Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2) Page 14

by Renee Harless

When I drop my legs, Alex rests his head against my stomach, wrapping his arms around my waist. Brushing my fingers through his hair, I take in the moment of his embrace and lavish myself in the feeling of utter contentment.

  Gently kissing just above my navel, Alex helps me down from the counter and says, “Come on. Let’s get cleaned up.”

  Stepping out of the shower a second time, Alex pouts as he wraps me in another clean towel. (I may have had to deny him yet another round in the shower.) Watching him wander back towards his walk-in closet, I take a moment to appreciate the view of his glorious backside. Damn. That man is just as handsome from the back as he is from the front.

  Shaking my head at my own wandering thoughts, I put my lingerie back on and resume brushing and drying my hair, which has now turned into a mass of unruly waves. Huffing, I do my best to blow-dry it straight, but I can’t seem to keep it in place. I wish desperately that I had some of my hair products available. I shout to Alex to see if he has anything I could use, even a rubber band.

  “I have some hair stuff of Abigail’s,” he calls. “Let me go grab it for you.”

  When he returns to the bathroom, he is carrying a basket slam-full of hairpins, hair elastics, spray, gel and a flat iron. Alex places the load onto the counter.

  “I have no idea what any of this does, but good luck.”

  Kissing my forehead, Alex struts back out, having replaced his boxer briefs, then heads into his walk in closet.

  I decide not to spend much more time on my hair, then twist it up into a high top knot and pin the loose pieces in place. Locating my makeup bag, I try my damnedest to imitate the strokes and color placement that Madison uses on my face. Thinking I’ve done a pretty good job, I step back into the bedroom and sidle up to the bed. I revel in the feel of the silk stockings as I slide them up my skin, then attach them to the accompanying garter belt. At last, I slide the beautiful dress carefully over my head.

  Standing in front of the full-length mirror across the way, I am shocked by my own transformation. The dress fits me like a glove, and the combination of my makeup and hair keep the entire look modern and effortless. Unsure of what jewelry to wear, I keep my collar draped around my neck and leave the tiny diamond studs in my ears. I slide my feet into the shoes check for Alex in the closet, and not finding him, make my way down to his office.

  Sticking my head into the door of Alex’s study, I glance around the room. The room’s walls are comprised of wooden panels, which brings to mind images of old English libraries. A wall of books surrounds a large fireplace, where two leather chairs sit facing it. Looking straight ahead, placed between the two windows, is a large photograph of me and Alex, kissing at the Orioles baseball game. It’s truly a beautiful picture. My hair is blowing in the breeze, Alex’s hands are holding my face close, and our lips are perfectly sealed.

  “That’s one of my favorite pictures.”

  Startled, I screech and almost fall into his office as he comes to stand behind me.

  “Geez, Alex. Don’t scare me like that! What do you mean ‘one of your favorites’?”

  “Oh, I have a few, come see.”

  Taking my hand, Alex brings me around his desk, which is situated across from the large portrait, and shows me three more photographs. My personal favorite is from the night we went to the harbor for dinner and were walking along the pier at sunset. The picture is a profile shot of Alex, holding me in his arms, cheek resting on my head as I lean into him on the railing.

  “Abigail took that one.”

  The second photo is of me sleeping in Alex’s bed in Maryland. The silver sheets draped over my body highlight my breasts and hips. It’s a very erotic photo.

  “You’re very angelic when you sleep.”

  “You know, I took a photo of you just like this. I haven’t transferred it to my new phone yet.”

  The third photograph is from the charity event, where I was wearing my purple gown. It is one of the few publicity shots I took by myself.

  “That’s the night I found you again. I swear I thought I had finally gone crazy when I saw you that evening. You were so much more beautiful than I remembered and I couldn’t imagine why fate would taunt me so, but when you ran, I had to go after you. I couldn’t let you slip away again. I thank the stars every day that you’ve given me a second chance.”

