Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2) Page 15

by Renee Harless

  “Love you too, babe.”

  After Alex steps out of my office, Bea slides in and sits in the chair across from me.

  “So…,” she begins, a Cheshire cat grin spreading across her face.

  “So, what?”

  “You’re together? Like together together?”

  “Yep, together together,” I reply nonchalantly, typing up an email.

  “When did this happen?” she demands indignantly, then adds almost as an afterthought, “You’re very cute together, by the way.”

  “Thanks,” I reply, trying my hardest to focus on work. “It was during the snow storm. I stayed with him; remember? We decided to give it another try. I’m really happy about it.”

  I smile broadly in jubilation.

  “I’m glad,” she replies, shaking her head. “I can’t imagine being happy about much of anything if I had a stalker after me.”

  Looking up at her pointedly, I try not to sound annoyed, “I’m trying not to think about it. Alex and Gregory will figure it out before I have a chance to freak out.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up like that,” she says quietly, then rushes on, “but, Mallory, I’m terrified for you. You’re like, my new best friend,” she chokes, “and I don’t want anyone to hurt you.”

  Tears stream down her face as she succumbs to her sadness.

  “Oh, Bea. Please don’t cry. I’ll be fine,” I reply, moving to hold her as she weeps.

  A knock my office door causes both Bea and myself to lookup into the faces of Gregory and Steven.

  “Woman stuff?” Gregory asks, looking out of his element.

  “Yep,” I reply, rising from my spot beside Bea’s chair.

  “Can we speak alone for a moment?”

  “Sure. Steven, Bea, I’ll come get you for the meeting when I’m done here.”

  Once they leave, Gregory takes the seat that Bea had formerly occupied. He pulls something up on his phone while I move back to my desk chair.

  “Well, I inspected the building security system and I think we’re good there. I also installed a small video and voice recorder on your bookshelf that only Alex and I can access. It’s highly specialized – it can only be detected by military-based equipment. This is what we’ll see,” he says, showing me his phone.

  The picture of my office is in full view.

  “This is also the same equipment that we installed at your apartment, as well as Steven’s, in case you need to spend any time over there. I hope if you plan on spending time with Ms. Beatrice that you’ll invite her to your place so we can still monitor everything. She’s aware of the entire situation and we’ve asked for her help as well, so she will understand.”

  “I’m assuming she passed one of your extensive background checks?”

  “Without a doubt,” Gregory says, smirking.

  “And finally,” he continues, “I hope this doesn’t offend you or make you think any differently of the gift, but Lord Stone had a small tracking microchip installed in your necklace. Just on the clasp of the chain, not on the charms. He just wanted to be able to keep you safe. It can be removed whenever you like once this is over.”

  “Why would I be upset?”

  “Lord Stone didn’t want you to feel that he was being overprotective. He just loves you a great deal.”

  “Well, if you see him, tell him I’m not mad. I think it’s kind of sweet. Anything else?”

  “No, miss. I’m expected at a meeting with the police station this morning to go over the evidence. Until myself or Lord Stone returns, please stay with Steven or Beatrice.”

  “Yes, sir,” I reply with a mocking salute.


  Day after day, Alex, Gregory, and I follow the same routine. Every other night is spent at my apartment, while the others are spent at Alex’s home. We travel together to my office, then they both head off from there to conduct their own business.

  Almost two weeks pass, following this schedule, and I haven’t received any more letters. Despite the reprise, none of us are taking this as a good sign: Gregory and Alex believe that the culprit is waiting us out, looking for a break in the security. That thought is leaving us all a bit paranoid, but right now, I don’t have a moment to be worried - at least not for that reason. Currently, I have just one hour to get ready for the Banks’ Ball, where I will accompany Alex as his date. I am petrified, to say the least.

