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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

Page 11

by Renee Harless

  Embarrassed, I nonetheless whisper, “I need you everywhere. I need your mouth. I want it kissing, sucking, licking, everywhere on me. I want you inside me, hard, fast. I want you to take everything from me. Possess me, Alex.”

  Stilling his arousal, he reaches forward, hastily unhooking my bra, then tugs so hard at my panties that they fall apart in his hands. Hearing Alex step away, I lie in desperate need. For minutes, I am met with nothing but silence in the room, except for the sound of my heavy breathing and my heartbeat echoing in my ears. At last, footsteps on the tiled floor alert me to Alex’s arrival. Before I have a moment to ask where he went, a chilled mouth meets my pert nipple, causing the lower half of my body to squirm on the counter.

  “Be still,” he commands.

  Calming my hips, I focus on the feel of Alex’s lips as they graze the skin on my breasts, switching his chilled mouth between the two peaks. The glorious feeling becomes too much as I find myself reaching the pinnacle of ecstasy. Holding back the sensation of letting go, Alex smiles against my left breast as he realizes that I’m restraining my orgasm.

  Switching to the neglected area between my legs, Alex takes another mouth full of what I’ve determined is snow, then licks from my tight rosette towards my clitoris. My body devours his attention. Alex works at licking and sucking, focusing his interest on my sensitive spot, using his fingers to slide between my drenched folds.

  Moving his mouth away from my center, Alex presses his lips against my own. My own scent and taste that lingered on his lips and tongue mix inside my mouth, causing my desire to pulse higher than before. Fingers sliding in and out of my core, Alex rests his palm against my clit, working my body into a frenzy. As the overwhelming sensations deliver a powerful onslaught to my senses, I surrender to a powerful release.

  Drifting back into consciousness, I open my eyes to find the blindfold and handcuffs have been removed. Alex is removing his last bit of clothing: the pants and shoes that he returned to their position after our fun in the mud room. Glancing at his nude form is enough to ignite the fire in my core to a scorching flame. I should be arrested for all of the filthy thoughts running through my mind as I watch him standing before me in all of his naked, masculine beauty. Unfortunately, I don’t have too much time to envision kinky scenarios inside my head, because Alex has jumped onto the same counter where I lie and braces himself above me, his massive erection pressing against my opening.

  “I want you here, Mallory.”

  “Yes,” I agree, unable to repress my need for him either.

  Alex quickly thrusts inside of me, pushing himself to the hilt. The full feeling he creates inside my body leaves me panting for air and moaning his name. Grabbing underneath my shoulder blades, Alex begins pounding into me. Desperately needing to touch him, I grab at his ass and synchronize my thrusts against his, feeling as if I am not ever going to get enough of him. Through our chaotic rhythm, Alex manages to bend his head and suck one of my nipples between his lips. This feeling mixed with his assault on my g-spot and clit are enough to send me toppling over the brink again, with Alex joining me shortly after.

  Glancing into my eyes while resting his head on my shoulder, Alex asks, “How was that? Are you ok? Was it too much?”

  “That was incredible. All of it.”

  “No flashbacks?”

  “No flashbacks.” Taking a deep breath, running my fingers through his wavy and sweaty hair, I continue, “I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me with all of this. I know it’s not easy for you to hold yourself back, but I really do appreciate it.”

  “Mallory, there is no need to thank me. I love you and I will do anything I can to put you at ease. And by no means am I holding myself back. Making love to you is incredible no matter how we do it. And I mean that, honestly. Now let’s get up, you’re likely to have a sore back after all this.”

  Helping me jump down from the countertop, Alex and I make our way to his room where he immediately steps into his bathroom and begins running a bath. While he is in the other room, the cell phone he placed beside me on the bed starts to light up and ring. Not intending to pry, but the sudden noise catches my attention, and I turn to look at the screen. I see a message from his brother, Nicholas.

  Nicholas: So you’re screwing that American trash again. This is going to ruin your

  image brother. We’ll talk Sunday.

