes to the timeline and the characters.


  As always, I must thank the folks at Montlake Romance for giving my books a home, and for assembling such a great team of developmental editors, line editors and copyeditors. I also want to thank my marvelous agent, Nalini Akolekar, for believing in my ability to spin a yarn or two, and for being in my corner.

  I have to give a shout-out to Craig Johnson, of Arms & Armor, blacksmith extraordinaire, who patiently answered all my blacksmith-type questions. Any mistakes in my novel are my fault, not his. I also want to give a shout-out to organizations that keep the art of medieval warfare alive, including the Minnesota Sword Club and The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

  No one writes in a vacuum, and without my critique partners, Tamara Hughes and Wyndemere Coffey, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you!


  Photo © 2013 ADannettePhoto

  Award-winning author Barbara Longley moved frequently throughout her childhood, but she quickly learned to entertain herself with stories. As an adult, she’s lived in a commune in the Appalachians, taught on a Native American reservation, and traveled extensively from coast to coast. After her children were born, she decided to make the state of Minnesota her permanent home. Barbara holds a master’s degree in special education and taught for many years. Today, she devotes herself to writing contemporary, mythical, and paranormal stories. Her titles include Heart of the Druid Laird; the Love from the Heartland series (Far from Perfect, The Difference a Day Makes, A Change of Heart, and The Twisted Road to You); and the other Novels of Loch Moigh, True to the Highlander, The Highlander’s Bargain, and The Highlander’s Folly.


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