  Standing in Alex’s bedroom, I stare at myself in the full-length mirror. The woman Abigail sent over for my hair and makeup has done a remarkable job. My hair is slick and straight, parted in the middle, while my makeup is very subtle. She tried to leave all the focus on the dress, which is a red, capped-sleeve, one shoulder design. The bodice is slightly sheer, but under it is a strip of solid material that covers my chest. The dress is exquisite, with sequins packed together around my waist, dispersing out towards the top and bottom of the dress. It’s unlike anything I have ever seen. Unable to wear the necklace with the neckline of the dress, I tuck it safely away in the clutch that I am using for the evening.

  Walking out of his closet, adjusting his cufflinks as he goes, Alex comes to stand beside me, looking radiant in a classic tuxedo. My mouth dries instantly. This man – my man - is incredibly handsome. Once his attention is drawn from his wrists, Alex’s eyes practically bulge out of his head when he sees me standing in the mirror.

  “You look breathtaking, Mallory. Absolutely stunning.”

  My cheeks redden to the same shade of my dress at the exchange.

  Shyly, I reply, “Thank you. So do you.”

  Standing behind me in the mirror, Alex gently places his hands on my shoulders, swiping the hair behind my shoulders.

  “Something’s missing,” Alex says to himself, tapping his chin, as if in thought.

  “Oh, I had to take the necklace off. It didn’t go with the dress. I put it in my clutch.”

  “Oh no, darling, not that. You’re missing something else.”

  Looking me up and down in the mirror, Alex smiles secretively, then says, “I know.”

  Rushing back to his closet, Alex comes out a few seconds later, carrying a small box.

  “You need these. Open it.”

  Taking the box from his hand, I open it to find a pair of beautiful, ruby, tear drop earrings, nestled softly against dark blue velvet.

  “They’re beautiful, Alex,” I gasp, enchanted by the light shimmering from their surface.

  “They’re yours. I bought them when you chose this dress - I knew they’d be perfect. Here, let me help you.”

  “I don’t know what to say. They’re stunning.”

  “You’re stunning,” he responds, sliding the gold into my ears.

  Kissing my one bare shoulder, Alex holds out his hand and asks, “Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” I reply, turning around to kiss him.

  Arriving at the Banks’ home is an elaborate affair. We wait in the turnaround in front of their insanely large home for about twenty minutes, until it is our turn to exit the car. As Alex helps me leave the vehicle, the flashbulbs immediately begin blinking in excitement.

  Taking my hand in his own, Alex bends his head slightly to whisper in my ear, “I’m sorry. I forgot the press would be here.”

  “That’s ok. I’m happy to be here with you.”

  I smile at him so he can see the sincerity in my statement.

  “You’re remarkable, Mallory. Come, let’s go find my family.”

  Once we enter the grand foyer an older man whisks Alex away before we’ve stepped three feet into the room. Left alone in a huge room with unfamiliar people, I try to act casually as I search around the adjacent room full of antiques and paintings. Standing in front of a large portrait of a young girl on a cloudy mountainside, I find myself zoning out into my own little world.

  “Odd painting, isn’t it?”

  Startled by the person next to me, I quickly turn my head and find an attractive man with light-brown hair, vying for m
y attention.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “It’s odd isn’t it? That little girl is smiling so carelessly, yet the background is very dark and solemn.”

  “Hm…I suppose so. I wasn’t really looking at it too hard.”

  “Really? I watched you when you walked in. You’ve been staring at it for ten minutes.”

  Embarrassed, I try my best to cover up my escapism. “Oh, well, I was looking at the use of color and technique.”

  “Art major?”

  With a chuckle, I reply, “No.”

  Looking at me curiously, he holds out his hand, “Benjamin.”

  “Mallory,” I say, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Another male’s voice breaks into our conversation. “Benjamin, I don’t think it would be a good idea for my brother to find you alone with his girlfriend.”

  “Oh, Nicholas, hi. We were just talking about this picture,” I say quickly, trying to extinguish the awkwardness of the room.

  “I’m sure. Let’s go find your seat, Mallory. I’m sure Alex is looking for you.”