  “Uh, Alex. You have a message. Seems like it’s your brother,” I call.

  “Did he say anything important?” he replies over the sound of rushing water.

  Warily looking back at the device sitting beside me, I decide to go with honesty, “Um, I think so. He said some stuff about me.”

  Alex comes rushing back from the bathroom, anger towards his brother flashing in his eyes. I immediately determine that Alex has no idea what Nicholas is referring. I’ve never actually met Nicholas, only saw him at the charity event, but Abigail has mentioned to me in the past that he is very particular about his family’s image. I’d prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt until we’ve actually met, but calling me “American trash” is a quick way to get on my bad side.

  “What did he mean by that, Alex?”

  “I don’t know, truly. I can’t imagine why he would say something like that. Please understand that I have never called you that, or would let someone refer to you in such a way.”

  “I know. I can tell that it upsets you. I just don’t know why he would think that way. Are you sure I should join you at dinner on Sunday?”

  “Without a doubt, you’re wonderful and he’ll see that when he meets you. Plus, it was my mother that invited you, so there is no backing out.”

  Placing the phone back onto the bed, Alex scoops me into his arms, moves to the bathroom, and gently places me in the pool of warm water. Sliding in behind me, he rests my body between his legs and brings my back to rest against his chest. Inhaling deeply, the tension in my body dissolves within the comfort of Alex’s arms.

  “Lavender?” I murmur.

  “Yes. The smell always reminds me of you. Whenever I would come home and think about you, I’d pour a little in the bath water so that I could imagine you here with me. I missed you fiercely after I moved back home. I had always planned on coming back for you,” he replies as he scoops up water and pours it onto my shoulders.

  “I missed you too, Alex. I moved out of your apartment that first day. I couldn’t imagine being around your things day after day, but not having you there with me. I prayed everyday that you would call or come for me,” I whisper, trailing my finger across the surface of the water. “It took me almost three months to determine that things were over and I tried to move on, but no one compared to you. No one had that electricity, you know?”

  “I know.”

  “We’re a sad pair.”

  “No, darling. We’re a beautiful story where time will write no ending.”

  “That’s a charming thing to say.”

  “It’s the truth. Our story has only just started taking shape. We’ll have a few plot twists along the way, but that will only keep our tale interesting and build our character. The best part is we can have this story follow any direction we want. And, Mallory,” he says, twisting me in his arms, “I only want this story with you.”

  “Oh, Alex.”

  Curling into his embrace, I let the emotions tangled within my nerves spring forth as months of fear and heartbreak release into soul-shattering sobs. Comforting me in the only way Alex knows how, he strokes my hair and back, whispering soothing words into my ears. Allowing me to expel all my inner turmoil, Alex waits patiently for me to come back to myself.

  As my tears dissipate, Alex asks, “Better?”

  “I am so sorry for that. But yes, I feel amazingly better.”

  “I’m sure you needed to have someone hold you so you could let it all out. I’m glad it was me.”

  “Me too, Alex. Me too.”

  Chapter 12

  Opening up to
Alex the night before was such an exhausting experience for each of us that we find ourselves lying in bed well into the morning hours of Saturday. The sunlight is streaming through the window, onto Alex’s face, and I take the opportunity to visually devour my lover’s face and body. He is remarkable, both physically and mentally, and his heart - that I knew was there all along - yearns for me. Reaching across the sheets, I stroke my hand lightly across his face. This would be the perfect moment to tell him that I love him. That I’ve always loved him, but I know without trust, love means little. He has been helping me so much by overcoming the fears Seth had instilled in me, but I still have a long way to go. My beautiful Alex, patiently waiting for me. I am a lucky girl.

  Yawning against my hand, Alex kisses my palm gently.

  “Good morning, beautiful. I love waking up next to you.”

  Snuggling closer I say, “I love it, too. I could do it every day.”

  “You could?” Alex asks saucily as he climbs across my body, resting on his elbows and hovering above my face.