  Looking down at the photo, I let his words wash over me. His words are like a breath of fresh air filling my lungs: absolutely rejuvenating.

  “I love you, Alex. So much more than I thought I was ever capable of.”

  “You’re the air I breathe and the blood I need, I am nothing without you.”

  Smiling up at my desperately attractive boyfriend, I wrap my arms around his neck and tease, “I think you were doing pretty well before I came along. You are rich and famous after all.”

  With the back of his fingers trailing across my cheek, Alex replies, “Money and a title will leave you empty, love. I didn’t know what I needed until a beautiful girl in a bronze dress set my skin on fire and brought my soul to life.”

  Color flushes my cheeks.

  “That…That’s a wonderful thing to say. You amaze me all the time. You are everything I had ever wanted, but never knew I could have.” It takes tremendous effort to keep tears from my eyes. “I love you, Alex, with every part of me.”

  “I love you, too, Mallory Winston.” We share a long kiss, and Alex looks at me for a moment, gently caressing my face, then smiles. “Come on; let’s make sure we get to my mum’s in one piece.”

  Chapter 15

  Driving through the countryside of Suffolk, I can’t help but feel the literary goddess inside me jumping up and down, desperately hoping to race through the fields. I know it’s silly, but I can’t contain my smile when I imagine standing beside Alex, hand in hand, watching our children play in the meadows outside a seaside cottage. Knocking me from my blissful daydream, Alex throws an arm across my chest as he slams on the breaks. I look up and see that we have narrowly avoided a dog that just darted across the street.

  “Shit,” he says, as the dog runs safely across the grass and away from the road, seemingly oblivious to how close it came to a premature demise. “You ok, Mallory?”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “I’m sorry. He came out of nowhere. Luckily we’re almost there.”

  A few minutes later, we turn into the drive of a massive stone mansion resting along the beachfront. In the snow, the house looks unspeakably majestic, but I can easily see it as a comfortable vacation home in the summer. Parking in the large garage, an older man opens my door and assists me in exiting the car.

  “You must be Mallory. It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Edward, Alex’s father.”

  Bending to kiss my knuckles, I look over to Alex for guidance as he exits the car and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, sir,” I reply.

  Edward is an older version of Alex and is equally as charming. He begins to show me into their home, but the moment I step into the living room, Abigail rushes towards me, talking animatedly as she grabs me in an embrace. Gently taking my hand, Alex pulls me back from Abigail’s tight grip, admonishing her briefly before stepping towards another man that I recognize as his brother.

  “Mallory, this is my brother, Nicholas, and his wife, Evie.”

  The way Alex says Evie’s name – his voice practically dripping with distaste - makes me believe that he isn’t exactly fond of her.

  Also bending to kiss my knuckles, like his father had previously done, Nicholas politely responds to Alex’s introduction.

  Evie, on the other hand, simply puckers her mouth as if she has tasted something horrible. In a clipped voice, she utters, “Pleasure.”

  “Nicholas, where is mum?” Alex asks, evidently ready to conclude this round of introductions.

  “She’s in her greenhouse. Where else would she be?” Abigail chimes in as she sidles up beside me. She turns her rapturous gaze towards her sister-in-law.<
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  “Evie, isn’t Mallory just gorgeous? I mean, have you ever seen someone so naturally stunning?” She pulls at a lock of my hair and smiles. “I mean, if I could pay to look like her, I think I would.”

  Standing to the side, Evie looks me up and down with a sneer after witnessing this exchange, then walks over to the window.

  “That was too easy,” Abi grins.

  “Abi, why did you do that? She’s going to hate me.”

  “She hates everyone, don’t sweat it.”

  “Is she here?” a loud voice shouts from the kitchen.

  Skipping into the room donning a beautiful red dress, Alex’s mother comes to stand directly in front of me.

  “You’re even lovelier in person, Mallory. It’s wonderful to see you! Welcome to our summer home.”

  “Thank you; it was kind of you to invite me, Mrs. Stone.”