  Angry at Nicolas’ accusing implications, I turn fully in his direction and stand my ground.

  “Excuse me,” I assert, “But your brother is the one that walked off and left me here the second we arrived. It hadn’t even bothered me until now, because I know he is an important person. But Nicholas, if you ever accuse me of messing around on your brother, even if it is an assumption, when I was simply making conversation with someone, I will make your life hell, ok?”

  Nostrils flaring, I turn back around. Reaching out again to shake Benjamin’s hand, I continue, “Benjamin, it was a pleasure to meet you. Enjoy your evening.” Returning my attention to Alex’s brother, I ask through clenched teeth, “Nicholas, I’d appreciate it if you could show me to my table, or at the very least help me find your sister. I’m sure Alex is busy.”

  Reluctantly lacing my hand through Nicholas’ arm, he solemnly walks me towards the ballroom and helps me find our table. His demeanor has taken a 360-degree turn.

  “Look, I’m sorry ok? Alex is my little brother. I was only looking out for him.”

  Nodding my head, I take my seat and read over the menu for the night while Nicholas moves to sit beside his wife Evie. Abigail joins our table moments later, breaking our silence with her outrageous laughter.

  “Abi, how much longer until dinner is served?” I ask.

  Glancing at her elegant wristwatch, she tells me that I have about twenty minutes until everyone will find his or her seats. After asking her for directions, I go in search of the restrooms. Though at first I am in awe of the house that is more accurately described as a mansion, my feeling slowly seems to turn to dread.

  Gliding down hallway after hallway, fear begins to crawl up my spine. The pathways darken as I move inside the home, and a hint of panic arises in my chest. I feel as if I’m being followed.

  I don’t know where I am.

  The blood pulsating in my ears is deafening and the tears floating along the edge of my eyes are blurring my vision. As I turn another corner, a hand wraps across my waist and I let out a shriek. My chest heaves up and down as I work to catch my breath, all the while I am pinned against a solid wall of muscle.

  To my immense relief, my body finally relaxes as Alex’s soothing voice tickles across my skin. The tears I’ve fought to hold back stream across my cheeks as I realize that I was running in fear, my mind playing back the dream I had a few weeks ago.

  “Mallory, darling, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’ve been calling your name since you walked out of the ball room. You look so lost.”

  Turning in his arms, I push away slightly to wipe the tears from my soaked cheeks.

  “I don’t know what happened. I just… I couldn’t control myself, and I just kept running. I couldn’t hear anything. I didn’t even know you were behind me, Alex. I always know when you’re around, I can feel you, but I couldn’t just then. God, all I wanted was to step into the ladies room, not go crazy and get lost. And now I look like a mess.”

  “Oh, baby, you’re beautiful; the most beautiful woman here.”

  Pulling me back into his arms, Alex begins running his fingers through my hair.

  “I’m sorry I had to step away earlier. There is an issue with an investment property of mine, but I won’t bore you with the details right now. I promise to stay with you the rest of the night. Come on; let’s find you that ladies room.”

  Taking my hand, Alex guides me down three more hallways before we arrive at our destination. Stepping into the single washroom, I straighten my dress and stare at my face in the mirror. Looking at my reflection, I search impatiently for the confident executive that takes charge in the office; the self-assured girl that knows how to take care of her friends; even the poised submissive that meets every one of her lover’s desires. Where did she go? Why do I let fear rule my life? Ever since the kidnapping, it seems that each time I take two steps forward, I take a leap straight back.

  Leaning against the sink, I break into a new fitful of sobs, completely unaware that Alex had entered the room.

  “Oh, darling, what’s the matter?” he asks, struggling in his inability to resolve my fears, “What can I do?”

  “I just… I just want to be that confident person I was when I was with you. I’m so unsure of myself now and of everything around me. God, Alex, you’re the one person I trust and I ran from you. I was terrified.”

  Lacing his fingers through my hair, Alex tilts my head in his direction. Kissing along my cheeks and jaw line, his affection immediately calms my hysterics.