  “Yep. It’s too bad I go back to work on Monday.”

  Rubbing his growing erection against my thigh he utters, “Don’t forget the extra security. I’m sure I’ll be needed in your bedroom.”

  “Oh yes, my hero,” I return in a dramatic fashion.

  “Are you teasing me, Ms. Winston?”

  “Would I do that, Mr. Stone?”

  Contemplating for a moment, Alex replies, “Yes, you would.” Mischief sparkles in his eyes. “Do you think you’re up to try something else this morning?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking that I have these new restraints on my bed that I’d love to try on you.”

  Apprehension begins to snake through my nerves, but the heated look on Alex’s face disintegrates any fears that I may have.

  “Yes, please,” I respond gruffly.

  Kissing me chastely, Alex jumps off the bed and moves towards the headboard. Snatching a leather cuff attached to the bed frame by a thick chain, he works quickly to adjust it around my wrist, making sure I have room to slide my hand free, if necessary. Traveling around the bed, Alex hurriedly attaches the remaining cuffs to my ankles and other wrist, pulling me spread-eagled onto the bed.

  “How do they feel?”

  “Fine, soft.”

  “Perfect. You look lovely like this,” Alex moans, tracing his fingers across my taught limbs, walking slowly around the bed. “Would you mind if I used a toy or two on you like this? I have a flogger and a pinwheel I think you’d like.”

  Lost with desire, I agree to the toys but desperately hope that he’ll join me soon. My orgasms are so much more spectacular when he’s inside me and I crave that form of release.

  When he returns from his dresser, Alex shows me a metal pinwheel that he says will lightly prick my skin if he uses a little bit of pressure. A leather handle binding a series of leather strips and beads is tossed on the bed beside me.

  “That’s the flogger I’ll use. You remember how it feels?”

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, the words returning naturally.

  Halting and catching a sharp breath, Alex stares in my direction.

  “You can’t imagine how good it feels to hear you say that.” He whispers, “I’ve waited so many months.”

  Stalking back towards the top of the bed where my head lays, Alex places a warm and excited kiss onto my mouth. Begging for entrance, his tongue skirts past my lips as I gasp at the exchange. While probing my mouth, Alex’s hand skims across my rib cage before he reaches up for my breast. Tweaking my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, I let out a whimper from deep within in my throat. Noticing my distress, Alex’s hand moves farther south, resting against my mound, but he makes no attempt to stimulate my core.

  Stepping away from me, but leaving his hand in place, Alex grabs the flogger and gently swipes at my arms before flicking the leather at my nipples. The sharp burst of pain from one of the beads hitting my nipple hits fast, ending shortly. Moving down my body, he pays special attention to my inner thighs, inching his way up towards my center. Small taps against my core are followed up by a single stroke from Alex’s nimble fingers. Tap, stroke, tap, stroke. The pleasure inside me is building and I want to badly to move against his hands, but the restraints prevent me from doing so.

  Removing this hand and the flogger, Alex takes hold of the metal pinwheel. Licking up and down my body, my senses heighten from deep inside, all the way to the tip of my skin. Beginning at my wrists, Alex rolls the pinwheel gently, a pricking feeling remaining in its wake. The prick reminds me of the time we used the vampire gloves: a sense of pleasure overtaking any feeling of pain. As he travels down my stomach and legs, I feel as if I am about to burst free of my own body. The pinwheel has ignited my skin in an overwhelming intensity.

  Overcome by the need to break free from the sensations, I look up at my hand to see if I can remove my wrist. It is in this same moment that Alex swipes his tongue across my opening and sucks my clitoris into his mouth. My thoughts of freeing my wrist fade, and I find myself falling into my desire. Joining his tongue, two of his fingers insert themselves deep into my core, which is begging desperately for my release. Only when his thumb presses against my tight rosette does my body finally let go.