  “Please, call me Jane. Dinner is ready if everyone would move into the dining room.”

  The crowd disperses from the room and I begin to follow but change my path abruptly. Walking over to Evie, I seize the opportunity to apologize for Abi’s comments.

  “Evie, I didn’t know Abigail would say those things about me. I’m sorry if she said something to offend you. I don’t want us to start off on the wrong foot. You’re part of Alex’s family.”

  Looking me up and down again, she crosses her arms with an almost indiscernible snort, rolls her eyes, then walks away.

  “What was that about, beautiful?” Alex asks as he appears at my elbow. “I don’t like when you frown.”

  “It was nothing. I just tried to set things right after Abi said some awkward things.” I shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. “Evie doesn’t seem to like me.”

  “That’s because she only likes herself - don’t take it personally.” He squeezes my hand reassuringly. “Come with me, mum made my favorite.”

  “Shepherd’s pie?”

  “Yes!” he exclaims excitedly through a grin. “See, I knew we were meant to be,” Alex says jokingly as he drapes an arm around my waist, guiding me into the dining room where we there are two remaining place settings. Pulling one of the chairs away from the table for me, we take our seats between his father and Abigail.

  I answer several questions from Edward and Nicholas regarding my work in advertising, as well as several of the clients that I’ve worked with in the past. Edward seems astounded to learn that some of his favorite commercials were produced by my agency and under my supervision. Nicholas asks a bit more personal questions, what I would consider first date questions, such as how many boyfriends I’ve had in the past, without any regard to Evie, who is sitting next to him with a horrified scowl on her face.

  After dinner, most of the family filters into the den, where large picture windows overlook the beach. Offering to clear the table, Alex and I make quick work of cleaning the dishes and replacing them in the cabinets. The work is pleasant and accomplished quickly as we chatter about nothing in particular. After the last dish is put away, he takes my hand and guides me outside to show me his mother’s greenhouse. When I step inside the glass enclosure, the sweet smell of roses ensnares my senses before I can fully grasp just how many roses are crowded within the room.

  “Oh my,” I whisper, peering around in awe.

  “It’s pretty spectacular, right?”

  “It’s one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.”

  Roses float along the walls and climb trellises across the ceiling. Every color has a showcased space, giving the sensation that you just walked into a rainbow of flowers.

  “There is something else I want to show you.”

  Following him along the slated walkway, Alex comes to a stop in a small area. I gasp in surprise to see several large potting boxes containing groups of purple calla lilies. Tears prickle my eyes at the sight of the flowers that remind me so much of home.

  “I told her they were your favorite. She’s been working on them for months. Since we were first together.”

  “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Are you happy?” Alex asks, turning me in his arms so that he can look deep into my eyes.

  “I am. I’m very happy with you, Alex.”

  Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, Alex whispers, “I want you to be my wife one day, Mallory. I know you’re not ready yet, but I’m hoping one day soon you will be.” Chuckling at himself, he continues, “I never wanted that in my life. I never planned on getting married, it was never in my future at all. At least until I met you, anyway.” He plants a sweet kiss on my lips. “You’ve changed everything.”

  “I’d be honored to be your wife one day, Alex,” I reply, so moved by his words that it nearly hurts, “But you’re right, I’m not ready, between having a stalker, the kidnapping and all this going on with my job, I just have too much baggage to commit to something like that.” Inhaling the intoxicating scent of the greenhouse, I smile in spite of myself. “But I swear to you, as soon as I’m ready, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Is everything alright out here?” Jane asks as she steps into her floral haven.

  “Yes, mum. I was just showing Mallory your garden.”

  “It’s beautiful, Mrs. Stone. I’m extremely impressed by your green thumb. I’m not very good at keeping plants or even goldfish alive.” I say, giggling.

  “I’m sure that’s not true, deary,” she says kindly, turning to her son, “Alex, your brother and sister are heading out. I figured you would be leaving close behind them.”