  “Mallory, you are by far the most perfect woman I have ever met, but even without me telling you that, you must know that men and women alike are drawn to you by your confidence.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You are confident, Mallory. Everyone can see it. It takes a strong woman to walk into a room of strangers, head held high, without a care in the world, knowing she should be there. It takes a confident woman to move overseas to head a new venture in her agency, knowing that you have the brain to keep it from failing. And, Mallory,” he says, before kissing me gently on the lips, “it takes an immensely strong and resilient woman to live through an attack like yours and let people close to you… to let me close to you. I love you far too much to watch you suffer like this. I am willing to do anything to help you.”

  “You really mean that?” I whisper.

  “I mean every word. You’re remarkable, love,” he says, rubbing his nose along mine, his breath gliding across my lips.

  “I love you too, Alex,” I reply as I tangle my fingers in his hair. “With all my heart.”

  My panties instantly begin pooling with moisture at the feel of Alex’s skin against my own. My heart races at the heat from his fingers as they trail across my shoulders and down my back. In such a raw and emotional moment, I want nothing more than to be wrapped up in Alex: to feel him possess me wholly.

  Bringing his head down, his lips meet mine in a passionate kiss while he pulls my body tighter against him. Quickly turning, Alex soon has me pushed against the bathroom wall, erection pressed tightly against my hip. My left leg is raised and bent around his waist – I am vaguely aware of my bare skin peeking through the slit of my skirt. Moaning against Alex’s lips, he takes the chance to probe my mouth with his tongue, escalating the fire deep within my belly. Rocking against him, I slide my hand down the front of his shirt, until I meet his trousers, then I tug his shirt loose from his pants. Slipping my hand beneath the fabric, I am immediately met with his warm skin as I feel around his waist.

  His lust for me increasing, Alex reaches down and glides his hand up my exposed leg until he reaches my panties. Slipping first one, then two fingers under the material, Alex works my body into a frenzy as he massages my wet folds and throbbing clit. Swaying against his hand, I break away from the kiss, leaning my head against the wall.

  “I want you inside me, A
lex. I need to feel you inside me,” I command breathlessly.

  Gripping the center of my panties, Alex tugs them down my legs until they rest at my right ankle. Lips pressed firmly against mine, he works quickly at the button and zipper of his pants; suddenly his erection springs forth. His large hands push my skirt aside, opening my pussy to him, before grasping my behind and raising me above his erection. With a single swift movement, he sinks deep inside me, thrusting with wild abandon. His tongue mimics his actions and with a few sways of his hips against my small bundle of nerves, I find myself reaching that familiar, tantalizing precipice.

  “Oh, oh, I’m going to come, Alex,” I groan against his mouth.

  “Me too. Let it go, baby.”

  Grasping Alex’s shoulders, I push down as he thrusts up, the extra friction sending me over the edge. He continues to push inside me desperately, until he reaches his own peak. With a muffled groan of pleasure, he collapses against me.

  One arm wrapped tightly around my waist, the other resting against the wall, Alex leans his head onto his outstretched forearm.

  Breathing heavily, he turns to me and says, “You’re the only one who does that to me.”

  “Does what?”

  “Make me forget everything else but you. It’s very freeing to be lost in a moment with you, to feel possessed by you. It’s like you crawl under my skin and make me one with you.”

  “I know what you mean, Alex. It’s like… it’s like I’m so completely overcome by my senses that my mind drifts away and I can only feel myself, lost in your rapture.”

  “That’s it exactly.”

  Giggling I say, “Well, at least I know I haven’t lost my mind.”

  “No, you haven’t beautiful girl,” Alex replies as he stands and brushes his fingers though my hair.

  “It doesn’t go away, does it? This feeling?”

  “I’ve never felt like this with anyone, Mallory, so I have no way of knowing. But I know deep in my soul that I will want and desire you for every remaining day of my life.”

  I simply nod my head, having no words to respond.


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