  Straddling my body on the bed, Alex leans forward, pressing his mouth onto my neck. Sucking and licking at my sensitive skin, his erection presses against my center, sliding back and forth, coating itself in my heat. I rock my hips as much as I can in the restraints, as I feel the tip of Alex’s member slide in and out, in and out, of my opening.

  “Can you handle more, darling?”

  “Yes, please. Oh, it feels so good. I need more of you.”

  Rocking against me a few more times, Alex adjusts himself so that he slides in partially, then slides back out, each time inserting himself only an inch more. The teasing is relentless and continues until he reaches the hilt, deep inside me. With my legs spread this far apart, I can feel his penis rubbing up against my womb, almost to the point of discomfort, but the pleasure is enough to mask any pain.

  Alex rests his body so that his face is even with my breasts – a position of which he takes full advantage. As he thrusts even more deeply inside me, he assaults my nipple with tiny flicks of his tongue. Feeling his erection thicken inside me, I know he is growing closer to his own release, while simultaneously mine is also arriving. When at last he moves to possess my mouth, Alex and I come together in a series of kisses and groans.

  “How was that?” he asks, his chest heaving with ragged breaths.

  “Spectacular. I was too overcome with everything to even think about the restraints.”

  “Perfect. See, we’re the ideal pair.”

  Placing a gentle kiss on my nose, Alex moves off me before removing the restraints around my wrists and ankles, taking special care to rub each area.

  While continuing to rub my ankle, Alex asks, “Bath or shower?”

  “Shower, then breakfast.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  When we step into his white marble walk-in shower, Alex turns on the water to a scalding temperature.

  “Too hot?”

  “Just a tad. Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. I want you comfortable.”

  Taking my turn under the waterfall faucet, Alex reaches behind me and massages my scalp, lathering up my hair with shampoo. As I rest my hands on his waist, Alex continues to pamper me with conditioner as well. Turning in the large stall, I switch places and work at washing Alex’s hair, trying to mimic his scalp massage. As I reach around to grab his loofa, my arm accidently caresses his penis, which begins to grow at an incredible rate.

  “Oh, baby. You can’t do that. I want you again.”

  Staring at him in silence, Alex seizes the opportunity to lean down and capture my mouth with his own. Hands traveling down my body, they finally rest at my waist and then my heated opening, rubbing against the sensit
ive folds. Moving backwards, my back comes to rest on the far wall of the shower, pressed against a barrier of chilled, wet marble. Grasping at my behind, Alex lifts me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist just as he guides me onto his stiff erection. Using the wall as leverage, Alex takes my wrists in one hand, then rests them above my head while using his other hand to massage my clit. Plunging into me, he nips at my jaw, neck, and collarbone. Lost in our passion, Alex’s movements repeatedly hit my inner spot, rocketing me towards my climax, his following shortly after.

  Sliding down the wall, we come to rest in a pool of chilled water, both breathing heavily from sheer exhaustion. Pushing the wet hair away from my face, Alex gently kisses along my jaw line and mouth.

  “I love you, Mallory.”


  “Sh…, beautiful. I know. Let’s finish getting cleaned up.”

  Throughout the remainder of the day, Alex and I relax in his library and play in the snow with Anna. The brunt of the storm has passed. London is left with two and a half feet of snow, but to everyone’s surprise, local trucks have already begun to dig the city out.

  That evening we decide to prepare a dinner of chicken stew; working together to cut up vegetables and chicken.

  Striding purposefully into Alex’s home, Gregory comes to greet us in the kitchen.

  “I hate to interrupt, but we’ve received another letter. It was in Mallory’s mailbox this time. I can’t be certain of when it was sent, but I believe it was after the first letter. This one is much shorter.”

  Snatching it from Gregory’s hands, Alex pores over the letter, his face turning red with rage.

  “May I see it?” I ask forcefully.

  “I don’t think you should.”

  “Well, I want to. Give it to me,” I insist.

  Hesitating for half a moment, Alex looks towards Gregory before handing me the letter. Though in the same bold print as the previous letter, this one is much more direct.

  Found You.

  Die Die Die


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