  “Come on, Mallory. Let’s head back home.”

  Home. The word stirs contentment and excitement in equal parts within me. In so short a time, Alex’s picturesque Victorian house has already begun to feel like my home. How have I even been considering returning to Maryland in two and half months? As we walk back to the house, I’m not sure if I am even contemplating that option any longer. Has my heart already chosen to stay in London, for Alex?

  Saying our goodbyes to Alex’s family is a bit bittersweet. I feel like I have meshed really well with them, despite how desperately I miss my own family. Smiling, I think of how well our two families would blend. With the exception, of course, of Evie, who has managed to scoot past us all on her way out the door, avoiding an exchange all together. Nicholas apologized profusely for her actions on his way after her, seeming to be a bit embarrassed by her attitude. Abigail, true to form, tells us in full detail what she really thinks about the situation before we head out ourselves.

  Back in the car, I play around with the idea for a minute before deciding to ask Alex about Evie, hoping to shed some light onto her aloof behavior. I can’t help but feel like perhaps we’re all misunderstanding her, that maybe she feels like a lost soul.

  “Alex, what’s up with Evie? She and Nicholas seem like polar opposites.”

  “She wasn’t like that when they first got together.” He sighs, “She was young, sweet, and naive. I think when her modeling career took off she had to create this tough and hard exterior, but she hasn’t figured out how to turn it off. I’m so sorry she was rude to you.”

  “I just feel bad for her. Like she just crawls back into her shell the moment she feels uncomfortable, or else she lashes out.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Abi has tried for years to bring her back to the girl we once knew, but she’s truly a lost cause. Abi and Nicholas have both given up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nicholas is considering a divorce. Granted, she is great for his career, but he’s starting to wear thin.”

  “That’s awful. I hope they take some time to figure out things. Divorce can get ugly.”

  “I know it is. I just want what’s best for my brother, and he for me. He thinks you’re great, by the way. So does my entire family, but you know that already.”

  “It was great meeting them; they remind me so much of my own family.” I try to minimize the sadness in my voice, “I miss them.”

  “I know you do, l
ove. We can go visit them if you decide to stay here with me.”

  “If?” I ask quickly, in a bit of a panic.

  “Well, of course I want you to stay here forever, but it’s still your decision.” He takes his eyes from the road for a brief second to smile at me. “And as long as you want me, I’ll go wherever you’re happiest.”

  “You’d go back with me to Maryland?” I exclaim, unable to wrap my mind around his words. “What about your family and your Formula One team?”

  “I told you, Mallory, I’d do anything to be with you. Besides, living in Maryland isn’t exactly a hardship, not by any means. My family visits there a couple times a year, and as for my racing team, I can manage most of it from a computer. I’ll just need to be at a few of the races.”

  “Alex, I would never ask you to do that.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, darling.” He replies warmly, “But you wouldn’t have to ask, I want to be where you are. It’s that simple.”

  “I want to be where you are too,” I say, happiness bubbling in my chest, “In a bed, curled up beside you.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll be home soon,” he says, and we pass the drive in a companionable, loving silence.

  Chapter 16

  Monday morning comes far too quickly and Alex rushes to get me to work on time. He distracted me in the shower this morning, so I retaliated by distracting him in the kitchen and… well… needless to say, I was late to work.

  Both Gregory and Alex escort me into my building, then up to my office. Gregory is overseeing the security measures that were already in place by the building, as well as installing a few of his own. Alex pulled aside both Steven and Bea, filling them in on the situation at hand, advising them of what to do if I receive any unexpected visitors. Meanwhile, I sat at my desk, compiling the agenda for the morning meeting.

  “Mallory, I have a meeting for my team this morning. I’ll be back at 5:00pm to pick you up, ok?” Alex says from my doorway.

  “Sure. Thanks for bringing me in this morning.”

  “My pleasure. I love you,” Alex says as he moves towards my desk, bending to press a kiss to my lips.


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